• 2 months ago


00:01:26Bonjour, ici Elisabeth Paradis.
00:01:29C'est un plaisir d'être votre hôte pour l'événement du programme court en passage synchronisé
00:01:34chez les juniors.
00:01:36Je suis aujourd'hui accompagnée de Laurence Darveau à l'analyse.
00:01:39Laurence qui a gagné les championnats canadiens en 2019 avec son équipe Nova Senior
00:01:45et qui ont participé aux championnats du monde cette même année.
00:01:47Bonjour Laurence.
00:01:48Bonjour Elisabeth, ça va bien?
00:01:49Ça va très bien et toi?
00:01:50Oui, je suis vraiment super excitée, fébrile.
00:01:53J'ai hâte de voir les programmes courts ce soir.
00:01:56Les pratiques étaient très intéressantes alors on va voir du bon patinage.
00:02:01Moi aussi, je suis très contente d'être là.
00:02:02C'est la deuxième année qu'on anime, qu'on analyse ensemble l'événement du patinage synchronisé
00:02:07et je dois dire que je suis très heureuse de le faire encore cette année.
00:02:09C'est un sport que je découvre à chaque année et que j'apprécie de plus en plus vraiment.
00:02:13Très très heureuse d'être là avec toi.
00:02:15Qu'est-ce qu'on va surveiller aujourd'hui à l'événement?
00:02:17Tellement plein de choses.
00:02:19Écoute, année après année, le patinage synchronisé continue d'évoluer.
00:02:23Les niveaux de difficulté sont rehaussés.
00:02:26On essaie de séparer les différentes catégories.
00:02:29Alors on va voir peut-être ce soir des équipes ne pas essayer le plus haut niveau de difficulté.
00:02:35Ça serait dans les premières années qu'on va voir ça dans la catégorie junior au Canada.
00:02:40Alors certainement de voir des éléments qui sont nouveaux, qui sont variés.
00:02:45On va aussi voir le Canada qui s'est beaucoup rapproché en termes de difficulté au niveau des équipes.
00:02:52Les équipes, ça va être serré.
00:02:54On rentre dans la compétition et pour de vrai, je ne sais pas qui vont envoyer au championnat du monde cette année.
00:03:01Certainement, on a les vice-championnes du monde qui sont là.
00:03:04Les Supremes qui ont remporté haut la main les championnats du monde l'année dernière.
00:03:09Nexus que ça fait plusieurs années qu'ils vont au championnat du monde également.
00:03:13C'est la paire qui nous représente depuis les dernières années.
00:03:16Alors c'est certain que ces équipes-là sont à surveiller.
00:03:19J'ai envie de parler d'Ice Ignite, une équipe entraînée également par Scott Moir qui entraîne des couples.
00:03:28On a d'ailleurs vu deux des patineuses cet après-midi ensemble dans l'événement de danse sur glace.
00:03:33Exactement, deux patineuses qui compétissent deux fois dans la même journée. Chapeau à elles.
00:03:37On voit que le patinage synchronisé se taille une place proche de la danse.
00:03:44Scott Moir, François-Xavier Ouellet, Pascal Denis, des coachs de danse qui entraînent toutes les équipes de synchro.
00:03:52Alors certainement, le synchro prend un envolé.
00:03:55On voit le niveau de patinage, le niveau de virage qui est vraiment rehaussé.
00:04:01Alors du bon patin, certainement.
00:04:03Oui, on va voir des athlètes complets qui s'entraînent des heures et des heures et des heures par semaine.
00:04:08Donc vraiment, ça sera un bel événement, je pense, qui nous attend.
00:04:12Sept équipes qui compétitionneront dans les prochaines minutes.
00:04:15Donc on se retrouve de l'autre côté dans quelques instants.
00:04:38Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
00:05:08© Amara.org
00:05:38© Amara.org
00:05:41© Amara.org
00:06:06Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à la Place Bell.
00:06:08En vertu de la Loi sur la sécurité dans les édifices publics,
00:06:11veuillez localiser la sortie d'urgence la plus près et l'utiliser si nécessaire.
00:06:16Nous vous rappelons qu'il est interdit de fumer dans cet édifice.
00:06:19En cas de besoin, n'hésitez pas à vous adresser un membre du personnel qui pourra vous aider.
00:06:24Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à la Place Bell.
00:06:27En accord avec l'Acte de sécurité des bâtiments publics,
00:06:30s'il vous plaît, identifiez le plus proche d'exit d'urgence et utilisez-le si nécessaire.
00:06:35Nous vous rappelons qu'il est interdit de fumer dans cet édifice.
00:06:39En cas de besoin, n'hésitez pas à vous adresser un membre du personnel qui pourra vous aider.
00:07:33Bonsoir et bienvenue à la Place Bell à Laval, Québec,
00:07:38haute des championnats nationaux canadiens de patinage 2025.
00:07:43Dans quelques instants, nous commencerons le programme court en patinage synchronisé chez les juniors.
