• last year
We ask Londoners how bad they think the city’s transport and roads are over Christmas?


00:00I'd definitely say it worries me because I went out in central London at the weekend and it was really, really busy.
00:07I'd probably try and avoid it as much as possible. I'd definitely think in advance as well, yeah.
00:13I'd try and work my way round those difficulties because otherwise you just wouldn't go anywhere, would you?
00:21Yeah, there's always difficulties, there's always something. There's always a roadwork or a train, you know, yesterday there were no trains.
00:29I think the amount of transport's fine but more order. Everybody's just rushing and going in one place at the same time.
00:40Roads definitely look busier because they're quite static because of roadworks that pop up unexpectedly.
00:52So all of a sudden there's traffic lights everywhere and everybody's in a queue.
