• last month
tangki air yang boleh bersih dengan sendirinya - cuci tangki air setiap hari

Berfungsi seperti pam, pancutan air dari valve itu akan tembak tangki dan sekaligus bersihkan tangki.

Kotoran di permukaan tangki akan keluar selama 30 saat
& Ada ultraviolet yang membunuh kuman.

Kalau korang suka produk ni, jangan lupa untuk mengundi Innovathon people choice awards di www.gempak.com/innovathon ok?

Merealisasikan Impian Inovasi Anda

INNOVATHON kembali dengan musim kedua, sebuah inisiatif menarik bersama Kementerian Ekonomi dan Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi (MOSTI) dengan kerjasama Astro.

Saksikan pertandingan hebat dalam INNOVATHON Musim 2 yang akan disiarkan mulai 30 November 2024. Para inovator tempatan dari pelbagai latar belakang akan tampil dengan idea-idea kreatif dan berinovasi, bersaing merebut hadiah utama. Setiap episod menampilkan cabaran-cabaran sengit yang menguji daya kreativiti dan ketekunan peserta, sambil memberi peluang untuk merealisasikan impian mereka.

Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk melihat bagaimana idea-idea luar biasa ini berkembang dan bersaing di layar kaca! Saksikan #INNOVATHON Musim 2 di saluran berikut.

Setiap Sabtu, 9 PM

🔭ASTRO AEC (Siaran Ulangan)
Setiap Ahad, 6 PM

🔭RTM (Siaran Ulangan)
Setiap Ahad, 9 PM

#Innovathon2 #MotivasiInspirasi #AstroMalaysia #AstroBaharu #AstroGo #sookaMalaysia


00:00Hi, my name is Samsuddin Bin Nazri. I am the manager of the Adin Group Global Sambahan company.
00:29I am 49 years old.
00:31The innovation that I made is an auto tank cleaner.
00:35We call it Detox Auto Tank Cleaner.
00:38It functions to wash the water tank in the house.
00:41Most people never wash the water tank because they are afraid.
00:46Afraid of falling and so on.
00:49Therefore, I created a tool to wash the water tank automatically.
00:53I think every house needs a Detox Auto Tank Cleaner.
00:58Ladies and gentlemen.
01:00Have you ever experienced the following problem?
01:02After taking a bath, you feel itchiness on your body and face.
01:07And sometimes when we take a dip, the water in the dip has a smell, a smell and a color.
01:13So, what is the status of our dip?
01:15We also feel nauseous, right?
01:18The cause of the problem is from our dirty water tank.
01:24Like this.
01:25Can you imagine if this water tank is on your house?
01:30So, don't worry.
01:32Today, we are here to show our latest invention.
01:36We call it Detox Auto Tank Cleaner.
01:41It functions to wash the water tank automatically.
01:4824 hours a day, non-stop.
01:51This is the main water tank from the supplier.
01:55We can see a lot of things in this water tank.
02:00With Auto Tank Cleaner, the water from here will go to the rocket filter.
02:04It will be filtered first.
02:06Then, the rocket filter will be given to our air compressor.
02:11The air compressor will give a strong water pressure.
02:15Along with 12 Detox nozzles inside.
02:18Let's see how it works.
02:22Take a look.
02:24Every day, it will wash the surrounding.
02:28So, there will be no dirt and skin.
02:32There will be no particles.
02:34The microbes will be destroyed by the UV light inside.
02:38We can take the standard water and drink it.
02:42It has been proven.
02:44We can prove it.
02:46This device makes it easier for you.
02:51It gives you high quality water.
02:53One of the most important thing I want to tell you.
02:57Detox will allow you to open a job opportunity.
03:03In 5 years, we plan to install 60,000 to 70,000 units.
03:11Economic development will happen here.
03:14Ladies and gentlemen, give us a chance to install this device.
03:19All over our country, in Malaysia.
03:23What will be the business model?
03:26Will your company license the available tank manufacturers?
03:34Or will you open a tank company that sells all of these?
03:40Or if you do all of these, will you sell it outright to the buyers?
03:50Or will you give them a list so that the price will be cheaper?
03:54Let me put it this way.
03:55To convince the company to buy this product, we might not be able to do it.
04:02But, if we do it first.
04:05There will be a leader in every country.
04:09There will be an installer to install this product.
04:11Once this product becomes viral, the company will come to us.
04:17Then, we will collaborate to make this device successful.
04:28It's like Kowei.
04:31Because it's hard for one person to buy it.
04:34That's why they make a leasing model.
04:36The problem is, the leasing model has to be big.
04:40So, they make it like Kowei.
04:42Which is, I come and install and fix everything.
04:45So, they don't sell it.
04:46Either they replace the tank or install it.
04:49People pay RM20 per month.
04:52With maintenance.
04:53So, there's no headache.
04:54No headache.
