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👉 Un complejo entramado de deudas millonarias y acusaciones de tráfico de drogas sacude a la alta sociedad argentina. El empresario Elías Pichirilo es acusado por otro empresario, de deberle seis millones de dólares. La situación se complica cuando una cena para resolver el conflicto termina con un operativo policial que descubre cocaína y un arma en el vehículo de Auke. Las grabaciones telefónicas revelan tensiones crecientes entre los involucrados, mientras la justicia investiga posibles maniobras ilegales.

👉 Seguí en #ArrancaLaTardeEnA24
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00:00Let's go back to the topic that summons us this afternoon, the central topic of Arranca a la Tarde.
00:30I'm going to the camera.
00:38I gave you six sticks. In total, I gave you six sticks.
00:40Ready. It doesn't matter how many I gave you.
00:42I gave you six sticks.
00:56Well, there are the images of the wedding.
00:58This is May of last year.
01:00It's the Palacio Duó.
01:02Super exclusive in La Recoleta.
01:04A party for about 180 people.
01:06Can I ask you, Marina?
01:10Up to here, the figure of Pichirilo.
01:12Was it a completely unknown figure?
01:14Or was it a person who had an approach to the media?
01:16No, absolutely unknown.
01:18In fact, those who investigate police and judicial issues
01:20had him as a character of avarice.
01:22Basically, because his jump in the lifestyle
01:24was not justified by white income,
01:26as usually happens in these cases.
01:28To live in a tapera in the background
01:30of Florencio Varela
01:32and ask for a loan
01:34to go buy cookies at the store.
01:36Here, without a scale, in a year.
01:38That is already part of a profile of him, right?
01:40It is part of a profile.
01:42It is an important scale.
01:44On the part of Jessica Cirio,
01:46obviously, they insist on looking for characters
01:48that are opaque, that are dark.
01:50He went with Insaurralde,
01:52he is doing it now.
01:54It came from Insaurralde's divorce.
01:56Less than a year of dating.
01:58The decision of the marriage.
02:00And going back to Pichirilo,
02:02well, when he appears as Cirio's boyfriend,
02:04we all start looking for information
02:06about this character.
02:08We come across this past
02:10in an important real estate company
02:12that would not have gone in the best way
02:14due to some shady management.
02:16Sure, if we call him a real estate businessman,
02:18I think we are very generous.
02:20Because in the real estate environment
02:22he was looked at with various magnifying glasses, right?
02:24Yes, in this company he was
02:26between 2014 and 2019,
02:28but, well, there were some episodes
02:30not properly clarified
02:32about double or triple
02:34sales of the same department.
02:36What do we know about Pichirilo,
02:38who is a strange, dark character,
02:40but who is also
02:42permanently linked to debts.
02:46There is talk of a debt that will now be key
02:48in the story of this story,
02:50and there is talk of a moment that is unique.
02:52A moment that I do not remember.
02:54That is a moment in a video
02:56where Pichirilo appears lying on the floor
02:58fighting for a bag with money.
03:02If you think so, we'll see it
03:04and I'll tell you what we know about the context.
03:06What's up, man?
03:08Calm down, man.
03:10What's up?
03:12What's up?
03:14Calm down, man.
03:16What's up?
03:18What's up?
03:20What's up?
03:22Don't worry, man.
03:24Don't worry.
03:26Don't worry.
03:36Money that was being claimed
03:38by a alleged victim of the
03:40real estate business of Pichirilo.
03:42The images are from a luxury tower
03:44in Puerto Madero.
03:46Who records is a neighbor
03:48who says to record to help him,
03:50so that it is clear that he was not exerting violence
03:52on those who went to kidnap him.
03:54But the truth is that these images
03:56went viral even before
03:58the marriage between Sirio and Pichirilo.
04:00Well, so far, Jessica Sirio on one side,
04:02Pichirilo on the other.
04:04Really, well, in a marriage,
04:06they are a marriage, there I do not enter,
04:08it is not clear to me if they are separated or not.
04:10Separated but not divorced.
04:12Well, and now another character
04:14with the last name Auke enters the scene.