00:07:50Good evening and welcome to Place Bell in Laval, Québec,
00:07:54host of the 2025 Canadian National Skating Championships.
00:07:59In a few moments, we will start the junior synchronized short program.
00:08:03Les officiels pour cette épreuve.
00:08:06The officials for this event.
00:08:08Veuillez accueillir l'arbitre.
00:08:10Please welcome the referee.
00:08:12Jennifer Betts.
00:08:18L'arbitre au niveau de la glace.
00:08:20The ice level referee.
00:08:22Brett Eichmann.
00:08:27Les juges.
00:08:28The judges.
00:08:30Lisa Sarazin.
00:08:35Hilary Quick.
00:08:39Andrea O'Keefe.
00:08:44Nathalie Delisle.
00:08:48Michelle Wu.
00:08:52Joseph Perrault.
00:08:57Diane Kamatianis.
00:09:02Susan Morris.
00:09:06Chelsey Shackle.
00:09:12La controluse technique.
00:09:14The technical controller.
00:09:16Sabrina Wong.
00:09:21Les spécialistes techniques.
00:09:23The technical specialists.
00:09:25Rebecca Silverstein.
00:09:30And Cathy Kennedy.
00:10:37Rebonjour à tous.
00:10:39Ici Élisabeth Paradis.
00:10:41Toujours accompagnée de notre spécialiste du patinage synchronisé,
00:10:43Laurence Darvaux.
00:10:45On se retrouve pour le dernier événement de la première journée
00:10:47des championnats canadiens 2025
00:10:49à la Place Belle,
00:10:51située dans la ville de Laval.
00:10:53On s'apprête à regarder ensemble le programme court
00:10:55chez les juniors en patinage synchronisé.
00:10:57Laurence, est-ce que tu peux nous expliquer
00:10:59pendant que la première équipe,
00:11:01Lower Mainland Junior,
00:11:03fait son échauffement de deux minutes,
00:11:05est-ce qu'il y a un plan qu'on va regarder
00:11:07dans le programme court chez les juniors?
00:11:09Oui, absolument.
00:11:11Donc, on va voir cinq éléments
00:11:13dans le programme court.
00:11:15Il va y avoir d'abord un élément d'entrecroisement
00:11:17qui va se faire avec un élément
00:11:19en forme de fouet.
00:11:21Il y a désormais
00:11:23un point-clé qui est
00:11:25une entrée difficile qui peut se faire.
00:11:27Soit un point-clé simple
00:11:29ou un point-clé plus complexe.
00:11:31Alors, on risque de voir la formation
00:11:33cachée jusqu'à la dernière minute,
00:11:35jusqu'à l'entrée de la formation.
00:11:37C'est ce qui va donner un peu un élément de surprise.
00:11:39Par la suite, on risque d'avoir
00:11:41un élément de mouvement
00:11:43avec différents mouvements de transition,
00:11:45soit des tests, des billemans,
00:11:47des changements d'arabesque à billemans.
00:11:49Alors, beaucoup de démonstrations
00:11:51de flexibilité. Par la suite,
00:11:53on va voir l'élément sans prise cette année
00:11:55qui doit être un bloc ouvert.
00:11:57Donc, c'est une nouveauté dans la catégorie.
00:11:59On va voir
00:12:01les patineurs
00:12:03faire des virages complexes,
00:12:05des changements de places de toutes sortes,
00:12:07mais ils doivent garder une forme ouverte.
00:12:09Donc, il n'y aura pas de patineurs au centre de la formation.
00:12:11Donc, on peut être créatif
00:12:13de cette façon-là. On va voir
00:12:15des triangles, des blocs de toutes sortes,
00:12:17mais pas de patineurs à l'intérieur.
00:12:19Par la suite, un de mes éléments
00:12:21préférés, techniques
00:12:23et difficiles, c'est l'élément de pivot.
00:12:25Donc, cette année, il doit obligatoirement
00:12:27dans le junior être exécuté
00:12:29dans trois lignes.
00:12:31Donc, on va venir exécuter des virages
00:12:33sur un pied, soit une série
00:12:35de virages ou
00:12:37des virages enchaînés
00:12:39suivis de quelques pas et d'un autre
00:12:41virage complexe. Pour avoir
00:12:43le plus haut niveau de difficulté, ça doit tous
00:12:45être des virages difficiles.
00:12:47Et pour terminer, on va voir
00:12:49l'élément de volt, donc
00:12:51les twizzles dans notre jargon
00:12:53de patin.
00:12:55Un élément difficile,
00:12:57un élément qui va démarquer
00:12:59les équipes les unes
00:13:01des autres. On va vouloir voir
00:13:03de l'unisson, on va vouloir voir
00:13:05de l'alignement.
00:13:07Alors, plein de détails à surveiller.
00:13:09Donc, beaucoup d'éléments techniques
00:13:11à surveiller dans le programme.
