• 2 months ago
00:00Okay, finally, the nightcap Michigan takes on U. C. L. A. Two teams in the top 25. Mike, one team won't be after tonight. Bruins three and a half point favorites over the Wolverines. Total 1 41 and a half. What's your assessment of this one?
00:13What's fascinating to me that that would be the case that they would be favorite, even at poly because they have struggled on offense. U. C. L. A. Has and Michigan provides a defensive challenge for this great Bruins defense.
00:26That's unlike anything they've seen. A seven foot one inside with lab golden and then seven footer Danny Wolf on the move. That's a real challenge. Bruins. It will say a lot about U. C. L. A. If they can pull this one off, even at home, that's a monstrous challenge defensively for them, and if they can, even if they play well defensively, they still have to find a way to score enough points.
00:49I kind of like Michigan here because of the of that struggle to score that U. C. L. A. Has endured.
