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11th Hour | Waseem Badami | ARY News | Faisal Vawda | Kamran Murtaza | Barrister Saif | 5th Dec 2024
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:20In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:21Today is a very busy day with news.
00:24We have a fresh report with us, a few moments before that.
00:27Let us present it to you.
00:28Just now, in the ATC court, Mr. Babar Awan,
00:32who is the lawyer of the opposition leader, Mr. Umar Ayub, has also been presented.
00:35Mr. Umar Ayub was present in the GHQ attack case
00:38and after that, he was arrested.
00:40This incident took place today.
00:41Today, 100 people, including Bani PTI,
00:44a lot of people, have been charged with individual crimes
00:48on 9th May, under the charge of attacking GHQ on 9th May.
00:52Today, there is a very important forum of the Pak Army.
00:56In many ways, it is the most important forum of the formation commanders.
00:59Some very harsh things have been said in that forum,
01:02which is primarily addressed,
01:04obviously, by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.
01:06Today, just a few moments ago,
01:08a tweet has been made from Imran Khan's account.
01:10It seems that the last card that Imran Khan was talking about,
01:14or he was saying that he was talking about another card,
01:16that card is this one.
01:18Let us present it to you.
01:19Because today, Aleema Khan Sahiba said that Imran Khan was saying
01:23that I am going to show that last card today
01:25and we told Imran Khan not to show half of that card.
01:28It seems that he has shown that card.
01:30And what is that card?
01:32We will read it to you.
01:33This is the summary of Imran Khan's tweet.
01:36Let us read the selected points.
01:38He says that the dictatorship has been established in the country.
01:40As a result of the terrorism of the state,
01:42bullets have been fired at the political workers.
01:45And many other things.
01:46Then he said,
01:47on 13th December, in Peshawar,
01:50to present the martyrs of Khilaj-e-Aqeedat,
01:52we will hold a grand gathering.
01:54In this gathering, the political parties of the opposition
01:57will be invited to participate.
01:59Then he said,
02:00I am forming a five-member negotiation committee on two points.
02:05And what are those two points in which I am forming a five-member committee?
02:08One, the release of political prisoners under trial.
02:12Second, the establishment of a judicial commission
02:16for the transparent investigation of the incidents of 9th May and 26th November.
02:19Then who are the members of this five-member committee?
02:21Umar Ayyub, who has been arrested.
02:23Ali Amin Ghandapur, the CM.
02:25Sahabzada Hamid Raza, a member of the Sunni Ijtihad Council.
02:27Salman Akram Raja and Asad Qaisar.
02:31it seems that the final or another card is that.
02:36If these two demands are not accepted,
02:38that is, if the political prisoners are not released under trial,
02:42if the judicial commission is not formed on 9th May and 26th November,
02:46then what will happen?
02:47Then from 14th December,
02:48that is, nine days from today,
02:50from 14th December,
02:52the movement of civil disobedience will begin.
02:55The movement of civil disobedience will begin.
02:58The responsibility of the results of this movement will be on the government.
03:01As a result of civil disobedience,
03:03the Pakistanis living abroad will appeal to them
03:06to limit the remittances,
03:10to carry out a boycott campaign.
03:12In the second phase of this movement,
03:14we will go further than this.
03:16Do you remember that during the 2014 protest,
03:17Mr. Amit Bhikhan had said that he will announce the movement of civil disobedience from today.
03:21No one should pay their bills, no one should pay the electricity bill,
03:23no one should pay the gas bill.
03:24Apparently, that was a failure.
03:26The bill that was burnt,
03:27that is the real start of civil disobedience.
03:30I will burn the bill.
03:31That could not be successful.
03:34Now he is saying that we will start on 14th December if this is not accepted.
03:37And the first step of this will be that the Pakistanis living abroad,
03:39whose remittances come,
03:41he is saying to limit it.
03:42That is, it is obvious that as much as is necessary,
03:44give your families what you have to give to run the house,
03:47otherwise do not send remittances to Pakistan.
03:49He is saying this.
03:50Do not send remittances to Pakistan.
03:52And he is saying that in the second phase of this movement,
03:56we will go further than this.
03:57Let's start from here.
03:58Mr. Hamid Raza,
04:00he is a member of the Sunni Triad Council's Ruh-e-Rawan,
04:01he is a member of the 5 Rupee Committee.
04:03He is present with us.
04:04Huzoor, Assalam-o-Alaikum.
04:06Walaikum Assalam, Haseen Bhai.
04:08Thank you for your time, sir.
04:09When we met today,
04:11Mr. Khan, obviously, public information is still there,
04:13did he tell you beforehand that we are going to do this now?
04:17Haseen Bhai, I could not meet you.
04:20I was in Peshawar High Court today morning.
04:22I received a message the day before yesterday
04:24that Mr. Khan called me in any case,
04:27that Hamid-e-Nani case has reached.
04:29Because of that, I reached Peshawar High Court at 8 o'clock in the morning
04:34for all my cases,
04:36for remittances and for Omni-Bail.
04:40I got it late,
04:42I got written orders at around 8 o'clock in the evening.
04:46But during this time, I was going to Deolar,
04:48I was ready to take that risk.
04:50But we were informed that the political meeting of 6 people
04:54is not being held with Mr. Khan.
04:57The people whom we met,
04:59during the trial this morning,
05:01the GHPO attack case,
05:04during that trial, we met those people,
05:07who were supposed to meet separately.
05:08Who met Sheikh Sahib's wife.
05:09In your last meeting,
05:12was there any indication that you are going towards civil disobedience?
05:17No, Mr. Wasim, my last meeting was one day before the 26th of January.
05:22The situation was not in front of us
05:25and at that time also, there was no issue with the question.
05:26So, the background of your two questions was,
05:30in contradiction,
05:31that in this Muzakarati committee,
05:33did you also get to know about your participation from this tweet,
05:35which we have read?
05:37Not now, but I got to know a little while ago.
05:40I was the CM of Peshawar.
05:42After getting my bail, I went there for a while.
05:45I was with the CM.
