• 2 months ago
00:00Just bags him out of the way post rejects him from behind and knocked it out of bounds now
00:04Back to steini and guru on 95 7 the game posty
00:10Qp that's what I call them study qp
00:14Here's one thing I was thinking
00:17It kind of hasn't worked out well for him and I thought it would work out a little better
00:22but uh
00:23The off season, you know the at the end of last year. We were all talking about, you know, this is a little bit of an older team
00:30And so they they got rid of clay and they got rid of uh, chris paul. Yeah
00:34But look at the three guys. They ended up bringing in kyle anderson buddy healed and then melton is now dennis schroeder
00:43Those are kind of older players
00:46Who at least who are more like half court players than than uptempo type of player?
00:50We were sold after jordan pool was shipped off. We needed an adult in the room
00:55Ie chris paul
00:57Then you get rid of your jets and chris paul and you bring in these savvy vets who were supposed to let's keep it real
01:03Stoney supposed to be beelitz or otto porter jr. Kind of hasn't worked out
01:08But I I i'm just fearful and like you said they're on a better pace than they were last year
01:14In a season that didn't culminate in the playoff berth, but man, oh man
01:19I'm, just wondering
01:21The kenny smith sound is resonating with me because you are right
01:24We haven't heard somebody say go young do it for the old guys, but i'm with barkley
01:29But stoney, what do you have that would fetch what you think you need and would it work?
01:35If you're giving up something like a wiggins, I always envision
01:40What you get would go to the wiggins would be part of the jambalaya
01:45I mean the one thing is is like last year the warriors I think at this point of the season were
01:5219 and 23
01:54So they're actually two games behind last year's pace. The problem is to get the 46 wins
02:00They're gonna have to now go 25 and 15
02:03So man from this point on for the warriors to match their win total from a year ago
02:08They essentially have to play at a 50 win pace for the rest of this year. That'll get them to 46
02:15Um by the end of the year and who knows where that leaves them
02:19But again, they got to go they got to go on a 50 win pace
02:23Essentially to equal last year's win total and I don't know if they have the offense to do that stony 85
02:29Measly points yesterday at home. Let's go to tom in sonoma to get us started today. What's up? Tom? How you doing, buddy?
02:37Hey, sonny. Hey, girl. Hey, I hate talking about this over and over again, but I want to give you guys the statistic
02:43All right, so we haven't been beaten over 40 points since 1985
02:49Dallas Madrid 45 points long time ago
02:53We are a one for three team. We play one game. Good. We played two games bad
03:00This year we played 42 games
03:0312 of them is 99 points or less and we we lost most of those games
03:09Uh draymond green is a broken down man. He will never get better
03:15I believe his calf is tied to his back like it was before i've had back surgery. I can tell you
03:22Backs are chronic. They'll never go away
03:25He is degrading into
03:28not even
03:29Talk be able to talk about if you look at his salary is 26 million dollars
03:34Take all the guys that make 26 dollars. He's 26 million. He's probably the worst player in that batch
03:41Oh, he can't score we gotta get rid of draymond green
03:47uh cur
03:48Walked on to a championship team. He's never been proven that he can take a young team
03:54And and and develop it and I don't think he can do that. So there's the problem with curve
04:01We either we either develop these young guys now so we can have a better team
04:06Try to get rid of under the contracts that we have right now before we lose them and get some players
04:12And try to develop but we got it if we're gonna go young
04:15Let's go young and let's develop this bench man, because that's all we got this year. Thank you guys. Appreciate it. Appreciate it
04:22Tom, I know you're gonna laugh stony. I kind of you kind of went back. Uh
04:26verbal gymnastics last week, but
04:28If that's what it is quentin post will continue to get run
04:32on my team if i'm coaching
04:34Because I just I don't have the answers and this offense is hemorrhaging right now it really is
04:42Look again as it relates to steve kerr
04:45It does feel like you know, there's
04:49It's more and more fair to ask the question
04:52that if
04:54You're gonna start to go into a different direction
04:57What are you gonna do with him?
