• 2 months ago
Spoiler alert! Maitreyi Ramakrishnan from the hit Netflix show, “Never Have I Ever,” has finally revealed whether she’s Team Paxton or Team Ben. In an interview with Narcity’s Brooke Houghton, the Canadian actress finally revealed which leading man she prefers for her character Devi and the answer may surprise you! Darren Barnet and Jaren Lewison, who play opposite Devi as Paxton and Ben, also weighed in on the series endgame and their predictions on the potential for future romances.


00:00I could totally see Devi on like a Netflix reality love is blind situation
00:04Like she would do that because she would see it as like, oh I get to be famous
00:08But it's just the show is just titled. This is a mess. Oh, yeah, exactly. This is a mess
00:14No, this is a hot mess and it's all hot. Oh, that's good. Hey guys. It's Brooke from Narc City, Canada
00:19So excited to chat today. Hi, how's it going? How are ya?
00:22Good so excited to see you guys again. Great fourth season my tree. My first question is for you
00:28So recently you tweeted out that she wanted interviewers to ask you whether you're team Paxton or team Ben since it's the final season
00:35So what team are you and why? Okay. Yeah, thankfully this is a post interview. So I totally can't is that a drumroll?
00:45Yeah, I I mean I am team Devi let's first be clear I am team Devi you're gonna do that for a while
00:50I am team Devi because I do support my girl, but I of course have opinions
00:55I am a hopeless romantic. So I am team Paxton because no like, okay, don't act shocked
01:02You've heard me say this before it's brutal every time. I am team Paxton. I think their romances are the best
01:08I think their scenes are just amazing like in how it's filmed like it's so just like gooey. It's just romantic
01:14It's sweet, but they also bring out great things in one another. I
01:18Understand why it didn't work out. I get it. She's saying but
01:22The door isn't closed people the door is not closed. No, the story continues
01:27You never know what can happen. So there you go team Paxton loud and clear
01:33So, you know, this is Davies last year of high school before heading off to university
01:37But if we were to fast-forward 15 years into the future, what do you think her life would look like? Oh
01:43Davies life. I mean that could like 15 years in the future. That could be like anything she I
01:48Would like hope has a job
01:52I mean, I hope she's financially stable. I hope she's mentally stable. That's a good goal. It's a good goal, man
02:00Yeah, I don't know. It really could be anything knowing Davies. She's just so chaotic
02:05she is equally likely to be
02:08settled down in like a corporate like job where she's like
02:12hustling and just trying to make change or she could be like traveling the world because she thought it would be a
02:17Like a cool idea to see, you know a bunch of different countries or she could be on a reality TV show
02:23I could totally see Davey on like a Netflix reality
02:26Love is blind situation like she would do that because she would see it as like, oh I get to be famous
02:32But it's just the show is just titled. This is a mess. Oh, yeah, exactly. This is a mess
02:37No, this is a hot mess and it's all hot. Oh, that's good. Davy would sign up for that. So quick
02:42It's like an island hot people Wow
02:46Oh, that's where her bar is
02:49Yeah, that's where she would be at
02:51Yes, Darren moving to you after hearing that she is team Paxton
02:56How do you feel about Davy and Paxton anything's as friends and you know?
03:01Do you wish they would have been in game?
03:04You know, I don't know if the closure was so real and I feel like that friendship was even more
03:12Even more meaningful and impactful probably long-lasting
03:15I mean, especially at that age in high school, like I have a lot of friends from high school
03:19I seldom have any friends that have stayed with a high school. Sweetheart if you have good on you, that's amazing
03:23But you know, I don't know that friendship. Um
03:27It's it's wonderful because it's it's pure
03:30They've been through a lot and they understand the love they have for one another because I think it is love, you know
03:36In love or not platonic love and romantic love can both be just as important exist
03:41And also who knows I don't know if the books close if you're gonna you know
03:44And let's get some fan fiction writers out there to write some endings
03:48Do you think that maybe and then last throughout University, you know, I think that
03:54It's hard to forecast that I think the distance
04:00Imagine you with a headset
04:04That's really difficult to like find, you know, it's like predicting the weather sometimes great. All right
04:09No, I think that it's hard. I think that it's hard because distance is really difficult. They're on the same time zone, but like
04:16Colleges is a very formative time in people's lives. You learn a lot about yourself
04:20You learn about your needs you learn about what you need from a partner you learn about how to be a good partner and I
04:26don't know
04:27What they'll find at school both of their universities are big places with smart people who are driven and creative and wonderful
04:34And they might find someone that they connect with there
04:37The distance might be really difficult and they might go their separate ways and then maybe they find each other again
04:42They don't fully
04:44Yeah, and statistically the odds are against them, but that doesn't mean that it isn't possible, you know
