• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Si è tenuta a Milano, nella sede di Borsa Italiana, la terza edizione del Forum multistakeholder del Gruppo Cassa depositi e prestiti, l’evento che riunisce interlocutori strategici di Cdp e società civile per discutere le prospettive dello sviluppo sostenibile. Al centro dell’edizione 2025 del Forum i giovani, l’innovazione e la sostenibilità, argomenti sui quali Bva Doxa ha focalizzato l’indagine “Gli italiani tra sostenibilità e intelligenza artificiale: generazioni a confronto”, i cui risultati, presentati nel corso dell’evento, mostrano come gli under 35 abbiano una maggiore propensione al pragmatismo riguardo agli obiettivi Esg, un atteggiamento consapevole, che mira ad obiettivi credibili e concreti, che anche Cassa depositi e prestiti ha scelto di adottare nel suo nuovo Piano Esg 2025-27.


00:00Palazzo Mezzanotta Milano, headquarters of Borsa Italiana, hosted the third edition of the Forum Multistakeholder
00:10of the group Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, during which the strategic interlocutors of the group and civil society
00:15discussed young people, innovation and sustainability.
00:18These are the key words of the Forum's 2025 edition,
00:23during which the Italians were also presented as a result of the BVA-DOXA investigation
00:28between Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence, Generations in Comparison,
00:32from which the desire for pragmatism of the Under-35 emerged in terms of ESG,
00:37a pragmatism made of concrete and credible goals that Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
00:42has also chosen to adopt in its new ESG plan 2025-2027.
00:47On the ESG approach, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has a pragmatic approach.
00:52Today we have a moment in the world in which many things are discussed.
00:55We must not be fundamentalists on either side.
00:58We know that the climate challenge is still perceived by young people today
01:02as one of the main challenges, if not the main one,
01:05so we must continue to invest responsibly,
01:08but today we are talking about the right transition,
01:10a transition that also pays attention to social impacts.
01:14So, as always, common sense is always the best way.
01:19Cassa Depositi e Prestiti maintains commitments,
01:22we have made very important efforts in our activity,
01:26it maintains commitments with a pragmatic approach and, let's say, without fundamentalism.
01:31In the panorama of technological innovation,
01:33Artificial Intelligence has a role as an absolute protagonist.
01:36For the President of CDP, for Europe to be competitive with China and the United States,
01:41it is necessary to enter the field without being stopped by over-regulation.
01:46China is investing in technology in huge numbers.
01:50In the United States, when we talk about investments,
01:53for example in Artificial Intelligence, we are talking about hundreds of billions.
01:57As long as Europe remains divided in many Member States,
02:02in many initiatives that become smaller and at the overall level,
02:08and then very fragmented, you understand that the risk is that Europe is cut off.
02:14Today it is a risk, but Europe still has the skills,
02:19as well as the resources to be able to do it.
02:22And that's why I talked about a crossroads
02:26and an ambition of a Europe that does not only aim to regulate,
02:32but also to do the right thing, but that is focused on playing.