05:46We got the information there.
05:47After that, I left for my journey.
05:50Okay. Sir, this is not something that will increase the investigation.
05:55The announcement of today's formation commanders is in front of you.
05:57This will be interpreted as a national enmity.
06:00Your political opponents will also say,
06:02that this is a direct attack on the country and the state.
06:05You are saying that those who live abroad should not send money to Pakistan,
06:09so that Pakistan's economy weakens.
06:11For pressure tactics,
06:12you write a letter to the IMF to not send money.
06:16Isn't this very sensitive, Mr. Hamid?
06:19Look, Mr. Qaseem, things are sensitive.
06:21There is no doubt about it.
06:22But, sir, look,
06:24if the state does not accept bullets to its citizens,
06:29if the state does not give people a peaceful life,
06:33if the state abandons the sanctity of Chadar and Chardewari,
06:37if the state arrests the Leader of the Opposition of the Communist Assembly,
06:44even though all the cases have been bailed out,
06:46even though they have Omni bail,
06:49even though they have pre-arrest bail,
06:52if they are arrested,
06:54if the state arrests the members of the Communist Assembly,
06:56if the state has sworn that all the atrocities will be committed against us,
07:01then, sir, this is...
07:02So, you're saying that if we don't understand what's happening to us,
07:04then we'll have the same answer in the future.
07:06Okay, then, whatever has to happen will happen. We'll see.
07:09Yes, sir, look, let me tell you one thing.
07:11There is nothing new in the way of civil disobedience.
07:15In society, if you look at the history before the Day of Judgment in Pakistan,
07:19you find a way of civil disobedience after the Day of Judgment in Pakistan.
07:22If you look at the current date, it was 2014.
07:25Do you think it was successful?
07:28The way Mr. Khan started the bill.
07:31Was it successful?
07:32In 2014, it had an impact on its place.
07:35But this time, it will have a bigger impact.
07:37In comparison to 2014,
07:40today, in terms of Mr. Imran Khan's popularity,
07:43there is no one as good as him in the whole of Pakistan.
07:47The whole nation is behind Imran Khan, Hussain Bhai.
07:50Sir, in 2014, the nation was there, and the rest of the people were also there.
07:53They were very powerful in 2014.
07:57Sir, but it wasn't the same position today.
07:59Today, you will admit that there is a difference between the land and the sky in 2014.
08:03Today, Imran Khan seems to be the only political leader of Pakistan.
08:08The rest of the opponents,
08:09their politics also started with Imran Khan's name.
08:13Sir, the committee has been formed.
08:16And Imran Khan is the one who gives you rest.
08:19The committee has been formed, and you are also a part of it.
08:21What is your message?
08:22That whoever wants, they can negotiate with you.
08:24Or is the message that no one should come from the government?
08:26Only those who have the power can come.
08:28Sir, I was briefed a little while ago, during the journey,
08:33that Mr. Khan has informed Mr. Umar Ayyub about everything through the committee.
08:40And Mr. Umar Ayyub will take all the members of the committee in that matter in confidence.
08:45On what grounds and how, it is obvious.
08:48Yes, he has been arrested.
08:49He will have power at one place. Negotiations are held there, sir.
08:51But now, Mr. Umar Ayyub is also under arrest.
08:53So, the way Mr. Khan has formed a five-member committee,
08:55so that the government of tomorrow morning can form a five-member committee to talk to this five-member committee,
09:00which is a part of MNAS.
09:01So, what will be your answer?
09:04Sir, first of all, we need the head of the committee, Mr. Umar Ayyub,
09:07who is the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly.
09:10Otherwise, we cannot move forward.
09:12When he comes, he will tell us with whom Mr. Khan has given the mandate to negotiate.
09:18Because, as of now, none of the other members of the committee were present at the meeting today.
09:24Even Mr. Qaiser could not be bailed out. He could not come either.
09:28The CM was in KP.
09:31I was there for my bail.
09:33So, only Mr. Umar Ayyub was present there.
09:36And it is interesting that in this committee,
09:38Mr. Gauhar is not present.
09:39If he is present, we can move forward.
09:42Sir, one or two last questions.
09:43You had resigned.
09:45In our program, you said that you are not shameless.
09:48You said that you are not at fault.
09:51Sir, what is the status now?
09:53Have you taken your resignation back?
09:54Has it been accepted or is it in the air?
09:56No, sir. My resignation...
09:59Mr. Khan had sent me a message through Faisal Chaudhary.
10:03Because I had said in the program that I will hand over the resignation of the National Assembly to Mr. Khan.
10:09So, Mr. Faisal Chaudhary sent me a message that Mr. Khan has said that there is no resignation.
10:13And tell Hamid that he has to continue his work as a member of the National Assembly.
10:18And secondly, in the context of that resignation, Mr. Khan had specially called me
10:24that I will meet Mr. Khan when I reach there.
10:27So, as of now, his status is that the last message of Mr. Khan has come through Mr. Faisal Chaudhary.
10:33So, I am still working as a member of the National Assembly.
10:35Have you taken your resignation back? Is it okay to say this?
10:39Yes, sir.
10:40Have you taken your resignation back? Is it okay to say this?
10:43Sir, if I had met Mr. Khan today,
10:45I would have told you about the black and white meeting with Mr. Haseeb.
10:49Sir, it is clear that Ms. Alima had also said that she was going to show the last card to Mr. Khan.
10:53So, this is the last card.
10:54The last card that you were saying.
10:58So, this is the last card that you were saying.
11:01No, I don't think so, sir.
11:02I think that Mr. Khan has two or three more cards.
11:07And the last question.
11:08There was a general election.
11:09A little while ago, the result of Sheikhupura was announced.
11:12Mr. Noonli had won.
11:14Last time, he had won with a lead of 15,000.
11:17With the expectation of the Sunni Triathlon Council.
11:19This time, he has won with a lead of 25,000.
11:21A little while ago, the result was announced.
11:2220-25 minutes ago.
11:23And your party's expectations have been defeated by the Sunni Triathlon Council.
