• last month
👉 Un complejo entramado de deudas, traiciones y maniobras ilegales sacude a la ciudad de Arranca. En el centro del escándalo se encuentra Elías Piccirillo, acusado de plantar pruebas para evitar pagar una deuda millonaria a Francisco Hauque. La implicación potencial de figuras públicas como Jésica Cirio. Este relato, digno de una película, revela las sombras detrás del poder y el dinero en la capital.

👉 Seguí en #ArrancaLaTardeEnA24
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00Let's go back to the central topic of Arranca la Tarde.
00:30The entire video was filmed at a house in the neighborhood of Arranca la Tarde.
00:37I gave you six pesaos.
00:39Don't care how much I gave you.
00:41I gave you six pesaos.
00:43And the stalker's truck.
00:45Look. There's another man in a car!
00:47There's the other man.
00:49There's another man in a car!
00:55Well, that was the images of the wedding.
00:58This was last May.
01:00It's the palace duo, super exclusive in La Recoleta.
01:03A huge party for around 180 people.
01:06I'll ask, Marina.
01:07Up to this point, the Pixiri guy was completely unknown.
01:11Was she a stranger? Or was she a person who had a connection to the media?
01:15No, no. Absolutely a stranger.
01:17In fact, those who investigate police and judicial matters,
01:21they had her as a character of avarice,
01:23basically because her leap in lifestyle was not justified by white income,
01:30as usually happens in these cases,
01:32of living in a tapera in the background of Florencio Varela
01:35and asking for a loan to go buy cookies at the store.
01:38Here, without scale, in one year.
01:41That is already part of a profile of him, right?
01:43It is part of a profile.
01:44It is an important scale.
01:45On the part of Jessica Cirio, obviously,
01:47she is involved in looking for characters who are opaque, who are dark.
01:51She went with Insaurralde, she is doing it now.
01:53It came from Insaurralde's divorce.
01:55It was a complex divorce.
01:56Less than a year of dating, the decision of the marriage,
01:59and going back to Pichirilo, well, when he appears as Cirio's boyfriend,
02:03we all started looking for information about this character.
02:06We find ourselves in this past, in an important real estate company,
02:10of which it would not have gone in the best way, due to some turbulent management.
02:14Of course, if we call him a real estate businessman, I think we are very generous.
02:18Very generous.
02:19Because in the real estate environment there was,
02:22he looked at it with various eyes, right?
02:24In this company he was between 2014 and 2019,
02:27but, well, there were some episodes not properly clarified
02:31about duplicated or triplicated sales of the same apartment.
02:36What do we know about Pichirilo, who is a strange, dark character,
02:40but who is also permanently linked to debts.
02:45There is talk of a debt that will now be key in the story of this story,
02:48and there is talk of a moment that is unique.
02:51A moment that I do not remember,
02:54which is a moment, a video where Pichirilo appears lying on the floor,
02:58disputing a bag with money.
03:01If you think so, we'll see it and I'll tell you what we know about the context.
03:28Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
03:58Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
04:28Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
04:58Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
05:28Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
05:58Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
06:28Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
06:58Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
07:28Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
07:58Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
08:28Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
08:58Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
09:28Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, Pichirilo, P
09:58Pichirilo, appare ntemente, segun las sospechas, le planta droga y monta un operativo que era una manera bastante creativa, de sacarse de encima.
10:10Sofisticada te diría.
10:12Te diría, al deudor no?
10:13Si, sofisticada porque toda una brigada de la policia de la ciudad, que está siendo investigada en este momento, no hay detenidos pero están todos investigados, van a tener que dar cuenta por este operativo y fijate lo que le encuentran.
10:24Este es un documento.
10:25This is what they find Auke in the truck.
10:28The police said he was kidnapped by...
10:31a black package with 414 grams of white substance with cocaine.
10:37They start to gather the amount of grams of cocaine that there is.
10:40They add that it was in the trunk of the truck.
10:43It is key that it was in the trunk,
10:45because on this later appears an experiment of gendarmerie that we have.
10:49Secondly, a black package with 844 grams of white substance with cocaine.