00:13:13Laurence pourra nous guider au fil des performances
00:13:15pour nous aider à mieux comprendre
00:13:17ce qui se passe dans les
00:13:19pointages. Donc, la première équipe représente
00:13:21la Colombie-Britannique Lower Mainland
00:13:23Junior. Ils vont
00:13:25patiner leur programme court sur la musique
00:13:27Lonely de Noah Cyrus.
00:13:55I get told what's wrong
00:13:57and what's right
00:13:59I don't have a
00:14:01romantic life
00:14:03And everyone's
00:14:05dying, so I keep
00:14:07on trying to make them proud
00:14:09before they're gone
00:14:11Can someone help
00:14:15Please, someone
00:14:17help me
00:14:19I don't care
00:14:21anyone, anything
00:14:23Cause I'm so sick of being
00:14:25so lonely
00:14:27I miss
00:14:29all my family
00:14:31I don't
00:14:33care anyone, anything
00:14:35Cause I'm so sick of
00:14:37being so lonely
00:14:53I miss
00:14:55all my family
00:14:57I don't care
00:14:59anyone, anything
00:15:01Cause I'm so sick of
00:15:03being so lonely
00:15:05I miss
00:15:07all my family
00:15:09I don't care
00:15:11anyone, anything
00:15:13Cause I'm so sick of
00:15:15being so lonely
00:15:17I miss
00:15:19all my family
00:15:21I don't care
00:15:23anyone, anything
00:15:25Cause I'm so sick of
00:15:27being so lonely
00:15:29I miss
00:15:31all my family
00:15:33I don't care
00:15:35anyone, anything
00:15:37Cause I'm so sick of
00:15:39being so lonely
00:15:41I miss
00:15:43all my family
00:15:45I don't care
00:15:47anyone, anything
00:15:49Please, someone
00:15:51help me
00:15:53I don't
00:15:55care anyone, anything
00:15:57Cause I'm so sick of
00:15:59being so lonely
00:16:01I miss
00:16:03all my family
00:16:05I don't care
00:16:07anyone, anything
00:16:09Cause I'm so sick of
00:16:11being so lonely
00:16:13I don't care
00:16:15anyone, anything
00:16:17Cause I'm so sick of
00:16:19being so lonely
00:16:47I don't care
00:16:49anyone, anything
00:16:51Cause I'm so sick of
00:16:53being so lonely
00:16:55I don't care
00:16:57anyone, anything
00:16:59Cause I'm so sick of
00:17:01being so lonely
00:17:03I don't care
00:17:05anyone, anything
00:17:07Cause I'm so sick of
00:17:09being so lonely
00:17:11I don't care
00:17:13anyone, anything
00:17:15I don't care
00:17:17anyone, anything
00:17:19Cause I'm so sick of
00:17:21being so lonely
00:17:23I don't care
00:17:25anyone, anything
00:17:27Cause I'm so sick of
00:17:29being so lonely
00:17:31I don't care
00:17:33anyone, anything
00:17:35Cause I'm so sick of
00:17:37being so lonely
00:17:39I don't care
00:17:41anyone, anything
00:17:43I don't care
00:17:45anyone, anything
00:17:47Cause I'm so sick of
00:17:49being so lonely
00:17:51I don't care
00:17:53anyone, anything
00:17:55Cause I'm so sick of
00:17:57being so lonely
00:17:59I don't care
00:18:01anyone, anything
00:18:03Cause I'm so sick of
00:18:05being so lonely
00:18:07I don't care
00:18:09anyone, anything
00:18:11I don't care
00:18:13anyone, anything
00:18:15Cause I'm so sick of
00:18:17being so lonely
00:18:19I don't care
00:18:21anyone, anything
00:18:23Cause I'm so sick of
00:18:25being so lonely
00:18:27I don't care
00:18:29anyone, anything
00:18:31Cause I'm so sick of
00:18:33being so lonely
00:18:35I don't care
00:18:37anyone, anything
00:18:39I don't care
00:18:41anyone, anything
00:18:43Cause I'm so sick of
00:18:45being so lonely
00:18:47I don't care
00:18:49anyone, anything
00:18:51Cause I'm so sick of
00:18:53being so lonely
00:18:55I don't care
00:18:57anyone, anything
00:18:59Cause I'm so sick of
00:19:01being so lonely
00:19:03I don't care
00:19:05anyone, anything
00:19:07I don't care
00:19:09anyone, anything
00:19:11Cause I'm so sick of
00:19:13being so lonely
00:19:15I don't care
00:19:17anyone, anything
00:19:19Cause I'm so sick of
00:19:21being so lonely
00:19:23I don't care
00:19:25anyone, anything
00:19:27Cause I'm so sick of
00:19:29being so lonely
00:19:31I don't care
00:19:33anyone, anything
00:19:35C'est Golden Ice
00:19:37Ils sont entraînés par
00:19:39Vanessa Damico et François-Xavier Ouellette
00:19:45Elles patineront leur programme court
00:19:47sur la musique Chronicles
00:19:49de Audio Machine
00:20:05Elles patineront leur programme court
00:20:07sur la musique Chronicles
00:20:09de Audio Machine
00:20:35Elles patineront leur programme court
00:20:37sur la musique Chronicles
