• 2 months ago
15 mins of Heat! Nikola Jović continues to shine in Jimmy's absence in addition to his scoring. Niko's facilitating has been helping propel the offense, Leroy is reluctant to fall into any joy because he's skeptical of Spo's tactics. While Tobin gets carried away, he deems the Serbian crown is on the line when the nuggets are in town!


00:00minutes of heat here for you on
00:06560 WQAM brought to you by
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00:25832-930-6181. Miami Heat's back
00:29with the Los Angeles Clippers.
00:31That's a 1030 tip from the
00:33Balmer Dome. 915 Solana and
00:37Tommy Tighe will get you ready
00:39for all the action. If you guys
00:41missed it, the Heat are coming
00:42off a win against the Trail
00:43Blazers. 119.98. Tyler Hero had
00:4632 minutes. I didn't miss it.
00:51Worked out perfectly. That was
00:52Saturday night, right? Mm hmm.
00:54Saturday, I was watching
00:58football. I was watching some
01:00football but I might have went
01:01to bed early cuz that game
01:03seemed like it was over. Was
01:06that was the Denver game second?
01:08That was Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh
01:10and that was over. Yeah. You
01:12could tell where that was
01:13going. That was they were down
01:1421 nothing and then 28 seven.
01:16That was. Yeah. Nico, 21 points.
01:21So proud of you, Nico. Amen.
01:26Uh Nico, talk to the great
01:29Jason Jackson after the game in
01:31a walk-off interview. Do we
01:33have Nico and Jax? Go on the
01:36road to two overtimes. Oh,
01:40there's my guy. Nico, listen.
01:43Let's talk about this trip
01:44overall right now. You guys
01:46have that gut-wrenching loss in
01:48Sacramento and and that led to
01:50three straight losses but you
01:51guys just come back with three
01:52straight wins. How good does
01:54that feel when you guys are
01:55trying to, you know, create a
01:57position in this big cluster of
02:00eight teams in the Eastern
02:01Conference? Uh I mean, I think
02:04I said after the Golden State
02:05win. Uh it was uh like I said,
02:07breakthrough win for us and we
02:08knew we had a good team. I
02:10think that's what I said and uh
02:12uh we just need one good win
02:14and uh I think we're rolling
02:15now. Uh I know we can always do
02:17better but you know uh that's
02:19what we need. Uh three straight
02:20wins. Uh I think we're showing
02:22why we're you know uh we're
02:25mentioning and we're watching
02:26and uh yeah that's it. My man.
02:29This offense. Let's talk about
02:31it. Like 119 points tonight.
02:33Balance score. You guys had six
02:35double figure scores. You got
02:38Tyler leading the way with
02:39thirty-two. You have twenty-one
02:41off the bench. You guys
02:42connective. I know every time
02:43you guys get you know thirty
02:44assists or more. Spo was saying
02:45he loves when you guys get
02:46thirty assists. Thirty-one
02:48tonight on forty-four made
02:50buckets. How connected are you
02:51guys? I mean, that's what we do.
02:53I think we play the the right
02:55way and uh that's what's
02:56helping us. Uh I think that's
02:58it's uh uh right way to play.
03:00It's more fun to watch. It's uh
03:02it makes everybody happy. Uh we
03:04move the ball. Uh we're just
03:07looking great that way. You
03:08know, I think that's the the
03:09way we need to play right now.
03:10Uh you know, of course, you
03:12have uh unbelievable scoring in
03:14Tyler and unbelievable player in
03:16Bam who can, you know, always
03:18do their thing but you know, if
03:19they get us uh if they get us,
03:21you know, role players going uh
03:23I know it's going to be a great
03:24game. I know we could talk
03:26about you putting the ball in
03:27the basket all day but I want
03:28to I want to talk about how you
03:30are taking care of this ball,
03:31setting up other people uh over
03:33the last eight games, my man.
03:35Thirty-four assists, just nine
03:38turnovers. Talk about your
03:40abilities here that are being
03:42showcased to come down, set up
03:44offense, get people going while
03:45you're getting yours as well.