10:57We already have 1,200 kilos in round numbers, right?
11:01It says, and a 9mm caliber gun with 8 ammunition,
11:05both under the driver's seat.
11:08I think this is key, Marina.
11:10Because who...
11:11It has access from behind.
11:12Who accesses the driver's seat?
11:14Someone who can be sitting behind.
11:16He was sitting behind.
11:18Did you see any part of the exit of the Palace of Dubois?
11:21Of that scene where they tried to put cold baths to the debt?
11:25Yes, indeed, he was.
11:26What else?
11:28And it says, thirdly, the phone devices of the crew,
11:31that is, of Auke and Aquino, his partner,
11:33the vehicle in which they were moving,
11:35as well as the money they had,
11:38says 900 dollars and 190 thousand pesos.
11:42How good.
11:43This may have to do with paying for dinner and with...
11:46For these people it is common expense to have a thousand dollars.
11:49It was said in this early news that several begin to say
11:53or to wonder if Pichirilo is not a new Farinia.
11:56Remember, Pichirilo marries Jessica Sirio.
12:00Looking for what?
12:01Nobody knows.
12:02They were in love?
12:03Only they know.
12:04In the middle, really strange things begin to appear.
12:09For example, the business that Pichirilo himself did.
12:12And between Pichirilo and Jessica Sirio,
12:14another businessman by the surname Auke,
12:17who is supposed to have given Pichirilo six green sticks,
12:21and Pichirilo says he gave him some of the earnings
12:24with which he made those six green sticks work.
12:28He wants the money, he claims the capital.
12:31He claims all the time the capital.
12:33Pichirilo says, wait, wait, I'm going to give you the money.
12:35Three weeks.
12:36And in the middle, let's have dinner.
12:38And in the middle of that dinner, this document appears.
12:43This operation.
12:45They all end up in prison.
12:46Here is the description of the facts.
12:47It says, Auke and Aquino Laprida.
12:48Aquino Laprida is Auke's partner.
12:50They agreed to say that on Friday, January 17, 2025,
12:54at night, they had dinner with Elias Pichirilo at the Palacio Duó.
12:58The description of the facts starts here.
13:02And why could this come?
13:03Why could the investigation come to Yesi Casirio,
13:05who was not even at dinner?
13:08Well, sorry, that's what the prosecution says.
13:09The prosecution considers that it can be part,
13:12at least, of the cover-up of the illegal maneuver.
13:16It says, the defendant detailed that Pichirilo boarded the vehicle.
13:19Here it is.
13:20He boarded the vehicle from the back seat,
13:22saying that he left the seat of the companion to his partner, Aquino Laprida.
13:27And that despite the fact that it was very hot,
13:29he was wearing a long jacket.
13:31Circumstance that was also warned by Aquino Laprida,
13:34who detailed that it was long up to the feet,
13:37and that it was like 40 degrees.
13:39Of course, let's see.
13:40And it didn't rain, so to speak.
13:41On the other hand, the door of the Palacio Duó,
13:43a beautiful place in the federal capital,
13:45someone comes down with 30, 30 and a half degrees of heat,
13:49with an overcoat.
13:50That someone in the overcoat, who is Pichirilo,
13:53Elias Pichirilo,
13:54is the one who, after dinner,
13:56the dinner that was never Yesi Casirio,
13:58because he didn't show up,
14:00the dinner where they were going to file the expenses
14:02of the 6 million dollars that were not filed,
14:05the dinner ends with everything going away.
14:08But Pichirilo, who had a long pilot,
14:11sits in the back seat and...
14:14And now we see what the prosecutor's office
14:17that Pichirilo did in the back seat.
14:19We have the picture of the pilot.
14:21We share it.
14:22There it is.
14:23There it is.
14:24It looks clear.
14:25I'm going to mark it with the pencil.
14:27The pilot practically reaches his heels.
14:3030 degrees, no rain.
14:32The prosecutor's office believes,
14:34and of course the legal representation of Pichirilo,
14:36that he was carrying in his inner pockets,
14:40he was carrying cocaine packages and the gun.
