Art et designTranscription
00:00Georges, Georges, Georges of the Jungle, strong as he can be
00:06Watch out for that tree
00:08Georges, Georges, Georges of the Jungle, he'll cut like a tree
00:14Watch out for that tree
00:16When he gets him straight, he makes him skate with the help of his friend
00:19And if he faked it away, he'll trap like his elephant chum
00:22Magnolia and Ursula stand still
00:25Georges, Georges, Georges of the Jungle, frantic like me
00:30Georges, Georges, Georges de la Jungle
01:01And what now, Georges?
01:03You can't carry that zebra around forever
01:09Hey, don't worry, Georges have idea to keep zebra safe
01:14There, see? Georges smart like ape
01:16And what about all of them?
01:22Hey, no good zebras now
01:24Georges, you can't just stuff zebras in a cave
01:27Ape, right
01:41Oh, for God's sake, Georges, you really think that...
01:45Shhh, Georges no ape around, Georges
01:58This is so annoying
02:00What is it I forgot to do today?
02:03Create artificial light?
02:05Did you drink lobster milk?
02:09Enslave all octopuses?
02:13No, I changed my mind about that
02:15They give me the willies
02:20I guess it wasn't that important
02:22Hello? Who?
02:24Mom's birthday is today?
02:26Oh my gosh, oh my gosh
02:28I'm hyperventilating, I need a present
02:32Think, or you're dead
02:35Yes, fondue set
02:51Oh wait, those are perfect
02:53Two metric tons of flowers
02:55And a few hundred thousand stuffed animals
02:58Should mean I'm safe for another year
03:00Just add insane day shipping and...
03:03How much?
03:05Are you in that kind of bed?
03:07A gift you made yourself
03:09Is worth more than anything you could buy
03:11I'll get the glue and macaroni
03:13You don't understand
03:15My mother is...
03:16Let's just say you only ever forget her birthday once
03:19How am I going to get that kind of cash?
03:21All those stuffed animals were so expensive
03:24I've got it!
03:29No, everyone isn't just invisible
03:32Something's happened to all the jungle animals
03:41Suspicious, don't you think?
03:44No, no I suppose we don't
03:47Ok George, what's the plan?
03:49Doctor Chicago's a wily fellow
03:51We can't just run in there and...
03:55Hey doctor, don't do bad stuff, ok?
04:01Oh hello George
04:02Sure, I'll stop the bad stuff
04:05But you didn't say anything about bad stuffing
04:10What's up?
04:11Blast him!
04:15What is it?
04:16You're dizzy
04:19No need to yell, George right here!
04:21What? How? Why?
04:23If you had a mother like mine
04:25You'd transform all the jungle animals into stuffed versions
04:28And sell them online too
04:30George, stop you!
04:33Oh, that's adorable
04:44This has got to be the cutest thing I've ever seen!
04:48From a purely scientific standpoint of course
04:51Hey, put George down!
04:53George not toy, George out!
04:58That funniest thing Ursula ever seen!
05:03Hey, George down!
05:05George down strong!
05:10Ursula, Magnolia, please!
05:12We need your help to stop Doctor Chicago
05:15Now George, this time we can just...
05:19Hey doctor, now really no do bad stuff!
05:23Wow, I didn't think you'd just try the same thing again
05:33I mean really!
05:35Does he ever stop and think?
05:37Well, he'll have lots of time to think on his way to Japan!
05:49Why don't you show up now?
05:52Ha! If I did, how would you help me ship all these animals?
05:56And then I wouldn't make my money
05:57And my mother wouldn't get her birthday gifts
05:59And she'd launch...
06:00Look, just get to the shipping!
06:02Will do
06:03Come on, come on, come on!
06:53Me George, me have to get back to jungle!
07:04Hey, that look like...
07:09Ok George, now you have time to make big things and stop Doctor Chicago
07:13Ok brain?
07:18Hello, brain?
07:19George say go!
07:29That's the last of the rhinos
07:31And the only giraffes left are the weird ones
07:36Hey, stop! It's not snack time!
07:40Stuffy animals, take that!
07:46Ok people, time to raise the D list
07:52Eight, nine, ten
07:54Who buys stuffed rocks?
07:56And who buys ten of them?
07:59Meanwhile, for the first time in his life, George thinks
08:03It's not like he's got anything else to do
08:05George needs smart play to save friends in jungle
08:08Of course you say that, George
08:10You nothing but talk, talk, talk
08:13Don't make George kick you out of box, George
08:23And there, George, you do it again
08:26For first time
08:28Thanks George, you smart thinker too
08:33What? Why are you stopping?
08:36That's it, kaput!
08:37You shit every animal, every bug, every rock
08:41Oh, that's too bad
08:43Your mom's gonna be so mad you forgot her birthday
08:46And you got so close, you're like three stuffed animals short
08:51How many?
08:52Are you dumb? I said
08:57Oh, I'm the dumb one
09:02What? Our first return? Huh
09:08That tickled unexpectedly
09:10Bad news, George back
09:18And good news, George think of plan this time
09:21George died in box
09:27Qu'est-ce que je m'attendais vraiment?
09:29Plan, étape 1
09:35Sors de là, kaput!
09:42Hey, George n'a pas fini de jouer ici
09:48Sors, sors, sors!
09:51Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?
09:54George a perdu encore
10:03Et comme George, partout dans le monde, les animaux formés retournent à la normale
10:09Et puis on les retourne pour un repas
10:12Les animaux retournent à la normale?
10:13D'une certaine façon, détruire les rayguns a reversé ses effets parce que ça a du sens
10:18Bien pensé, George
10:19Plan, étape 2
10:20Tout le monde, high five!
10:26Oh non! Oh non, non, non!
10:29J'ai oublié! C'est l'anniversaire de ma mère!
10:32Nous devrions probablement...
10:34Caspis! Activez l'antimonde proticole zelda pour epsilon!
10:37Tournez les lumières! Tournez les lasers!
10:40Oh non! C'est déjà trop tard!
10:44Alors George, maintenant que tu es un grand penseur, qu'est-ce que tu penses que tu vas faire d'après?
10:49George, George, donne des bruits de cerveau!
10:51Tout ce truc de pensée donne George un gros malheur
10:53George n'a pas un bruit de cerveau