• 2 months ago
00:00Let's welcome Steve Kerr into the conversation.
00:04Presented by Great Clips, in sports success is about team effort, funny, and the same
00:08is true for your hair.
00:09Great Clips, it's going to be great.
00:10Coach, how are you tonight?
00:11What's going on?
00:13How are you guys doing?
00:14We're doing great.
00:16I wonder if you'd like to even respond to that Warrior fan who was just calling with
00:20us and said that what's going on right now is all about effort.
00:24What do you feel about your team's effort level right now?
00:28The effort's fine.
00:29It's about confidence.
00:30And we're lacking confidence.
00:33And so while it may look like effort, what it really is is just guys being demoralized
00:40at times.
00:41And we're a team that does not, as you guys know, we don't get layups or free throws.
00:46We don't score easily.
00:48We don't get easy points.
00:50And so when shots aren't going in, I think our guys have felt a little bit demoralized
00:56and shoulders sag a little bit.
00:58And maybe that looks like a lack of effort, but it's not effort.
01:01Our guys are playing hard.
01:02They're just in a little bit of a funk and it's more just confidence and belief than
01:10anything right now.
01:11Coach, you've used the word confidence a lot, not just today, but lately.
01:16And so I wanted to ask you this.
01:17Do you believe that confidence breeds winning or does winning breed confidence?
01:24And which order is more important to your team right now?
01:28Chicken or the egg.
01:31I mean, it goes hand in hand.
01:32I mean, it's, you can see early in the season, you know, we were making shots and I think
01:39the first 15 games we were second in the league in three point percentage as a team, we were
01:46And we knew that wouldn't hold up.
01:48I mean, that's a, that's a really high percentage to shoot.
01:52You're not going to do that the whole season, but you saw the, uh, the result of shots going
01:58in, uh, we played faster, our defense was sharper.
02:03And so I think what's happened, you know, over the last few weeks is shots haven't gone
02:07in and, uh, all of a sudden we're not, not quite as fast paced, we're not quite as sharp
02:15defensively and, uh, so it's all, it's all tied together.
02:19And when you look at it offensively, and I know last night is a really small sample,
02:23but it looked like the dry spell just kept going on and on.
02:26Is it shot creation that that's the problem or is it just more the execution of the shots
02:32that you're getting?
02:33Again, it's, you know, that's just not a cop-out it's, it's always a little of both, you know,
02:40we watch the tape, we had a lot of good shots, um, last night, um, but I think we were one
02:46for 12 from three in the first quarter, three for 24 at half, um, so there were definitely
02:53shots that were there for us to make, but there were also other possessions where it
02:59didn't look like we had great ball movement or great rhythm and, uh, and the shots weren't
03:05as good.
03:06And so it's a little of both.
03:08Coach Steve Kerr with us on Willard and dibs 95, seven, the game coach, uh, you made the
03:13comment also last night, not a lot of lamps, not a lot of free throws.
03:16I think we get the roster and why that doesn't happen, but is there something you can do
03:22to change that?
03:23Because if the other team is getting easier buckets that, that, that I get it, that's
03:27going to make it hard on you guys every night.
03:30It's a killer.
03:31And when you play a team like Boston, uh, you know, the defending champs, they're, they're,
03:37you know, they've got guys who can get to the rim and, and get easy points.
03:42And, and, uh, so look, we've been on the other end of this too, you know, for years, we got,
03:47we got a lot of layups and, and, uh, you know, we could create a layups out of our offense,
03:53but we could also play out of pace and we had, you know, guys who could get to the rim
03:59And some of it is personnel.
04:01And then some of it is you have to figure out, you know, what's the, what are some of
04:05the things we can do better as a team to generate some easier baskets.
04:10And, um, you know, those are all the things we talk about every day as a staff.
04:14And you mentioned the personnel and you've got the walking wounded over there with Kamenga
04:18and now Draymond with the calf and pods, hopefully back soon, does this make it so that your
04:23rotation becomes not so much comical, but the idea of Moses Moody playing the four,
04:29is that something that's born just out of pure necessity or have you found something
04:33that maybe will work long-term?
04:34No, I actually liked Moses at the four.
