Art et designTranscription
00:00Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:04Two little Indians, no others near.
00:07Colonel, he vows these two soon disappear.
00:11Fighting the army, blue soldiers galore.
00:14What can two Indians do?
00:18Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:21Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:25Here comes the colonel with his sergeant.
00:27Both a-roarin' and a-chargin'.
00:29Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:32Go! Go! Go! First watch'em! Go! Go! Go!
00:59I remember one that used to work well in my college days.
01:02West Point, you know.
01:04We simply tied a string on the doorknob,
01:06tied the other end to a bucket of water,
01:08and balanced the bucket of water over the door.
01:11I get it, colonel.
01:12Then if anybody opened up the door...
01:17General nuisance!
01:19Blasted colonel, what's going on here?
01:22Oh, our apologies, general.
01:25We were just working out a booby trap
01:27to get those gopher Indians.
01:29Booby trap! Booby trap! Confound it, colonel!
01:31That's no way to fight the enemy.
01:33I've brought you the ultimate weapon,
01:35Big Banger, the world's largest cannon.
01:38It'll blow those Indians right out of Gopher Gulch
01:41and into the reservation.
01:42Bully! Bully! Where is it?
01:44On the other side of the mountain.
01:45Bully! Bully!
01:47But how are we going to get the world's biggest cannon
01:49over the mountain?
01:50That's your problem.
01:52I'll stay here and command the fort
01:54while you go and get the cannon.
01:56But see that you do it
01:57without any of your usual blundering
01:59or you'll end up in the guardhouse.
02:02Come, sergeant.
02:03We shall carry out the general's orders.
02:08Boom! Boom!
02:10Colonel's going to get them big cannon,
02:13blast them us out of Gopher Gulch,
02:15sound them plenty bad.
02:17What we do?
02:21Whoopee doopee! You are genius!
02:25Heave! Heave!
02:28Good work, sergeant.
02:30We're rolling right along.
02:40Up! Up!
02:41This is against regular...
02:50Well, this is better, sergeant.
02:52No chance for the rope to break.
02:54Yeah, but how do we know where we're going?
02:56Don't be silly, sergeant.
02:57Where else can we go but up?
03:00How about out or down?
03:07If at first you don't succeed,
03:09try, try, try again.
03:11But we've been trying all day, colonel.
03:13Remember the army motto, sergeant.
03:16Don't give up the ship.
03:19Now, sergeant, we'll both pull on the rope
03:21and we'll have the cannon
03:23at the top of the mountain in no time.
03:25Heave! Heave! Heave!
03:33What if that rope won't hold?
03:35I fastened it around that stout tree.
03:42Look out! Here comes the cannon!
03:44Retreat! Retreat!
03:59Bien, au moins,
04:01on arrive au tout, sergeant.
04:04Il est temps de se reposer.
04:07Il y a le fort là-bas
04:10et il y a la campagne indienne, là-bas.
04:13Dès qu'on met le cannon
04:16au fort, on va tirer.
04:19Stop, feet! Halt! Halt, I say!
04:32Get'em ready! Aim! Fire'em!
04:36Colonel Coyote!
04:38Vous serez sûrs de voir notre prochaine aventure.
04:41Nous devrions être hors de la gare en ce moment. J'espère.