• last year
(Adnkronos) - Dall'alluvione in Emilia Romagna al terzo scudetto del Napoli, dalla morte di Silvio Berlusconi alla vittoria di Sinner. Il Tg1 dedica un servizio al Libro dei Fatti 2024 dell'Adnkronos.


00:00The main events of the past year, with a look at what is in progress.
00:04Back to the book of facts of the DN Cronos. Valentina Bisti.
00:11A devastating flood put Emilia Romagna on her knees.
00:1415 dead, 30,000 evacuated.
00:16The despair among the lines of a news that in May 2023 marked the country.
00:22The murder of Giulia Cecchettina, who deeply shook Italy
00:26and many other feminicides in the book of facts.
00:29News and events in a volume that includes a look at Italy and the world
00:34and then the interventions of institutional representatives,
00:37the memories of those who are no longer there.
00:39Among others Silvio Berlusconi, Giorgio Napolitano, Maurizio Costanzo, Ginalo Lobrigida.
00:48May 2023, the eternal heir to the throne Carlo is crowned king in the Abbey of Westminster.
00:55And then there is the sport and the satisfaction for extraordinary goals.
01:01Zinner conquered his first Master 1000 in Toronto and Napoli wins its third Scudetto.
01:07Pippo Marra, editor of the DN Cronos, in remembering what happened last year,
01:12also looks at 2024, opening the intervention of the president of the council Meloni
01:18at the G7 in Borgognazio in Puglia in June.
01:21And then the great space for the conflict in the Middle East.
01:24900 pages to read for a journey of one year.
