Menteri Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Maman Abdurrahman menjabarkan target penyaluran kredit usaha rakyat (KUR) tahun ini sebesar Rp300 triliun, dengan penyaluran kepada sektor produksi sebesar 60%. Pemerintah juga membidik target debitur baru 2,34 juta orang, target debitur graduasi 1,17 juta orang, dan kredit di bawah Rp 100 juta tanpa agunan tambahan.
Maman mengungkapkan, realisasi KUR sepanjang tahun 2024 sebesar Rp282,4 triliun. Capaian tersebut sedikit melebihi target Kementerian yang sebesar Rp280 triliun.
Maman melanjutkan, dari total realisasi penyaluran KUR yang sebesar Rp282,4 triliun tersebut, telah disalurkan kepada lebih dari 4,94 juta debitur. Debitur tersebut terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu 57,8% atau sebesar Rp163 triliun di sektor produksi dan 42% atau Rp119 triliun di sektor non produksi.
Dari target total penyaluran Rp300 triliun sepanjang 2025, realisasi total penyaluran KUR nasional per 16 Maret 2025 sebesar Rp 44,73 triliun, atau sebesar 14,9% dari target penyaluran kredit tahun ini.
Maman mengungkapkan, realisasi KUR sepanjang tahun 2024 sebesar Rp282,4 triliun. Capaian tersebut sedikit melebihi target Kementerian yang sebesar Rp280 triliun.
Maman melanjutkan, dari total realisasi penyaluran KUR yang sebesar Rp282,4 triliun tersebut, telah disalurkan kepada lebih dari 4,94 juta debitur. Debitur tersebut terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu 57,8% atau sebesar Rp163 triliun di sektor produksi dan 42% atau Rp119 triliun di sektor non produksi.
Dari target total penyaluran Rp300 triliun sepanjang 2025, realisasi total penyaluran KUR nasional per 16 Maret 2025 sebesar Rp 44,73 triliun, atau sebesar 14,9% dari target penyaluran kredit tahun ini.
00:00The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises targets a 6.38% increase in people's loans to 300 trillion rupiah in 2025.
00:25The target is expected to reach 2.34 million new debitors and 1.17 million graduation debitors.
00:39The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises targets a 6.38% increase in people's loans to 300 trillion rupiah in 2025.
00:47The target is expected to reach 2.34 million new debitors and 1.17 million graduation debitors.
01:17The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises targets a 6.38% increase in people's loans to 300 trillion rupiah in 2025.
01:44There is also a focus on the distribution of loans to new debitors, which is expected to provide access to loans for UMKM landholders.
01:51Meanwhile, the assistance program to encourage the graduation of debitors will encourage UMKM shareholders to be able to raise the class, both in terms of business capacity and the increase in loans in the development of business.
02:03From Jakarta, IDX News
02:05UMKM Global
02:10Yes, Pemirsa, to discuss our topic this time, the optimization of the distribution of people's business loans in 2025.
02:17We have been connected via Zoom with Mrs. Herma Watistiorini, Chairman of the Association of UMKM. I am Mandiri.
02:23Hello Mrs. Herma, how are you?
02:26I'm fine, Mas. I'm always healthy and happy.
02:29That's right, always happy.
02:32It's interesting if we discuss with the information just delivered by the Ministry of UMKM.
02:37From the perspective of entrepreneurs, how is the program from KUR so far?
02:42Is it already able to be an alternative source of funding that can be relied on by UMKM?
02:49Yes, KUR should be an alternative source of funding.
02:53But more and more entrepreneurs, especially micro, are stuck to the requirements of the procedure.
03:02So that's what seems to happen in society.
03:06That's why they mostly run easily and quickly, through the platform.
03:11And actually, many have no problem with that platform because they pay directly.
03:16And the tempo is also not long, at least six times.
03:20So they usually pay every week.
03:25It's a pity if the government doesn't make the procedure easier.
03:32Okay, but if we talk about the requirements, then the procedure that must be completed or owned by the UMKM actors
03:39to be able to get public business credit, what are the parts that are quite difficult?
03:46Actually, the regulations make it easier.
03:51For example, when implementing in the bank,
03:56the regulation states that it is not mandatory to have a guarantee.
04:02It's not mandatory, because the bank is not wrong if it uses the request for the asset.
04:08That's one of them.
04:10In addition to BI checking, there is also a part in the government's own credit program.
04:18With the SIKP.
04:21Many entrepreneurs are unaware that they have received financial assistance.
04:27For example, 2.4.
04:29Usually in the PILEG or PILPRES, they are given 2.4 aid to the market.
04:36Actually, the SIKP is requested to be included in the national data.
04:41They can't get it either.