04:38I mean, the modern NBA, most, most fours are, are just out on the perimeter shooting threes
04:44Um, it's not like you're, you're dealing with, you know, these, uh, behemoths down on the
04:49block posting you up, um, but you do need to have strength and, and the ability to,
04:53to guard, uh, the low block, you know, if I, if you get switched onto a guy like Horford
04:59or, or Genghis or somebody, you gotta be able to battle down there and Moses can do
05:04So I like him at the four and right now it's a necessity with Draymond out and JK out as
05:10Uh, so you, you know, you just, everyone, every team deals with injuries.
05:14Um, so you, you, you roll with it and, um, you know, you put your best foot forward.
05:18Uh, we saw the report from the team that Draymond is going to be out at least a week.
05:23Is there anything you can expand on in terms of how he's feeling or, uh, and what the,
05:27what the hope is at least?
05:29No, there's nothing I can add.
05:31I mean, we'll reevaluate in a week and, uh, we'll, we'll, we'll let you know what's going
05:36on then.
05:38And is there any update on, on JK?
05:39Uh, nope, nope.
05:40Uh, he is, uh, I mean, he's progressing, but it was a pretty bad ankle sprain and, uh,
05:48he hasn't been on the court yet or anything, but he's, you know, he's getting rehab every
05:52day and he's doing strength stuff and he's on the bike, so he's doing as well as possible.
05:57But, um, you know, he's nowhere close to, to being ready to coach.
06:00I, I know how it is in pro sports.
06:03Nobody ever wants to use injuries as an excuse, but what, what can you say about what you're,
06:10you're currently dealing with?
06:11Let's throw pods into this as well.
06:13Like what, what is realistic to expect of the current group of guys you have available?
06:18Well, I think it's realistic to compete.
06:22And, uh, if we, um, if we can put it together, put a good night together, like we did in
06:28Minnesota, then I think we can win games.
06:31And that's the bottom line, but we've got to play well right now to win.
06:34We, we, this is not a time in the season with all these guys out where we can expect to,
06:40uh, to have a poor shooting night and, and when it's just not the case.
06:44Um, ordinarily you, you, you know, with, in, in full strength, you'd like to say, Hey,
06:49look, if we defend and we take care of the ball, we can, we can win without shooting.
06:54Well, but frankly, right now we we've got to make shots.
06:56We've got to make threes to win.
06:58Uh, the game I mentioned in Minnesota, um, all those guys were out that night and we
07:03went on the road and we beat a hell of a team.
07:06Uh, so I know we're capable, but, but there's no doubt we got to play well for, for us to
07:10get a win.
07:11You mentioned the confidence aspect a number of times and whether or not it comes from
07:15winning or produces winning.
07:17What about the frustration level right now?
07:19Because I, I see Steph after these games and it looks like the Dobbers a little bit down
07:24and he seems pretty frustrated by what's going on.
07:27What's the overall mood in the locker room with, you know, not only last night where
07:31you get beat by 40, but in general, the state of the team.
07:35I think the state of the team is good.
07:37Uh, you know, we, we have great guys.
07:39They compete, uh, they're, they're together, they're connected, um, but losing sucks.
07:45I mean, and, and, you know, if you're Steph Curry and you've won four championships and
07:49a gold medal, and you're used to being on top, uh, this really sucks.
07:54And, um, so it's, uh, I, I don't think there's anything to read into when you see
08:00Steph hanging his head or guys hanging, hanging their head other than losing is no
08:05And right now, um, you know, after a 40 point loss, nobody's going to be in a good
08:10So, um, I don't think it will affect tomorrow.
08:13I expect our guys to come in, uh, and be ready to roll tomorrow and put forth a great
08:18And like I said, if we can put together a game and get multiple guys knocking down
08:22shots, uh, uh, take care of the ball and defend to the high level, I have no doubt we
08:27can win.
08:28Steve Kerr is with us here.
08:29Willard and dibs 95, seven, the game coach last week, the conversation, because I wanted
08:34to ask you about fan concerns that Steph would get to the point that he would ask out
08:41And, and, and we, we went through all that and you obviously were very clear that, you
08:46know, Steph ever being on another team is not even something that, that you worry
08:51It leads me to this as things approach here, uh, with the injuries, you have the
08:56deadline a couple of weeks away.
08:59Is there anything else that the organization views as off the table?
09:06Well, first of all, that's, that's a Mike Dunleavy, uh, question, honestly.
09:10I mean, as the coach, it's, it's not my decision to, to talk about, you know, trades
09:16and that sort of thing.
