• 2 months ago
👉 El primo de Franco Ezequiel Vera, el joven asesinado por un transa en Morón, acusa al intendente Luca G. de tener vínculos con narcotraficantes y permitir la violencia en la comunidad.

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00:00We are with Gianluca, who is Franco's cousin, brother, and as Franco's brother is a few meters away from Gianluca, the truth is that the scene is heartbreaking.
00:14Where you look at it, because we see Franco as he is, and we see Gianluca as he is, and we see his brother, and the truth is that it is incredible.
00:25We accompany you in this moment of so much pain. What can you tell us, what can you say about all this?
00:34The only thing that can be said is that we want justice. The relatives, the friends, the people of the neighborhood. He was a very dear boy, Franco, an excellent person.
00:44And we want justice, man. I want Luca G., the mayor of Morón, to come down and take responsibility for all this shit, man.
00:54Because everything was arranged with him, with the police, with the prosecutors, with everything.
01:02Did this have to happen for the police to come?
01:07How do you understand that? That a tragedy has to happen, that a murder has to happen for the police to come and, in turn, take care of a property?
01:15And that's how Argentina is, right? From bad to worse. Why do these things happen? Because they allow it up there. And what do they do up there?
01:24They take money from all the narcos to keep doing this shit.
01:29What was Franco like?
01:31Franco was an excellent person, a partner, always good energy, hard worker, a good boy. There are no words to explain what Franco was like.
01:43When did you see him for the last time?
01:45Yesterday we were together. We were drinking a coke, playing ball. And she's not here. Who's going to call my cousin?
01:57How did you find out?
01:59I was lying in my house and a friend rang the doorbell. And he says, hey, Franco, I don't know what.
02:06What happened? They shot him. And he says, what? I say, it can't be.
02:12And when I came here, I imagined that, I don't know, they shot him in the leg, in the arm.
02:18When I came here, he was lying there on the couch.
02:22They didn't hurt me. He was my partner. He was the only one who understood me, who made me a better person. He left me alone.
02:39He was my only one. I will always carry him with me. He will always be with me.
02:52I want Lucas G, the mayor of Morón, to take care of this. Because he was here and he had it all sorted out.
03:01He knew that it was all sorted out with all the drug traffickers.
03:04Yes, Lucas G, Lucas G, I hope you take care of this. Because you knew Franco Ezequiel Vera. You knew him. I want you to take care of this.
03:17Was the murderer known to the neighborhood? Or is he known to the neighborhood?
03:22There is a little boy here in Burgos.
03:25Is he known?
03:27Yes, he is known, but at least that's the way it is.
03:31But not to be treated?
03:33No, not to be treated. Never in a deal. Never. Never in trouble.
03:37Besides, we are kids who never have trouble with anyone. Never have trouble with anyone.
03:42He had to rebel. He had a whole life ahead of him, full of good projects.
03:49Was he working?
03:51He was working. Everything. He always rebelled, always working, always working.
03:58Forward, forward. The good ones are coming, the good ones are coming. And now, man, they took our lives. As if life was worthless, right?
04:07Does he have a younger brother?
04:10Does he have a younger brother?
04:11Yes, he has a younger brother. And now we are going to accompany him, my aunt, among all of us.
04:19And his mother, of course. Besides, he had lost his father a short time ago.
04:23My uncle's father. And well, now there are the two of us there. And he's dead.
04:28There are the two of us there. I know there are the two of us together.
04:32Oh, I can't.
04:34Come on, man, come on. Come on.
04:38It's tremendous. It's very difficult.
04:42It breaks you. It breaks you.
04:44It's very difficult, this situation.
04:46You have a relative.
04:47It's very difficult because...
04:49It's what it means, losing a friend.
04:52A cousin, right?
04:54Now, if you work...
04:55As a friend.
04:56As a friend, yes.
04:58If you work, you get fired. What a message.
05:00And we are with...
05:01I am the sister of my nephew's father.
05:03And here we are with an aunt, what's your name?
05:09What's up?
05:10I can't believe it.
05:11My brother died a year ago, it's going to be two.
05:13And my nephew worked, he was a good boy.
05:16He wasn't a boy who was drugged or anything.
05:18But I tell you one thing, what does the mayor do that didn't knock it all down?
05:22That the house is standing, well, it's taken care of by the gendarmes, it's fine.
05:25But people will continue to take justice into their own hands.
05:27Because there will never be justice.
05:29As long as there is a corrupt governor, a government, whatever, you understand?
05:33Listen to me Gopi, this was already being talked about, this situation.
05:36People say that I saw it on the news, because I talk every day with my niece, with my sister-in-law.
05:40And she never told me that there was a bunker here.
05:43The last time I came was when my brother died.
05:45And he told me that it had been there for five months, you know?
05:48And they killed him, but like that, they killed him for fun.
05:51Because I saw the video on Channel 2, until early tomorrow.
05:55And listen to me one thing, could you talk to your nephew, with Franco's brother?
05:59He is my nephew, he is destroyed, shocked.
06:02He is destroyed, because he was already having a hard time with his father's death.
06:05My brother died when he was 51 years old, very young.
06:08And well, he is bad, imagine how he is, he is destroyed.
06:12He is the one who first sees Franco.
06:14Of course, he says he sees him from the window, he saw that someone was lying down, he went down to see.
06:18My sister-in-law didn't think it was her son.
06:21Well, she told me early, I couldn't believe it, no.
06:24I couldn't believe it, I live in the capital.
06:27Gopi, we are with you at this moment.
06:29Very hard, yes, thank you.
06:30A lot of strength.
06:31May justice be done, but really.
06:33Justice for Franco.
06:34Yes, justice for Franco and for all the people who kill like that.
06:37Because of the narcos, you understand?
06:40Strength, strength.
06:43There is, just, just at this moment, we have been here for several hours.
06:48Franco's little brother manages to enter the house.
06:51The one who saw a large part of the situation, the one who sees a person lying on the floor.
06:57And when he approaches, he sees him from inside his house.
07:00When he approaches, he realizes that it was his brother who was deceased.
07:05Eighteen years.
07:06Eighteen years.
07:07Eighteen years.
07:08As Gopi says, he was already beaten.
07:11And he was already very sad about his father's death a few months ago, about a year ago.
07:17And now with this massacre for an 18-year-old creature that, honestly.
07:24Remember us.
07:25You can't believe it.
07:26Let's see.
07:27The door where he lives, or lived in this case, Franco.
07:33And the place where he falls.
07:35It's here.
07:36This house.
07:37The house, we are in Santa Catalina 822, which is this house.
07:43This house, this house is the front.
07:46And we are going to walk a few blocks, a few meters, sorry.
07:50We are going to walk a few meters.
07:53And this is where these people are, where this wingman is, who falls.
08:01Franco was walking around here, walking down the sidewalk.
08:05There was a car here.
08:06That's why at first there are some people who don't see that situation.
08:12And here comes the murderer, last name Correa.
08:16After kicking the door a few times.
08:19Of arguing inside with Guevara, the mugger, the drug dealer.
08:26And previously he had already shot a couple of times.
08:30He shoots when he's here and he turns around and shoots against the sidewalk in front.
08:36With so much, but so much bad luck.
08:39And that is sometimes the fate of some.
08:42He was walking down this sidewalk.
08:45Immediately the murderer shoots twice and one of those shots hits his head.
