• last month
👉 Una organización delictiva fue desarticulada tras una serie de allanamientos que revelaron su sofisticado modus operandi. La banda, liderada por Enzo Godoy y coordinada externamente por su pareja Carla Vanessa Gil, operaba desde el interior del penal de San Nicolás. Durante los operativos, se incautaron inhibidores de señal, vehículos robados, armas y grandes sumas de dinero en efectivo. La fiscal Ana Laura Brizuela confirmó la imputación por asociación ilícita a los detenidos y destacó la estructura organizada del grupo criminal.

🗣 Ana Laura Brizuela, fiscal del caso.


00:00The leader of the gang operated from inside the San Nicolás prison.
00:05This is also recurrent, Marina.
00:07Because we see that, inevitably, from inside the prisons,
00:11especially the most dangerous, they continue to operate.
00:15Detail, the couple, the leader's girlfriend,
00:18was the one who managed the logistics abroad.
00:20Yes, impressive that fact.
00:22And one associates leaders giving orders to narco gangs.
00:25Of course.
00:26We do not know if there are links with narco-criminality,
00:29or another gang of another kind.
00:31And do you want to know what they seized in the raid?
00:34We have the details.
00:36You will see.
00:37Look, inhibitors.
00:38We were talking about this.
00:39We opened one of the weekly news,
00:41talking about how the theft modality grows with cell phones,
00:45trucks, four cars, pickups.
00:47Silver, silver, silver and more silver,
00:49because obviously they had achieved purchasing power.
00:5242 thousand dollars, 20 million pesos, shotguns, revolvers.
00:57Several of the things seized in the raids.
01:00Observe the images.
01:02And there the trucks.
01:06All the same model.
01:08And there the objects.
01:10Among the objects you will also find inhibitors,
01:13and dollars, and pesos, and patents.
01:19Because, as we were saying, Marina,
01:21they immediately change the patents,
01:23they file the chassis numbers,
01:27and obviously the firepower of the gangs.
01:29And they let them cool down, as they say in the slang,
01:32in that parking lot,
01:34which in this case the police fell
01:36and managed to find the stolen trucks.
01:39So, look at this.
01:41We have ages and names, details,
01:43precisions of the detainees of this gang.
01:47Let's see.
01:48There it is.
01:49Well, Enzo Godoy, 25 years old.
01:51The leader.
01:52The leader.
01:53Well, the leader in the field work,
01:55to put it in some way,
01:56because the leader is Chicho.
01:57Carla Vanessa Gil, 24 years old.
01:59Oh, it's him, it's him, sorry.
02:00Yes, partner, precisely, of the leader.
02:04A woman in charge of logistics.
02:07María Soledad Correa, 35 years old.
02:10Milagros Velázquez, 22 years old.
02:12A reducer, as they say in the slang.
02:15Look, a reducer,
02:17the one that manages to be a guide to the stolen trucks.
02:2022 years old.
02:22Pablo Ezequiel Gómez, 36 years old,
02:24who is a driver in these trucks,
02:27in case something goes wrong.
02:29Valentino Patané, look here, 18 years old,
02:32one of the material authors,
02:34one of those we saw hooded,
02:36taking pictures of the car that they couldn't steal.
02:39Ezequiel Palombo, 34 years old,
02:41another material author.
02:43And Elías Nicolás Palombo, 21 years old,
02:46the lifter.
02:47The lifter.
02:48I suppose the lifter is the one who manages to get away.
02:51Of course, I tell you that in this case,
02:53what you see is a navy band
02:55dedicated to steal with a certain,
02:57in quotation marks, intelligence,
02:59I don't mean the preparations,
03:01but not to be in violence.
03:03Because car lifters,
03:05the crime of car theft,
03:07is a crime of high homicide rate.
03:09Of course.
03:10Because those who are going to do the criminal front,
03:12are willing to do everything.
03:14Here, there are inhibitors, there is a pick,
03:16there is a certain investigation,
03:18there is no confrontation,
03:20but of course, there is the crime in the middle.
03:22There is the prosecutor of the case.
03:24Dr. Ana Laura Brizuela,
03:26who is kindly attending us.
03:28Dr. Brizuela, how are you?
03:30Facundo Pastor, Marina Calabrona, 24.
03:32How are you?
03:33Hello, how are you? Good afternoon. How are you?
03:36Well, a disorganized organization
03:38that had everything quite oiled up, doctor.
