• 2 months ago
Pemerintah Brasil mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan pada 6 Januari 2025, bahwa Indonesia secara resmi bergabung dengan BRICS sebagai anggota penuh. Masuknya Indonesia pun semakin memperluas cakupan wilayah kelompok negara-negara berkembang utama, yang juga telah mencakup Rusia, India, China dan Afrika Selatan ini.

Brasil, yang memegang tampuk kepresidenan kelompok ini pada 2025, mengatakan bahwa negara-negara anggota telah menyetujui masuknya Indonesia, melalui konsensus sebagai bagian dari dorongan ekspansi yang awalnya disetujui pada KTT blok ini pada 2023 di Johannesburg.

Negara di Amerika Selatan ini menyatakan bahwa keinginan Indonesia untuk bergabung mendapat lampu hijau dari blok ini pada 2023, tetapi Indonesia meminta untuk bergabung setelah usainya pemilihan presiden yang diadakan tahun lalu.

Indonesia, negara dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar keempat di dunia, sebelumnya telah menyatakan keinginannya untuk bergabung dengan kelompok ini, sebagai sebuah sarana untuk memperkuat negara-negara berkembang, dan memajukan kepentingan negara-negara yang disebut sebagai negara Selatan.

Dilansir laman resmi Council on Foreign Relation, BRICS berfungsi untuk mengoordinasikan dan memuluskan kerja sama ekonomi negara-negara berkembang.

Ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ekonomi mereka agar berada sejajar dengan negara-negara maju. Sebab, saat ini, kekuatan ekonomi global didominasi oleh negara-negara maju yang berasal dari Eropa, Amerika, dan beberapa dari Asia.


00:00In this program, we will discuss the latest news about the economy in Indonesia.
00:20Hello viewers, how are you today?
00:22Back again with me, Prasetyo Wibo, in the program Market Review.
00:26We will discuss the issues that are the driving force of the economy in Indonesia.
00:29And this time, we will discuss how to optimally utilize Indonesian members in BRICS.
00:35And let's start the complete Market Review.
00:48The Brazilian government stated that Indonesia officially joins the BRICS group as a full member.
00:53And the Indonesian government also evaluates the members in BRICS as a means to strengthen cooperation between developing countries.
01:06The Brazilian government in a statement on January 6, 2025 stated that Indonesia officially joins the BRICS group as a full member.
01:14The inclusion of Indonesia is also increasing by the inclusion of countries of major developing countries in the world.
01:19Which has also included Russia, India, China and South Africa.
01:24In the following statement, the government successfully stated that all BRICS members have agreed to join Indonesia in this group.
01:30Through the initial consensus that was agreed on the BRICS agreement with South Africa in 2023.
01:35However, Indonesia asked to join as soon as possible after the presidential election in 2020.
01:41Meanwhile, Indonesia evaluated its inclusion in the BRICS group.
01:44Will be a means to strengthen cooperation between developing countries.
01:48As well as to highlight the importance of the countries mentioned as the southern countries.
01:52There are BRICS members who are acronyms from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
01:57Are economic cooperation groups of developing countries trying to increase their influence in the world.
02:03This group works together to pressure the dominance of Western countries in global economy and politics.
02:09This group also promotes the reformation of international institutions such as the World Bank and G7.
02:15One of its goals is to reduce dependence on the US dollar.
02:19By promoting trade using local funds and providing financial institutions such as new investment banks.
02:24As a source for IDX.
02:25See you next week.
02:56Mr. Tuku Reza Syah.
02:58He is an international relations officer from Pajajaran University.
03:02Good morning, Mr. Tuku.
03:04Good morning. Greetings from Bandung, Sampurasun.
03:07Sampurasun Rampes.
03:09We will talk about Indonesia's membership.
03:12We will review first from Mr. Roli.
03:15How do you see Indonesia's development?
03:17What is the basis for us to join the BRICS?
03:22Please, Mr. Roli.
03:24I will start.
03:26When we talk about Indonesia's engagement,
03:29Indonesia's participation,
03:31or Indonesia's decision to join an international forum,
03:38whether it is a multilateral, regional, or bilateral forum,
03:42it is based on national interest.
03:46That is the principle we have to hold.
03:48Because at the end of the day, what we do is to fulfill our national interests.
03:53Indonesia's participation in the BRICS has been done with a comprehensive team.