11:26Sir, you can make him win with 1,45,000,000 votes.
11:30Don't you know the track record of Noonli?
11:32Don't you know what is happening in Punjab?
11:34Don't you know what is happening in the polling stations?
11:37Don't you know how the voters are being threatened?
11:41They have already prepared the form 45-47.
11:43So, I am surprised that this time, he has won with only 25,000 or 30,000 votes.
11:47I was hoping that he would win with a margin of 1.5 crores.
11:51You were hoping? Okay.
11:52So, you have accused him of being greedy.
11:55Thank you, sir.
11:56Mr. Hamid Raza was talking about the latest developments.
12:00And you listened to him.
12:03Moving on. Let's move ahead quickly.
12:04Today, as I said, it was a day full of news.
12:07Mr. Faisal Awra, who surprised everyone in the last few days,
12:10made a straight fire on Noon League.
12:12One after the other.
12:14Then, he met Bilawal Bhutto Daddari.
12:17Then, he praised Bilawal Bhutto Daddari.
12:21Then, he met Maulana Fazlur Rehman.
12:25He gave him a gift.
12:26Then, he met Maulana Fazlur Rehman.
12:29Then, he met Kamran Murtaza.
12:32Coincidentally, Mr. Bhawra praised Mr. Bilawal.
12:35The next day, Mr. Kamran Murtaza said that Mr. Bilawal is a good man.
12:38And there were talks in the market that a set-up is being changed.
12:41I don't know what is happening.
12:42Bilawal is coming to the driving seat.
12:44Noon League is lagging behind.
12:46Yesterday, we asked Mr. Kamran Murtaza.
12:48He said that in Pakistan, the driving seat is always changed.
12:50Bilawal is a good man.
12:51If he comes to the driving seat, there is no harm.
12:54So, what is happening?
12:56Along with this, we have a lot of things.
12:58We have with us Mr. Faisal Bawra, the senator.
13:01Greetings, sir.
13:04Greetings, sir.
13:05Thank you for your time.
13:06There are a lot of news.
13:07We have to read out what the formation commanders have said today.
13:10But first, tell us about the latest developments.
13:14Mr. Imran Khan's account tweeted a while ago.
13:17He has given the date.
13:18Five-member committee on two things.
13:21Nine-day deadline.
13:23Otherwise, civil disobedience.
13:24And his first precise step is that whoever lives outside Pakistan,
13:28should not send money to Pakistan.
13:30Limit it completely.
13:31Don't send repetitions.
13:33And he says that this is just the first step.
13:34The story will go much further.
13:36Can this become a headache for the government or the state?
13:43Thank you very much, Mr. Badami.
13:45Look, my point has been corrected again today.
13:49And the correct thing is that to trap Mr. Imran Khan completely,
13:54to destroy him politically, to dig his political grave,
13:59and to hurt him in his personal life,
14:02there was a plan and a program that I was telling you about for a few weeks.
14:06It has become black and white clear.
14:08Now I will tell you what it is.
14:10I told you a few days ago, I tweeted,
14:13that Imran Khan's Twitter handle is not running.
14:15And his Twitter account is running for propaganda.
14:19Which will take Imran Khan into more trouble.
14:21And the trouble can increase and the loss will increase.
14:24This is my tweet.
14:25It is there.
14:26Yes, it is there.
14:26And it is from two or three days ago.
14:28Okay, sir?
14:29So this means that on one hand,
14:31when is Imran Khan speaking the truth and when is he lying?
14:33Let's do the parameters.
14:35Today, Imran Khan did not say anything while talking to the media.
14:40He did not say anything to the people he met.
14:43He did not tell any program.
14:45Today, he made a joke team.
14:47Today, he took ten steps down and started talking to the government.
14:50I have been advising you for two weeks,
14:52that talk to the government, talk to the government, talk to the government.
14:55Then suddenly this tweet comes.
14:57No, no, sir.
14:57Today, Aleema Khan has said that Khan has said that he will show the card.
15:01I said, don't show the card.
15:03So we have enough reasons to believe that it was the same card.
15:05Aleema Khan is on record.
15:06That he started showing the card and I stopped him.
15:08I will talk about the devil's advocate.
15:11Now Imran Khan has the phone in his hand.
15:14He himself is running a Twitter account, so I will agree.
15:16Because Imran Khan,
15:17before this, there were many tweets for the establishment.
15:20He disagreed with it to mellow it down.
15:23The tweet that came two days ago about the dangerous army,
15:26no leader of any party retweeted it.
15:29So this means that Imran Khan is being called crazy in an organized manner.
15:33Which Suri sir said, Qasim Suri said, I didn't say it.
15:36Then his wife, Bushra Bibi, did the work of D-Chowk.
15:40I didn't do that.
15:42She did it to trap Imran Khan.
15:43Then the card of nationalism was played by Pirni,
15:48by Bushra Bibi, by Imran Khan's wife,
15:51that the army and Pathan are standing face to face.
15:55They played this card for their destruction.
15:58They are so restless that they haven't come to meet Imran Khan in jail.
16:02They haven't come to meet Gandapur in jail.
16:04They are not going to meet anyone else.
16:05Then Imran Khan is being called crazy in an organized manner.
16:07Sir, this is a matter of one and a half minutes.
16:10Khan sir, tell Halima Bibi, what is being tweeted from my account?
16:13Stop this account.
16:14Or go and state that I have nothing to do with the tweets from this account.
16:18It's a matter of 30 seconds.
16:19Sir, listen.
16:20Sir, listen. This is my devil's advocate and a point of view.
16:24Now you are saying that Imran Khan is endorsing it.
16:26If Imran Khan is endorsing it,
16:27I told you about the date of the protest on 24th November
16:30that the charges will be framed after 25th November.
16:32Instead of 25th November, it's 5th November.
16:34It has been framed.
16:35There are problems ahead.
16:37You can't bypass the military trial.
16:40If Imran Khan has decided
16:43that I have to continue the destruction and destruction
16:47by the hands of Begum Sahiba, the Hawaris, Suri and the people of Gandapur.