00:20:39de Audio Machine
00:21:05Elles patineront leur programme court
00:21:07sur la musique Chronicles
00:21:09de Audio Machine
00:21:11Elles patineront leur programme court
00:21:13sur la musique Chronicles
00:21:15de Audio Machine
00:21:35Elles patineront leur programme court
00:21:37sur la musique Chronicles
00:21:39de Audio Machine
00:21:41Elles patineront leur programme court
00:21:43sur la musique Chronicles
00:21:45de Audio Machine
00:21:47Elles patineront leur programme court
00:21:49sur la musique Chronicles
00:21:51de Audio Machine
00:21:53Elles patineront leur programme court
00:21:55sur la musique Chronicles
00:21:57de Audio Machine
00:21:59Elles patineront leur programme court
00:22:01sur la musique Chronicles
00:22:03Elles patineront leur programme court
00:22:05sur la musique Chronicles
00:22:07de Audio Machine
00:22:09Elles patineront leur programme court
00:22:11sur la musique Chronicles
00:22:13de Audio Machine
00:22:15Elles patineront leur programme court
00:22:17sur la musique Chronicles
00:22:19de Audio Machine
00:22:21Elles patineront leur programme court
00:22:23sur la musique Chronicles
00:22:25de Audio Machine
00:22:27Elles patineront leur programme court
00:22:29sur la musique Chronicles
00:22:31par la chanson
00:22:33par la chanson
00:22:35par la chanson
00:22:37par la chanson
00:22:39par la chanson
00:22:41par la chanson
00:22:43par la chanson
00:22:45par la chanson
00:22:53Un programme tout en attaque
00:22:55de la part de Goldeneye
00:22:59We just saw the speed rise, we change categories, clearly a very powerful program, especially I want to say.
00:23:10Well, a little mischief, a little mistake. I want to tell them that they were lucky in their bad luck,
00:23:17because in a short program, only 5 elements, the fall was executed in a transition.
00:23:23So, it's going to be a little less expensive, but still, we're going to have the drop point
00:23:29and it's sure that it's going to affect the bottom grade, so the grade of the program component.
00:23:34Choosing a moment for a fall, it's in a transition that we want it to happen, but we prefer when there is none, of course.
00:23:40Absolutely. So here, the cross between the wheels, as I said, we want the volts to be done exactly at the moment
00:23:47when they come to make the intersection, that's what they came for here.
00:23:51Then, the element of volts, a little lack of sound in terms of rotations, if I want to be picky, as they say,
00:23:58excuse the Anglicism. Here we see the entry transition before going into the element of blocks that rotates in 3 lines,
00:24:08as we named a little earlier. Here, GoldenEyes chose to come and make 4 difficult turns on one foot,
00:24:16the highest level of difficulty. We're going to have the technical jury who will come and evaluate
00:24:21if each frame was respected for each turn.
00:24:25I'm going to ask a question from someone who doesn't seem to know the technical rules of skating well,
00:24:31but maybe people at home are asking the same question as me, new fans like me.
00:24:36How do we evaluate when we have 16 skaters? We're not going to check the turns of the 16 skaters necessarily.
00:24:41Same question for the volts earlier, if there is one that falls or misses, how do we evaluate the level?
00:24:47Absolutely. So, for a team of 16 skaters, it takes 4 people who make a mistake to deduce.
00:24:55So, if there is only one skater who makes a mistake, the mistake will not be counted.
00:25:00It will count in the execution note of the judges, certainly, but not in the technical note.
00:25:04Exactly. So, it's like that for all elements.
00:25:09Great. Thank you.
00:25:11The rating for Golden Ice from Quebec, 58.89.
00:25:18They are currently in the first row of the provisional ranking.
00:25:28With a very wide lead, as predicted.
00:25:32Absolutely. We had seen that we had passed in another level of performance,
00:25:37but we can also name a little earlier if the teams have tightened up in recent years.
00:25:43Golden Ice, Gold Ice, Ice Ignite, teams that were far from the podium in recent years, they will no longer be.
00:25:49The next team represents Ontario, it's Gold Ice.
00:25:54Trained by Jessica Brown and Ashley Greenhalgh, they will skate on the music Lotus Flower.