04:01And we see that the BRICS can be of maximum benefit to Indonesia.
04:07At the same time, Indonesia also has a desire to contribute.
04:12In addition to the BRICS, there are many things that have similarities,
04:18similarities in view, how to see the problems in the world today, and how to address them.
04:26As an example, the BRICS priorities that have been discussed a lot by the BRICS members over the past few years
04:34actually have a lot to do with the priorities set by President Prabowo
04:40in the current administration,
04:42where we provide full training on food security and energy,
04:48poverty alleviation, and also the advancement or improvement of human resource quality.
04:54And in this regard, the BRICS, since its founding,
04:58is indeed aimed at broadening the opportunities for wider economic cooperation,
05:05including especially in the financial sector, trade, and investment.
05:10And there are a lot of similarities with us.
05:15And maybe in the global arena, how Indonesia sees the BRICS,
05:20we see that the BRICS can be a strategic platform
05:24in the future to strengthen cooperation with its member countries,
05:28especially to advance the interests of countries that are often classified as the global south, developing countries,
05:34which currently want a relatively more inclusive and fair global approach,
05:41so that there is a need for further efforts to promote a more efficient global approach.
05:48And this is what we can do together under the BRICS Mechanical Platform.
05:54Okay, so there are a lot of potentials that can be developed and explored further
05:59by Indonesia's BRICS members.
06:01Mr. Tuku, how do you see the role and position of Indonesia?
06:05Because we are also part of other global organizations,
06:09such as APEC, G20, and BRICS.
06:13That's right.
06:15For APEC, this is called Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation.
06:20And we are the founders of APEC.
06:23So at that time, there was a potential rivalry between the economic blocs,
06:27and there was also concern from countries in Asia Pacific
06:33that if they did not integrate into the Asia Pacific region,
06:38they would become a banana republic, like Australia and New Zealand.
06:43They were afraid. Canada was also afraid.
06:46As a result, they urged Indonesia to support APEC.
06:51This can be understood, where at that time we made KTT in Bogor in 1994,
06:58and before that, there was KTT in the United States in 1993.
07:02And Indonesia has been working hard from the beginning
07:06so that APEC is in line with its basic ideas,
07:09such as economic growth in the Asia Pacific region,
07:12then increase trade and investment,
07:15then transparency in the planning of development and non-discrimination,
07:18as well as technology.
07:20What about the BRICS itself?
07:23What about the BRICS itself with the new Indonesian members?
07:28I'm honestly a bit surprised.
07:30Why is it so fast that our friends from Brazil are bringing Indonesia into the BRICS?
07:35Because of course they also think about the potential of Indonesia,
07:39with a large population of 275 million,
07:42then the largest economy in Southeast Asia,
07:44and there is a potential for Indonesia to become a major economic power in 2030.
07:49So we take it.
07:53Mr. Tuku and Mr. Roli, we will discuss later
07:56how we discuss Indonesia's role.
07:58We will discuss foreign policy that is free and active.
08:02Mr. Roli and Mr. Tuku, we will discuss later in the next segment.
08:04And Mr. Mirza, make sure you are still with us.
08:23Thank you for still joining us in Market Review.
08:26We will continue this interesting discussion with Mr. Roli Ansah Asumirat,
08:30Associate Professor of Foreign Affairs,
08:32and Mr. Tuku Reza Syah,
08:34International Relations Observer from Pajajaran University.
08:37Mr. Roli, if we try to compare or compare with Indonesia's foreign policy,
08:41we will take it as a free and active policy.
08:45How about Indonesia's membership in other international organizations,
08:51such as BRICS, APEC, and others?
08:56From the point of view of foreign policy,
08:58and I will emphasize this from the point of view of foreign policy,
09:03that Indonesia's culture has never changed and is consistent
09:06with the Constitution, especially the Constitution of 1945,
09:12and also the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia,
09:14based on the Declaration of Independence,
09:16the Peace, Reconciliation, and Social Work, and so on.
09:19And one of the forms of maintaining this culture
09:22is by our decision to join various forums,
09:27whether it is similar or different,
09:31but not limited to our involvement in BRICS.
