• 2 months ago
Jeremy points out just how bad the Bills defense has been in big spots in the playoffs, and how Josh and the offense takes too much blame for losses.
00:00Should I play the family meeting card again?
00:02We had a fit we had a few were not awake with us at would you do like 626 615?
00:06Yeah, we had a family meeting this morning to talk about the bills
00:10Because of you know all kind of all what we just laid out
00:13I'm trying to find so Tyler Dunn had some of the stats on this about what?
00:18The bills have done against Mahomes and burrow in the playoffs. Mm-hmm, and I just
00:23The idea of the family meeting was we are approaching the point where we're asking Dominic Hoshik to make more saves on
00:30Asking Alan to score at the end of games. Could he yes, he could do more
00:34But what what Tyler has on this and I've got to find the context because I'm pretty sure
00:39This would really drive at home for everybody about just how ineffective the defense has been did they make a stop?
00:46Yes, and Alan got the ball back
00:49But he points out Tyler 40 non kneel-down drives in the last five elimination games
00:57Okay, so not kneeling the ball out and a half or a game
01:01four games against Mahomes and one against burrow 40 drives
01:06They've given up 22 touchdowns
01:10Nine field goals. Mm-hmm forced eight punts
01:15One missed field goal and they've turned the ball over twice
01:19it all amounts to
01:21166 points on 40 drives in those playoff games terrible. That is four point one five points per drive
01:28I'm here to tell you when the Bills were scoring 30 a game and they were averaging three points a drive
01:35That was seen to be
01:38Incredible that is 2007 Patriots offense incredible. Yeah, three points per drive is
01:44really amazing offense
01:47the Bills in their elimination games give up four points per drive that
01:54Is an unheard of number to give up defensively
