• 2 months ago


00:39What their mark are a lot of the challenge
00:41It was smart on a customer give me last which labor should just take a normal to say I did a visual shoot say
00:48I'm a copy. We don't have to be Shankara. I own him. I'm a job. I have a bhagwan caprity
00:52Oh, but I put a meresa to our bar. I thought I could be great. It's a move
00:56What they're they can I put on I give you a cab and equally jada
00:59I need a fire they can give you what a chalaga or other new
01:03It's a patriarchy or tomorrow to our come current. I lent he came at a sahab or tata consultancy
01:08Okay, when they saw the melee will elect I wish to her make a see
01:11Seriously, Joe. Hey, I'll be a
01:14Usman jessa, who not I eat a bhagwan kibadar party together
01:17Jesse be a monoshock is yet kinship. Come back. I asked yeah, Jara. Mujahid. I bought my phone. I'll tell you
01:29The bought the subhagya akshara ki kalbhagwan kisamukh bed curry raga seva karne ka adish praptu I took a
01:35high budget a
01:37Sadhu Santokh upasthiti major be Kavita a leaky. Koki
01:40Matlisha and Gupti Nekaha, Kira. I'm tomorrow charitra. I'm he Kavya. Hey, wait, Kavya
01:45Banjara said some hobby. So
01:47Kobi Vicky Ramji for Kuchmi Liga to the Kabi Bani Jaya Gauram Vicky Kahani Kanaka to
01:53Come here. Kavya. Komila subset. Well, I think of a bhagwan Valmiki. Nigari
01:57There are a Baba to Sajjad Jinnikai Dakshin mekma
02:00Mahakavi Kamban negai or Mahakavi Kalidasa Raghavansham ke madhyam se gayi Radhashyam Ramayani
02:05Jinnika a petition Gupti Jinnika a
02:07Mujah Sankhich and Kuber officer Milla. Yeah, I'm a bhagwan kisabha me kuch padar tukar
02:12Sukhukal apne samasth sangeet kisathiyon ke sathana kabhi mitron ke sath
02:15Thai bajay se bhagwan ko a gate can take up the region
02:18Oh, just like a kipura water for some honey come on
02:21I'm not going to be lying to you. I see lying job
02:23Okay, they may have a problem
02:25I said I said I get over my kalbi so long lucky man of the key Kuli
02:30I'll get subset Sundar Sapne Ram
02:32Divya Vani Arthavati ho gayi lagi jab Japne Ram
02:36Maa Pita Gurjan Parijan ne apne apne dekhe the duniya bharne dekhe apne apne apne apne rano