00:26:07Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice
00:26:37Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice, Golden Ice
00:27:07I can see the future painted in my eyes
00:27:24Open up the door and fade into the night
00:27:30This is where we go alive
00:27:37This is where we go alive
00:27:43Out of the shadows and into the light
00:27:49Breathing the unknown
00:27:53This is where we go alive
00:28:01This is where we go alive
00:28:11This is where we go alive
00:28:17Out of the shadows and into the light
00:28:23Breathing the unknown
00:28:28This is where we go alive
00:28:41This is where we go alive
00:28:45Out of the shadows and into the light
00:28:51Breathing the unknown
00:28:55This is where we go alive
00:29:25This is where we go alive
00:29:29Out of the shadows and into the light
00:29:33Breathing the unknown
00:29:37This is where we go alive
00:29:41Out of the shadows and into the light
00:29:45Breathing the unknown
00:29:49This is where we go alive
00:29:53This is where we go alive
00:29:57Out of the shadows and into the light
00:30:01Breathing the unknown
00:30:05This is where we go alive
00:30:09Out of the shadows and into the light
00:30:13Breathing the unknown
00:30:17This is where we go alive
00:30:21This is where we go alive
00:30:25Out of the shadows and into the light
00:30:29Breathing the unknown
00:30:33This is where we go alive
00:30:37Out of the shadows and into the light
00:30:41Breathing the unknown
00:30:45This is where we go alive
00:30:49This is where we go alive
00:30:53Out of the shadows and into the light
00:30:57Breathing the unknown
00:31:01This is where we go alive
00:31:05Out of the shadows and into the light
00:31:09Breathing the unknown
00:31:13This is where we go alive
00:31:17This is where we go alive
00:31:21Out of the shadows and into the light
00:31:25Breathing the unknown
00:31:29This is where we go alive
00:31:33Out of the shadows and into the light
00:31:37Breathing the unknown
00:31:41This is where we go alive
00:31:45This is where we go alive
00:32:15Hey everybody, thank you for coming.
00:32:19Are you ready for the awards?
00:32:23The scores for the program for 58.17
00:32:31Goldice is currently in last place.
00:32:39Goldice is currently in second place.
00:32:43We're going to check our technique, but it's so close.
00:32:47It's a tenth of a point from Goldice.
00:32:51So they're not going to be disappointed.
00:32:55They're going to arrive with fire in their eyes for tomorrow's performance on the free program.
00:32:59I was going to name them a little earlier, but the competition is tight.
00:33:03By the way, synchronized. The teams are playing elbow to elbow.
00:33:07The teams are all practically on the same level.
00:33:11They have a little more experience, international experience,
00:33:15but also experience in terms of years of longevity.
00:33:19But otherwise, synchronized skating teams change year after year.
00:33:23It's not like a dance couple.
00:33:27Skaters are new, so it's about recreating partnerships.
00:33:31It's about learning to skate with different skaters.
00:33:35It's about creating links year after year.
00:33:39Not only in training, but also in competition.
00:33:43Absolutely. Very interesting.
00:33:45We're going to take a short break for the icing on the cake.
00:33:49And we'll see you in a few moments for the last four teams.
00:45:05Rebonjour à tous! On continue l'événement du programme
00:45:09court en patinage synchronisé junior. Ici Elisabeth
00:45:13Paradis et je suis toujours aux côtés de Laurent Darvaux.
00:45:17Alors, on s'apprête à voir les quatre dernières équipes
00:45:21s'exercer pour leur programme court. On va voir
00:45:25le niveau de vitesse augmenter. J'ai envie de dire qu'à
00:45:29première vue, c'est ce qui va nous sauter à l'œil. J'ai eu la chance
00:45:33de voir toutes les pratiques de programme court et long hier soir.
00:45:37Et j'ai particulièrement aimé à quel point cette équipe-ci
00:45:41se sont démarquées au niveau de leur amélioration au niveau
00:45:45de l'utilisation du corps dans les dernières années.
00:45:49Elle travaille avec Scott Moir, avec une équipe de
00:45:53danse au complet. On voit le travail au niveau de la cheville,
00:45:57des inclinaisons de cœur. Je trouve que c'est une équipe
00:46:01qui est très prometteur pour le futur.
00:46:03Une équipe qui se développe d'année en année, qui grimpera
00:46:07dans les dernières années. Une quatrième place l'année dernière au championnat canadien.
00:46:11C'est certain qu'elles ont dans la mire de grimper sur ce podium-là
00:46:15pour la première fois ici à Laval.
00:46:18Absolument. On en a parlé un peu plus tôt dans la journée.
00:46:22Deux patineuses de leur équipe ont patiné en danse sur glace
00:46:26un peu plus tôt dans la journée. Donc, un deuxième programme court
00:46:30pourrait dans la même journée. Parfois, elles sont super entraînées.
00:46:34Ce n'est pas une question d'exigence physique. C'est plutôt une question
00:46:38d'exigence émotionnelle, d'entrer et sortir du personnage,
00:46:42d'entrer et sortir du niveau de performance. Ça devient quand même épuisant.
00:46:46C'est deux patineuses qui ont quand même beaucoup d'expérience et qui le démontrent
00:46:50avec brio. Qui ont toutes les deux très bien patiné cet après-midi
00:46:54en danse. Comme tu le disais, une fatigue émotionnelle. Le stress
00:46:58est très fatigant. On se remet de la performance, on redescend.