03:42Yes, the truth is that it is an organization
03:44with a high power of organization.
03:46There is no redundancy.
03:48The truth is that we see a very clear
03:50distribution of tasks.
03:52That is why the crime that ultimately,
03:54in addition to each of the thefts,
03:56is disputed,
03:58is that of illicit association.
04:00This is a criminal company,
04:02very well set up,
04:04in such a way as to be able to
04:06fulfill its objectives.
04:08The truth is that that is why,
04:10through the investigation,
04:12we were able to put in charge
04:14each of the participants,
04:16which, of course, we still need
04:18more people to identify.
04:20We even have a fugitive
04:22that we were already in order to detain
04:24and we were not able to find him.
04:26But well, the truth is that
04:28the result of the entire operation
04:30was very successful, as you could see.
04:32One of the things that catches our attention,
04:34prosecutor, is that
04:36allegedly the leader,
04:38with the last name Godoy,
04:40gave the orders from the San Nicolás Penitentiary.
04:42Do you know how he did this?
04:44He had a cell phone, I suppose,
04:46or he did it through some emissary
04:48during the visits.
04:50How was this articulated,
04:52giving the orders?
04:54Well, precisely through his cell phone,
04:56on the same day of the proceedings,
04:58at the same time
05:00when we were doing
05:02these 15 raids,
05:04it was ordered through a judicial office
05:06to the director
05:08of the San Nicolás Penitentiary,
05:10the cell phone of Godoy,
05:12and the seizure of his cell phone.
05:14This was positive,
05:16we already have the cell phone
05:18in our possession,
05:20so from the experiences practiced
05:22with the cell phone of Godoy
05:24and all the others involved,
05:26we will surely have much more information
05:28to identify.
05:30Doctor, the trucks,
05:32where were they going to stop?
05:34Because one assumes that if they took out
05:36the truck, the intention was to
05:38pass it from the other side of the border
05:40to sell it in Paraguay.
05:42We are not sure
05:46I mean, what was done
05:48with the trucks afterwards.
05:50What we can venture,
05:52because one of the trucks
05:54that we seized already had,
05:56one of the trucks had been stolen
05:58since January 15,
06:00and it already had the apocryphal
06:02documentation generated,
06:04and it already had adulterated
06:06chassis and engine numbers
06:08and placed another patent plate,
06:10with which it is presumed that if the objective
06:12was to reinsert them in the vehicle park,
06:14we do not know,
06:16at least for the moment,
06:18if within the country or outside the country.
06:20Doctor, you just talked about a fugitive
06:22that you have already identified
06:24and is already on the verge
06:26of issuing the arrest warrant,
06:28but we understand that they are going
06:30after the trail of several more,
06:32a larger one.
06:34Yes, it is a very large case.
06:36Let's see, let's take into account
06:38that this is an investigation that began
06:40recently from a fact that occurred
06:42on January 4. For an investigation
06:44of this magnitude, normally
06:46it takes much longer,
06:48luckily, and thanks,
06:50I say thanks in quotation marks,
06:52to the number of facts
06:54that they committed, we were able to
06:56collect many evidence
06:58that led us to do this amount
07:00of identification of people
07:02and procedures in such a short time,
07:04but of course
07:06this is always exponential,
07:08and this did not start on January 4,
07:10this band is surely
07:12operating for a long time
07:14before and in other places,
07:16because generally what these bands do
07:18is to move the place where they are operating
07:20as they lose activity
07:22or not to attract so much attention.
07:24Here we count that there were
07:26five facts between
07:28January 4 and January
07:3020, only in Campana, which is a city
07:32all girls,
07:34if you want, for this type of ...
07:36Now, doctor, we see ages
07:38that worry so much about the
07:40criminal career, the 18-year-old
07:44women who appear with
07:46a range of logistics
07:48with 20, 22 years,
07:50was it a young band
07:52with background, one of them?
07:54Yes, they had
07:56background, several of them
07:58with background, but it is true
08:00that it also really
08:02caught my attention, because this type of
08:04level of organization, one generally
08:06sees it in bands of people
08:08much older, passing the 40s,
08:10the 50s.
08:12Of course, now doctor, we are seeing
08:14images of how captivated
08:16the search is, they are really
08:18very impressive,
08:20weapons, some long, some short,
08:22handys, and we see
08:24a lot of money, we see bundles
08:26and bundles of dollars,
08:28more than 40,000
08:30yes, 46,000 if I'm not mistaken,
08:32of course,
08:34it's a band,
08:36I'm going to say it vulgarly,
08:38prosperous, it has raised a fortune,
08:40this band.
