• 2 months ago
Una mujer empieza seguir a un barman. Simultáneamente, su relación con su pareja cada vez es más débil... ¿Cuál es la relación entre su pareja y ese desconocido barman?



00:00Do you want anything else?
00:29No, I don't think so.
00:32Are they closing?
00:33No, I mean, in a little while.
00:36Everything okay?
00:39Yes, fine.
00:42Why do you ask?
00:45I did everything.
00:48My face doesn't lie.
00:51No, really, there are others who lie.
00:55Let's see, explain to me what's wrong.
00:57You love me, that's all.
01:00No, my problems are the oldest in the world.
01:04And my husband cheats on me.
01:06Well, there are a lot of people here and they tell you worse stories than that.
01:14They made you an expert.
01:16Just by listening to me.
01:17Well, why shouldn't I stay here in La Barra?
01:19People sit down.
01:21But I always say that time heals all wounds.
01:25Yes, maybe.
01:28Thank you for talking to me.
01:32You're welcome.
01:34I think I should go.
01:38Here, I'll give you a ride.
01:45Have a nice day.
01:49Nice to meet you, Franco.
01:51Hey, stop.
01:53What's up?
01:54What's my name?
01:56I don't have a badge, the bar is called La Máquina, not Franco's bar.
02:01I'll explain to you another day.
02:19You were here.
02:20I didn't feel you arrive last night.
02:22No, I arrived late.
02:24I came to pick up Katy at about twelve.
02:27I fell asleep at about eleven.
02:29Hey, you know what? I have to tell you something.
02:32I have to go on a trip.
02:37Where are you going now?
02:38To the village.
02:39I'll wait a few days and everything will be fine.
02:41And if everything goes wrong?
02:43Everything will be fine.
02:45A maximum of three days.
02:47Why? Does it bother you?
02:51What happens is that I wanted to talk to you.
02:55About what?
02:56About us.
02:58I feel that we are not well.
03:00Do you feel that we are well?
03:02I mean, I know that we are a little far away, my love, but this is normal in couples, right?
03:06I don't know, stress, work.
03:10You know, I'm running a little late, so...
03:13I have to go.
03:16I'll call you at night, okay?
03:42Miss Incognita.
03:45Is everything okay? Are the sorrows over?
03:48The sorrows are still there.
03:50I hope I haven't bothered you that I come as a surprise.
03:55But I do want to understand why you know my name.
04:00I wanted to tell you that last night, but...
04:02But I really didn't dare.
04:05Yeah, but I don't think it's bad or anything.
04:08It depends.
04:11Look, do you know why I came to see you last night?
04:18Do you know who my husband is cheating on me with?
04:23No, why would you know?
04:26Your wife's name is Andrea, right?
04:40What's going on? What are we doing here?
04:42Yeah, but wait a minute.
04:44Look, look.
04:45She's your wife, right?
04:55She's my wife.
04:57But what does she have to do with this?
04:59Yeah, but calm down.
05:04Is this your husband?
05:07Is this your husband?
05:10Yes, unfortunately.
05:11Hey, hey, hey.
05:12But you promised me you wouldn't do anything.
05:14Because I don't understand.
05:15I don't understand what I have to do with this.
05:17How did you get to me?
05:18Listen, nothing.
05:19Jaime is super bad at lying.
05:20I followed him.
05:21Well, then I followed her.
05:22Yeah, and that's where you found me, right?
05:25But why, man?
05:26Why did you have to involve me?
05:27What do I have to do with all this?
05:28Listen, I didn't want to involve you.
05:30Hey, I'm sorry for telling you this.
05:32You know what?
05:33Let's get out of here.
05:34Are you okay?
05:35No, I don't know how I am.
05:44Well, our marriage was bad a while ago.
05:47But I never thought this was going to happen, you know?
05:50At least we have a son.
05:51I mean, if it wasn't for Vicente, I might have been separated too.