00:47:02Dans la même journée, il faut remonter le niveau de stress pour être capable
00:47:06de performer et d'avoir autant d'énergie pour le deuxième programme.
00:47:10Vraiment, chapeau parce que c'est sans compter les entraînements de la journée aussi.
00:47:14Elles ont eu leurs entraînements pour la danse.
00:47:18Ce qui leur permet de faire ça, c'est le fait que les deux saisons se chevauchent
00:47:22un peu, mais les compétitions internationales débutent
00:47:26dès la semaine prochaine. Donc, c'est la porte d'entrée vers
00:47:30les compétitions internationales, les championnats canadiens. C'est certain, ceux qui ont juste
00:47:34une compétition, Patinage Canada risque de prendre une décision suite à leur
00:47:38performance ici cette semaine.
00:47:40Allons voir la performance de Ice Ignite de l'Ontario,
00:47:44entraînée par Sherry et Kara Moyer, sur la musique
00:47:48Sign of the Time de Harry Styles.
00:48:10It's a sign of the times
00:48:14Welcome to the final show
00:48:18Hope you're wearing your best clothes
00:48:22You can't bribe the door
00:48:26On your way to the sky
00:48:30You look pretty good down here
00:48:34But you ain't really good
00:48:38We never learn, we've been here before
00:48:42Why are we so stuck and running from
00:48:46Your bullet
00:48:50Her bullet
00:48:54Just like you're crying
00:48:58It's a sign of the times
00:49:02We gotta get away
00:49:06We gotta get away from here
00:49:10We gotta get away from here
00:49:16Just stop your crying, it'll be alright
00:49:22They told me that the end is near
00:49:26We gotta get away from here
00:49:30We don't talk enough
00:49:36We should open up
00:49:40Before it's all too much
00:49:48It's just what we know
00:49:52Stop your crying, baby
00:49:56It's a sign of the times
00:50:00We gotta get away
00:50:04We gotta get away
00:50:08We gotta get away
00:50:16We gotta, we gotta, we gotta
00:50:20We gotta, we gotta
00:50:24We gotta, we gotta
00:50:28We gotta get away
00:51:02We talked about it earlier
00:51:04in our other event,
00:51:06but skating with your whole body
00:51:08really demonstrates agility
00:51:10and a higher level of skating.
00:51:12And I think this team
00:51:14really demonstrated that
00:51:16in a phenomenal way.
00:51:18We saw the leg extensions,
00:51:20but with the body following,
00:51:22there was a certain softness
00:51:24and then at the same time
00:51:26there was an intensity
00:51:28that came with this kind of music.
00:51:30And they really demonstrated
00:51:32the different uses of music.
00:51:34Yes, and the speed takes
00:51:36at certain moments,
00:51:38the speed that takes.
00:51:40Very impressed with their progress
00:51:42in the last year, this team.
00:51:44So we saw in the intersection
00:51:46that they chose to do
00:51:48a level lower
00:51:50than what we'll see
00:51:52among other teams.
00:51:54At the same time, they really
00:51:56skated at the same time.
00:51:58I liked the unison, the speed
00:52:00in which they skated
00:52:02in the intersection.
00:52:04Here we see the elements of the
00:52:06vaults. They chose to do
00:52:08the configuration change,
00:52:10the interaction.
00:52:12Here, the intersection I was
00:52:14talking about, they did
00:52:16what we call the PI,
00:52:18so the revolutions that go
00:52:20through the intersection on two feet
00:52:22We're focusing on the quality
00:52:24rather than the technique.
00:52:28We just had a little glimpse
00:52:30of the no-hold element,
00:52:32the famous no-hold
00:52:34that we call
00:52:36in skating jargon
00:52:38my favorite element
00:52:40that was really executed
00:52:42with brilliance.
00:52:44Here we saw some free legs
00:52:46of some skaters a little bit
00:52:48below what we would have wanted
00:52:50to see.
00:52:52If you look at the level,
00:52:54it takes an arabesque
00:52:56of 135 degrees or more.
00:52:58If we have more than 4 skaters
00:53:00deducted from a level,
00:53:02if we have more than half
00:53:04of the team, automatically
00:53:06we fall to a level 2.
00:53:08So it can be expensive.
00:53:10So it's certain that we're
00:53:12going to come and watch
00:53:14these little details.
00:53:16Let's see the score for
00:53:18the first three.
00:53:20They are temporarily
00:53:22in first place
00:53:24with a tiny lead.
00:53:26Not even a point
00:53:28that separates the first
00:53:30and the third place.
00:53:32So these are all teams
00:53:34that will have the potential
00:53:36to move places really
00:53:38according to the free program
00:53:42If I hadn't named it
00:53:44more than once before,
00:53:46it would have been
00:53:48acclaimed by the crowd
00:53:50because it represents Quebec.
00:53:52It's Nova, trained by Nadine Tuga
00:53:54and Joanie Brasso.