09:17Um, you know, with that said, Mike and I talk every day and we're collaborating and I
09:22talked with Joe and we're all in this together.
09:25And, and, uh, I think it's, it's, it's Mike's responsibility to, uh, look at
09:32everything what's out there.
09:33And, and, um, he's talking to teams constantly and he's gauging, you know, what's,
09:39what's happening around the league and he's going to do his job.
09:42And, and, um, and I have the utmost faith in, in him.
09:47And if there's anything out there, he's going to come tell me and we'll hash it out.
09:51We'll talk about it.
09:52But, um, you know, that's what the trade deadline is about.
09:55And, and everybody in the league is, is making calls these days.
09:59Is there a sense of urgency between now and the deadline in 16 days to continue to put
10:04the team in a position to where making an addition makes sense?
10:09No question.
10:10No question.
10:11I mean, you know, everyone made a huge deal out of Steph's comments last week
10:14about, you know, not, not mortgaging the future.
10:18Um, I, I said the same things.
10:21I think Draymond said the same thing.
10:22I mean, it, it's, this is, you know, the, the smart thing to do for sure is to
10:29preserve the team's future and not take some wild gamble.
10:33That doesn't mean you're not looking at everything else.
10:37You know, you look around the league, you see, how can we improve our team?
10:40How can we make life easier for Steph?
10:42Uh, is there anything out there?
10:44And that's, that's what Mike's job is.
10:46And that's what, what he's doing.
10:48So, uh, the obvious answer is you, you hope you can do something to improve the
10:53team and, and, uh, you know, give yourself a chance to make a run this year.
10:57Um, but you sure don't give away multiple picks and pick swaps and all that for some
11:03wild, wild stab at, uh, you know, at, uh, at making a run when it's, um, it just
11:09seems so, um, unlikely to, to find a player who could make that kind of a
11:14difference without giving up so much of your future, Steve Kerr with us, whether
11:18than dibs coach, uh, the, the last two games, uh, brought players back to chase
11:24center, uh, that you certainly have history with.
11:27So I wanted to ask you about both of them, your, your interactions with Jordan
11:30pool over the weekend, and then also Jason Tatum after everything that was made of, of
11:37his Olympics experience, what were those both like?
11:41Oh, great.
11:42I mean, fantastic, uh, conversations and, and, uh, interactions with, you know,
11:48former, uh, warriors, uh, USA guys through holiday, Derek white, uh, uh, Jalen Brown.
11:55I coached him back in, in 19, um, you know, in the world cup.
11:59It's always really fun to see guys, um, that you have a relationship with.
12:04And, uh, so I got a chance to visit with all those guys, including Jason, uh,
12:08after the game last night, and, uh, it was, it was great to see them.
12:12And I, I always, um, am pulling for guys who I have coached.
12:16Um, Jordan is just, um, such a great young guy and, um, I'm, I'm really pulling for him.
12:22I think he's starting to, you know, to, to put it together.
12:26Um, but, um, that's part of the fun, you know, aspect of the league and, you know,
12:31coaching internationally is you, you develop these relationships and you get
12:35to see a lot of guys who you coached in the past.
12:37And that's, uh, that's a fun part of it.
12:40It seems like there are a lot of assumptions about how Jason Tatum felt about all that.
12:46What, what, what can you tell people that, that maybe is not what they really think?
12:52What, what can you tell people that, that maybe is not what they really think about
12:56the relationship you have with him?
13:00Oh, man, we, we texted, uh, after the game in Boston a couple of months ago.
13:05Um, you know, and we talked the last night after the game.
13:09Um, I will tell you that, uh, Jason was an absolute dream to coach.
13:13Um, you know, during all that stuff, um, that so-called controversy, um,
13:21you might notice there wasn't a single quote from Jason.
13:26It was, it was everybody else talking about it.
13:28Uh, Jason's an amazing guy and, uh, incredible player.
13:33And, and, uh, he couldn't have handled it any better when he was there.
13:36But, um, the reality is it's, it's, uh, 2024.
13:40These guys are all in the spotlight.
13:41There's so much pressure on them.
13:43Um, and so that, that, that whole thing was overblown, but also just kind of,
13:49uh, you know, a modern media type thing.
13:51But, um, he handled it beautifully.
13:54We won a gold medal.
13:56Everybody's happy.
