• 2 months ago
PTRO akan mendapatkan kontrak baru dari PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) untuk jasa pertambangan di tambang Bahadopi, Sulawesi Tengah. Kontrak bernilai sekitar USD1 miliar atau Rp16,2 triliun ini berlaku selama sepuluh tahun.

Kabar tersebut menjadi katalis baru lainnya yang terus membuat PTRO melaju kencang usai resmi melakukan pemecahan nilai nominal saham (stock split) pada 3 Januari 2025.


00:00Indonesia's new mining service contract
00:05We move on to the next information
00:07from the emitter of the Conglomerate Rajoko Pangestu PT Petrosian Tbk or PT RO
00:12it is reported that it will receive a new mining service contract
00:16where the new mining service contract comes from PT Vale Indonesia Tbk or INGO
00:20worth US $ 1 million
00:26According to Bloomberg Technos report
00:28Head of Supply Chain Management PT Vale Indonesia Tbk or INGO
00:32Sadewo Prasetyo
00:34confirmed by stating that the contract was carried out through the mining process
00:38based on the principle of mining management
00:40while the mining service offered includes mining services in Tambang, Baho, Dopi, Blok 2 and 3
00:46in Central Sulawesi
00:47with a period of time of 10 years
00:50where the value of the contract reaches US $ 1 billion or around 16 trillion rupiah
00:56There is no elaboration on when the contract will be carried out
00:59but INGO's management insisted that the contract will be carried out immediately
01:04This indicates the beginning of a long-term collaboration with full potential
01:08Overall, in the last few months, PT RO is in the middle of mining the contract
01:12One of them was at the end of 2024
01:15the company was in a partnership contract with a coal mining company in Central Kalimantan
01:19PT Bara Prima Mandiri or BPM
01:22the value of the contract reached 4.03 trillion rupiah
01:26On the other hand, not only the new contract, PT Petrosi Tbk or PT RO
01:31also imagined another positive catalyst
01:33namely doing a 1-10 stock split on January 3, 2025
01:38The implementation of the stock split is expected to increase liquidity
01:41trading frequency and attract the interest of retail investors
01:44In addition, the main director of PT RO, Michael
01:47bought 80,000 retail shares at the price of 25,000 per share on December 20, 2024
01:53worth 2 billion rupiah
01:55From various sources for ADX TV
02:02Yes, Minister, throughout today's negotiations
02:04PT RO shares experienced significant strength
02:07and also became a supporter of the energy sector strength
02:10throughout today's negotiations
02:12Since the stock split 10-1
02:14PT RO shares continue to do or continue to strengthen their shareholders
02:19Let's just go straight to the first graph
02:21We will try to see what is the movement of PT RO shares throughout today's negotiations
02:26You can see the graph on the TV screen
02:28Your shareholders were opened in the first session this morning
02:32at level 3,110
02:34then at 10 o'clock continued to strengthen at 3,230 shareholders
02:39The peak was at 10.40
02:41PT RO shares strengthened to 3,350
02:45although at the closing of the first session, the strength was more limited
02:50The opening of the second session again strengthened to 3,340
02:54I will try to convey the update for now
02:58Significant strength for PT RO seems to continue
03:02Even Intraday today touched the highest at 3,400
03:07with a strength of 10.03%
03:11Let's move on to the next graph
03:13We will try to see what is the movement of PT RO shares in the last few months
03:19and the price position
03:21This already uses the stock split price
03:24You can see the next graph
03:26In July, it was still traded at 888
03:30Then on August 5, it experienced a pressure of 700
03:34September, October, November, December
03:37PT RO shares were very fast
03:40Today, on January 10, it was 3,350
03:45The opening was at 3,340
03:47Meanwhile, Intraday, the highest point touched in the second session
03:53at 3,400 rupiah per share
03:55How about the valuation?
03:57With several indicators
03:59We will try to see the next graph
04:02The price trading ratio is 575.18x
04:07The PSR is 3.23x
04:10The price book value ratio is 8.93x
04:14The PCFR is 147.29x
04:21The analysis was based on fundamental, technical, and valuation
04:25I hope it can be one of your references
04:31Thank you for watching