04:18It is a character who claims to be
04:20the buyer of 6 million dollars
04:22that Pichirilo himself
04:24owes him.
04:26Responsible for a company
04:28linked to financial businesses,
04:32also with some
04:34answers to give to justice,
04:36but we do not get there,
04:38the object of the material is Pichirilo,
04:40that is, also a glass person,
04:42but if you like,
04:44we share the audio of the claim.
04:46There are phone calls that show how Auke
04:48claimed 6 green sticks
04:50to Pichirilo.
04:54Let's talk around here because you don't like the video call.
04:56No, asshole.
04:58All the face, asshole,
05:02Listen, friend, friend, do you want to record it?
05:04I have no problem.
05:06What do you want me to record?
05:08Listen, where is the doubt?
05:10You put 6
05:12and you took 300 per week
05:14throughout the year.
05:16Today you are asking me to leave,
05:18you are asking me to leave and it is ok.
05:20So you took 6 million, you took ...
05:22No, 6 million that I gave you as capital.
05:24What are you talking about?
05:26You invested 6
05:28and you took 300,000 dollars per week
05:30throughout the year.
05:32I generate you an XXX
05:34and I generate you 8.
05:36Well, here is what Auke is claiming,
05:38which is the capital.
05:40They are the 6 green sticks.
05:42He says, ok, what they generated me ...
05:44The other one says, you put it and you took your interests.
05:46Yes, we are talking about 300,000 dollars
05:48per week of alleged interests.
05:50The calls, the hearings continue,
05:52they continued.
05:54Give me a little more of what happened.
06:00I gave it to you a little while ago.
06:02I gave it to you a little while ago.
06:04I didn't give it to you a year ago, those 6 sticks.
06:06I gave it to you a little while ago, a month ago.
06:08I gave it to you a month ago.
06:10No, you didn't give it to me a year ago.
06:12Yes, because I gave you first 1, 2,
06:14then you gave it back to me,
06:16I gave you 4.
06:18I gave you 6 sticks, in total I gave you 6 sticks.
06:20It doesn't matter how I didn't give it to you.
06:22I gave you 6 sticks.
06:24Perfect, ready.
06:26That's how we talk.
06:28Nothing happens.
06:303 weeks in advance for liquidation.
06:32Ready, no problem.
06:34There is no doubt about that.
06:36That's what worries me.
06:38You left it settled.
06:40No, no, I don't record anything.
06:42I'm not like you.
06:44Where do I look for the 2 sticks?
06:46You don't have to look for the 2 sticks today.
06:48You have to look for the difference in the profit.
06:50Between today and tomorrow you have to look for the difference.
06:52I'll call you at 4.
06:54There is recognition.
06:56The issue of the 6 sticks.
06:58If you want, we settle it.
07:00There is a version that says that
07:02they settled it in front of a public scribe.
07:04The debt is recognized.
07:06Marina, here there is a debtor and a creditor.
07:08After the money came out,
07:10let the justice investigate it.
07:12It's opaque, strange money.
07:14It's a matter to deepen.
07:16A debtor and a creditor.
07:18A creditor who says, I gave you money,
07:20it's fine for you to send it,
07:22but give it back to me, give me the profit
07:24and give me the capital.
07:26A creditor who says,
07:28wait, I'm going to give it to you,
07:30give me time.
07:32I have three weeks.
07:34You have three weeks ahead.
07:36The deadline is about to expire.
07:38I'm going to give it back to you.
07:40But in the middle,
07:42he begins to think
07:44how the debtor
07:46gets over the creditor.
07:48And there comes a scene.
07:50There comes the scene that is the key
07:52in this story that looks like a movie.
07:54January 17th.
07:56January 17th.
07:58A dinner at the Palacio Duo,
08:00where Auke competes with his wife,
08:02her last name is Aquino.
08:04And what they tell the woman,
08:06and that's why she goes,
08:08is that Jessica Sirio was going to go.
08:10Let's eat the four of us.
08:12Let's eat the four of us.
08:14And we'll fix this debt.
08:16And we'll see how we solve it.
08:18They arrive at the Palacio Duo.