16:51And I have to make a sacrifice under the Twitter account
16:54which is ready for Begum Sahiba and her Hawaris.
16:58Then my point of view is absolutely clear.
17:00After 45 years, Bhutto sir's death has been justified.
17:03It was a mistake.
17:03You want that after 45 years, we listen to Imran Khan.
17:07If this doesn't happen, then this will happen.
17:09If Bibi does it, then after 45 years, Bibi won't be there.
17:11Neither will I be there, nor will you be there.
17:13That's one.
17:13The second thing is that the allegations that have come in the Core Commander Conference today,
17:17there are four very important things.
17:19Before this, I have one last question about this.
17:22Then we come to the Core Commander Conference, the formation commanders.
17:25You are saying that you will not be surprised
17:27if Khan sir's case goes to the military court. Is that what you said?
17:31100 percent.
17:32I have been telling you for many years, for many months, brother.
17:36Yes, but it is not going.
17:38You are saying that the time is near that the case will go.
17:40Your wish will be fulfilled.
17:41No, my wish. If my wish is fulfilled, the question will be asked.
17:43Okay, you are saying this.
17:45Okay, listen, sir.
17:46Now come to the formation commanders.
18:17There is nothing new in the government and politics of our movement for justice.
18:23The second thing is that you are saying that the Core Commander Conference will go to the military court.
18:25By the way, stop for a second and tell me.
18:26Sorry, this is a civil disobedience.
18:28Did you talk about anything at that time?
18:29Later, afterthought.
18:30Was there a discussion in the party with Mr. Khan that what happened?
18:33This is a strange card.
18:34Because it actually became a laughing stock.
18:36Later, did you talk about it? Do you remember anything?
18:38It will still become a laughing stock, brother.
18:40The people who sell money, they sell Pakistan.
18:43They also sell their parents, sisters, brothers and children.
18:47Now you are saying that they should also become the scapegoat of sacrifice.
18:49There should also be chaos in their homes.
18:50Because you have framed the charges.
18:53If you are a goon, then the state, politics, democracy and the entire party will go to the left.
18:58No, brother, this will not happen.
18:59They are going towards destruction.
19:00Don't do this.
19:01Now I will read these three or four things of the formation commander.
19:04Then you tell me what this means.
19:05There are many things.
19:07I will read the crux.
19:08One has been said.
19:09And this is the most important forum of the formation commander.
19:12Islamabad has recently presented a strong belief to the supporters of the martyrs.
19:18Then it has been said.
19:19The terrorists who work on the basis of the enemy forces to destroy Pakistan have been talked about.
19:25Then, the army that was called under 245.
19:29It has been said that the forum, because when the protest took place, the government used its right.
19:33Under 245, the army was assigned to the important buildings.
19:36Then it was said that the forum is to protect the important government buildings of the Pak army.
19:42And the respectable non-nationals.
19:45During the tour of Pakistan, in order to provide a safe environment.
19:49Against the lawful determination.
19:52The perpetrators have expressed concern about the propaganda based on malice.
19:57This propaganda, which has been prepared in advance.
20:00Some political elements.
20:02It reflects the sequence of the accused.
20:05Its purpose is to create a divide between the people of Pakistan, the army and the institutions.
20:09And these attempts will never succeed.
20:11It is necessary that the government.
20:14In the name of unrelenting, unethical freedom of expression.
20:18To sow the seeds of lies and social division.
20:23Make strict laws and regulations.
20:26And put them into practice.
20:30Mr. Padami, two days ago, I did not speak in French.
20:35Sir, this is what I said.
20:36Under 245, under the law, the army stood in the third tier.
20:41And the army, with its men.
20:44The way of dealing with Pakistanis, the way of love and affection.
20:49And under 245, our government used to call, even then.
20:52If someone calls after this, they will call.
20:54So this narrative that is being created.
20:57Propaganda is being created that the army is a member of a political party of Pakistan.
21:04I have said that two or three days ago.
21:06Now I will summarize it in four points.
21:09The first point, the army chief is saying, I am not saying.
21:13That the army of Pakistan is with the people of Pakistan.
21:19It is not with any political party.
21:21I am not saying this.
21:22The army commander is saying, the chief of army staff is saying.
21:25So it has become clear that no one's personal servant is lying or disliking.
21:29Neither is the army with anyone nor is it against anyone.
21:33The second thing he said, this Pathan, Balochi, Sindhi, Mahajir.
21:37We will not leave those who fight for all nations and nationhood.
21:42For us, everyone is equal to one eye, in other words.
21:45This has also become clear, the narrative that was built by Bushra Bibi.
21:48Bushra Bibi raised the honor of the Pathans and made it national and provincial.
21:55And then the government, in detail, inflated the same narrative under Jaag Punjabi Jaag.
22:02His ancestors came and talked about it, we all criticized it.
22:06So everyone backed off.
22:07That too, the army chief clarified that all Pakistanis are greater than this nationhood for us.
22:12Nationhood does not matter, everyone is equal to us.
22:16Then he said the third thing, which was run by P.I. and Begum Bushra Bibi.
22:21That Afghanistan and Pakistan are enemies face to face.
22:24They said that it is our brother country.
22:26This is very important.
22:28They could not use their land for terrorism.
22:31This narrative has also been reversed.
22:33And the last and most important thing, the fourth.
22:35That by doing propaganda, they give dangerous news.
22:40They call Imran Khan mad.
22:42They transfer GHQ from Adialia Jail.
22:45And earn internationally and locally in dollars.
22:49On which P.T.I. own people said that the funding in London for 24th November was eaten by P.T.I. beggars.
22:57So he clarified that too.
22:59For that, state, politics, government, law, stick, flat, bulldozer will work.
23:07This message is for me too.
23:10It is for you too, it is for the government too.
23:13It is for other political parties too.
23:15It is for the people sitting inside.
23:16And for the people sitting outside.
23:18My request is that if Nawaz Sharif's passport and ID card could have been suspended in our government.
23:27Then why the passport and ID card of people like Suri are not being cancelled?