14:42There is another photo.
14:43Let's see, more photos.
14:44That show, at that moment,
14:46the classic steps of the Duó Palace,
14:48a beautiful place in the middle of the grove.
14:51Look at the pilot, what a great pilot.
14:53Of course.
14:54Of course.
14:55These are the internal cameras of the Duó Palace,
14:59which show this man moving.
15:01Could he have, suddenly,
15:03here, somewhere,
15:05in some pocket,
15:06created the drug?
15:09I don't know exactly.
15:10A package, a brick.
15:11You are more clear,
15:12because of your expertise in police.
15:14A brick can be...
15:15A kilo and a half.
15:16How much is it?
15:17A brick on one side and a half on the other.
15:18Of course.
15:19It's a volume.
15:20It's a volume, but it's disassembled.
15:22To be in Remerita and Gin...
15:23No, no, no.
15:26You have to take something.
15:27You have to take something.
15:28To make it look like it's something,
15:29it's the above all, Marina.
15:31Yes, and the versions of Auke and his partner coincide.
15:34Apparently, without time to put it together.
15:36Let me clarify something,
15:37because then the documents fly away.
15:39We still cut them in the problem.
15:42But what is important is,
15:43all this we are saying,
15:44is credited to a file.
15:45Of course.
15:46The prosecution spoke,
15:47obviously we access the documents,
15:50the gendarmerie spoke with an expert.
15:52Do you want us to share it?
15:53Of course.
15:54Let's go.
15:55We share this document,
15:56which is part of the file, of course.
16:00Here, what the gendarmerie shows
16:02is if there is a possibility of accessing
16:04the trunk of the car from the rear seat.
16:08And to the driver's side,
16:09to the passenger's side.
16:11Well, there they are putting their hand
16:13to see how far you can access.
16:15And it's interesting what it has to do
16:17with the rear seat,
16:18because it's where Pichirilo was going,
16:20according to the reports.
16:21Pichirilo, who kindly left the seat
16:23of the companion to his wife, here.
16:25The gentleman.
16:26Look, from the rear seat,
16:28you can easily access the trunk.
16:32This is the trunk.
16:33So, what this expertise would be proving...
16:36The trunk weighs 400 grams.
16:39And below the seat...
16:41Eight hundred and something,
16:42below the driver's seat.
16:44So, what it shows,
16:46or would be showing,
16:48this gendarmerie expertise,
16:49is that, from the rear seat,
16:51he could plant the cocaine
16:53under the driver's seat,
16:54in the trunk,
16:55and also plant the gun.
16:56It would be an ideal mess,
16:58an ideal quartet,
16:59to say, hey,
17:00the guy I owed six million dollars
17:02is a drug dealer and he's in Cannes.
17:04So, you know what?
17:06I don't pay anything.
17:07More documents.
17:08Well, this is nullity.
17:10This is where justice intervenes
17:13to say, look,
17:14the arrest, the operation
17:16that led to the arrest
17:19of Auke and his partner,
17:21Because, it says,
17:22to declare nullity
17:23both of the interception,
17:25request and arrest
17:26of Francisco Auke
17:27and Anahí Aquino Laprida,
17:29as of the kidnapping
17:30of the illicit elements,
17:31and, consequently,
17:33dictate the overseeing
17:35of the accused.
17:37Well, a scandal,
17:38of course, of proportions,
17:40with very dark,
17:41very opaque characters,
17:43with police operatives
17:45that are invented,
17:47invented to be functional,
17:50to what was
17:52the quartet
17:53that this man had,
17:55which was not to return
17:56the six million dollars.
17:57This is one of the many stories
17:59that there are
18:00precisely around Pichirilo.
18:02They say that, obviously,
18:04there are more.
18:05We are going to introduce him
18:06to the lawyer,
18:07so we can see, obviously,
18:08his identity.
18:09Luis, how are you?
18:10Very well,
18:11with a lot of movement,
18:12with a lot of effervescence,
18:13not because of the issues
18:14that are being given.
18:15Tremendous all this.
18:16This issue ...
