• last year
(Adnkronos) - Oltre 800 punti di analisi dei dati per ettaro, check-up completo del suolo su 27 strati, informazioni dettagliate sulla struttura, sul pH, sui macro e micronutrienti e sul carbonio, altitudine e acqua disponibile per le piante.

L’agricoltura di precisione è possibile con INTERRA®Scan, una tecnologia innovativa per l’analisi e l’interpretazione dei dati del suolo, presentata, nella Giornata mondiale dedicata a questa vitale risorsa, da Syngenta, azienda del panorama agro-industriale mondiale.


00:00More than 800 points of analysis of the data per hectare, complete check-up of the soil on 27 layers, detailed information on the structure of the soil, pH, macro and micronutrients and carbon, altitude and water available for plants.
00:22Precision agriculture is possible with Interrascan, an innovative technology for the analysis and interpretation of soil data, presented in the World Soil Day by Syngenta, World Agro-Industrial Panorama company.
00:39For us, the fundamental aspect is to combine the importance of the quality of production for the benefit of farmers, which are our common heritage, and innovation and the ability to always bring new solutions that can help the farmer to enhance his own production, but respecting the environment and health.
01:00The tool presented by Syngenta allows farmers to adopt more sustainable agricultural practices, optimize the quality of crops by exploiting precision agriculture, mitigate the increase in costs and above all preserve the health of the soil.
01:16Syngenta is actively engaged in research and in finding and bringing to the field technologies that allow us to manage this very important resource from the agronomic side, but also from the side of preserving the health of the soil in a slightly longer time.
01:34This important resource today undergoes degrading processes year after year and this is the time when we have to do our part. As Syngenta, we are actively engaged in this.
01:47Lombardy is the first agricultural region of Italy and in this context the primary sector plays a central role in the process of ecological transition. Precision agriculture allows farmers to produce with respect to the soil.
02:00We need more and more agriculture that invests in technology, believes in research, because we believe that this is the best way to produce quality agriculture that respects the soil, but that also knows how to make economic growth and economy, because precision agriculture is certainly a more efficient agriculture that creates income and employment.