05:57Oh, I didn't know you had a son.
06:01Two and a half years.
06:02Two and a half years.
06:04The thing is, my parents are divorced.
06:06I didn't want the breast to suffer the same as I did.
06:09Yeah, well.
06:10It's better to have a bad marriage than to be separated.
06:13Don't be stupid.
06:15Your marriage isn't very good either, so don't give me advice.
06:19I mean, it's like yours, but...
06:22But we don't have a son.
06:25I don't know.
06:26Between the two of us, I can't.
06:27Hey, and...
06:29Didn't you have an exam?
06:31No, never.
06:33Well, that shows that things aren't going well.
06:36I mean, obviously there's a lack of commitment, right?
06:39Yeah, maybe.
06:40But, I don't know.
06:41I think you have to deal with mistakes with dignity.
06:44And that's why you wanted to be separated?
06:46Because of that.
06:47Because of my family.
06:48Because of his family.
06:49Because of everything.
06:50You know what?
06:51I have to go.
06:52Hey, hey.
06:53Can I ask you something?
06:56Please don't say anything.
06:57Don't do anything.
06:58Let's talk tonight.
06:59I imagine your wife also told you that she was traveling today.
07:18Hey, and what did your dad do?
07:21Nothing, he went to the south, sold his land and was able to pay his debts.
07:26He was never able to win my mom back.
07:29Or the other way around.
07:32Anyway, I like talking to you because, I don't know,
07:35I feel like you're interested in what I'm telling you.
07:38Of course I'm interested.
07:39Why not?
07:41I don't know.
07:42It's just that, as time goes by, I get used to some things and...
07:47And, I don't know.
07:48It's been good talking to you.
07:51Me too.
08:03I'm sorry.
08:04Did you feel uncomfortable?
08:33It's late, I have to go.
08:36Yeah, but why are you late? You work at night.
08:39Yeah, I know I work at night, but I have things to do during the day.
08:44Hey, but...
08:45Do you want to have breakfast?
08:47Maybe I can make something quick.
08:49No, don't worry.
08:50I'm in a hurry.
08:51But, can you use the bathroom?
08:54I'm going to the bathroom.
08:55I'm going to the bathroom.
08:56No, don't worry.
08:57I'm in a hurry.
08:58But, can I use the bathroom for a bit?
09:00Of course.
09:02Is everything okay?
09:03Are you mad at me?
09:06It's just that I have to go look for my son.
09:09But, I loved seeing you.
09:11I mean, I hope it's Raquita.
09:14Yeah, he's having a great time.
09:38I've been thinking about things for a while now.
09:42About what?
09:44I have doubts.
09:46About what?
09:47About Pega?
09:48I hope it's not about Pega.
09:53Baby, I told you.
09:54No, that's all.
09:56You think it's just that?
10:00You don't?
10:04I don't know.
10:05I feel like...
10:07that our relationship isn't working out.
10:10Our marriage?
10:14Baby, you know what?
10:15I've talked to a lot of colleagues at the office
10:17and they all told me it's not like the beginning.
10:19So, relax.
10:22But why say we're apart?
10:25Why now, baby?
10:27Relationships are like that.
10:28Life changes.
10:29But that doesn't mean we're bad.
10:31That we're apart.
10:33We've known each other for a long time, Andrea.
10:35You can be honest with me, right?
10:41Do you love me?
10:45Of course I do.
10:47You have a lover.
10:49Wait, but...
10:52Why are you asking me that?
10:54Answer me.
10:55Do you have a lover?
10:56Am I dating someone else?
10:59How can you ask me that?
11:01How could you ask me if you cared?
11:03I wouldn't ask you that.
11:09Baby, you know what?
11:11Don't get carried away.
11:15I don't think you stopped working.
11:20I don't know.
11:21I think you have too much free time.
11:24Yes, a lot of free time.
11:30Not like you.
11:45Oh, baby.
11:46Calm down.
