• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Oggi presentiamo il progetto Mediterranean Italian Offshore, un progetto ibrido che prevede, oltre all’eolico, una componente importante di fotovoltaico flottante”. Queste le parole di Giulio Barendson, direttore investimenti Green Arrow Capital, in occasione degli Stati Generali 2024 di Ontm – Osservatorio Nazionale Tutela del Mare, l’appuntamento annuale che – in questa occasione – vedrà quale cornice d’eccezione Sala Longhi di Piazza Sallustio 21, messa a disposizione dalla partner dell’evento Assonautica Italiana – Unioncamere.


00:00Today we present the Mediterranean Italian Offshore project, an avant-garde project in the offshore wind sector.
00:17It is not only wind, it is a hybrid project that also includes an important component of floating photovoltaics.
00:24We are in the Gulf of Taranto, on a territory that is part of the region of Calabria, about 20 km from the coast.
00:33It is a project of 420 MW, plus 70 MW of photovoltaics, plus 100 MW of wind, so for a total of about 590 MW.
00:43A project that has an investment value that falls between 1.5 billion and 1.7 billion euros.
00:52It is a very important project, which will also have relevant occupational and social benefits on the territory.
00:59We only think that in the construction phase, the use of 1,300 units is planned for the first three years,
01:06and subsequently, for the remaining 30 years planned for the operational phase,
01:12a number of people employed and dedicated to the project, which is around 500 people per year,
01:20of which about half are employed directly by the company, and the remaining half will be part of the industry.
01:27So a project that, also from an occupational point of view, we said, will have an impact that we estimate today of about 660 million euros
01:37throughout its life, not to mention the local losses on the territory, which today certainly have a strong need for professionalization,
01:52and so here we also have a very important partnership with the University of Calabria.