00:53:56They will skate their program
00:53:58on Last Chance by Indila.
00:55:12I run and I'm afraid
00:55:14Is my whole life full of pain?
00:55:18In all of Paris I give up
00:55:21And I fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly
00:55:42Look at this little girl on a smile
00:56:12I run and I'm afraid
00:56:15Is my whole life full of pain?
00:56:19In all of Paris I give up
00:56:22And I fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly
00:56:25I move the sky, the day, the night
00:56:29I dance with the time, the rain
00:56:33A little love at the end of honey
00:56:36I dance, dance, dance, dance
00:56:40In this sweet suffering
00:56:43In which I paid for all my offenses
00:56:46And how can I live alone?
00:56:50I am a child of the world
00:57:09I am a child of the world
00:57:14I am a child of the world
00:57:19I am a child of the world
00:57:24I am a child of the world
00:57:29I am a child of the world
00:57:34I am a child of the world
00:57:39I am a child of the world
00:57:44I am a child of the world
00:57:49I am a child of the world
00:57:54I am a child of the world
00:57:59I am a child of the world
00:58:04I am a child of the world
00:58:09I am a child of the world
00:58:14I am a child of the world
00:58:19I am a child of the world
00:58:24I am a child of the world
00:58:29I am a child of the world
00:58:34I am a child of the world
00:58:39I am a child of the world
00:58:44I am a child of the world
00:58:49I am a child of the world
00:58:54I am a child of the world
00:58:59I am a child of the world
00:59:04I am a child of the world
00:59:09I am a child of the world
00:59:14I am a child of the world
00:59:19I am a child of the world
00:59:24I am a child of the world
00:59:29I am a child of the world
00:59:34I am a child of the world
00:59:39I am a child of the world
00:59:44I am a child of the world
00:59:49I am a child of the world
00:59:54I am a child of the world
00:59:59I am a child of the world
01:00:04I am a child of the world
01:00:09I am a child of the world
01:00:14I am a child of the world
01:00:19I am a child of the world
01:00:24I am a child of the world
01:00:29I am a child of the world
01:00:34I am a child of the world
01:00:39I am a child of the world
01:00:44I am a child of the world
01:00:49My name is Tokyo
01:00:54story began. That wasn't my name.
01:01:24My name is Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella
01:01:54Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao,
01:02:24Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao
01:02:54Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao
01:03:24Questa fiore del partigiano, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Bella Ciao, Ciao, Ciao
01:03:30Questa fiore del partigiano, Porto per la libertà
01:03:54La vitesse, la grandeur des croisés, la grandeur du patinage
01:03:59Un numéro tout en puissance du début jusqu'à la fin
01:04:05Je pense pas qu'on le voit aussi bien à l'écran qu'en personne, mais le déplacement sur la glace a pris une petite coche
01:04:13On a vu en haut dans notre petite boîte, si vous avez suivi avec nous, le premier pivoting block
01:04:20Donc le bloc pivotant niveau 4
01:04:23Possiblement qu'il va être sous révision, on ne confirme pas la chose, mais c'est le premier qu'on a vu de la soirée
01:04:31Alors certainement une équipe avec une qualité de patinage, une qualité de virage supérieur
01:04:37Ici on voit l'élément du bloc pivotant très clairement sur des belles quarts
01:04:42Ici on va peut-être venir réviser pour le contre-accolade, mais sinon les autres étaient plutôt clairs
01:04:50Ici l'élément de volte avec le changement de position et l'interaction entre les patineuses
01:04:58Un petit manque de niceau de la part de certaines, mais en général un beau déplacement, une belle vitesse et une certitude aussi dans l'élément
01:05:08Ici on a vu deux fois des arabesques, les premières étaient dans l'élément d'arabesque et les deuxièmes étaient une entrée difficile pour l'élément d'entrecroisement qu'on vient de voir
01:05:21On a perdu un petit peu la formation de demi-cercle lorsque les patineuses sont arrivées de dos à dos
01:05:28Certainement le jury technique va venir revoir cela, mais elles ont eu leur niveau 4 au niveau des voltes
01:05:36donc sur un pied et les bras dans les airs
01:05:39Quelle performance incroyable, l'énergie, le personnage du début jusqu'à la fin pour Nexus
01:05:45Le pointage pour Nexus, 67,15
01:05:52Elles sont évidemment au premier rang provisoire avec une avance de 6 points sur Nova
01:06:02Ce sont nos vice-championnes canadiennes en titre
01:06:05Elles visent de maintenir et bien sûr de monter au classement et d'être championnes canadiennes cette année
01:06:12Celles qui essaient aussi d'avoir ce titre, les Suprêmes
01:06:17Elles représentent le Québec
01:06:21Entraînées par Pascal Denis et Laurie Desilets
01:06:26Ils patineront leur programme court sur la musique « Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:06:56« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:07:26« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:07:56« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:07:58« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:08:00« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:08:02« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:08:04« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:08:06« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:08:08« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:08:10« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:08:12« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:08:14« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:08:16« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:08:18« Hunted Heart » de Christina Aguilera
01:08:20Christina Aguilera
01:08:47Lidya Rada
01:08:48I love you, it's safe
01:08:49It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:08:59So it's been a way you've been
01:09:02It's like a dream, but your world's been for real
01:09:13Oh, it's so sweet
01:09:18It's so honey, it's so sweet
01:09:29Oh, it's so sweet
01:09:48I love you, it's safe
01:09:50It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:09:52It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:09:54It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:09:56It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:09:58It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:10:00It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:10:02It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:10:04It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:10:06It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:10:08It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:10:10It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:10:12It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:10:14It's safe, it's safe, it's safe
01:10:46And here, the element without a hold, with the variation changes.
