• 2 months ago


00:00Lily Bradley so three up three down as we move on in the field Astrid Scheele is
00:07riding out of La Clusasse here with her coach the legendary Seb Michaud. Astrid runner up
00:13last year she wants a title this year and let's see how she fares here on the
00:17La Bamba face. Straight on to the face I think smart taking a new entrance in
00:22hopefully finding some good snow. A little hung up there but managing to
00:28stay on her feet Astrid making history last week at Nanda with a double
00:32backflip absolutely stomped and now just kind of regrouping as she comes into
00:38the same air we saw Lily here holding on using the fall line needs to slow down a
00:43little bit but able to I mean Astrid is so strong spending as much time in the
00:48gym as she can. Recently a new competitor on the kiteboarding World Cup so Astrid
00:54showing that technique. You really have a complete rider she's got tricks she's
00:59got World Cup style race skiing she can do it all and I mean first woman to put
01:05a double backflip in a competition that record that piece of history is hers
01:10forever and I think that first place title she's aiming for it and it's a
01:16huge focus she did say on Instagram yesterday she's got a bit of a knee
01:20injury she's not sure what's up and maybe there's some tentativeness but
01:23I think she showed her strength by sticking to her feet in that top
01:27section. Yeah sticking to her feet and sticking to the plan you know it can no
01:33plan survives first contact right Mike Tyson said everybody's got a plan till
01:37they get punched in the face as soon as you get on the venue you feel the snow
01:41you start to get get going and it's hard to stick to it but Astrid doing it right
01:45on the line that she selected so she's got to stay on her feet now for the rest
01:49of the way she will be the first woman to complete a run if she's able to get
01:53to the bottom intact as she's now coming into this wind lip laying out a
01:58backflip and perfect execution. I guess once you do two one it's probably pretty
02:03simple for you still able to pick off a few more terrain features as she makes
02:09her way down to the bottom of the finish. Yeah nice cross-court feature finish
02:13there for Astrid Chaloos so the knee pain clearly not giving her any pause
02:21well somebody loved it. All right let's take a look back at this run from top to
02:29bottom Adley. Great again she's controlled at the top I'm sure she was
02:33learning from the riders before her maybe not enough speed then but able to
02:37keep it together move off of that knife edge cliff and right into the gully. Yeah
02:44such a delicate balance there because if you pump off that one then you're just
02:47accelerating and here Astrid showing how deep her freestyle bag of tricks
02:52runs just getting the tips around at the right time you can see she got a little
02:56folded at the waist it was not short but as close as you'd really want to be. You
03:02can see this the core strength in the recovery there. Yeah extra credit air to
03:07finish things off our Mahmood line tracker showing the path that Astrid
03:11Chaloos taking down the face here all smiles mostly smiles at the bottom so a
03:1977 that's gonna set the bar for ski women. Into the hot seat she'll go