04:44Diversity in the implementation in the bank is actually the obstacle for the UMKM actors to meet the requirements of the procedure.
04:56So far, if we talk about the assistance provided by the government, entrepreneurs, or maybe from the bank itself,
05:03is it already there?
05:06For the UMKM actors and sponsors, the comparison is very big.
05:12How many millions of UMKM actors do we have?
05:15The number?
05:17Yes, while the sponsors that are formed by the former Ministry of UMKM and Cooperation
05:24are a few, like PLUT, which is held there.
05:30That's not a lot.
05:32At least in one district, there are only a few people.
05:36That's the obstacle.
05:38They don't pick up the ball.
05:40If this is a financing regulation, the banks should go down to socialize
05:49and there is supervision to diversify the rules.
05:54For example, if there is no guarantee, there is no guarantee.
05:57To make a guarantee, what is the replacement?
06:00What is the co-order?
06:03Actually, there is a PO or a contract, but it doesn't happen on the field.
06:12It's not carried out by the banks.
06:15If you look ahead, what should it be like?
06:20Patterns, support, maybe education, what kind of literacy is needed so that the UMKM actors
06:26can really meet the requirements to get grants.
06:31Remember, the target of the Ministry of UMKM has risen this year.
06:35Yes, that's why, for example, if there is no guarantee.
06:40In fact, the banks are obliged to be careful.
06:45They are afraid that they will not be paid later.
06:48That's why they still ask for a guarantee.
06:51Maybe from a personal guarantee, for example.
06:56It can actually be a cover, right?
06:59That's actually one of the solutions.
07:02Moreover, if it is added, it means that the market is already clear.
07:06It can also be a cover or a supplementary document.
07:10I hope it can be an additional procedure requirement.
07:15In my opinion, it is not mandatory.
07:18But if they don't have assets, they have to deal with it like that.
07:23So, what is it called? Guarantee.
07:28Okay, if we look at the current conditions with the development of UMKM itself.
07:34How big is the potential of the number of new debitors from KUR this year?
07:39Given that there are still some issues that need to be resolved.
07:44In my opinion, I am pessimistic.
07:47If the government decides to withdraw KUR, especially new debitors,
07:54as long as the procedure requirements and diversity in the implementation of the bank itself are not carried out.
08:02In my opinion, that's it.
08:04Because from year to year, it always goes down.
08:09Debt collectors used to be on the blacklist.
08:17They can't go any further.
08:19Deforestation is also deforested.
08:21Actually, it's not KUR's receiver, but it's not KUR's receiver.
08:27It seems that we need to sit together again
08:30if we talk about a fairly fundamental issue related to the requirements.
08:35Actually, the requirements are easy.
08:38But when it comes to the implementation.
08:40Yes, I agree.
08:42There must be diversity.
08:44Maybe it's all in one voice.
08:47Related to how to handle UMKM itself.
08:51We will discuss later in the next segment.
08:53We will take a break for a while, Mrs. Irma.
08:55And viewers, we will be right back after the next interview.
09:05Market Review
09:13You are still watching Market Review, Pemirsa.
09:16And here we have some data for you.
09:19Related to the implementation of people's business loans.
09:22You can watch the complete data on your TV screen.
09:25Let's take a look at the trend from 2018 to 2024.
09:30From 2018 to 2022, the trend continues to rise.
09:35In 2022, it reached Rp365 trillion.
09:40Then in 2023, it dropped to Rp260 trillion.
09:45And in 2024, there was an increase of Rp282 trillion.
09:50Next, let's take a look at KUR's distribution portion in 2024.
09:55There is the production sector, then the non-production sector.
09:58The production sector accounted for 57.81%,
10:03while the non-production sector accounted for 42.18%.
10:07Next, let's take a look at the implementation of people's business loans
10:12per March 16, 2025.
10:15The total distribution is Rp44.73 trillion.
10:22The distribution of the production sector reached Rp26.16 trillion.
10:26However, there is also a total debt.
10:29There are 788,237 recipients.
10:34These are some of the data that we have provided.
10:37Let's continue our discussion with Mrs. Hermawati.
10:41Mrs. Hermawati, please take a look at the data that we have provided.
10:45The implementation of people's business loans tends to rise
10:49until 2022, then it dropped in 2023 and rose again in 2024.
10:53As you said, there are still many challenges in 2025.
10:59You are not too optimistic.
11:01What is the strategy that needs to be implemented for the UMKM business actors
11:07to be included in the category of people's business loan recipients?
11:13Actually, we know that the SDM of micro business actors is minimal.
11:22It's about financial literacy.
11:25So they should be able to be educated or find out
11:30how to make a good financial flow.
