Bencana longsor yang melanda Kabupaten Pekalongan yang menyebabkan 22 orang meninggal dunia dan aktivitas beberapa desa lumpuh. Presiden pun mengucapkan turut berduka atas peristiwa ini dan meminta BNPB bergerak cepat membantu Pemerintah daerah dan korban bencana.
00:00We start with the latest news from the Longsor disaster that hit the Pekalongan regency that caused 22 people to die and the activities of several villages collapsed.
00:14The President also expressed his condolences for this incident and asked the BNPB to act quickly to help the local government and victims of the disaster.
00:23The Longsor disaster that happened in the Pekalongan regency of Petung Kriono collapsed several villages.
00:33One of the most severe locations affected by this Longsor disaster is the village of Kasimpar.
00:40It was reported that there were 22 victims who died in the world who were found from the Longsor land checkpoint and four reports of missing victims.
00:50The effort to evacuate the victims was in a hurry so it hindered the officers in searching for the victims.
00:57On this disaster, President Prabowo Subianto expressed his deep condolences.
01:01He asked the BNPB to act quickly to help the local government and victims of the disaster and ensure that it will continue to monitor the development of the handling of the Pekalongan disaster.
01:12On this occasion, I would like to express my deepest condolences for the disaster that happened in the Pekalongan regency of Central Java.
01:28I have ordered the BNPB and its personnel to act quickly to help the local government and victims of the disaster.
01:56Tim Riputan, IDX Channel