08:20Sirio never arrives.
08:22Plato Sirio
08:24does the pantomime of the phone call.
08:26It doesn't feel good.
08:28It's decomposed.
08:30Let's eat the three of us.
08:32But before dinner,
08:34the security cameras
08:36record their arrival.
08:38And there is a very particular element.
08:40The mysterious pilot.
08:42After dinner,
08:44that same night,
08:46already January 18th,
08:48because it was past midnight.
08:50Yes, yes.
08:52But look how the night ends
08:54for Auke
08:56and for Aquino, his partner.
09:20The truck that was there.
09:22They were in a company.
09:24They were in a company.
09:26They were in a company.
09:28But this person was in the truck.
09:30And this guy was inside the truck.
09:32This guy.
09:34But I'm thinking,
09:36he was inside the truck.
09:40Well, there you hear,
09:42when he screams,
09:44this guy was inside the truck.
09:46And the desperate screams of Auke's wife
09:48for the debt,
09:50not to pay the debt.
09:52But of course, they go to a dinner,
09:54there is a six-stick debt in the middle,
09:56and then they get in a truck,
09:58but one of the characters,
10:00Pichirilo, apparently,
10:02according to suspicions,
10:04plants drugs on him
10:06and sets up an operation,
10:08which was a very creative way
10:10to get rid of the debtor.
10:12Sophisticated, I would tell you.
10:14Yes, sophisticated,
10:16it is being investigated at the moment.
10:18There are no detainees,
10:20but they are all investigated.
10:22They will have to account
10:24for this operation.
10:26And look at what they find.
10:28This is a document.
10:30This is what they find.
10:32Auke in the truck.
10:34It says, the police personnel
10:36proceeded to the kidnapping
10:38of a black package
10:40with 414 grams of white substance
10:42with cocaine.
10:44It is key that they were in the trunk
10:46because on this later
10:48appears a police investigation
10:50that we have.
10:52Secondly, a black package
10:54with 844 grams of white substance
10:56with cocaine.
10:58We already have 1,200 kilos
11:00in round numbers, right?
11:02It says, and a 9mm caliber gun
11:04with 8 ammunition,
11:06both under the driver's seat.
11:08I think this is key, Marina.
11:12Who has access from behind?
11:14Who has access to the driver's seat?
11:16Someone who can be sitting in the back.
11:18Was he sitting in the back?
11:20Did you see any part of the exit
11:22of the Palacio Duo?
11:24Of that scene where they tried
11:26to put cold cloths to the debt?
11:28Yes, indeed, he was.
11:30And it says, thirdly,
11:32the phone devices of the crew,
11:34that is, of Auke and Aquino,
11:36his partner, the vehicle in which
11:38they were moving, as well as
11:40$900,000 and $190,000,
11:42which, well, this may have
11:44to do with paying the dinner
11:46and with...
11:48For these people, it is common expense
11:50to have $1,000.
11:52It was said in this early news
11:54that several begin to ask
11:56if Pichirilo is not a new Farinia.
11:58Remember, Pichirilo marries
12:00Jessica Sirio, looking for what?
12:02Nobody knows.
12:04They were in love, only they know.
12:06In the middle,
12:08there are some really rare things.
12:10For example, the business
12:12that Pichirilo himself did.
12:14And between Pichirilo and Jessica Sirio
12:16another businessman,
12:18nicknamed Auke,
12:20who was supposed to give
12:22six green sticks to Pichirilo,
12:24and Pichirilo says he gave him
12:26some of the profits with which
12:28he made those six green sticks work.
12:30He wants the money.
12:32He claims the capital.
12:34He claims the capital all the time.
12:36Three weeks.
12:40There it is.
12:42This document.
12:46Here is the description of the facts.
12:48It says, Auke and Aquino Laprida,
12:50Aquino Laprida is Auke's partner,
12:52agreed to say that on Friday,
12:54January 17, 2025, at night,
12:56they had dinner with Elias Pichirilo
12:58at the Duo Palace.
13:00The description of the facts
13:02starts here.
13:04Why could the investigation
13:06reach Jessica Sirio,
13:08who was not even at dinner?