03:46Uh I mean, I mean, it's it's
03:48pretty simple. Uh like like I
03:50said before, we have so many
03:51good players where uh you just
03:53gotta find it. Put it on them,
03:54huh? Yeah, you just gotta find
03:55them in the right spot and uh I
03:57think that's what I'm doing. So
03:58yeah, it's pretty easy. I
04:00always say the same thing. Uh
04:02you know, coming off a picking
04:03roll from the post up, you know,
04:05it's one pass and everybody's a
04:06good shooter. You know,
04:07everybody's a good driver. They
04:08can put the ball on the floor
04:09too and uh it's it's it's really
04:11easy to play if you just put
04:12the right way. Uh I think those
04:13assists uh I don't think I'm
04:14doing anything you know special
04:15out of it. It's just like I
04:17said, play the right way. It is
04:19special. How dare you, Nico?
04:21Exactly. You're special. It's
04:22special and I appreciate your
04:23time. Thank you. Have a good
04:24one guys. Talk to you later.
04:25You know what? There you go.
04:28Jason Jackson on the Miami Heat
04:29audio experience with the great
04:32Nicola Jovich after the win
04:35against the Blazers. Uh
04:37something with this kid. Uh I
04:40I I want to I want to feel the
04:43enthusiasm of the young players.
04:46I want to feel the enthusiasm of
04:49what's building but always kills
04:53it. He's not going to kill it
04:56dude. You know, this last time
04:57blows now though, dude. Okay.
04:59Spode doesn't want to say
05:00anything. He's not going to kill
05:02it. He's not going to kill it.
05:04I'm telling you, he's not going
05:05to do it. Okay. Dude, you know
05:08how I feel about when things
05:10will be going great and then
05:11next thing you know, oh so and
05:13so had twenty-five Sioux Falls.
05:19Like I like it. Dude, you
05:21making it sound like I'm just
05:22making this up. I have past
05:24history that has me feeling
05:26this way and I want you to make
05:28it sound like I'm just making
05:30this up. I have past history
05:32that has me feeling this way and
05:34I want you to make me feel
05:36differently. We may have
05:37anything. You're and your idea
05:39of making me feel better is this
05:41time is different, dude. That's
05:43it. That's all you say. I don't
05:45want to get ahead of myself. I
05:46don't want to get ahead of
05:47myself because everybody's
05:48going to be paying attention to
05:49me. You live ahead of yourself.
05:51I don't want to get ahead of
05:52myself. What are you talking
05:53about? Frog boy, I don't want
05:55to get ahead of myself. Don't do
05:56it. JFig. Hmm. Yep. I don't
06:01want to get ahead of myself.
06:03However, you don't want to but
06:05you're going to do it. You're
06:07going to get sucked in. Some
06:09are saying, some are saying,
06:11some are saying, what are they
06:13saying? That Friday when the
06:15nuggets are in town. Yeah. It's
06:18a battle for the Serbian throne.
06:20Some are saying that when Denver
06:22comes to town and the Joker
06:25comes to town, some are saying
06:27can I ask you a question? That's
06:29for the Serbian throne. What
06:30is Jimmy on? Oh, well, he
06:34couldn't, he couldn't betray
06:35Nico. He loves it. He's
06:38justifying all of this by
06:40saying he's not doing this
06:43against the players. He's doing
06:44it against the franchise. You
06:46could always justify it. Oh,
06:50you see what I mean? That that's
06:52so, so what as good as things
06:57have been, have gone, I don't
07:01know how. And, and again, I
07:04don't, if Jimmy is Jimmy, the
07:09team is better, but if Jimmy
07:16isn't Jimmy, the team is a lot
07:19worse because now you're
07:20thinking about Jimmy being
07:22Jimmy. Let's just say Jimmy's
07:24not there though. What do you
07:25think about the battle for the
07:26Serbian crown? You think that's
07:30the most important situation
07:32coming this Friday? It might be
07:34no, it might be. I mean, what
07:36I'm watching this kid do every
07:37single night, it might be,
07:39there's a 800 pound gorilla in
07:43the room and your solution to
07:47this is we're going to ignore it
07:49and talk about the Serbian
07:50crown. Dude, come on. Look at
07:55him at the labs. I'm like, I've
07:58been, dude, who's been the one
08:01saying that Nico's been a pro
08:04longer than some of these guys
08:05that he'd have on this team.
