• 2 months ago
There were gains of up to $0.50 on the lighter calves at Naraoocorte since before Christmas.
00:00those heavier calves like you know you're sort of 370 to 400 kilos which is a good run of them
00:06you know they they were anywhere from you know sort of 1550 to 1640s and 50s and you know on a
00:12sense of kilo basis they're probably hovering around there four dollars to four dollars 15 a
00:17kilo and then we sort of step back in our weights to you know um your your steers your steers at
00:25sort of 300 to 350 kilos in in a vicinity of you know 430s to 440s and then your lighter calves 260
00:34to 300 kilos you know from 440 50 uh up to a top i reckon we we got out to 1280 for a pen of 260
00:42kilo calves at 490 so yeah and no we're real happy a lot of those lighter weight cattle you know went
00:48to to northern new south wales which we've seen in previous sales and and victor like northern
00:53victoria so you know and then not only that we've got our local our local blokes that are um having
00:59a crack as well and buying these calves that they buy regularly year in year out on your heavier
01:04calves you know pre-christmas we're probably a good 15 15 cents dearer than than christmas
01:11but on our lighter calves like you know we're 260 to 300 kilos we could quite easily be a 40 or 50
01:18cents dearer than there like that's probably our biggest biggest jump we've seen in those in those
01:23longer incomes
