• 2 months ago
👉 Crece la tensión entre la policía y los vecinos tras la muerte de Franco, un joven de 22 años que camina frente a un búnker narco. Habló la abuela del joven.

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00:00Are you a relative of Franco?
00:02Yes, I'm Franco's grandmother.
00:05What was Franco like?
00:07Franco was an excellent boy, hard-working.
00:10He would come and go to his friend's house.
00:14He would go there every night.
00:16He lived in a block.
00:18And at night, he would come around one o'clock.
00:23And when he arrived,
00:26they started shooting from the front.
00:29His mother told the boy
00:33to tell him not to come because of the shooting.
00:36To tell Franco not to come in.
00:38Yes, to tell him not to come in.
00:39Because Franco was a few meters away from the house.
00:41Yes, and when he told him,
00:44Franco was already dead.
00:47One of them crossed in front of him
00:50and shot him in the neck.
00:52Without anything.
00:53Without anything.
00:54They shot him in the neck.
00:56Because there was no one there.
01:00No one tried to help him.
01:01They all ran away.
01:03Because everything was turned upside down.
01:05With a crowbar and everything.
01:07They were all in there.
01:09His mother told him
01:12to go to the cinema.
01:15Here in front?
01:17No, here.
01:18Because he was coming from a block.
01:21And his brother shot him.
01:23His brother went out to see who they had shot
01:25and realized that it was his own brother.
01:27Yes, it was.
01:28And he was the brother with his shoes full of blood.
01:31But he was already covered.
01:33But without anything.
01:34They were coming to the house.
01:36But inside.
01:37And now how does he continue?
01:39And now his mother is upstairs.
01:43My daughter is upstairs.
01:46Does Franco have a brother?
01:48Yes, yes.
01:49That's the one inside.
01:51The little one.
01:52How old is he?
01:54Eighteen, yes.
01:55Just the two of them.
01:56Sure, there he is.
01:57It's just the two of them.
01:58An eighteen-year-old.
01:59We wanted to see if he had another brother.
02:01He was coming here.
02:03He was almost at the door of his house.
02:05From one door to the other.
02:06Look at the lady.
02:08He crossed the sidewalk.
02:10One of them crossed.
02:11So he could turn around.
02:13And he shot him.
02:15Without anything.
02:17Good luck.
02:18Franco's grandmother,
02:19who, well, reported that shots were heard from inside the house.
02:23And the mother wants to warn Franco not to come,
02:26not to approach the area, because it was complicated.
02:29And it was too late.
02:30Those shots they heard were those that ended the life of Franco Vera,
02:3322 years old, who almost died at the door of his house.
02:36He was about to enter.
02:37He was walking when this 24-year-old murderer turns around,
02:40looks at him and shoots him more than twice.
02:43But the family is very moved.
02:45The mother, well, is obviously at home.
02:48She has already received medical assistance.
02:50Because they cannot believe what they are experiencing.
02:53That her son, her brother, her grandson,
02:55ends up dead on the floor in the hands of a narco gang
02:59that they had already denounced for a whole year.
03:01With this valuable testimony that you have just presented to us,
03:06the truth is that we are getting to know,
03:08going through the details of this story.
03:10And there is no adjective to qualify it.
03:12There is not.
03:14Because that mother, sending her son a message,
03:18telling him, shots are being heard,
03:20don't come, don't come close.
03:23How many times will she have sent that same message?
03:26How many times will she have sent that same message
03:29to her other 18-year-old son, who ended up leaving
03:31and realizing that the boy, lying on the floor,
03:35was his own brother?
03:37I mean, the truth is that ...
03:39I mean, I can't resist the slightest analysis.
03:43This is a tragedy, but it is not even a tragedy.
03:47Because a tragedy is something that cannot be avoided.
03:50It is something that happens like lightning.
03:52I mean, it cannot be avoided.
03:53In this case, this could have been avoided.
03:56And the neighbors had been pointing it out,
03:58they had been denouncing it.
04:00They have known for a year that this was like this.
04:03For a year they have been making comments, denunciations.
04:07For a year.
04:09And today, Franco died.
04:12Today, Franco died.
04:14Today, Franco died, no.
04:15Today, they killed Franco.
04:17Because it's not that he died.
04:18They killed him.
04:19It's not the same.
04:21They live across the street, then.
04:23He lived directly across the street.
04:25They live ...
04:26I mean, a few meters away.
04:29Apparently, yes.
04:30Where Franco falls is on this sidewalk.
04:32Look, here.
04:33A few meters, nothing more.
04:36And in the Lindera house is Franco.
04:38He is a few meters away from entering his home.
04:41Yes, yes, yes.
04:42Arriving home.
04:43One and a half in the morning.
04:44The family already warning him that shots were being heard.
04:46Please don't come through the area.
04:49And it was already late.
04:50The shots they were hearing were the ones that caused Franco Vera's death.
04:53Twenty-two years.
04:54He was shot in the neck.
04:56What catches my attention is that it was said that they were shots in the air.
05:00That this 24-year-old guy came out of the bunker drugged, angry,
05:04and began to shoot.
05:06Yes, he fired shots in the air.