11:34Then don't make a personal account.
11:39That is also very influential because it is known how much you spend
11:42and how much the omset is.
11:45So that later the bank has trust in the business actor.
11:48And also from the bank, there is a need for flexibility.
11:53For example, there is a lack of diversity.
11:56For example, there are many online traders.
11:59They don't have stocks, but they are resellers, for example.
12:03Sometimes there are banks that assist, and there are banks that don't assist.
12:10It means that in one company, the red plate is the same,
12:15but the different cities have different execution methods.
12:18Maybe it has to be adjusted by the policy itself.
12:22And the government that makes the regulations must also have supervision.
12:26If something like that happens, it can give an input to the banks.
12:31Or maybe the UMKM has regulations that I mentioned earlier,
12:35can be relaxed again.
12:37Okay, okay. So what is the view of Mrs. Herman?
12:40Related to the policy of the distribution of people's business loans as it is now,
12:44there is a policy on the disbursement of people's business loans issued last year.
12:48Is it really an incentive that is expected,
12:52and can also be used optimally by the UMKM itself?
12:56Actually, the disbursement of people's business loans includes the disbursement of books.
13:03So it is very beneficial for the value and performance of the business actor.
13:09The only target is actually if the policy requires business actors
13:16who are small and medium-sized.
13:18The micro actors do not get access to this policy.
13:23That is very unfortunate.
13:25But actually the intention is to restore the name of the business actor itself.
13:32So it really needs to be used for business actors whose requirements are met.
13:36Okay, okay.
13:38Related to the potential of the traffic debt,
13:41how do you see it in the segment of people's business debt?
13:45Well, I think the traffic debt is a new phenomenon.
13:49Because in the past, it was because of COVID-19.
13:52Because of COVID-19, then the global economy.
13:55Now, the purchasing power of the community has dropped.
13:59Then there is a surge in imported products.
14:02So that the domestic products can't compete with each other.
14:08So the purchasing power will drop.
14:10Well, that may affect the traffic debt.
14:14So my advice to the government or banks,
14:18if they pass the procedure to get credit,
14:23they also have to build a guidance or help the market.
14:29Or educate so that the market can go up.
14:33Well, that's actually a solution.
14:36Because the government program must be good.
14:39And the public also hopes that there is a government policy that can boost the market.
14:47Well, this is based on the decision of the 7th DPR Commission meeting with the Minister of Home Affairs.
14:51So, credit below Rp100 million is not subject to additional charges.
14:56How do you see it?
14:58Well, it's been a long time.
15:02There should have been no dispute.
15:06It's just that when it was implemented on the ground, it was not the same.
15:13Even the bank asked for it.
15:15The value is not as big as the value of the credit.
15:19Yes, it means that the execution on the ground still needs to be maintained.
15:23In other words, there is also a diversity.
15:26How is the mindset of the bank, the government, or businessmen?
15:31How is the treatment for MSMEs?
15:35How is the support?
15:37The conditions have been simplified.
15:40Actually, the execution should be the same, right?
15:44Yes, it should be like that.
15:47It's just that the reality on the ground is always the same every year.
15:53So, how about the conditions?
15:55Do you see the potential growth of MSMEs?
15:59At least throughout 2025.
16:01Is it possible for MSMEs up to Rp300 trillion to be absorbed optimally or not?
16:09Actually, if MSMEs are maximized,
16:15it's not just MSMEs, it's not just products or trade or services.
16:18But like farmers and fishermen, they also have the right to get benefits, right?
16:25It's actually the government's opportunity to get that portion.
16:29Because the current government always talks about food security, right?
16:34That we will adjust the food supply.
16:37Well, farmers should be able to get benefits.
16:41Because in reality, farmers and fishermen are the most,
16:44I'm sorry if the term is very childish,
16:48it's hard to get this credit.
16:50But if later this can be maximized there,
16:54it's actually the country's opportunity to be able to look for new debitors.
16:58But again, there must be a guidance for farmers and fishermen.
17:05Because I myself have gone to the Ministry of Economy
17:09to provide data for 10,000 farmers,
17:11and I hope it can be a pilot project for the farmers.
17:16We guide them, we go straight to the government from the credit money.
17:22They don't ask for money for nothing,
17:25but they ask for loans and pay the government again.
17:29And I ask for, for example, 70% or 60%
17:33of the revenue of MSMEs will be bought by the country.
17:36But that hasn't been done until now.
17:39I have never collected it again.
17:41This is one of the efforts that I have done.
17:44I hope the government will listen to this.
17:46Okay, if we talk about the subsector of MSMEs,
17:50is there still a potential to be developed further?
17:55Actually, Indonesia has a lot of potential.
