• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Si chiama "Nutrizione Sostenibile e Lotta agli Sprechi" l’iniziativa promossa da Cittadinanzattiva in collaborazione con il Centro di Ricerca EngageMinds HUB dell'Università Cattolica e realizzata con il supporto non condizionato dell'Unione Italiana per l'Olio di Palma Sostenibile. All’incontro di presentazione, che si è tenuto a Bologna nell’ambito di “Marca 2025”, oltre ai promotori e ai partner del progetto hanno partecipato anche esperti di WWF Italia e Istituto Certificazione Etica e Ambientale (ICEA), per approfondire questi temi e discutere di come aziende, istituzioni e semplici cittadini possono fare la propria parte per favorire il cambiamento.


00:00Sustainability is based on strategic choices that are no longer deferrable.
00:12It is necessary to promote models of production and consumption,
00:15focusing on change, first individual and then collective,
00:18and increasing consumers' awareness of the issues of sustainable nutrition,
00:24the importance of certified chains, food security and the fight against waste.
00:29These are the key elements of the Sustainable Nutrition Fight Against Waste project
00:33launched by Cittadinanza Attiva in collaboration with the EngageMinds Hub research center
00:38of the Catholic University.
00:40The non-conditioned support of the Italian Union for Sustainable Palm Oil
00:44is presented in Bologna at Marca 2025,
00:47the international hall of the distributor brand.
00:50There is a lot of confusion about the very concept of sustainable nutrition,
00:54where we understand it as the possibility for the consumer to act in a conscious way,
01:01a choice behavior that allows him to act in the first person,
01:06therefore orienting with his own choices also the production and distribution processes,
01:11preferring those that can be the most sustainable and circular chains.
01:16Nutrition in a sustainable way and reducing waste are two approaches
01:19that every citizen should be able to adopt easily
01:22and all the actors of the food chain, agriculture, transformation and distribution
01:27are called to collaborate to facilitate the choices of consumers.
01:31It is very important because, unfortunately, palm oil was attacked years ago.
01:37I still have some contrary articles,
01:43but thanks to that, palm oil has organized itself
01:47with the Association of Sustainable Palm Oil,
01:51therefore it is important to ensure that our oil,
01:56sustainable, certified, safe, can be used with confidence and safety by the consumer.
02:05The research of active citizens and the Italian Union for Sustainable Palm Oil
02:09underlines how it is necessary to discuss one's habits and get informed.
02:14There is a real need for a cultural change in food consumption
02:19and we hope to be able to activate first of all a participation from below,
02:24a greater involvement, a greater awareness of consumers,
02:29but also of all the stakeholders of the chain, therefore of production and also of distribution,
02:36so that sustainability is not just a fascinating label,
02:41but is a pragmatic principle of behavior.
02:46Eva Alessi, responsible for the sustainability of WWF Italy,
02:50also intervened at the meeting,
02:52who presented the Food for Future campaign,
02:55with which WWF wants to bring sustainability to everyone's mouth,
02:59emphasizing the importance of segmenting the public
03:02and using an appropriate language, avoiding trivializing complex issues.
03:07We are also looking, with the activities of communication carried out in Italy,
03:11to bring sustainability to everyone's mouth.
03:14WWF Italy has chosen to launch this campaign called Food for Future
03:19to promote an ecological transition of food systems.
03:24It is necessary to find a way not to trivialize, to simplify,
03:29but if I can, also to get people used to reading a minimum of complexity.