08:42Yes, but apart,
08:44let's think about what it is,
08:46if your idea is to reinsert the
08:48trucks into the vehicle park,
08:50we are talking about trucks,
08:52they are of a higher range
08:54within what is Hilux and SW4,
08:58let's see, if we think about what they did
09:00to them, the documentation,
09:02in which they modified the numbers,
09:04surely they did not sell them at a cheap price,
09:06no, no, no,
09:10the end consumer would surely pay
09:12a logical amount,
09:14like a used vehicle,
09:16with the papers in order,
09:18maybe they were good faith buyers,
09:22it is within the hypothesis that we work,
09:24that's why I can't venture or confirm
09:26what they were doing,
09:28but surely with the future of the investigation
09:30we will verify it,
09:32in fact, we have found
09:34that last week,
09:36the leader of the band,
09:38from the unit where he was staying,
09:40bought a house,
09:42in the town of Zara,
09:44which is one of the objectives,
09:46a house,
09:48from the unit
09:50where he was staying,
09:52he bought a house,
09:54the leader of the band,
09:56last week,
09:58which is one of the objectives
10:00that we had.
10:02Does he have the estimated amount
10:04of that purchase?
10:06Does he know how much he spent on the house?
10:08No, but it is a house
10:10in a middle-class neighborhood,
10:12a nice house,
10:14in a nice neighborhood of Zara,
10:16which you can't venture a price.
10:18Doctor, you know that
10:20while we are interviewing you,
10:22images of how they operated
10:24appear on the screen.
10:26I just noted that the crime of vehicle theft
10:28is a high crime of homicide.
10:30In this case,
10:32they decided not to face
10:34the owners,
10:36that is, not to violate
10:38the owners, but to go
10:40the other way, luckily.
10:42No, luckily,
10:44it is not a crime
10:46that they chose,
10:48in fact, because of the time
10:50in which all the events were committed,
10:52which was during the early morning,
10:54and in vehicles left in the public road,
10:56they were the victims.
10:58But we do have a fact,
11:00which was one of the last
11:02that was committed in Zarate,
11:04that the owner
11:06of the truck is alerted
11:08by a relative who was arriving
11:10and tells him,
11:12who is taking the truck?
11:14You are not taking the truck,
11:16and the man gets out of the truck.
11:18So, while they avoided
11:20contact with the victims,
11:22we can also find
11:24these types of episodes
11:26that expose the risk
11:28of the life of the person.
11:30In addition, prosecutor,
11:32I understand that the leader,
11:34Chicho, is in San Nicolás
11:36for a murder,
11:38but at some point
11:40he dedicated himself to something else,
11:42or something went wrong,
11:44because he is in jail
11:46for killing someone.
11:48Apart from the availability
11:50of weapons, they had,
11:52because we saw it
11:54as a result of the seizures
11:56that were practiced.
11:58And where do they get the weapons from,
12:02Because it is another issue
12:04that in general terms
12:06is a regrettable reality.
12:08We do not know where
12:10they were taking the weapons from.
12:12We do have weapons
12:14with a kidnapping request,
12:16sorry, with adulterated
12:20so it will be a matter of
12:22detecting them and determining
12:24if they had a kidnapping request,
12:26where, when.
12:28You just told us about the
12:30classification of the crime,
12:32that even the illicit association
12:34and the leader are given the conditions,
12:36but what sentence are we talking about?
12:38What rank of penalty
12:40are we talking about?
12:42I understand that the leader is not the same
12:44as a necessary or secondary participant,
12:46but how much could these criminals fit?
12:48And according to the criminal code,
12:50they have between 3 and 10 years
12:52in prison,
12:54the crime of illicit association.
12:56Well, it will be a matter of
12:58testing in a trial
13:00effectively the role of
13:02the leader,
13:04who is detained,
13:06and also to see
13:08if there are no more people
13:10fulfilling their duties.
13:12Thank you, doctor, for the
13:14communication and for all the information you gave us.
13:16It is very shocking because
13:18you leave a parked truck
13:20and they pick it up in 5 minutes
13:22and then go to sing the Gardel.
13:24Fortunately, the
13:26bell station has worked well.
