• 2 months ago
Marvel’s “Secret Invasion” star Emilia Clarke does her best Ben Mendelsohn impression and explains why joining the MCU is the “top of the tree” after appearing in “Game of Thrones” and “Star Wars.” Her co-star Ben Mendelsohn also had a laugh with Narcity’s Josh Elliott about fans who want to see a romance between his character Talos and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) in the new series on Disney+.


00:00This is Mendo filming. This is an impression of Mendo filming.
00:04Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! When are we filming, Daddy? Come on, Daddy!
00:08Come on! Come on, Mama! Let's do it, Daddy! Let's do it! Let's film Daddy!
00:30Joshua Narsity, how's it going, guys? Very good. How are you?
00:34I'm good. It's great to talk to you guys. You know, Amelia, I want to start with you first.
00:38You were, you know, in this big fan spotlight for a decade of Game of Thrones.
00:42You know, after that, you go to Star Wars, you go to Terminator.
00:46You know, you've had this fan attention on you for so long.
00:50And I'm curious, like, what makes you jump into the MCU and say, you know what, I want to do this again.
00:54And like, Gaia's the role I want to do this.
00:58When I say it like that, I sound like an absolute lunatic and a slight narcissist.
01:02I need the fan attention!
01:08It's a little different than that, though, isn't it?
01:10It's a little different. No, so Marvel is the top of the tree.
01:16They're the best at what they do. And it was an undeniable cast with an undeniable logline.
01:22I was presented with, this is going to be Marvel's most grounded show,
01:26espionage, thriller, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Olivia Colman, Don Cheadle.
01:32You're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I said yes, like, five seconds ago. Yes, 100%.
01:36Yeah, and you know, Ben, you get to come back as Talos again.
01:40And obviously we got you in Captain Marvel, but a couple of decades have gone by.
01:44You've got this amazing relationship now with Nick Fury and Sam Jackson, obviously.
01:48I go back to that train scene in episode two. Like, that one really stands out for me.
01:52Maybe you can tell me something I don't know about how you view their relationship,
01:56because I can tell you the fans online already think it looks pretty intimate.
02:00You just take them up for a really dodgy answer.
02:04I've heard the rumors. Look, we've all heard the rumors, you know.
02:08And the thing about it is, ain't nobody's...
02:12I'm a consenting... I'm of age.
02:16Scroll. I can do...
02:20We have a friendship that is, you know, the sands of time cannot erase.
02:24Yeah, what happens on the space station stays on the space station.
02:28Listen, you know, when you have, you know, when you have
02:32Thanos come and do his little sulky thing and, you know, do what he does,
02:36then, you know, the world's changed. You know, like,
02:40do we really need to hold on to this type of policing of this area
02:44and whatnot? And listen, they can wander on all they like. You know the best thing
02:48about it? That they love it, man. They love it. They're mad for it.
02:52They're mad for it. Mad for it. Absolutely.
02:56Amelia, I want to ask you... That was a Mancunian accent. That's your Canadian accent?
03:00No, I think that was his Mancunian Manchester accent.
03:04Yeah, yeah, Manchester. Okay.
03:08No, I was going to ask, along the lines of accents, Amelia, I know you're not a scroll, but I hear you're a bit
03:12of a mimic. I'm curious if you've got any impressions of Ben or Sam,
03:16anyone on the cast that you can pull out of your sleep.
03:20Oh, no, please. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Please, really?
03:24Yes. Okay. I'm definitely not going to do
03:28Samuel L. Jackson because, like, who the f*** would dare do that?
03:32I'm going to do Mendo. No, I'm going to look away. I'm going to look away.
03:36Okay. This is Mendo
03:40filming. This is an impression of Mendo filming. Daddy,
03:44Daddy, Daddy, when are we filming, Daddy? Come on, Daddy. Come on.
03:48Come on, Mama. Let's do it, Daddy. Let's do it. Let's film Daddy.
03:52Oh, my God. I'm seeing double. It's completely true.
03:56It's completely true. And then the other thing I do is, come on, come on, start your violin machines.
04:00Let's go. Start your violin machines. Come on, Daddy.
04:04Dad, Dad, come on. Let's do it quick before it gets any better.