17:59Moreover, we have, as the term says,
18:02each region's ethnic characteristics.
18:05Ethnic or regional characteristics,
18:08abroad, are very interesting,
18:12and the price can even be higher than the general product.
18:15It's just that from the Ministry of Trade,
18:20actually, so far,
18:23not much has gone down.
18:27Yesterday, I was in an audience, they also said that
18:29export is built by MSMEs,
18:33who already know the country's goals,
18:36what the product is.
18:38Even though many MSMEs don't know.
18:40That's one of the things,
18:42Indonesia has a lot of potential.
18:44The people are actually,
18:46who are the Indonesians who don't get along with the government?
18:49They are pushed left and right, what if they get along?
18:52Okay, okay.
18:54In addition to the ease of receiving aid,
18:56which has been mentioned,
18:57incentives are no longer needed for MSMEs.
19:02So we know that the MSME sector
19:05is also one of the national economic supporters.
19:08Actually, if you want incentives,
19:11it's actually the PPN.
19:13Because it's also an influence.
19:15PPN is a country that,
19:18I'm sorry, it hasn't developed according to our neighbors.
19:23But our PPN is higher than theirs.
19:26Well, it can actually affect,
19:30for MSMEs,
19:32for example, in a shop,
19:34I went to a coffee shop,
19:36young people near the campus,
19:38it turned out that they also wear slippers,
19:41there is PPN, right?
19:43Well, among the students,
19:45I hope that in certain places,
19:47PPN can be evaluated again,
19:53so that the purchasing power of the community increases,
19:56now the purchasing power of the community is decreasing,
19:58with a stagnant income,
20:01but a greater output.
20:03I hope that,
20:05including the government must be diligent
20:08to socialize the program
20:10and guidance,
20:12literacy to them.
20:14Okay, if so,
20:16what do you see in 2025?
20:19With the challenges that have been faced,
20:20do we really have to
20:23work together,
20:25I myself have also done innovations,
20:27or maybe it is being prepared,
20:29to be able to increase again,
20:31our MSMEs will be promoted,
20:33at least this year.
20:35Yes, MSMEs have always been optimistic,
20:38they are optimistic because they are still alive.
20:43So it's up to them to be creative,
20:47together with the government program,
20:49which must be in the position of the MSMEs themselves.
20:53Because now everything is related to technology.
20:57Take advantage of technology,
20:59both in terms of payment,
21:01in terms of marketing,
21:03in terms of education,
21:05which should be compatible with the government.
21:07Now, honestly, the government,
21:10I was also asked about the research of MSMEs,
21:17in Indonesia itself,
21:19there are no MSMEs in real terms.
21:21Yes, that's right.
21:23Like in Indonesia itself,
21:25maybe only around 2 million,
21:27but I'm sorry,
21:29all ministries or anyone who talks about MSMEs
21:31always say that
21:33we have 67 million MSMEs,
21:35but the data does not have BNP address.
21:39I hope that's the first step,
21:41actually, if you have data,
21:43it's actually easier for the country
21:44to find business actors.
21:46Yes, yes.
21:48Finally, I hope, Madam,
21:50similar to the target increase of 300 million in 2025,
21:53with various facilities that have been provided,
21:55when you see it,
21:57one positive side,
21:59what can be felt by MSMEs?
22:01Yes, let's go, sir,
22:03the current government,
22:05the increase in the number of MSMEs,
22:07I really hope it will be implemented well
22:10and on target.
22:12Actually, what is needed
22:14is a small business actor,
22:16not a big middleman.
22:18Yes, yes.
22:20So I really hope
22:22to be on the side of MSMEs.
22:24Then there is a relaxation
22:26from the banks.
22:28Banks also don't have to be stingy,
22:30there must be assets,
22:32because they really need it
22:34to improve their class
22:36by adding capital.
22:38That's what I hope the government
22:39will do.
22:43and the important thing for banks
22:45is socialization and literacy.
22:47Okay, that's what is expected
22:49from business actors,
22:51and hopefully with various facilities,
22:53then from the value of people's businesses
22:55that have been increased,
22:57it can also be a fresh wind
22:59to push our MSME sector
23:01to move forward in 2025.
23:03Madam Erma, thank you very much
23:05for the time sharing and updates
23:07given to the audience today.
23:11Take care and be happy.
23:13Okay, thank you.
23:15Well, viewers,
23:17I've been with you for an hour
23:19in Market Review
23:21and keep updating your information
23:23only on IDX channel,
23:25your trustworthy and comprehensive
23:27investment reference.
23:29Because of business,
23:31the future must move forward.
23:33I am Investor Saham,
23:35I am a partner of Wibowo,
23:36and I will see you next time.