18:17Do you think this can reach
18:18Jessica, seriously?
18:19And I think that,
18:20in one way or another,
18:21it will bother her,
18:22at least, right?
18:23The fact of being close
18:24always implies you.
18:25We are talking
18:26that it is not someone far away,
18:27it is the wife
18:28who was inside the vehicle,
18:29who went to dinner
18:30and who was a participant
18:32Now, after that,
18:33the responsibility
18:34will have to be determined
18:35by justice.
18:36Now, you saw
18:37being born,
18:38that is,
18:39being born
18:40to Jessica Cirio
18:41in the world of the show.
18:43At the time,
18:44the romance with Insaurralde,
18:45a lot of speculation
18:46about whether it had started
18:47as a press strategy or not.
18:48When you saw
18:49that after the separation
18:50of Insaurralde,
18:51a few months later,
18:52she was already announcing
18:53her marriage
18:54with a figure
18:55totally unknown,
18:56but above all
18:58like Pichirilo's.
18:59What did you read?
19:00What did you smell?
19:01What did you suspect?
19:02She was in love
19:03with her,
19:05And I tell you
19:06from a place of knowledge,
19:09she lives near
19:10my house in Lanús,
19:11I saw her grow up,
19:12she goes to places
19:13in common.
19:14What I do tell you
19:15is that she could have
19:16also used,
19:17let's say,
19:18the passage of a new
19:20to cover
19:21To cover the other scandal.
19:22all the tsunami.
19:23Here everyone wants
19:24to cover something,
19:25obviously, right?
19:26But what a aim
19:27Luis has, huh?
19:28The same.
19:29The same.
19:31when one chooses,
19:32one chooses
19:33by characteristics.
19:35I read
19:36that this is key.
19:38it's bad luck
19:39that he has,
19:40from ignorance
19:41and it falls
19:42into bad hands.
19:43I'm going to say something.
19:44You googled Pichirilo
19:45and a research
19:46by Luis Gazulla
19:47appears to you
19:48talking about
19:4935 private flights
19:50in the span
19:51of six years,
19:52that is,
19:53one every 60 days
19:54to cloudy places
19:55for cloudy reasons.
19:57it was necessary
19:58to google Pichirilo,
19:59nothing more.
20:00About that,
20:01the story of Pichirilo
20:02is as they say,
20:03he starts
20:05in a call center,
20:06then he goes
20:07to work
20:08in a real estate agency
20:09and there they appear,
20:10according to the rumors,
20:11I was talking about rumors,
20:12the cloudy businesses
20:13where he does
20:15He had officially
20:16real estate
20:17for duplicates,
20:18he sells an apartment
20:19for two months
20:20and he charges
20:21two connections.
20:22A credit card,
20:23a credit card
20:24that he
20:25marketed him.
20:26I have
20:27found it.
20:28There is volume
20:29of interest.
20:30That's why,
20:31maybe he needed
20:32that volume
20:33of interest
20:34that he had to pay.
20:35The issue is
20:37why he turns
20:38it to
20:40That's the key.
20:42There it is.
20:43And well,
20:44but you can
20:45fix it in another way.
20:46One minute,
20:47we say goodbye.
20:48Now we return to the discussion.
20:49We are going to introduce
20:50Dr. Carlos Pousa
20:52who is precisely
20:53the lawyer
20:54of Auke and Aquino.
20:55Right, doctor?
20:56Good afternoon.
20:57How are you?
20:58The truth is that
20:59the chronological description
21:00of all these facts
21:01is excellent.
21:02I have a file.
21:03I think the tragedy
21:04that my assistants
21:05have to live
21:06puts a little
21:07the reflectors
21:08to all the current
21:09and previous circumstances
21:10to one of the
21:11investigated in the cause
21:12which is
21:13Elías Pizirilo.
21:14Yes, but I want to
21:15ask a question, doctor.
21:17What does Auke live
21:18to lend
21:196 million dollars
21:20from one day to another?
21:21Auke has
21:23technology companies.
