• 2 months ago
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBNI) menyambut positif kebijakan pemerintah merevisi Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 36/2023 tentang Devisa Hasil Ekspor (DHE) Sumber Daya Alam (SDA). Para eksportir nantinya wajib menempatkan dolar hasil ekspornya di Indonesia sebesar 100% minimal selama satu tahun.


00:00Indonesia's PT Bank, Persero Tbk, welcomes the government's steps to implement a revision of the Deficit Policy of Natural Resource Export Results
00:12According to the Director of Finance of PT Bank Indonesia, Persero Tbk, Novita Widia Anggrani, the government's decision to revise the DHA-SDA policy will have a positive impact on banking liquidity
00:25Novita said that until December 2024, the DHA managed by BNI reached US$1.3 billion, which consists of 13% of VALAS deposits and the other 70% is in the form of ERO
00:40Novita said that until December 2024, the DHA managed by BNI reached US$1.3 billion, which consists of 13% of VALAS deposits and the other 70% is in the form of ERO
00:59Novita said that until December 2024, the DHA managed by BNI reached US$1.3 billion, which consists of 13% of VALAS deposits and the other 70% is in the form of ERO