09:36This is a logical consequence of our choice
09:41to continue to be consistent with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
09:47So, we will join various forums,
09:50not only for the sake of participation,
09:54especially if we join a forum that aims to exclude other countries,
10:01or certain countries that are likely to be our rivals,
10:04because, in our opinion, as long as the forum is beneficial,
10:09not only for us, but also for other countries,
10:12for the benefit of the entire national community,
10:15we will continue to participate.
10:17And this will also be emphasized in our participation in various forums.
10:22Political freedom, of course,
10:25should never be interpreted as passive,
10:32because it is a conceptual issue.
10:36That's it.
10:37So, if we look at Indonesia's participation in BRICS,
10:40do you see that it can be the same as other members,
10:43such as EPEC, G20, as a non-blocking Indonesian position?
10:47That's right.
10:49So, this membership is increasing the position of the Republic of Indonesia,
10:53because by being a member, we have a voice.
10:56We can form norms, shaping the norms of the group,
11:00so that we can contribute to the world.
11:03Norm-shaping is something that must be done continuously,
11:08and it can't be done alone.
11:10It must be done with countries that have the same vision for the future,
11:15to improve something that we think is not right now,
11:19or to face the challenges that exist.
11:25Mr. Roli, what do you think?
11:27You said that Indonesia's active political base is not passive, but active.
11:38That's right.
11:40Mr. Ruliansyah said how consistent Indonesia is with the constitution,
11:45how consistent we are with the national interest of Indonesia,
11:48and we have refused to be a part of any power since the beginning.
11:53The theory is from 1948,
11:54when Bung Hatta said that there is a gap between the two sides,
12:01and Bung Karno called it the Vivere-Vere Colosso Samante.
12:05And now, we are with all the international organizations,
12:10with ASEAN, with APEC,
12:13with Regional Comprehensive Economic Cooperation,
12:16with IORA, the Indian Ocean Regional Association,
12:21with GNB, with OKI, with G20.
12:26So, we apply the principle of equal distance kind of cooperation.
12:30We are close with all of them.
12:32And the concept now is with BRICS.
12:34We have to admit that with BRICS,
12:38it makes us believe that we are in the middle position.
12:42We are close with all of them.
12:44With the United States, China, Russia, the European Union, and Japan.
12:48There is no one that we prioritize.
12:52All of them are important to us.
12:54But one of the cooperation doesn't mean that we ignore the others.
12:58This is very sweet.
13:00In 2025, we will join BRICS.
13:02If it's interesting, Mr. Roli,
13:04what kind of cooperation will be built in Indonesia
13:08after joining BRICS?
13:13For that, we need to do initial research.
13:16Don't let BRICS become a hegemonic power.
13:20Don't let BRICS become an anti-G7 power.
13:23And also an anti-leadership of any country.
13:26No. We have to be consistent.
13:28This is the initial period.
13:30I think there is a surprise from Indonesian diplomats.
13:34Mr. Roli didn't say.
13:36Usually, we are in the driving seat.
13:39In the driving seat, we are the controller.
13:41And beside us, there is a partner country,
13:43maybe it's called a navigator.
13:44And now, suddenly, we are in BRICS.
13:48At first, I thought Indonesia joined BRICS in the second group.
13:52After Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
13:56By joining Indonesia, the name became noisy.
13:59It turns out that we joined in the third round.
14:03So we suddenly interact with other countries.
14:08Egypt, United Arab Emirates.
14:13And also Iran.
14:16But I think this is a learning stage for Indonesia.
14:19We have to check the results of the previous BRICS.
14:232024 in Russia, 2023 in South Africa,
14:272022 in China.
14:29Then we try to make our position fit.
14:32We are not in the driving seat,
14:36but we are in the middle of the passenger seat.
14:40This requires deep research,
14:43job description, and job specification from a national actor.
14:47Okay, this is interesting. Let's go to Mr. Roliansa.
14:50Mr. Roliansa, what do you think of the government's policy?
14:53Is there a special mission for Indonesia's position in BRICS?
14:58So that it can be more beneficial for Indonesia.
15:04When it comes to cooperation,
15:08which we want to develop with BRICS countries,
15:12we see that with BRICS countries,
15:16at least we have a view that there are a number of basic principles that are consistent.
15:21And our perspective with their perspective.
15:25For example, equality, sovereignty, respect for each other,
15:28solidarity, consensus, and so on.
15:32Those are the principles.
15:34The tick boxes that are marked with equality,
15:38we will try to amplify it further.
15:41But of course we will not amplify it in the echo chamber.