21:24In fact,
21:25he is a person
21:26who at the time
21:27had some
21:28media repercussion
21:29because in one
21:30of his companies
21:31he was the president
21:32of the nation.
21:33That company
21:34had a technical defect.
21:35Sorry, sorry.
21:36How do you say, doctor?
21:37Well, that was a case.
21:38So Milei was
21:39Auke's advisor?
21:40At the time
21:41there was an advice.
21:42I tell you this, doctor,
21:43because we don't
21:44give much anymore.
21:45I mention this
21:46because it was also
21:49it was even mentioned
21:50in different media.
21:51He was one of the
21:52advisors who had
21:53been called
21:54for that launch.
21:55We are talking
21:56about Coinex?
21:58That company
21:59had a technical defect
22:01Javier Milei,
22:02and he manifests them.
22:03And that's why
22:04this company
22:05that had started
22:06to take capital
22:07decided to
22:08stop the activities.
22:09There are complaints
22:10about Coinex.
22:11No, but forgive me.
22:12There is a person
22:13who makes a complaint
22:14but the money
22:15that was...
22:16There are no people
22:17arrested for Coinex?
22:18No, but there can't
22:19be people arrested
22:20because for that company
22:21when that technical defect
22:22was detected
22:23and it went down,
22:24all the money
22:25was returned
22:26to all the people
22:27who had intervened,
22:28even with interests.
22:29That complaint
22:30was immediately
22:32And what connects
22:35That is even
22:37through all the media.
22:38What connects
22:40Was there friendship
22:41or was there business?
22:42There is a friendship
22:43and business relationship
22:44that dates
22:45from approximately
22:46four years ago
22:47that is strengthened
22:49when Elias Pichirilo
22:52becomes the owner
22:53of a bank,
22:54a credit card
22:55and a brutal
22:56money table.
22:57In the province
22:58of Tucumán
22:59that extends
23:00throughout the rest
23:01of the country.
23:02Let's think
23:03that if we compare
23:05Auque is a little
23:06guy next to
23:08Pichirilo is powerful.
23:10I think that you
23:11are pulling
23:12from the rope
23:13and you will
23:14find out
23:15who he really is.
23:16Who is he really?
23:17Well, you said
23:18something recently
23:19that is what
23:20is being heard
23:22What is what
23:23is being heard?
23:24The next
23:26you said.
23:28Fariña is in jail
23:29or he was
23:30or he was in situations.
23:31I know him
23:32and I was the one
23:33who knew him.
23:34But neither,
23:35let's see,
23:36Fariña did not
23:37manage the power.
23:38Fariña was an
23:39operator of situations
23:40with delivery,
23:41I mean,
23:42for his client
23:43to link
23:44to Pichirilo,
23:45did he do it
23:46out of friendship
23:47or out of business?
23:48Did he lend it
23:49out of goodwill
23:50or were papers
23:54No, no,
23:55this money is
23:57Of course,
23:58of course.
23:59The debt is credited
24:00to the public scribe.
24:01Yes, of course,
24:02it is documented.
24:03In fact,
24:04checks were delivered
24:05that had
24:06different dates
24:07on which
24:08this capital
24:09was going to be
24:10partially paid
24:11because the
24:12will to continue
24:13integrating capital
24:14had already ceased
24:15to be loaned
24:16to credit cards
24:17and others.
24:18My client's intention
24:19was to withdraw,
24:20take his capital,
24:21his earnings
24:22had been taken,
24:23all this is documented.
24:24And he also has
24:25a statement
24:26about Pichirilo
24:27alone or about
24:29and Jessica Sirio.
24:31there is a topic there.
24:32The look
24:33at my client
24:35about all the
24:36responsible people
24:37who had to do
24:38with putting this
24:40him and his wife.
24:41Because my client
24:42is mentioned
24:43and his wife
24:44is made invisible,
24:45who had
24:46ten days in prison
24:47having two
24:48minor children,
24:49one lactating.
24:51he goes against
24:53they go against
24:56I had no
24:57to protect
24:58my client,
25:00I would have
25:01to take
25:02on the responsibility
25:03of that,
25:04or I would have
25:05to take
25:07and my women
25:08and their children
25:09and leave
25:10the rest
25:11in their own hands.
