• 2 months ago
Roshni Sab Kay Liye | Topic: Fitrat

Host: Shahid Masroor

Guest: Mufti Zaigham Ali Gardezi, Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Qadri

#RoshniSabKayLiye #islamicinformation #ARYQtv

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00:00Auzubillahi minash shaitanir rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen,
00:20Assalatu wassalamu ala Khatamun Nabiyeen.
00:22Ladies and gentlemen, I am Shahid Masroor once again with Roshni Sab.
00:28And what we want to talk about today is a very important thing.
00:32And that important thing is that the creation of this universe that Allah Almighty has created,
00:37along with the creation of this universe,
00:39for its formation, for its evolution,
00:41He has determined a nature.
00:45Allah Almighty has given a nature to all the creations of the universe.
00:55And then according to that nature, He has created man.
00:59It is said that Allah Almighty has given the means first,
01:05He created first, and then He created the need later.
01:09That is, when man came into this world, when he was hungry, food was created in advance.
01:15When he was thirsty, water was created in advance.
01:18In the same way, when man came into this world,
01:20then for him, his mother and father, and then his worldly needs,
01:25under which his upbringing and livelihood is based,
01:28Allah Almighty has created according to his need, according to his nature.
01:35Then He has also created teachings.
01:38He has told what nature is, what is the need of nature,
01:41and what are the means to fulfill this need.
01:44That is, man has been told that this is a lawful thing, eat it.
01:49It will benefit you.
01:51This is a forbidden thing, do not eat it.
01:53It will harm you.
01:55So how was the creation of nature?
01:57The teachings were given according to the religion of nature.
02:00This is our topic today.
02:02That is, we will talk about nature today.
02:05And to talk about nature or the religion of nature,
02:08the teachers who have accompanied us today,
02:12the first person in them was from the Department of Education.
02:16From religious references, from ARY QTV, from ARY,
02:21and from this screen, your familiarity with them,
02:25and their guidance is always available.
02:28With us is respected teacher, respected Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Qadir.
02:32Please be seated.
02:33Assalamu Alaikum.
02:34Walaikum Assalam.
02:35Is Shahid bhai well?
02:36He is fine.
02:38The second personality is with us.
02:40You are also a respected teacher.
02:42You are also in the field of religion and religious teachings.
02:47He is a very prominent personality for us.
02:50We learn from him.
02:51You also learn from him.
02:52He attends various programs with us.
02:55He is respected Mufti Zaygam Ali Gardezi.
02:58Assalamu Alaikum, sir.
02:59Walaikum Assalam.
03:00MashaAllah, sir, you are fine.
03:02Sir, today's topic is about the religion of nature.
03:05So please tell us, sir, what is the religion of nature?
03:09I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
03:14O Allah, send peace and blessings forever upon Your Beloved, the best of all creation.
03:19O my Lord, guide me to the right path, and forgive me what I have sinned.
03:24After the praise and blessings of the Holy Qur'an,
03:27Shahid Bhai, you have explained the nature of nature in Sarnama-e-Kalam.
03:31And this is such a broad topic that the word fitrah,
03:38because the word fitrah in Urdu has come from Arabic,
03:42and the word fatar has been used in Arabic in the Holy Qur'an,
03:45and I will give a reference to that as well, Inshallah.
03:48And when you go to nature in English,
03:51how do they describe nature as Kant, T.H. Green,
03:54Thomas Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and the thinkers of the western world,
03:58Plato, Aristotle, they describe it.
04:01All these thinkers of nature,
04:04fragrance, air, water, sea, sky,
04:10and the pleasant conditions of the earth,
04:13and the conditions of the earth and sky, they go and stop.
04:17But the religion of Islam, because it is the religion of fitrah,
04:20it talks about the fragrance from the soul to the hereafter.
04:25And that is why the way the Holy Qur'an has repeatedly addressed man,
04:32and the way the Holy Qur'an has repeatedly addressed man,
04:35and said that your creation is the best,
04:41and your fitrah is the best fitrah,
04:47and your existence is the best fitrah,
04:52and we have put our love and our best fitrah in it,
04:56then how is there rebellion in you?
04:59So the Holy Qur'an instructs us to keep our faces straight,
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