• last year
(Adnkronos) - Promuovere un confronto costruttivo per individuare le esigenze avvertite dai giovani in tema di previdenza integrativa passando per la formazione, strumento fondamentale per la diffusione di una cultura previdenziale. È stato questo il fulcro dell’incontro "Costruire il Futuro: strategie e opportunità della Previdenza Complementare", promosso dall'On. Walter Rizzetto. L’incontro ha riunito Istituzioni, imprese e professionisti del risparmio e ha visto la partecipazione di numerosi esponenti delle istituzioni che si sono confrontati e hanno raccolto le proposte sviluppate all’interno dell’iniziativa Previverso, il Welfare Action Lab nato per iniziativa di Arca Fondi Sgr e di Talents in Motion, che mira a promuovere la consapevolezza previdenziale tra i giovani.


00:00Promoting a constructive comparison to identify the needs of young people on the issue of integrative preservation,
00:11going through training, a fundamental tool for the dissemination of a preservative culture.
00:16This was the focus of the meeting organized in Rome,
00:20to build the future strategies and opportunities of complementary preservation,
00:25promoted by the Honorable Walter Rizzetto.
00:27To date, less than 16% of young people, for example, between the ages of 16 and 26,
00:36do not know the tool of complementary preservation.
00:40So, first of all, a knowledge aspect, which must also be done in schools,
00:45and in my opinion this could be a very important step.
00:49After that, there is the policy to try to understand how, in the next months or next year,
00:54we will also be able to try to do it fiscally,
00:59to try to incentivize exactly the adhesion to complementary preservation.
01:04So we are trying to study a plan that can be attractive and appealing to those who could join you.
01:11The meeting brought together institutions, enterprises and professionals of the reserve
01:15and saw the participation of numerous exponents of the institutions that faced each other,
01:20and the participants collected the proposals developed within the Previverso initiative,
01:24the Welfare Action Lab, born for the initiative of Arcafondi SGR and Talents in Motion,
01:30which aims to promote the presidential awareness among young people.
01:34We have committed ourselves, as the largest open preservation fund in Italy,
01:41to bring to the attention of policymakers in general
01:46and the wider financial community,
01:50the instances of enterprises and workers.
01:55In this sense, there are instances of greater information and training,
02:00first of all, of opening up the market,
02:04because irreversible choices in a regime of absence and competition are always difficult to digest,
02:11and of a complementarity between the first public pillar and the second private pillar,
02:18which must find some form of realization in proposals that also overcome the theme of absence.
02:25In its first eight months of activity, Previverso has developed concrete proposals
02:30for the development of complementary preservation for the benefit of new generations.
02:35In eight months of hard work, with more than four meetings,
02:40two and a half days with HR directors, with young people,
02:44we have already made concrete actions.
02:48And this is what I think makes our project a bit unique,
02:52because it is both strategic and at the same time highly operational.
02:56Today, one in three has complementary preservation.
02:59We must reach 100% of people who use complementary preservation.