25:12I have
25:13to go against
25:14all the
25:16who have
25:19me and
25:21she has
25:23Look, what I'm telling you is this.
25:25For this dinner where you say that you talked about the debt
25:27and that she was aware of the fraudulent maneuver.
25:30And for us, she was informed of this dinner,
25:32because in fact her husband was the one who said,
25:34yes, Jessica, we are waiting for you.
25:36Yes, Jessie, we already asked you for the food.
25:38They took the salmon down.
25:39Jessie, the food is getting cold.
25:41That was not a conjugal relationship.
25:43That is, I can tell my partner if we are going to have dinner,
25:46but was she aware of all the fraudulent handling?
25:49Ventura, do you know what's going on?
25:52All that, all that of the dinner in the duo,
25:55it was a set up scene.
25:57One more.
25:58To take, a set up scene to take my clients
26:01to what the prosecutor called the wolf's mouth.
26:04If the complete scene was set up with the intention
26:08of leading them to what was going to result
26:10as the stupefying plantation and its arrest,
26:13that scene is part of the crime.
26:14That is, it is part of the cartel of drug dealers.
26:16It is part of the criminal intercriminal.
26:19We had to, let's say, put it, paint it on its back
26:22with the cartel of drug dealers.
26:24Now what I say, I, sorry, I agree.
26:26What I ask, because I received this material
26:32about a month and a half, two months ago with the filming.
26:35Who filmed what appeared with the audio and everything?
26:38A lady from a building in front with a cell phone.
26:42With a cell phone.
26:43And was she independent of her client?
26:46But of course.
26:47It was a random person.
26:49It was a random person.
26:50Look, when you hear his screams,
26:53it was because police personnel was squeezing his testicles
26:57so that he would stop screaming.
26:58Because he was screaming from that moment.
27:00Elias, Jessica Sirio's husband, told me this
27:03so that people would listen and already know
27:06from there what was happening.
27:07Now we hear it, doctor.
27:08But it's obvious that it's all set up.
27:11It's obvious that it was a woman.
27:12I'm not going to talk to you.
27:14I'm not going to talk to you.
27:16You're stealing from us!
27:18No, I'm not stealing!
27:19What do you think of this?
27:21I'm not selling you anything.
27:23This is horrible.
27:24This is the house of a person
27:45Doctor, I have a question for you.
27:47During the operation, when the police intercepted
27:50E's truck and Auke,
27:52only Auke and Aquino were going.
27:55Where did Pichirilo get off?
27:57In the Duomo Palace.
27:58So, he never got on.
28:00When did he plant the drug? Do you understand?
28:03Look, here are two things to clarify.
28:05Before entering the scene, it was...
28:06We understand that the drug was planted
28:08during the transfer between the SLS and the building...
28:12What SLS?
28:13The SLS building is a very luxurious apartment complex
28:17in Puerto Madero, on Juana Manso Street.
28:19From there, my assistant Auke picks him up,
28:23Pichirilo, and they go to the Oceana building.
28:26Pichirilo proposes to him, come pick me up?
28:28Come pick me up.
28:29Of course, he indicates the day, the time,
28:31the place where they were going to have dinner,
28:33and who were going to be the members.
28:35He says that Jessica is going to make sure
28:37that my client's wife goes,
28:39because if not, my client's wife would not go.
28:41When Pichirilo goes down alone in the SLS...
28:45I don't know, I haven't been to the Puerto Madero area
28:48for a long time.
28:49No, luckily we are not there.
28:51He goes down, his client and his wife
28:54are waiting in the van.
28:56Pichirilo goes down.
28:57Without Cirio.
28:58Without Cirio.
28:59It was supposed to be a dinner.
29:00In fact, my client's wife was not there yet,
29:02she was alone driving Auke,
29:04and Pichirilo opens the back door and says,
29:06I sit in the back.
29:07No, sit in the front.
29:08No, I don't sit in the back.