13:57Um, you know, I don't even, I don't even think about it anymore,
14:00to be honest with you.
14:01And it's gotta be difficult when you have 12 of the best players in the world
14:05and you can really only play 10 of them.
14:07So somebody is going to have to be the, the odd man out.
14:09And as you look ahead, Steve, and you've got Sacramento coming up
14:13and a game that certainly you're hoping to, to get right.
14:17What do you focus on as areas that immediately need to be improved upon
14:22coming off the game against Boston?
14:25Well, I think offensive rhythm is a phrase that I use a lot.
14:30Um, and it's, uh, it's a little ambiguous what it means.
14:34Um, it's not plays, it's not, um, calling a set and running a set.
14:39It's, um, there's a flow to the game that, that we have to achieve, um,
14:45that has always been kind of, um, you know, our guiding light, I would say
14:50organizationally, offensively with Steph Curry, there's a, there's a flow and
14:55you guys have seen it, you felt it.
14:57I'm, I'm really looking for that.
14:59And, um, I think it's, uh, we, we get it sometimes and other times we don't.
15:04Uh, I don't want it to depend on making shots.
15:07I want us to be able to generate, um, momentum and flow through the
15:12movement, through the ball movement, through the passing and the cutting.
15:15And, and I, I think we, we lacked some of that last night.
15:19Um, we gotta get back to that.
15:21I give Boston a lot of credit.
15:23There's a reason they're the champs.
15:24They have this great multi-position switching defense that makes it really
15:30hard on you and, and so I give them credit, but what I'm looking for is
15:34offensive rhythm to, uh, to generate the flow and the momentum and the
15:38good vibe that we're looking for.
15:40Coach, what's gotten into the Kings by the way?
15:45Well, they're a talented team.
15:46They've been really good, you know, the last couple of years and, um, they're,
15:50they're finally healthy and they've got a good vibe.
15:53Um, you know, I think, uh, they, they lost a lot of really tough games early in the
15:59season, um, you know, really difficult games, you know, down the stretch ball
16:05doesn't bounce their way, whatever.
16:07Um, and that was, that was a tough stretch for them.
16:11Obviously it costs Mike his job, but, um, you know, when you look at their
16:15team now, they're in a good groove.
16:17Doug is doing a really good job with them.
16:19Uh, but they're, they're just, I think they're playing with more
16:22confidence and they're playing well and they're on a good run.
16:25So we're going to have to, we're going to have to battle tomorrow to get them.
16:28And what do you do to go up against the bonus, which normally
16:31it's kind of a dream on thing.
16:32And we all love to watch dream on and Thomas, uh, go head to head.
16:36What's the plan to try to keep him off the glass and keep him in check.
16:41Yeah, I mean, it's trace and dream and a loon, you know, those two
16:45guys are going to have to, uh, a tag team.
16:48We found some success, I think over the last couple of weeks of, of giving
16:52those guys, you know, four or five minutes stretches and then, and then
16:56flipping them and just allowing each of them to play really hard for
17:00those four minutes stretches.
17:01And so you'll see more of that tomorrow.
17:03And, uh, so bonus is a handful and, uh, you know, we'll, we'll need
17:07both Loon and trace to play.
17:08Well, coach, I don't know if this was a statement you made, but it's
17:11certainly been reported that for now, Steph was not going to play back to backs.
17:15Is, is, is that the case again this week?
17:19I don't know yet.
17:20I mean, I, I think, um, you know, there was a stretch there when his knees were
17:24bothering him, where it was mandated.
17:26Um, you know, we just, you know, Rick decided, uh, during that stretch, uh,
17:32there's, there's just no way that this would be a good idea for him to play
17:35back to backs and, uh, but I haven't talked to him this week about, you know,
17:42the Chicago game, um, you know, Steph's planning on playing tomorrow.
17:46He, he's, uh, he came out of last night's game, uh, feeling good.
17:50So he'll be out there tomorrow and we'll, we'll reevaluate, we'll
17:53reassess after the game, but that's, um, a conversation that Steph and Rick
17:58and I have to have, and we'll see where it goes.
18:00When you look, uh, glass half full after a 40 point blowout, is that maybe the
18:05only positive you can take out of it?
18:06The fact that a lot of your guys didn't have to play that much.
18:11I mean, I, I think that that is a silver lining if there is one.
18:15Um, so, um, everybody should be good to go tomorrow.