04:59I mean he's under contract for the rest of it for the next year and a half and they made that choice daddy
05:04So I thought the direction was we're gonna give you that veteran that you need
05:09To go with steph and we'll make a run. We might come up short, but it won't be this
05:14Yeah, well, they can't find that veteran apparently
05:17or that veteran doesn't it doesn't exist or
05:21I think more realistically
05:26The first half of the season
05:29Has proven they're not a player away from competing. Well, that hurts man
05:34And I think that's what they've come to terms with and that's why
05:39They know that maybe they could get vuchevich
05:42But what it would cost them is something that they think is too great and they are not convinced
05:49At all that vuchevich would come in here and all of a sudden this team would would be able to play
05:5625 and 15 ball for the rest of the way
05:59I mean, well, when do you decide to hit that button of going young stony?
06:03Because probably after the all-star break and you either do something or you don't do something. I would think no, that's it
06:08I mean the other thing is if if you continue to struggle
06:12Yes, and you don't have a move at the all-star game or at the uh trading deadline
06:17And you're not going anywhere at that point
06:20Why not start thinking about curry next year, yeah, I would give curry 25 minutes or less then okay
06:26I mean, are you seeing them out there like john wayne and I give them credit stony, but
06:31The bandage is coming off his hand. He just turned his his ankle and he's out there giving it his all
06:37And I know that's the price of admission
06:40You know pro athlete getting millions plays, but i'm just saying man. They want it
06:46I know you're gonna throw something and i'm a duck
06:49I really didn't see they're 21 and 21
06:52That's better than anything we've seen on the basketball court because it feels like they're 10 under
06:57But I I just didn't see this this happening and i'm gonna say this about my favorite guy
07:03Stony you talked about the warriors are where they're at. One of the biggest reasons
07:08Is the drop off from steph and dre, but i'm ready to add
07:12Andrew wiggins into that that mix 17 points four rebounds a game two assists
07:17That's fine, but I feel like when you need them most you needed them yesterday and and again
07:24He's not kevin durant
07:26But i'm just sick and tired of every time somebody trying to tell me andrew wiggins is having a better year
07:33This is the best year in his warrior career. It's not
07:36And I think he needs to be put in there
07:38along with uh
07:40draymond and steps donnie for just
07:43pedestrian type of results
07:45See I think the reality is wiggins has been pretty good this year for the most part, but we're realizing that
07:52He's not a huge difference maker unless he's playing at a higher level
07:59Like I I do think wiggins is playing pretty well this year the numbers bear it out
08:03But we're really talking about impact and that's never really changed with wiggins
08:08Like i'm i'm, you know over the course of his career. He's never been
08:12Hugely impactful but for a really short
08:15Stretch during the 2022 season. I know we got four lines
08:19This is just how i'm programmed
08:22So sac came in here and beat you by 30 and kind of started. Hey, what's kind of marvin gay? What's going on beat you by 30?
08:30You got a day off today
08:32Partner, I really believe in this espn game tomorrow night
08:36Stoney slap me or throw some hot water cold water on me to expect the warriors
08:42To be ready for the big payback the big james brown tomorrow night
08:47To for what sac did to them a couple sundays ago
08:51What do you mean embarrassed him, okay
08:55So well, that's not forgotten. Okay, are the kings healthy?
09:00For the most part. Okay, so fox is playing. Yeah. Okay, so they got a good player who can go up against curry
09:05Uh, it's a bonus plan. I expect him to play. What about monk? Yeah, keegan murray. Yeah, the warriors are gonna have trouble
09:12I don't know. I mean i'm just telling you the truth. I mean help me warriors without draymond and
09:18Kaminga, yeah, i'd say the warriors are gonna be underdogs tomorrow. Yep
09:23Uh, let's go to
09:25Sam in chicago. Hi, what's up? Sam in chicago. What's going on, man?