11:48I've been bothering you for a while.
11:50I don't know if it's because I'm stressed or depressed.
11:53But everything is fine between us.
11:55Relationships are like that.
11:56Life changes.
11:58We can't be like we were in the beginning.
12:00It's logical.
12:01But that doesn't mean we're bad.
12:05Calm down.
12:06Everything is fine.
12:15I'm sorry.
12:23I haven't been feeling well lately.
12:25Well, with everything that's happened to you, I can't blame you.
12:28The thing is, I feel like my marriage isn't going anywhere.
12:32Our relationship isn't going anywhere either.
12:36What do you mean, our relationship?
12:37I mean...
12:38You and me?
12:40You, right?
12:43No, I mean, I don't know.
12:46I didn't even think about it, to be honest.
12:49Look, the thing is...
12:50I've started to feel things for you, but...
12:55You're married. I'm married.
12:57You have a son.
13:00You saw the wrong side of me.
13:02That's why I think...
13:04It's better if we leave it at that.
13:06I think...
13:07It's for the best.
13:14So this is why you've been acting so weird lately?
13:19Why? I don't understand what you're trying to say.
13:21The other day you were accusing me of having something with someone,
13:23but it turns out it's you who has a friend.
13:25Look, I don't know what you're imagining.
13:28Yes, no.
13:29She, no.
13:30No, she's no one.
13:31I mean...
13:32I mean, a person, a classmate from school,
13:34from when we were kids,
13:35and we found each other here, that's all.
13:37Yes, in fact, I was leaving.
13:38Sorry for bothering you.
13:40No, no, no.
13:41I was leaving.
13:42Sorry for bothering you.
13:48Who is she?
13:50No, I already told you.
13:51A classmate from work.
13:52I mean, from school, right?
13:55Isn't it because you've been acting so weird lately?
13:58No, I mean, no, baby.
13:59If I'm acting weird, it's because of us, right?
14:01It's because of the two of us and because of Mechu.
14:05Okay, are you going to leave me?
14:07Yes, I have to go.
14:11I have to go.
14:32You're going out.
14:36Yes, I have to go back to Valdivia.
14:38To fix the problems?
14:40I'll be back on Sunday.
14:41Oh, it's a long trip this time.
14:44Yes, but if I can, I'll be back earlier.
14:46No, no, don't worry.
14:47Do your thing.
14:49You know what?
14:50I think the taxi is already downstairs.
14:51Are you going to be okay?
14:53Yes, yes.
14:54Don't worry about me.
14:57See you.
15:45I heard your husband left on a trip.
15:49My wife too.
15:56And I thought we'd never see each other again.
15:59I thought the same thing.
16:01But it's not that easy.
16:03Look, I...
16:05I wanted to apologize for my reaction at the back of the street.
16:08It was really...
16:10It was really bad.
16:11I don't know how I reacted.
16:13Yes, you were very cruel.
16:15I don't know, I was like...
16:17I was trying to finish what was ours, but your reaction was like...
16:19It was the worst.
16:21But listen, Andrea was right there.
16:23I mean, understand me.
16:24I didn't know how to react, you know?
16:26Yes, yes.
16:27I mean, I still understand that it's a lot of work.
16:30Yes, yes.
16:31I still understand that it's a lot of what I lost.
16:33I mean, the same thing happens to me.
16:36I stopped working.
16:37I depend on my husband.
16:39You had a son.
16:41Yes, but...
16:42But Vicente, you can't travel alone.
16:44You can't travel without a father.
16:46No, obviously.
16:53What are we going to do?
16:56I don't know.
16:58But I do know that...
17:01I have the right to be happy.
17:04And I'm not going to let that happiness start.
17:08You make me completely happy.
17:13Well, you still make me happy.
17:50A bottle of wine, please.
17:51Or maybe champagne to celebrate.
17:54What are we going to do?
17:56I don't know.
17:57I don't know.
17:58I don't know.
