• 2 months ago
Florencia Bustamante, empleada del diputado nacional Estrada, ha denunciado que fue obligada a crear cuentas falsas para hostigar al gobernador de Salta, Gustavo Sáenz, y otros funcionarios. La Fiscalía de Ciberdelitos ha iniciado una investigación sobre el caso. Además, se acusa al diputado de retener el salario de Bustamante y ofrecerle sus propios abogados para su defensa.


00:00You see that always every 2x3 someone counts. These are fake accounts, these are accounts created on social networks to support or criticize or falsely denounce or harass.
00:13Well, here is a case. Florencia Bustamante, employed in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, actually employed by a deputy of the Nation, the national deputy Estrada,
00:24denounced in the last days that, in this case, the legislator Estrada, forced her to create fake accounts to harass, among others, for example, the governor Gustavo Sáenz,
00:43also to other officials and ex-officials and legislators as well.
00:48Well, obviously there is a very big commotion because he told details about this situation and, in addition, not only this, apparently he also retained the salary, the salary to this denouncer.
01:02Gustavo Feoli is the lawyer, precisely, of the denouncer, of Bustamante, and we will be talking to him.
01:09Doctor, how are you? Good afternoon, Javier Díaz greets you.
01:13Good afternoon, how are you? How are you?
01:14Well, it's like this, isn't it? It's incredible. A national deputy who forces his employee to create fake accounts to attack other legislators, officials, Governor Sáenz.
01:27That's right. Florencia Bustamante, along with two other employees of this national deputy, were impeached as a result of an investigation that the Cybercrime Prosecutor's Office here in the province of Salta initiated.
01:45A series of violations were disposed of and Florencia was summoned to testify.
01:49So, in her statement, she has actually told what the responsibility was and what the involvement that she had in the creation of these accounts was.
02:01Because, in principle, she was indicated as the only person responsible for the creation of these accounts since public officials were defamed.
02:11So, she indicated in her statement that she created these accounts at request, by order, receiving instructions and even videos from the offices of the State Deputy for whom she worked.
02:27She explained it to the prosecution yesterday, in order to save her responsibility, because she was indicated as the only person responsible for the creation of these accounts since the Governor was defamed.
02:40So, what she did was to say, no, wait, wait, she was forced to do this by the State Deputy.
02:48Exactly. She was designated in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation on behalf of the State Deputy Estrada, and she received the orders from him, through WhatsApp or a Telegram message, those ephemeral messages that are deleted, where she indicated the accounts that she had to create, the videos that she had to publish.
03:09And she gave him letters?
03:11She gave him the videos, and she had to edit them and create the accounts that he asked for.
03:17She created TikTok accounts and other social networks, where the political rivalry that Estrada had with Governor Sáenz made him replicate everything against him, or from officials or businessmen associated with the government of the province of Salta.
03:34Doctor, Pablo Vinocur greets you, I wanted to ask you, what is exactly the denomination, the cover of the case, I understand that it is against Estrada, and her representative is a witness, correct?
03:50No, no, Estrada is not yet charged, because the investigation that the Cybercrime Prosecutor's Office initiated pointed out against my defendant, Gustavante Arias, and two other people, also employees of Estrada, but they are listed as preliminary investigation, public defamation, and are syndicated to these three people.
04:12That is why she, in her statement, has dismissed this responsibility, as well as the other two defendants, who have also made their phones available, they have already carried out the investigation on the phones of the other two defendants, and Florencia also brought her phone with her key yesterday, so that the statements that she has made can be corroborated.
04:34To understand, then, the original denunciation was against Florencia Gustavante, or is against Florencia Gustavante, and in her statement she points to Emiliano Estrada, national deputy of Union por la Patria, is that so?
04:46That's how it is, that's how it is.
04:48Now, doctor, what about the fact that apparently this deputy, Estrada, retained the salary to Gustavante, to the plaintiff?
05:00Well, yes, Florencia has also told me, she really does not want to delve into the subject, because the truth is that she is very concerned about this issue, she is overwhelmed, she is the mother of two younger daughters and so on, this job was the only source of income with which she counted to support her daughters.
05:22And well, not only these circumstances that you point out to me, but also she, many times from her salary, paid the rent of the office that she occupied in Salta, which was also occupied by the deputy for his ...
05:33In other words, he took out the money from her to pay for offices ...
05:37Yes, cell phone lines, offices and so on.
05:40Cell phone too?
05:41Yes, yes.
05:42The cell phone he used to create fake accounts?
05:46The rental contract that she occupied here in Salta was in her name and she had to pay it too.
05:53Well, she is obviously impeached in this case.
05:58She is impeached, we hope that when the investigation progresses, she can give up her responsibility and see that beyond the responsibility that she may have, what this girl did was to fulfill orders and that she was a worker who did not really have much awareness of the damage that she could be causing and was involved in a political fight of which she had no interest in participating, but only intended, well, to fulfill the job.
06:26Doctor, I want to ask you one more question, if you have knowledge, for an information that comes to me.
06:33Estrada, did she communicate with Bustamante after this public complaint appeared?
06:40Yes, yes, of course.
06:41He offered her that her lawyers were the ones who defended her and represented her.
06:49At first, of course, she trusted them.
06:51She approached one of the letters that Estrada indicated to her.
06:55There they deleted several files from her cell phone.
06:58They also had their computer equipment stored in their offices all weekend.
07:06And well, that's why Florencia doesn't know if any of them were cloned, if files were copied or all of them were deleted.
07:13She explains it in her statement to the prosecutor that, on the indication of the lawyer that Estrada provided her at the time, she deleted all the files from her cell phone.
07:23That's very clever, if it happened, it's very clever because it's about lawyers.
07:28Yes, the information I have is that they also told her that, in exchange for her help, they asked her to retain the lawyers the cell phone that had the evidence.
07:38I don't know if this is true or not.
07:40Yes, I don't know about her.
07:42I know that they kept her for a weekend, that they brought files from there, that later they asked her to delete.
07:48What we explained to the prosecutor, they also asked her for her personal computer, which was in their possession for a weekend.
07:54And that the excuse was to prevent her from being kidnapped, because it would be imminent a raid that never happened.
08:02And then they gave it back to her. She doesn't know either with what information to delete exactly.
08:08How crazy, the truth. This is the mire of politics.
08:12Yes, and in which out there are involved people who have nothing to do with it.
08:16In the case of my defendant, she never became aware of the seriousness of the facts that were being committed.
08:22Apart from being pressured, a woman with children and working in the place.
08:26Yes, two small children, the father in charge, the only income he had. He didn't have many options.
08:32Well, doctor, we wanted to know firsthand, through you, how the situation was.
08:38And also tell what happened, that this unfortunately exists.
08:43In this case, there is a woman who was sued and who said, no, no, I was following orders.
08:49And orders neither more nor less than a national deputy, a national deputy Estrada.
08:53Thank you, Dr. Feolí.
08:55Thank you very much.
08:57See you later.