09:30What's going on guys long time, but sir, uh love the program. Oh, thanks, man
09:35Just wanted to talk sonny. I really really agree with you today, man
09:38um, I think uh, I think that last point you just made I think uh,
09:42I think we're way further than one move away
09:45and I think we're really starting to see it with this team and like
09:47you got guys like lindy waters and keith santos getting getting run and nothing against those guys, but
09:53um, I don't know man. I just think dunleavy hasn't put this team even coming into this year in a great spot to
10:00To really go compete. Um
10:02I think we're going to see a lot of nothing of a trade deadline and uh,
10:06And yeah, man, I just think uh, i'm agreeing with you today. Sonny
10:09I think this team is uh in for in for in for a big one here coming up. Hey, sam
10:13Are you uh, hey real quick though? Are you like do you you watch the bulls because you're in chicago or not? Really?
10:19No, i'm a die-hard warriors fan out here in chicago from the bay
10:22Uh, like two weeks to the bulls every now and then but uh, not in on a booster movie and i'll tell you that you're not
10:29Not okay
10:30Yeah, that's kind of what I want to get at. They beat the clippers last night. Mm-hmm. They're 19 and 25. Yeah
10:36No, i'm, just saying yeah, and they you know vuchevich has been playing all year 19 to 25
10:41And levine's healthy and they're 19 to 25
10:44And uh, kobe white's been 19 25, you know, so how good can voodoo like i'm not I get it
10:50I'm, not blaming vuchevich for the fact that the bulls are bad, but they've kind of been healthy and they're not very good
10:56Well, it's kind of like wiggins when you plucked them from minnesota they were kind of nothing but you brought them to
11:01To your domain you brought them and put them into your family
11:05And then you were better than you are now and that's where I want to go
11:08So stony I told you i've had family members that had bouts with alcohol and drugs they go to rehab, but they don't go to rehab
11:16Before they decide that they need help if you're telling me the warriors need to go young but behind closed doors
11:23They're not doing that then we got bad times ahead
11:28Because they don't matter it doesn't align with your thought process
11:31You brought in the three guys you mentioned because you thought you needed some veterans
11:35And and they were going to help and be grown-ups in the room. So what are we doing?
11:40If we don't know what the the the mantra what's the title of the what life are we living?
11:45What's so what what's the movie title if we're rebuilding the losses don't hurt as much
11:50But if we haven't identified we need to go that direction then we're just we're chasing our tail
11:57And you'll never catch it. Aren't they telling you who they are?
12:00But we just don't want like we well, hold on. I don't want to say we I want to you guys
12:04Don't want to listen. No, what are they going to do about it? Well, they're trying
12:07It doesn't mean they're going to do something trades are hard. They're trying. Yes
12:11Well, who thought they were easy?
12:14Well, when you get dubbed joey light years, you make stuff happen 15 years ago
12:22I hear
12:23Stoney it was his mouth for joe lincoln made it sound like he could get any superstar in here
12:28And too many people bought it and while it was going on i'm like, how are they gonna do this? I don't get it
12:35If you're gonna say that, okay, I got something since last year
12:38They've been trying to get better and cut salary. Somebody explain to me how you can do that. You can't that's so
12:44What are we surprised about okay, and then i'm gonna double back I thought this team would be a little better
12:49they're not I get why they're not and
12:54I I understand where they are and and i'm hot and i'm hot because you said I fell for it
12:59But I also fell for the warrior culture and the warrior culture failed jordan pool
13:03And that's why those chickens are coming home to roost right now
13:07And there's no way you could talk about where this team is where it's going
13:11How long it's going to be before they get back but stoney i'm hot I am
13:15Like i'm mad now because I I was in denial
13:18I didn't want to think about the old stuff because I thought we were moving forward because they told us so
13:24Now we're throwing out skittles for for for trying we're throwing out skittles
13:29For effort and now we're finding out guys aren't confident and you got the likes of gladiators of steph curry and uh,
13:37The draymond green but yet confidence is low
13:40How can that be and then the coach you get beat by 40 and the coach is saying it happens
13:46I don't care about everybody. Oh, it happens. It doesn't happen here and it hasn't happened since 1985
13:51You getting beat by 40 and that boston team that wasn't even their a-game and if you follow what boston's been doing stony
13:58They haven't exactly been lighting it on fire. But yesterday was just like a
14:03a walkthrough
14:06The celtics won a title last year
14:10And as poorly as they've played
14:13According to some there's still a 58 win team
14:16record wise