15:44Because if we only talk about the echo chamber,
15:46we will forget that we are addressing a bigger issue.
15:49So that's how we build the principle of equality further.
15:55For something more concrete.
15:56And of course, in the midst of the global geopolitics,
16:00which is now increasingly divisive,
16:02there is an importance for us to remind all of us,
16:07including our friends at BRICS,
16:09to continue to open the door,
16:11to open the possibility of a more inclusive cooperation
16:15with other groups, with a proper engagement.
16:18Okay. Mr. Aruli, what is it like?
16:20Usually when we form a cooperation,
16:22it is also shared or vice versa,
16:27which is expected from BRICS countries
16:29as well as Indonesia, Mr. Aruli.
16:34It means that our cooperation will always form two directions.
16:40We will have a proper take and give there.
16:43So that the cooperation benefits each other.
16:46And there is a lot of potential that we will try to find together.
16:49For example, how we exchange compare notes
16:55on the fulfillment of SDGs.
16:59Sustainable Development Goals.
17:01Then we also need to deepen again
17:05how we face various global challenges
17:08such as climate change, food security, energy security.
17:14Issues that are very near and very near to our heart,
17:17especially developing countries.
17:19First of all, the issue of technology and digitalization.
17:23Something that we have always felt bitterly.
17:27Developing countries, because we assume that the access we have
17:30is relatively still lacking compared to developing countries.
17:34But we find it difficult to advance those issues
17:38if we work alone.
17:40So we will try to find those things
17:42in order to benefit our entire sector.
17:44Well, that's it. What potentials can be found
17:46to optimize international cooperation,
17:50especially in the participation of other countries in Indonesia.
17:54We will discuss it in the next segment.
17:56We will be back in a moment.
17:58Mr. Roli, Mr. Toko, and Mr. Mirsa, make sure you are still with us.
18:17Thank you for being with us.
18:20We will continue this interesting discussion
18:22with Mr. Rolian Sasupiran,
18:24Minister of Foreign Affairs,
18:26and Mr. Tukur Reza Sia,
18:28Director of International Relations at Pajajaran University.
18:31Mr. Tukur, what do you think about Indonesia's position
18:34when it comes to the participation of other countries in Indonesia,
18:38such as BRICS, G20, and EPIC?
18:43Do you think Indonesia's position in the international arena
18:46will be comfortable
18:48when it comes to Indonesia's free, active,
18:51and non-passive participation?
18:53So that it can provide an optimal benefit
18:56for Indonesia, especially from the economic point of view?
19:01This will increase Indonesia's international reputation.
19:04Indonesia is known as a country
19:07that brings peace principles,
19:10justice principles,
19:12equality principles,
19:14and where the international organizations that Indonesia follows
19:17have the trait that as long as there is Indonesia,
19:20the organization will not develop
19:22into a confrontational organization
19:24over other powers.
19:26This is the image that the world knows from Indonesia.
19:29And I think that by joining BRICS now,
19:32it doesn't mean that this is a sudden thing.
19:36Where BRICS countries,
19:38especially Brazil,
19:39see that Indonesia has great potential
19:42to make BRICS a very consistent force
19:46in achieving the goals of the BRICS foundation itself,
19:50which is to strengthen multilateralism,
19:53then global partnership,
19:55then also be connected with synergies
19:58with countries in the South.
20:00So for that, Brazil and other BRICS countries
20:03see that Indonesia has great potential for that.
20:05But for that, the timing is also right for Indonesia.
20:09But we are surprised,
20:11usually we are in the driving seat position,
20:13now suddenly we are in the passenger seat position,
20:16where the passenger seat position
20:18makes us have to learn a lot.
20:20Don't let us be dragged into
20:23one of the great powers
20:25in the BRICS.
20:27But anyway, this is the right moment.
20:29Because if we look at President Zubianto's diplomatic move
20:33since the last six months,
20:37Indonesia is in a position as a qualified middle power,
20:40where we think that ASEAN is already strong enough,
20:44and it's time for Indonesia to be active
20:49by suppressing its ability to move independently.
20:53And first of all, this is very accurate
20:56because the world itself evaluates
20:582030 as a critical year for Indonesia
21:01to prove itself
21:02and be in the top 10 position in the world economy.