01:10:51Here, it's the diagonal sequence.
01:10:54We want to see two elements,
01:10:58either small dance jumps, transition movements,
01:11:02and two complex turns.
01:11:03They chose to do two turns in this diagonal.
01:11:07These are the only turns that count in the element without a hold.
01:11:11For the junior category,
01:11:13the turns count in the free program.
01:11:17Here, the intersection element that we saw, the element with a hold.
01:11:20So, we saw the skaters do the turns at the intersection.
01:11:24So, that's what we're looking for.
01:11:26Here, a little on the spot, in the second vault.
01:11:30So, we saw a level 3 on the screen.
01:11:32Certainly, the technical jury probably came to reduce the technical grade
01:11:38due to the fact that the vaults were done on the spot.
01:11:42We didn't see in the rehearsals, but a small fall,
01:11:44again, a fall in a transition that, well, costs a few points,
01:11:48but we say it, in five technical elements,
01:11:50we prefer to fall in a transition than in an element in a short program.
01:11:57We see the whole team waiting for the results.
01:12:02Today's results will determine the order of passage for tomorrow,
01:12:06which will be the reverse order of results.
01:12:09The grade for the Supremes.
01:12:11The grade for the program for 68.6.
01:12:17So, they are temporarily in the first row.
01:12:20They have an advantage of more than one point on Nexus.
01:12:23So, it's a close race, first and second place.
01:12:28But they are where they wanted to be.
01:12:30They are in first place.
01:12:31So, they come with that confidence to be in the lead,
01:12:35if you allow the expression.
01:12:37So, certainly, Nexus and the Supremes will fight for the gold medal tomorrow.
01:12:45And, let's face it, the bronze medal is absolutely open.
01:12:49From third to sixth place,
01:12:54there are barely two or three points,
01:12:572.5 points that separate the different teams.
01:13:01So, it's going to happen on the ice.
01:13:03The teams will have to deliver a free program
01:13:06at the level of what they are capable of.
01:13:09I want to tell you, extremely different programs tomorrow.
01:13:13So, very interesting.
01:13:15It's going to be very interesting to see.
01:13:16I love that we can't predict the results in advance.
01:13:20When there are too many differences in the short program,
01:13:22sometimes you say, well, okay, it might stay the same,
01:13:25but then we're going to be surprised.
01:13:27In any case, we're going to be surprised by the results
01:13:29because it's going to depend on what happens on the ice.
01:13:33So, here we see on the screen Nova,
01:13:34who are temporarily in the third row of the provisional ranking.
01:13:39They will want to stay there tomorrow.
01:13:43So, they will certainly expect to deliver a free program
01:13:47at the level of what they are capable of.
01:13:49As a goal, to get closer to Nexus and Supremes,
01:13:53who have been there for years
01:13:55and who have been indelible since the existence of Nova.
01:14:00So, they will certainly want to go and shuffle the cards.
01:14:03Here, Nexus, superb performance on the music of Tokyo,
01:14:10Casa de Papel,
01:14:12they came to play in the theme of Bella Ciao.
01:14:17So, a full performance program,
01:14:19a very solid technical program.
01:14:22I want to say that they also have a free program
01:14:26that is interesting.
01:14:27A program full of speed, creativity.
01:14:31And finally, we will have the chance to see
01:14:34the world champions in title.
01:14:37They will want to go and get their title
01:14:40of Canadian champion.
01:14:42And certainly on the international scene,
01:14:44they will want to stand out again this season.
01:14:48So, we'll be waiting for you tomorrow for the free program.
01:14:53We will also have the chance to see the short program
01:14:56at Les Seniors.
01:14:58And another beautiful day is waiting for us.
01:15:02So, this concludes our short program coverage
01:15:05in synchronized skating at Les Juniors
01:15:07and the first day of competition here at Laval.
01:15:10We will meet again tomorrow.
01:15:13We start with Les Hommes at 11.10.
01:15:15So, be there to make sure you don't miss anything.
01:15:18All disciplines at Les Juniors
01:15:20will compete for their free program tomorrow.
01:15:23Thank you very much.
01:15:24This was Elisabeth Paradis accompanied by Laurence Tarbeau.