13:10The prosecution considers
13:12that it could be part,
13:14at least, of the cover-up
13:16of the illegal maneuver.
13:18It says, the defendant
13:20detailed that Pichirilo
13:22boarded the vehicle
13:24from the back seat,
13:26assuming that he left
13:28the seat of the companion
13:30to his partner, Aquino Laprida,
13:32a circumstance that was also
13:34warned by Aquino Laprida,
13:36who detailed that it was long
13:38to the feet and that it was like
13:4040 degrees and it did not rain.
13:42Back to the Duo Palace door,
13:44a beautiful place in the federal capital.
13:46Someone comes down
13:48with 30 or 30 and a half degrees
13:50of heat with an overcoat.
13:52That someone with the overcoat,
13:54who is Pichirilo, Elias Pichirilo,
13:56is the one who, after dinner,
13:58the dinner that Jessica Sirio
14:00because he did not appear,
14:02the dinner where the laziness
14:04of the 6 million dollars were going to be filed,
14:06which were not filed,
14:08the dinner ends with everything going away,
14:10but Pichirilo, who had a long pilot,
14:12sits in the back seat
14:14and ...
14:16And now we see what the prosecution
14:18that Pichirilo did in the back seat.
14:20We have the picture of the pilot.
14:22We share it.
14:24There it is.
14:26I'm going to mark it with the pencil.
14:28The pilot practically reaches
14:30his heels, 30 degrees,
14:32without rain.
14:34The prosecution believes, and of course
14:36the legal representation of Pichirilo,
14:38that there he carried,
14:40in his inner pockets,
14:42the packages of cocaine and the gun.
14:44There is another photo.
14:46Let's see more photos that show
14:48the classic steps of the Duo Palace.
14:50A beautiful place in full harvest.
14:52Look at the pilot, what a great pilot.
14:54Of course.
14:56These are the internal cameras
14:58of the duo
15:00that show this man moving.
15:02Could he have, suddenly,
15:04from here somewhere,
15:06in some pocket, created
15:08the drug?
15:10Yes, I don't know exactly.
15:12You are clearer because of your expertise
15:14in police.
15:16A brick can be a kilo and a half.
15:18A brick on one side and a half on the other.
15:20Of course, it's a volume.
15:22It's a volume, but you hide it.
15:24No, no, no.
15:26You have to take something.
15:28The one that seems to be something
15:30is the one above all, Marina.
15:32Yes, and the versions of Auke
15:34and his partner coincide.
15:36Apparently, without time to put it together.
15:38Let me clarify something, because later
15:40the documents fly.
15:42But what is important is,
15:44all this we are saying,
15:46is accredited by a file.
15:48The prosecution spoke,
15:50we obviously access the documents.
15:52Let's go with an expertise.
15:54Do you want us to share it?
15:56Let's go.
15:58We share this document,
16:00which is part of the file, of course.
16:02Here, what the police station shows
16:04is if there is the possibility
16:06to access the trunk of the car
16:08from the rear seat.
16:10The driver's side, the passenger's side.
16:14Well, there they are putting their hand
16:16to see how far you can access.
16:18And it's interesting what it has to do
16:20with Pichirillo,
16:22according to the denunciants.
16:24Pichirillo, who gently left
16:26the seat of the companion
16:28to the wife.
16:30Look, from the rear seat
16:32you can easily access the trunk.
16:34This is the trunk.
16:36So what this expertise would be proving
16:38In the trunk there are 400 grams.
16:42And below the seat?
16:44Eight hundred and something
16:46below the driver's seat.
16:48What this police expertise would be proving
16:50is that from the rear seat
16:52he could plant the cocaine
16:54under the driver's seat, in the trunk
16:56and also plant the gun.
16:58It would be an ideal mess,
17:00to say, hey, the guy I owed
17:02six million dollars
17:04is a drug addict.
17:06With which, you know what?
17:08I don't pay anything. More documents.
17:10Well, this is the nullity.
17:12This is where the justice intervenes
17:14to say, look, the detention,
17:16the operation that led
17:18to the detention of Auke
17:20and his partner, null.
