• 2 months ago
tangki air yang boleh bersih dengan sendirinya - cuci tangki air setiap hari

Berfungsi seperti pam, pancutan air dari valve itu akan tembak tangki dan sekaligus bersihkan tangki.

Kotoran di permukaan tangki akan keluar selama 30 saat
& Ada ultraviolet yang membunuh kuman.

Kalau korang suka produk ni, jangan lupa untuk mengundi Innovathon people choice awards di www.gempak.com/innovathon ok?

Merealisasikan Impian Inovasi Anda

INNOVATHON kembali dengan musim kedua, sebuah inisiatif menarik bersama Kementerian Ekonomi dan Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi (MOSTI) dengan kerjasama Astro.

Saksikan pertandingan hebat dalam INNOVATHON Musim 2 yang akan disiarkan mulai 30 November 2024. Para inovator tempatan dari pelbagai latar belakang akan tampil dengan idea-idea kreatif dan berinovasi, bersaing merebut hadiah utama. Setiap episod menampilkan cabaran-cabaran sengit yang menguji daya kreativiti dan ketekunan peserta, sambil memberi peluang untuk merealisasikan impian mereka.

Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk melihat bagaimana idea-idea luar biasa ini berkembang dan bersaing di layar kaca! Saksikan #INNOVATHON Musim 2 di saluran berikut.

Setiap Sabtu, 9 PM

🔭ASTRO AEC (Siaran Ulangan)
Setiap Ahad, 6 PM

🔭RTM (Siaran Ulangan)
Setiap Ahad, 9 PM

#Innovathon2 #MotivasiInspirasi #AstroMalaysia #AstroBaharu #AstroGo #sookaMalaysia


00:05It started five years ago
00:08when my third child had a very critical skin condition.
00:12We tried many different things, but it didn't work out.
00:16That's when we came up with this idea.
00:21Hi, my name is Samsuddin Bin Nazri.
00:23I'm the CEO of HADIN Group Global Sambahat.
00:27I'm 49 years old.
00:29The innovation I'm working on is an auto tank cleaner.
00:33We call it Detox Auto Tank Cleaner.
00:36It's used to wash water tanks at home
00:39where most people have never washed their tanks
00:43because they're afraid of falling into the water and so on.
00:47That's why I came up with a tool to wash the tanks automatically.
00:53Detox has 12 nozzles
00:56where we start with one nozzle.
00:59When there's only one nozzle, it can't cover the entire tank.
01:02So, we made 12 nozzles
01:04that can cover the entire tank to be washed.
01:07At first, our design was stagnant.
01:10There was no movement.
01:11Now, we're making a float tank
01:14where the water will stop when the tank is full.
01:18It will move automatically.
01:20There's no need to use a motor
01:21because we want to reduce the part of the tank.
01:24So, when we look at the tank, we think that we can wash the tank.
01:29But if we don't kill the bacteria,
01:31if we don't kill the parasites,
01:33the dirt will still be there.
01:35So, we add an UV ultralight to the tank
01:38and we can remove the dirt and the parasites.
01:41And the dirt won't be there anymore.
01:43I think every house needs a DETOX Auto Tank Cleaner
01:47because it can solve your problem of smelly water.
01:51So, DETOX Auto Tank Cleaner will make the water in the tank fresh.
01:56And there will be no bacteria in it.
01:58I really hope that this DETOX Auto Tank Cleaner
02:01can be accepted by the community
02:03because its main function is to wash the tank
02:06and remove the bacteria that are not yet in the market.
02:11So, I think this is an idea that solves the problem in general.
02:19And my hope is that when I go to the OEM,
02:21of course, I want to be able to win or be the champion
02:26and we can promote this thing to the public
02:30so that the benefits can be shared together.
02:33Productivity can be improved.
02:35If our children are healthy, they can always go to school.
02:38They don't have to go to the toilet all the time.
02:40When there are a lot of germs,
02:42sometimes people don't want to deal with them.
02:43They also feel like they don't have the spirit.