23:32Why these people like Amad Azhar are not being cancelled?
23:36And why all such people are not being cancelled?
23:38They should be.
23:39So you have said this press release in four points in easy words.
23:43The fifth point is that if I say that in a way it is being said from the government.
23:48That brother, what are you doing?
23:49Do something and whatever is happening, fake news, etc.
23:53You are also doing something on this and do the needful.
23:56Am I right?
23:58Look Mr. Badami, I just told you that this message is for me too.
24:02It is for you too.
24:03It is for the government too.
24:05It is for the ministers too.
24:06And it is for all political parties too.
24:08It is for the people sitting inside.
24:12You have also been talking about Noor and Agandha for so many days.
24:14Today this has also come.
24:15Is it safe to assume that all is not well between the government and the establishment?
24:21Look Mr. Badami, I will give you the answer in two things.
24:26Because you are an educated man and you also like the people of chewing gum and jeans.
24:31So I will give you the answer in Urdu as well as in English.
24:34First of all, understand the understanding by understanding.
24:37Understanding by understanding is also an understanding.
24:39Those who don't understand by understanding, they don't understand in my understanding.
24:42This is Urdu.
24:43You can do its bifurcation very well.
24:45You are very capable. I know this.
24:47In English, I want to say many things and I don't want to say anything.
24:51Though I have said everything.
24:53You just did, actually.
24:55You just did, actually.
24:56Now you will get both the things.
24:58Thirdly, neither is the government in danger of the establishment,
25:02nor is it in danger of the media, nor is it in danger of the political parties,
25:05nor is it in danger of Imran Khan, nor is it in danger of the Dalits, nor is it in danger of the people.
25:10The only danger is with yourself.
25:12With your own burden, with your own capability.
25:15Today, Pakistan is at the lowest level of Pakistan.
25:19It is below inflation.
25:21After six and a half years, you can't market it, brother.
25:25So if you can't market it, then it is my fault.
25:28You say, I am telling someone, it is not my wish.
25:32I don't have anyone's message, nor am I that capable.
25:35My analysis is that the living, the dead, the smelly, the expired, the dead bodies,
25:43which you are carrying in the name of democracy,
25:46who have time to pray to Allah,
25:48who have time to go to heaven, who have played with their grandchildren,
25:51who have ruined the country,
25:53who have destroyed it,
25:55you are thinking of loyalty with them, you are thinking of success with them.
25:59Now you say that in Pakistan, the dollar has decreased,
26:02the petrol has decreased, the crude oil has decreased,
26:05the current deficit has decreased,
26:07exports have improved, smuggling has decreased,
26:10investments are coming.
26:13So, sir, my father is not doing this.
26:15Neither my political party did it then, nor is today's political party doing it.
26:19I reduced the electricity from the IPPs,
26:22this is what the SIFC is doing.
26:23If they are doing a good job, then give them credit.
26:26Stop this drama that you want to go inside and take a picture,
26:30you want to go inside and shake hands,
26:32you want to go inside and beg,
26:34you want to go outside and abuse the army for 25 crores,
26:37then run to them and say, brother, forgive me.
26:40Look, I am clear, I am also a pro-judiciary,
26:42I am also a pro-establishment,
26:44and I say that whatever you do inside, do it outside as well.
26:47When you go inside and say, sir, sir, sir, you are doing the right thing,
26:50then come out and say, sir, you have done a great job, we applaud you.
26:53We applaud you when you do wrong things.
26:55Faiz Ameer did it, he did it in uniform,
26:58so we, and a man like me, stood up and endured the pain.
27:01At that time, you never said that you are anti-establishment.
27:05At that time, you didn't even call me a Jaboori.
27:07At that time, you kept quiet.
27:08At that time, when I...
27:09So, in all these circumstances,
27:11the young man, Bilawal, that you have mentioned,
27:13so, the young man, Bilawal Bhutto,
27:14has he come forward as a ray of hope?
27:18Look, Mr. Badami,
27:20if Mr. Bilawal is an educated man,
27:22then how can I say that he is ignorant?
27:24If he is genuinely a 36-year-old young man without surgery,
27:28then how can I say that he is old?
27:30If he is sober, then how can I say that he is an actor?
27:34If he has seen the imprisonment of his mother,
27:37his two uncles, his grandfather,
27:40and his father for 14 years,
27:43and he has given his blood for his democracy,
27:45and his maturity is more than all of us,
27:47the great politicians,
27:50because he has seen the bodies, the coffins,
27:52the deaths, the martyrdoms in his house,
27:56then will this be wrong, sir?
27:57And if this is wrong, then I...
27:59We have troubled Mr. Kamran as well, and I am grateful.
28:01You see, today, God has saved you from the evil eye.
28:03Two days ago, we asked Mr. Kamran Murtaza.
28:05He said that the doors are open for Mr. Wauda.
28:08He has ordered extra tea.
28:09Then today, I am sure, you will have tea, shahi, halwa, shalwa, whatever you want.
28:12So, Mr. Kamran Murtaza is also with us.
28:14I am grateful, sir.
28:15Thank you very much, Mr. Kamran.
28:16As-salamu alaikum.
28:18Before coming to you, I have a question for Mr. Wauda as well.
28:21Mr. Wauda, these things that are going on,
28:23do you completely reject them?
28:26Or is there some substance in it?
28:27Is there some March-April-June-July formula
28:30that can make it possible for the Noon League to step back from the driving seat
28:33and the People's Party to come forward?
28:36Is there some rubbish or substance in it, Mr. Wauda?
28:38Then I will ask Mr. Kamran.
28:40Look, Mr. Badami,
28:42nothing is confirmed in politics.
28:46Nothing is guaranteed in politics.
28:48I see.
28:49And there are always possibilities in politics.
28:52These hours also exist.
28:53It exists after eight weeks, after eight months,
28:56even after eight years.
28:58So, you cannot negate these possibilities.
29:00Nor will you.
29:01It's very simple.
29:03So, anything can happen.
29:04If you look at my analysis,
29:08and say that I don't have any information.