05:08And then he looks at Franco, who was the only person who was walking along the sidewalk,
05:12through Santa Catalina at 800,
05:14and shoots him more than twice.
05:16The family cannot believe what is still happening.
05:19And why?
05:20Because this could have been avoided.
05:22If the police had acted a year ago,
05:24that this bunker is constantly being denounced,
05:26the movement, the shots, the bullets, the noise,
05:29the strange movement,
05:32it could have been avoided.
05:34Yes, the police and the police.
05:37Again, I mean,
05:39one works together with the other.
05:43I mean, the police can also act
05:48based on what the justice requests,
05:50what the justice requires.
05:52Yes, yes, yes.
05:53The actions are made,
05:55the arrests have to arrive quickly.
05:58And well, once arrested,
06:00the criminals are arrested,
06:02the drug dealers.
06:04And well, at least,
06:06and many times,
06:07in a second instance,
06:10the municipality intervenes
06:12and appropriates the place where drugs are sold,
06:15and it is thrown away,
06:16as in this case,
06:17what the neighbors themselves wanted to do,
06:20or it is used for something better.
06:22It is reused.
06:23It is reused.
06:24That is the ideal.
06:25The three legs have to intervene.
06:27That is the ideal.
06:28The justice, the police and the state.
06:30The expropriation of those spaces.
06:32What happens is that, well,
06:33you have to see who it was from, right?
06:34Who it was from, of course.
06:35Because also the best of a person
06:36who rented it,
06:37in good faith,
06:38we do not know,
06:39we are speculating.
06:41But there have been other cases
06:42where a person rents in good faith
06:43and ends up getting
06:45a mafia gang.
06:46Yes, yes.
06:47Or they end up,
06:48sometimes these gangs of drug dealers
06:50come to what is lead,
06:53to get into these houses,
06:55they evict those who were there,
06:56they take over these places,
06:58and well,
06:59they use them later,
07:00for the sale of drugs
07:02that end up with this situation.
07:04You will see how this young man,
07:06Patricio Leonel Correa,
07:08of 24 years old,
07:10arrives out of nowhere.
07:13He is the one who comes to buy drugs
07:15to this bunker,
07:16near La Una,
07:18and that is where he starts
07:19to kick the door,
07:20makes a shot,
07:21and then,
07:22unloads all his anger,
07:24all his anger,
07:25against Franco,
07:27who is walking along the sidewalk,
07:29in the image,
07:30it looks like he is looking at him,
07:32and in that fight,
07:33in that anger he had
07:35against the drug dealers
07:37who were in that bunker,
07:38he shoots Franco directly.
07:41He ends up leaving
07:42and shoots again,
07:43in the escape.
07:45Well, all that,
07:47in the middle of that situation,
07:48where Franco was
07:49only a few meters away
07:51from getting to his house.
07:53Look, how is the situation now?
07:55We see movement
07:56from the police.
07:59Yes, the situation
08:00is much calmer.
08:01The neighbors came to their senses,
08:02they asked for justice,
08:05the gangs that threw
08:06stones, bottles,
08:07no longer appeared.
08:08They disappeared,
08:10We don't even see them.
08:11The neighbors are calmer.
08:13Yes, they come to see,
08:14to ask for justice.
08:15They want this to be thrown down.
08:17They don't want to see it anymore.
08:18In fact,
08:19the infantry will be withdrawn
08:20and the neighbors
08:21will come to throw it down
08:22with their own hands.
08:23Now we are going to try
08:24to talk to some more,
08:25but the firefighters arrived.
08:27Here is Eva Peroni
08:28and Santa Catalina.
08:29Look, Franco,
08:30inscriptions on the floor,
08:32they ask for justice.
08:34How are you?
08:35Good morning.
08:36Did you know that
08:37drugs were sold there?
08:38What movement
08:39did you observe in the neighborhood?
08:41I've been here
08:42in this neighborhood
08:43for 40 years.
08:44The truth is that
08:45I knew the boy
08:46who lived there,
08:47his mother,
08:48his father.
08:49But well,
08:50after his father died,
08:51everything came down.
08:53I also knew
08:54the boy who was killed.
08:57His mother,
08:58his aunt,
08:59his grandfather.
09:00They are very hard workers.
09:02The boy went out
09:03with his mother,
09:04my sister-in-law,
09:05every morning.
09:06There is the stop.
09:07A good boy,
09:08a good boy.
09:09But I say one thing,
09:10here everything is upside down.
09:14Because you have to come,
09:16the police,
09:17when this happens.
09:19When there is a death,
09:21everyone is there.
09:22But really,
09:23when something else happens,
09:24no one comes.
09:25No one comes.
09:26Because this was known here.
09:28This had to happen
09:29for them to come.
09:31This had to happen
09:32and for an innocent person
09:33to die.
09:34Thank you very much.
09:36Well, it is evident,
09:37because apart from that,
09:38the bunker draws attention.
09:39Fruits and vegetables,
09:40all in white and red,
09:41the chicken,
09:42the insignia.
09:43No one went to knock on the door
09:44to ask what they sold,
09:45if they sold fruit
09:46or to buy something,
09:47by chance.
09:48All the neighbors of Morón
09:49knew it,
09:50except, apparently,
09:51the police.