08:07Yet he gets in the Sioux Falls.
08:09Yet he gets sparing minutes. He
08:11been a pro longer than a lot of
08:12these guys. So I've always been
08:16in Nico's corner about getting
08:17playtime just like I am with
08:19Kalel. So didn't Joker win MVP
08:24last year? Well, he has three of
08:25them. He has three of them with
08:28the Serbian crown, three miles.
08:30You got to stay on top. Look in
08:32the game, in the fight game,
08:33you got to stay on top. There's
08:34always a young lion coming for
08:35you. Yeah, but like there's not
08:37like Marcos, Marcos, you're
08:39trying to don't do it. Why?
08:41Just cause he had his first
08:42back-to-back 20 point game.
08:44Yeah, actually. Yeah. He had his
08:49foot. Wait, he had his first
08:51back-to-back 20 point game and
08:53Jokic averages a triple-double.
08:56I said, I don't want it. And
09:01you think if he outplays it for
09:03one game, he going to take the
09:04crown, right? I'm king of
09:07Serbia now. You think, you, you
09:09think, you think you're being a
09:11little too much? I'm big brother
09:15now. Too much. Too much. We've
09:19always hated the Jokic's. He
09:21got, what is his averages
09:22with 26? I'm sure it's eight.
09:24I'm sure his average is 10 and
09:26eight. I'm sure his averages
09:28while not caring are better than
09:30anybody's like, Ooh, he's second
09:34in points per game. Third and
09:36rebounds per game. Second and
09:38assist per game and first and
09:40three point percent. He's
09:41averaging 31, 13 and just under
09:4410. Yeah. And your Serbia just
09:49had a second back to his first
09:51back-to-back 20 point game. And
09:52you say they play for the
09:53ground. What ground? What
09:56ground? He's going to be 30 next
09:59one. He's washed. Oh, he's at
10:01he's averaging his age. Never
10:04like the Jokic family. Oh,
10:12he gave me a warning before he
10:14said anything. I know. I know.
10:16He tried. Listen, he's tried
10:19not so hard. Here's the thing
10:23with Tobin. I realized Tobin, if
10:28he likes somebody out of his way
10:31to avoid those tough
10:34conversations, you know, who
10:35would win the battle of
10:36Slovenia all the time was that
10:38Goran would be Luca like a drum
10:40or like a Lucas better, better
10:43player. But, but, but in the
10:45battle of Slovenia, Goran was
10:48king. We'll see what happens.
10:50Not to get ahead of myself. No,
10:52of course not. Again. Again.
11:05At least my baby boy can see his
11:15Before we get to the break,
11:18can I just hear Nico refer to
11:20himself or refer to Kalawares
11:22as Rook one more time? Yeah,
11:23absolutely. Seven foot Rook. I
11:26always say, you know, uh, my
11:28Rook's been playing great. Uh,
11:30it's, it's easy to play with
11:31him. Uh, he's smart. He does
11:33the, he does the things he
11:35knows how to do. He do them
11:37right. And, uh, yeah, it's,
11:39it's really easy to learn. My
11:42Rook. Like, really? That's
11:45equivalent. That would be the
11:46equivalent to, to like two, two
11:49kids. And one's nine and other
11:51one's eight. And the other one
11:52say, that's my kid.
11:57My young and my young bull
12:01Tobin, you didn't experience
12:02this, but usually the oldest
12:05I'm in charge.
12:09I'm waiting for Kalaw to refer
12:10to him as his OG.
12:11Neither one of them 25 yet.
12:15Well, gee, we kicked it. We've
12:16been back for a minute.
