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(Adnkronos) - PagoPA presente alla 41ma assemblea nazionale Anci, al Lingotto Fiere di Torino fino al 22 novembre. "Abbiamo presentato la nuova funzionalità che abilita il Single Sign-On su App IO, In questo modo - commenta Matteo De Santi, chief Product & Design Office di Pago PA - milioni di persone che già utilizzano l'App IO potranno trovare all'interno i servizi del proprio comune o della propria regione, senza autenticarsi ulteriormente".


00:00Today we present a new feature of App.io that allows all public entities, both the central ones and obviously the territorial ones, and therefore the municipalities, we are here guests of ANCI, to deliver their own digital public services directly within the app.
00:23For the municipalities it is a great opportunity to reach a very large audience of people directly in the smartphones of their citizens without making huge investments, indeed at a very low cost, because it is about exploiting the technologies of the sites that already make available to people, simply adapting them and bringing them into the phones thanks to App.io.
00:45The really important thing about this innovation is that millions of people who already use App.io will be able, without having to authenticate themselves, to find in App.io the services of their region, of their municipality, even when they have to compete together for these services in response to the needs of the citizen.