29:12When my analysis was published in 2022,
29:14it was the same for Tehreek-e-Insaf as well.
29:16Everything was clear.
29:17When my PTI government was going,
29:19even then I gave an analysis.
29:20I told Mr. Imran Khan in Cabinet for 190 million pounds.
29:24When the elections were going on,
29:26you were in the seats.
29:27My analysis was very close.
29:2990% I was correct.
29:30And my performance, my thinking,
29:33my persistence, my focus, my target,
29:37if I do it in my mind,
29:39then as a businessman,
29:40in my personal life and in my political life,
29:42my performance success rate is 9 out of 10.
29:46Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
29:47Let's see what happens next.
29:48If my analysis is correct,
29:50then you can praise me.
29:52If it's not correct, then I will apologize to you.
29:53If it's not correct, then I will apologize to you.
29:55Okay, that's fine.
29:56So, Mr. Kamran, please tell us.
29:58Mr. Wawda has also come.
29:59But, obviously, Mr. Bilawal had a meeting.
30:02He had a background.
30:03Yesterday, the Madrasa Registration Bill was passed.
30:06Before this, every meeting had a background.
30:08Mr. Mohsin Naqvi used to come.
30:09There was a background.
30:10Everything was going on.
30:11Today, when Mr. Faisal Wawda has come,
30:14what was his background?
30:17He was a friend of mine.
30:18We used to have tea together.
30:20We said that we will have tea together.
30:21We had a lot of fun.
30:23And then he said that when you come to Karachi,
30:26you will not stay anywhere else.
30:27You will stay at my house.
30:28So, that was a good thing.
30:30We got a place to stay in Karachi.
30:34You said that Mr. Khan also used to stay at his house regularly.
30:36He did that to me.
30:37I will give him my love, I am sure.
30:42Okay, and regarding Madras Registration Bill,
30:45did you ever say to Mr. Wawda that it is possible
30:47that Mr. Wawda knows your thoughts?
30:49So, you…
30:50You said that Mr. Zardari is the president of the People's Party.
30:54Mr. Rehnauma is from the People's Party,
30:56but the president is from the state.
30:58So, if I ask him in an innocent manner,
30:59it will be fine if I say that you spoke to Mr. Bilawal
31:01about the People's Party yesterday.
31:02Today, you spoke to Mr. Wawda about the state.
31:04Sir, please take a look at this.
31:07He himself knows about the state.
31:11And Mr. Wawda is more religious than me.
31:15And he knows about the Madras Registration Bill
31:21and the relation with the Pakistani society.
31:25So, he is more sensitive about this than I am.
31:28And God willing, he will play his role in this.
31:31Did he make you believe anything today?
31:34I didn't believe anything.
31:35Look, he and I are ordinary senators.
31:38We are powerless people.
31:40We are his friends, of course.
31:41Mr. Kamran, please take a look at this.
31:43After the show, Mr. Wawda said that
31:44Mr. Kamran, please use this sentence for yourself.
31:46You are powerless.
31:47Don't blame me.
31:48The whole of Pakistan agrees with you.
31:50I am powerless.
31:51This is 50% true.
31:56I have a break.
31:58I am also powerless.
31:59I need a break.
32:00I need a two-minute break.
32:01Mr. Kamran and Mr. Faisal Wawda are with us.
32:03We will be back after a short break.
32:15Welcome back, Mr. Faisal Wawda and Senator Kamran Murtaza.
32:19What would you like to say, Mr. Wawda?
32:21What was the headline of your meeting with Mr. Kamran Murtaza?
32:23I mean, what was the highlight?
32:26Look, first of all, I didn't invite Mr. Kamran Murtaza to my house.
32:31I told him and Mr. Wawda that my house is his house.
32:34I see.
32:35And whenever he comes, it is very easy to invite him.
32:40I told both of them and their son that
32:43my house is his house.
32:45So, I am looking forward to his hospitality.
32:48And I am thankful for the respect, love and respect he has shown me.
32:54But suppose, I say that when Mr. Kamran comes,
32:57by the time he comes, after three to four months,
32:59suppose, Mr. Kamran's relationship with someone else is ruined,
33:02will your relationship remain the same?
33:05No, Mr. Kamran was sitting in front of Mr. Wawda.
33:08Mr. Kamran was sitting in front of Mr. Wawda.
33:11I am open to enmity and friendship.
33:14So, you have found the basis of friendship.
33:16His house is your house. That's fine.
33:19But I have kept the difference that I am open to enmity.
33:22I don't lower myself.
33:23Otherwise, I have to come down.
33:24That's one.
33:25The second thing is that the important thing that I learnt from Mr. Kamran
33:29and the clarification of many things,
33:31the clarity that I got, which even I didn't have.
33:33As far as religion and conventional education is concerned,
33:36that is something that people should know about.
33:40And this misunderstanding should not continue.
33:42But the most important thing is that the mandate of KPK that has been stolen,
33:45of Mr. Maulana,
33:47its mention,
33:48the mention of goodness and its loud voice,
33:51I will do it before his party.
33:53Because you always talk about stealing mandates,
33:56but you never said that those who chew jeans and chewing gum,
34:00those who play music,
34:01have also stolen the mandate of Mr. Maulana.
34:04So, when it comes to stealing mandates,
34:06then Sadat will go very far.
34:08It is not possible that your 50 seats
34:12become 45, 40, 35,
34:1430, 20.
34:16It can't be two.
34:18So, he is very patient.
34:20And even today,
34:21with Tariq-e-Insaf, where Mr. Maulana has reservations,
34:25there he is maintaining his relationship and friendship.
34:30Mr. Kamran Murtaza will second this.
34:33So, there should be clarity.
34:34And I didn't go to Mr. Maulana for any purpose or benefit.
34:38Did you take a message from someone?
34:39I will go to him as a political fort
34:42when I am helpless and in trouble.
34:44And at night, I will go to him at 3 o'clock or 6 o'clock.
34:46We went without a loss.
34:48We will maintain our relationship without a loss.