29:09And so, Ani, your wife,
29:11goes in the front when we go to pick her up.
29:13But no, how are you going to go in the back?
29:15Sit in the front.
29:16What happened?
29:17And he sits directly, not being a driver.
29:19In fact, when they get to Oceana,
29:22Auke's wife...
29:23What is Oceana, doctor?
29:24The building where Auke lives.
29:25The building where Auke and Ani live.
29:29It's in front of the Faena hotel.
29:31The woman says, no, please, go in the front.
29:35No, no, I'm fine here.
29:36She insists, and then he goes in the front,
29:39and she sits in the back.
29:40What does she clarify?
29:41It is assumed that she had planted...
29:43That while they were going to the duo from there,
29:46he turns around from the front seat
29:49and explains it even with this movement in the prosecutor's office.
29:51Of course.
29:52And he was staring at her and talking to her,
29:54and he was bringing up topics
29:55so that she would never lose sight of him.
29:57Perhaps so that she would not realize
29:59that the material was already deposited down there,
30:02which would later be seized.
30:03Of course.
30:04A part of the dome.
30:05A part, because there is another part behind.
30:07The envelopes were black.
30:09They were easy to camouflage in the darkness of the night.
30:12They were packages...
30:13The packages were black.
30:14No, no, they were packages of black insulating tape,
30:16which the prosecutor also made a demonstration of this.
30:18We had already done it.
30:19The weapon was loaded with eight projectiles inside,
30:24but it was with a gray diving sleeve...
30:27It's a movie, doctor.
30:28No, it's a movie.
30:29With a gray diving sleeve covered,
30:32and on top of it, all squeezed with insulating tape.
30:35One of the witnesses said,
30:36it took the police a long time to disarm the package.
30:40When a weapon is moved,
30:42and even more so if it is loaded,
30:44it is moved without any packaging.
30:46This type of transfer is the typical packaging
30:49of a weapon that is going to be placed.
30:51And this guy, as you can see,
30:54put it directly as it was given to him.
30:56Doctor, doctor,
30:57how or what evidence do you have
31:00that Pichinillo alerted a police brigade?
31:04Or when did that brigade begin to chase their client
31:08and then cross the vehicle
31:10for that scene of the screams that we just saw?
31:12You, Pastor, understand a lot about police officers.
31:15It is determined that all the previous intelligence
31:18that the police does
31:19begins at 20.40 on the 17th.
31:22The definitive procedure in which they are prevented
31:26was on the 18th at 12.30, 12.40.
31:30The police mobile phones left the robbery and theft base
31:34and went straight to the apple of the palace.
31:36But for an anonymous complaint?
31:38No, no, there was no complaint.
31:40There is no order of the day, there is no reason.
31:42At that moment, the explanation that was given, doctor,
31:44and you correct me,
31:45is that a patrolman perceived inside the truck
31:48a discussion, they assumed it was gender violence,
31:52when they went to try to stop the violence of that man,
31:55who was looking for his wife,
31:57they found the vehicle,
31:59without explaining why in a situation of gender violence
32:01a vehicle was found,
32:02and they found cocaine and the gun.
32:04And that reached the media in five minutes, doctor.
32:06Do you have all those images, cameras, videos, recordings?
32:10I didn't have them when I started.
32:12I had that act that said this,
32:14and my two clients arrested.
32:16Do you know the first thing we saw?
32:18We see an act that says that through the scope
32:20they had seen these movements.
32:22My partner, who is also a letterer
32:24and was accompanying me in the hearing,
32:26says to me, Carlos, did you see the windows of this truck?
32:29Blacks of the darkest tone.
32:31The one that is prohibited.
32:32The first thing we saw was that.
32:34How could the police see inside?
32:36Wait, we have to go to Europe for a minute.
32:41I want to deepen my moment, doctor.
32:43I hope it doesn't bother you.
32:44No, of course not.
32:45The idea of ​​why you hold
32:47that Pichirillo himself is a new Farinia.
32:51I want to know what political links he has,
32:53if he has links with the national government,
32:56with Peronismo,
32:57with whom this man is linked.