18:19We're hoping to get a BP and Kyle back later this week, not tomorrow, but, um,
18:25you know, we're hoping for one of the games later this week and, uh, and we
18:29need those guys helpful for sure.
18:32Coach Steve Kerr with us on Willard and dibs coach.
18:35I certainly don't want to, uh, belabor an old issue, but did you see the, uh,
18:39the tweet from Draymond green, uh, seemingly directed toward Jordan pool
18:44after the game over the weekend?
18:46I did not.
18:47I am blissfully ignorant when it comes to social media.
18:51Well, let me steal that from you and, and, uh, let you know that I guess, I guess
18:56Jordan had a quote after the game that went something along the lines of, I
18:59really love those guys over there talking about your locker room.
19:03And then said, I love most of those guys over there.
19:07And, and, and then, and then Draymond Draymond responded to that quote by
19:12saying, I really am sorry, man.
19:15And so I wonder, I wonder if this still something that, that where, you know,
19:20he he's got guilt over what, what happened.
19:24You got to ask him.
19:25You got to ask him.
19:27I mean, I, uh, I, I, I, I, I'm on, I'm not on social media for a reason.
19:33And, uh, you know, I, I love Jordan.
19:36I love Draymond.
19:37Uh, you know, families have disputes, stuff happens.
19:41Uh, we can, we can all still love each other.
19:43You're missing a lot of good stuff now, Steve, uh, I'm missing a lot of good
19:49stuff and it is awesome missing all that good stuff.
19:53You probably weren't affected by the 12 hours where tick tock went
19:56away over the weekend.
19:57You probably didn't even know about tick tock.
20:00Well, I can, you know, I do follow the news, so I'm aware of it, but believe
20:04me, it did not affect my life one bit.
20:06Um, yeah, my kids were into a panic.
20:10My 20 year old kids were, uh, panic stricken for half a day, Steve.
20:15I had, I actually had a tick tock dance, uh, set for tonight.
20:18And unfortunately I'm not going to be able to do it.
20:20Oh, you can schedule those things ahead.
20:23You know that don't you, Steve?
20:25Oh, really?
20:25Oh, okay.
20:26I'll I'll yeah.
20:26I'll talk to, uh, the kids, the kids these days can help me out.
20:31Um, Hey, Steve, we're, we're, we're taking note of the fact that it sounds
20:36like you're in a car and it makes me think of our last conversation.
20:40And I'm wondering if, if you did indeed have a chance to go visit family and,
20:45and see what's going on down in Southern California and how everybody's doing.
20:50I did.
20:50I flew down Sunday, we had a day off and I flew down for the day.
20:54My brothers came in town and, uh, we went up to my mom's house.
20:58And, uh, first time that, you know, any of us have had seen the, uh, the
21:03neighborhood and the remains of the house.
21:06So it was, it was a difficult day, but I'm, I'm so glad we were able to do it
21:10and be together with my mom and, uh, but really tough to see our hometown
21:14just completely wiped out like that.
21:17And there's not any real way to describe the feeling I can imagine, but it, it
21:21probably wasn't closure and it had to be a mix of helplessness and just in sadness.
21:29I mean, it's, um, it's not closure.
21:32It's, um, it's a different feeling of more shock when you see up close, um,
21:39that type of devastation, especially a place that has been home for the family
21:44for, you know, 50 years.
21:46Um, so, um, really difficult.
21:49We have so many friends, uh, who are in the exact same situation who lost their
21:53homes and then even downtown Pacific Palisades just to see, you know, so the
21:59supermarkets are just burned out and, you know, half my high school burned down.
22:04And, and, um, so it's, you know, visiting with other people and there
22:08is a sense of, um, community loss.
22:11And, and I think in some ways that, uh, is actually bonding.
22:15I mean, my mom had so many friends who were in the same boat and, uh, so they
22:19are commiserating, but also, um, really supporting one another and there's
22:24some comfort in that as well.
22:26Well, Steve, first of all, thank you for sharing that.
22:29And, uh, certainly glad that you were able to get down there with this time
22:32and do that, and our thoughts continue to be with you and everybody
22:36affected down there as well.
22:38So safe travels and, uh, we look forward to a couple more basketball
22:42games the next two nights.
22:43Thanks so much.
22:45Thank you so much.
22:46You guys are the best.
22:47Uh, we'll talk to you next week.