34:50And when there is a need and where it is impossible,
34:53we will ask Mr. Maulana and get it done.
34:56This is also confidence.
34:57And if Mr. Maulana and Kamran Murtaza
34:59or their sons or their party say anything to me,
35:02then it will be done the same way.
35:03So, can we sign the Madaris Registration Bill?
35:05Will we be able to sign Pakistan's documents?
35:06We don't slaughter or sell goats to eat our food.
35:11Will the Madaris Registration Bill be done
35:13when Mr. Maulana wants it to be done?
35:15Is his demand genuine?
35:16Look, Mr. Maulana's very important role
35:20is not only in registration but also in the political spectrum.
35:24And Mr. Maulana needs him a lot in a larger picture.
35:30And until all these stakeholders sit down,
35:33there will not be a positive and peaceful phase for Pakistan.
35:38Is Mr. Maulana's position on the Madaris Registration Bill
35:41justified or not?
35:44Mr. Maulana's position was justified
35:47when it was passed by the Assembly and the Senate.
35:49So, now it should become a genuine bill,
35:52it should become a law, in your opinion?
35:54Look, Mr. Maulana said a very good thing.
35:57He said that it is my propaganda,
36:00that I am an extremist.
36:03I used the word extremist.
36:05I talk about religion, not about the world.
36:09We said that religious and worldly education should be taken together.
36:14There is no sin in that.
36:16And he challenged me on that,
36:18that the religious people are taking worldly education
36:22more than the common man.
36:24So, this is a very good thing.
36:27I respect the religious parties more and I trust them more.
36:32And I will meet the TLP in my meetings.
36:34Because they don't wear jeans, they don't chew chewing gum.
36:37So, I can't discard them.
36:39They have the same stake as I do.
36:41So, Mr. Zardari should have signed on that bill, in your opinion?
36:43I will go to you, I will go to MKM, I will go to AP, I will go to everyone.
36:47Mr. Zardari should have signed on that bill, it is such a good bill.
36:52Look, sir, this is Mr. Zardari's spokesperson's answer.
36:55No, no, you are giving your opinion on other things,
36:58give your opinion on this too. Two cents.
37:00I have told you that when you have passed the assembly,
37:04that's the end of the story.
37:07Sir, did Mr. Rana Sanola not convince you, Mr. Kamran,
37:10that it will be done? What does Mr. Rana say?
37:14I have spoken to Mr. Rana about a few other things.
37:18I have spoken to him on a general condition,
37:21about the politics that is going on.
37:23And there are a lot of things that I don't think I should be saying.
37:29So, it will be fine, it will be good.
37:33I have learnt one thing from Mr. Rana,
37:36and later I came to you,
37:38that all the things of Kamran should not be said out loud.
37:42Right. Okay, absolutely right, appropriate.
37:44I mean, it would be right to say that
37:47the intensity with which Mr. Rana said that
37:49it should be done by 8 pm, otherwise we can come to Islamabad,
37:51and due to the intensity,
37:54there has been a decrease in the degree of tolerance.
37:57Would it be right to say this in appropriate words?
37:59If I say in appropriate words that the degree of tolerance has increased,
38:04then it would be better.
38:07This is a very surprising thing, that there is more degree of tolerance.
38:11Even though Mr. Rana Sanola had come,
38:12then this message was conveyed to him as well, that we are not happy.
38:17In appropriate words, I can only say that the degree of tolerance has increased.
38:24Wow, Mr. Rana, are you listening?
38:26He is saying that the degree of tolerance has increased,
38:27the degree of tolerance has increased.
38:29Okay, yours has also increased, his has also increased.
38:32You are also saying that Bilawal is a good man,
38:34he is also a good man in his opinion.
38:35What is happening here?
38:38Look, Mr. Badami,
38:39first of all, you are a king,
38:41I cannot say that you are an innocent man,
38:42I cannot say that you are an innocent man,
38:44I cannot say that you are an innocent man
38:47or you will make a hero from a zero,
38:49you will make a hero from a zero,
38:50you will make a double zero and will make it a minus,
38:52so I cannot fight you.
38:53I cannot fight you.
38:54This is not my capacity.
38:55Secondly, I request that neither the government
38:59nor Pakistan can get involved in the increase of any degree of tolerance,
39:05nor it should increase,
39:07and for Mr. Maulana,
39:09Pakistan is their spectrum and they have a contribution in that and that contribution
39:16should continue and that contribution is needed right now.
39:19So if Mr. Kamran and Mr. Murtaza are talking about this temperature, I will not be surprised
39:23because they are right, they are talking about justice.
39:27But my request was at that time, it is still there, it is still there, and it will continue
39:32to be there, that sir, this temperature has to be dropped, it has to be brought down,
39:35it has to be made accessible by water, the possibles, the impossibles have to be converted
39:39into possibles and this should be the force of democracy.
39:42What will you say in this request, Mr. Kamran?
39:44He says, sir, please, reduce the temperature, the country cannot tolerate it, Mr. Kamran.
39:48Look, today Mr. Wada had a meeting and there were some other meetings as well.
39:54And in those meetings, there was one meeting which was not reported.
40:00So I think today's level has increased.
40:04We had tea and chatted with Mr. Wada.
40:08I mean, we were happy to know about some of the matters that he told us.
40:17But ultimately, I think we will have to sort out the issues in a day or two.
40:26Was the non-reported meeting political?
40:30That's all I can say.
40:32Was it political?
40:34Was the personality political?
40:36That's all I can say.
40:38I understood.
40:40It would be better if I don't ask further.
40:42The last question.
40:44I will go 100 km away from the topic.
40:46And I will ask the last question.
40:48Mr. Imran Khan has announced a new course of action.
40:50He has given a 9-day ultimatum.
40:52He said, if you don't listen to me,
40:54he has given the date of 14th December,
40:56the announcement of civil disobedience.
40:59I will tell the people of Pakistan
41:01not to send remittances.
41:03Limit remittances and boycott.
41:05This is just the first step.
41:07This will go further.
41:09Your comment on this.
