• 2 months ago
Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) menyatakan, kebijakan terbaru pemerintah terkait Devisa Hasil Ekspor (DHE) Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) akan memberikan sejumlah dampak positif terhadap Rupiah dan perbankan.

Menurut Ketua Dewan Komisioner LPS Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa, selama ini devisa hasil ekspor yang masuk ke dalam negeri hanya bersifat parkir sesaat. Sehingga, meskipun neraca perdagangan terus surplus, namun Rupiah masih tertekan.


00:00You're still with us at Prime Market Highlights.
00:07The Savings Guarantee Agency estimates that the government's policy of holding the export
00:12or DHA deficit up to 100% for a year will strengthen the value of the exchange rate
00:16for the US dollar.
00:18Yes, LPS assures that the DHA policy will strengthen the market's psychology and trust
00:23in the Rupiah will increase.
00:29The Savings Guarantee Agency estimates that the government's policy of holding the export
00:35or DHA deficit up to 100% for a year will strengthen the market's psychology and trust
00:40in the Rupiah.
00:41The DHA policy is believed to have a positive effect on Rupiah stability.
00:47According to LPS Commissioner-General Purbaya Yudhisadewa, at the moment, the liquidity of
00:51VALAS in the country is still relatively good.
00:54The condition is seen from the VALAS loan flower population at around 2%.
00:58Purbaya assures that the DHA policy in the future will provide additional VALAS liquidity
01:03and psychologically will help Rupiah stability.
01:06In the future, there should be no liquidity issues in the VALAS market.
01:12So this may have a sentimental impact, but not directly to the economy of the country.
01:18It will have an impact on the stability of the exchange rate and confidence in our exchange rate.
01:25The DHA policy, which will largely be absorbed by the national banks, is ensured to benefit
01:31the banking sector, thus supporting the stability of the financial sector.