21:05And of course,
21:07BRICS is an intellectual challenge
21:10for President Prabowo-Zubianto
21:12because he is known in the world
21:14as an outward-looking leader
21:16and has been running his family business.
21:19So this is an important time for BRICS
21:22and also an important time for Indonesia.
21:24Mr. Roliansa,
21:26what if we look at the potential
21:29of Indonesia's independence,
21:30to be able to be anywhere in the international world,
21:34can it bring its own benefits
21:36for Indonesia's position internationally?
21:38And of course,
21:40it can also be a game changer
21:42for Indonesia's economic development.
21:44Mr. Roliansa.
21:46If I may interject a little,
21:49thank you, Mr. Roliansa,
21:51for reminding that it is still necessary
21:53for all of us,
21:55especially in the government,
21:57to make sure that
21:58our participation
22:00does not become a situation
22:03where we are separated
22:05from the existing countries.
22:07And of course, we will do our best
22:09and we will always remind
22:11all stakeholders
22:13based on the implementation
22:15of various norms
22:17that have been discussed in BRICS.
22:19Related to the potential,
22:21at least if we look at
22:23the bare minimum,
22:25for example,
22:26at the moment,
22:28it dominates around
22:3037 percent,
22:32maybe even a little more,
22:34of the world's GDP
22:37based on purchasing power parity.
22:40And around 42 percent
22:42of the global population.
22:44And predictions from many parties
22:46state that
22:48the economy of BRICS countries
22:50will be able to become
22:52a global economy
22:53due to the slowdown
22:55in other countries
22:57around the world,
22:59especially developed countries.
23:01And the expansion of BRICS
23:03that includes many other countries,
23:05we are the 11th country
23:07with BRICS,
23:09also limits
23:11the BRICS part
23:13on world energy production
23:15or other resources,
23:17including critical minerals.
23:19Something that is currently
23:21becoming a concern
23:25So in the context of energy
23:27or in the context of
23:29health issues,
23:31which is now becoming a concern
23:33in Indonesia,
23:35it is very difficult
23:37if we try to take advantage
23:39of BRICS' participation
23:41to meet the national needs
23:43related to these issues.
23:45So there are many issues.
23:47Finally, there are also some potential
23:49non-traditional trade markets.
23:51For example,
23:53if we talk about challenges,
23:55usually at the time of new members,
23:57there is a problem
23:59that must be solved.
24:01What is the readiness of the Indonesian government
24:03when it has joined
24:05in the BRICS membership?
24:09for the challenges,
24:11Mr. Rizaso has also said
24:13that we have joined
24:15through a deep research process
24:17to save time
24:19so that there are many norms
24:21that have been agreed on before
24:23and it takes time
24:25for us to adjust
24:27and see how we will
24:29implement those things
24:31compared to something
24:33that has been decided by BRICS countries
24:37In the future, we already have a saying,
24:39we can already talk about it.
24:41And of course,
24:43we want to make use of our proximity
24:45with all BRICS members
24:47and also with members outside BRICS
24:49to understand each other.
24:51Because in our opinion,
24:53in geopolitics and geoeconomics,
24:55there is no side
24:57that connects the dots.
24:59Actually, there are many parties
25:01that talk about working with the economy
25:03in various forums,
25:05in various national groups.
25:07But sometimes,
25:09the group is just that.
25:11To connect the dots
25:13so that the engagement is wider,
25:15more inclusive,
25:17more fair,
25:19so that it avoids the situation
25:20that is not easy
25:22and requires flexibility
25:24from many countries
25:26that we will try to push
25:28through our members in BRICS.
25:30Wow, that's it.
25:32It means that from the preparation side,
25:34we have done a deep study
25:36to the Indonesian BRICS members
25:38so it's up to us
25:40to work together
25:42to find a solution together
25:44in the sense that we will solve
25:46various problems that will be faced
25:48in 2025.
25:50Okay, Mr. Roli, thank you very much
25:52for sharing the updates
25:54that you have given to Mr. Toku.
25:56Thank you also for the analysis
25:58that you have given to Mr. Mirsa.
26:00Congratulations on continuing your activities.
26:02Stay healthy and see you again.
26:04Mr. Roli, Mr. Toku, thank you.
26:08Okay, Mr. Mirsa, don't leave your place
26:10because we will be back
26:12with another interesting topic
26:14related to IPO, PT Hero Global Investment TBK.
26:16We will be back soon.