41:11Mr. Imran Khan is making a big mistake.
41:15If I say that I am a helpless person,
41:19and if a helpless person says something,
41:23then maybe he can say something emotional.
41:28But a person of such a stature,
41:30who is a Prime Minister
41:32and is leading a party,
41:34if such a thing comes out of his mouth,
41:36then it is noted somewhere.
41:38And the note that is noted,
41:40these are such falls,
41:42then it does not open later.
41:44Now it is Mr. Imran Khan's will
41:46that he is making such falls,
41:48which will ultimately go to his loss
41:50or to the loss of his party.
41:52No, this should not have been done.
41:54It should not have been done.
41:59If you want to say something,
42:01then this is the final word.
42:03I am concluding.
42:05Mr. Bawra, 30 seconds.
42:07Look, Mr. Badami,
42:09I think this will become a joke.
42:11In this, Mr. Imran Khan
42:13will have even more,
42:15even more, even more,
42:17worse problems.
42:19Nothing will be achieved.
42:21The world will laugh.
42:23After this, he will try to bring a new card.
42:26I will give the benefit of doubt
42:28to the devil's advocate.
42:30I will still try to save them.
42:34Allah loves what is Allah's.
42:36So, even if the sun of the world
42:38rotates or something happens,
42:40I cannot do anything.
42:42Thank you very much, sir.
42:44Thank you very much, sir.
42:46Thank you very much, sir.
42:48Thank you very much, sir.
42:50Thank you very much, sir.
42:52Thank you very much, sir.
42:56Walikum Assalam.
42:58Sir, thank you for your time.
43:00But if I can ask you quickly,
43:02will this be okay in your opinion?
43:04I don't think so.
43:06Mr. Bawra was saying
43:08that a tweet was made
43:10from Mr. Khan's Twitter account
43:12that civil disobedience was not
43:14said by Mr. Khan.
43:16So, it is possible that
43:18someone tweeted it wrong.
43:20This is not possible.
43:22I am in travel
43:24and you called me.
43:26I have no idea what the development is.
43:30I cannot comment on this right now.
43:34He said that a five-member committee
43:36has been formed on two issues
43:38and said that if the issue is not resolved,
43:40civil disobedience will be announced
43:42from December 14.
43:44Sir, today there was an APC
43:46and the biggest party of the province
43:48did not participate.
43:50It is not the government's issue.
43:52It is the minister's issue.
43:54Why don't you call a conference?
43:56The situation in Oman is bad.
43:58Call a conference
44:00so that there is a message
44:02that everyone is on the same page.
44:04Isn't it, Mr. Sahib?
44:06Look, it is very clear
44:08that this is not the time
44:10to give a message.
44:12This is the time for action.
44:14The minister has already
44:16taken action three weeks ago.
44:18A few days ago,
44:20efforts were being made
44:22for peace in Oman.
44:24Then this unfortunate incident
44:28Many people were martyred.
44:30Then I went there.
44:32Obviously, the minister did not send me.
44:34There was a delegation with me
44:36including KPK's senior bureaucrats,
44:38the chief secretary,
44:40the commissioner of the Pohar division,
44:42the IG, the inspector general,
44:44and the police.
44:46They were all present.
44:48Along with us were former parliamentarians
44:50from that area and current parliamentarians.
44:52These are the people who have the authority
44:54and the public representatives
44:56and the administration
44:58have the authority to do something.
45:00So we went there.
45:02We got a ceasefire.
45:04The ceasefire is still intact.
45:06Despite the fact that in some places
45:08there is a sporadic violation,
45:10it is immediately covered and controlled.
45:12We are taking action.
45:14Helicopters are going there.
45:16We are delivering medicines.
45:18We have evacuated people
45:20who are injured.
45:24The aim is
45:26that the APC
45:28should do something
45:30that has nothing to do with it.
45:32Nor can it take any practical action.
45:34Then he is calling the representatives
45:36of the opposition parties
45:38and giving a political statement.
45:40Even though he does not have
45:42So you think he does not use this activity?
45:44Towards the end,
45:46if I may ask,
45:48you said that
45:50Mr. Khan has told you
45:52not to go to D-Chowk, but to Sangjani.
45:54Mr. Ali Tafar said that it was good
45:56that you did not go to Sangjani.
45:58It would have been a trap.
46:00What happened?
46:02If we talk about the issue of Amkuram,
46:04it will be a more serious issue.
46:06The incident of D-Chowk
46:08ended on November 24.
46:10What is the point of beating the line?
46:12You are going to D-Chowk
46:14from the leadership of the PTI.
46:16I gave the same statement
46:18as Mr. Badami.
46:20You can watch it on your TV.
46:22You can listen to your old recordings.
46:24The last question
46:26is about the formation commander.
46:28He said that some elements
46:30have an objection to the
46:32draft law of the army.
46:34Do you have any objection?
46:36If I ask you,
46:38you will have to explain.
46:42The Federal Government
46:44was afraid of its police.
46:46They are incompetent.
46:48Their government
46:50is incompetent.
46:52They cannot
46:54make them safe.
46:56They were afraid
46:58of the common people.
47:00They had made Islamabad a prison.
47:02If they are not capable,
47:04they cannot make
47:06who could save them from the wrath of the people
47:09from the reaction and reaction of their corruption
47:12So if they handed over the army, then it is their fault
47:15I am not in a position to talk about what is right or wrong
47:18And sir, this final word
47:21You have reasons to believe that inshallah in Quram
47:24this matter will not get worse, inshallah and it will be fine
47:27Because it gets better again and again and then it gets worse
47:30Our concern is about Quram
47:33We have activated the Grand Jirga, which was already there
47:36but it was under attack
47:39Other than that, we have activated the representatives
47:42of different political parties and religious organizations
47:45from outside as well as the people of the Quram agency
47:48to find a peaceful solution to this issue
47:51I am sure that when their recommendations will be presented to the government
47:54then we will take such practical steps
47:57through which this issue will be solved
48:00Anyway, this issue is based on hatred
48:03We are trying to be Islamic