Art et designTranscription
00:00Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:04Two little Indians, no others near.
00:07Colonel, he vows these two soon disappear.
00:11Fighting the army, blue soldiers galore.
00:14What can two Indians do?
00:18Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:21Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:25Here comes the colonel with his sergeant.
00:27Both are a-roaring and a-charging.
00:29Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:32Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
01:00Begging the colonel's pardon, but there's only two T-O-O-O.
01:05We've been robbed! Robbed!
01:07Look around for clues, sergeant.
01:09Here's a lot of clues, colonel.
01:11Indian tracks, plain as day.
01:13It's those gopher Indians. I knew it.
01:15After them, sergeant.
01:19Colonel Miss Honey.
01:23Soon he be on our trail.
01:26You got a plan?
01:33Whoopie doopie, you a genius.
01:44Ah ha, sergeant.
01:46The trail leads right into that hollow log.
01:49We've got them now.
01:51I wouldn't be too sure.
01:53Nonsense, sergeant. Follow me.
02:13Need some more honey.
02:15All right, sergeant.
02:17Let's get on with the checking.
02:19Two jars of honey.
02:23One? They've struck again.
02:25I'll catch those two if it's the last thing I do.
02:33Oh, colonel be mad?
02:35You got a plan?
02:41Colonel get'em stuck?
02:43Whoopie doopie.
02:45Look, sergeant.
02:47Behind that bush, Indians.
02:49Let's go.
02:51Begging the colonel's pardon, but I think we ought to check first and...
02:56Army regulation 6245 specifically says,
02:59when in doubt, shout.
03:16Him get'em stuck all right.
03:21Oh, you want more honey?
03:25All right, now let's get on with the job.
03:28One jar of honey.
03:30No jars of honey.
03:33No jars. They've done it again.
03:35I can't stand it.
03:37This is the last straw.
03:39That's on the trail, sergeant.
03:41Nothing's going to stop us this time.
03:45Colonel be'em very mad?
03:47We take'em all the honey?
03:49Him be hot on trail?
03:54We get'em help?
04:00Whoopie doopie.
04:02You am sharp today.
04:16The trail's very clear, sergeant.
04:19It leads right into that cave.
04:22That's where they're hiding.
04:24Begging the colonel's pardon, but the sign says,
04:27do not disturb.
04:29An obvious Indian trick.
04:31Sergeant, follow me.
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