• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Positivo all'alcoltest meno di un automobilista su settanta: è il risultato di un sabato notte di controlli in centro a Milano. Una media in drastica riduzione rispetto a quella che i carabinieri del nucleo radiomobile erano abituati a rilevare fino a poco tempo fa, pari a un positivo al pre-test dell'alcol ogni tre o cinque veicoli controllati.


00:00In this phase we convoy the vehicle traffic in a single lane and this allows us to make a check on all the vehicles that pass through this part of the road.
00:20And we make a pre-test on all the vehicles that pass through this part of the road.
00:51When the pre-test is positive, the driver is made to approach and the vehicle is checked by the equipment.
01:05We make a pre-test on all the vehicles that pass through this part of the road and the vehicle is checked by the equipment.
01:24There are two pre-tests that are carried out at a distance of less than 5 minutes from each other.
01:29In case of positivity greater than 0.51, you are subject to a sanction, which can be administrative or penal, depending on your status.
01:40On a night of checks, how many motorists and motorcyclists are stopped?
01:47Indicatively, about 1,000 vehicles are checked in a full shift.
01:54The number is that of about 150 vehicles checked through a pre-test every hour.
02:16The number is that of about 150 vehicles checked through a pre-test every hour.
02:24The number is that of about 150 vehicles checked through a pre-test every hour.
02:34The number is that of about 150 vehicles checked through a pre-test every hour.
02:44Compared to previous analog services, there is a numerical drop in the number of positive results.
02:59More or less, the pre-tests were about 150 per hour.
03:04We did a championship of about 300 vehicles.
03:07Of these 300 vehicles, 14 drivers were subjected to a further check with the speedometer.
03:14Of these 14, only 8 were sanctioned for the driving of the state of Ebren.
03:20Of which 6 for administrative reasons and 2 for the driving of the state of Ebren.
