• avant-hier


02:31Bulbous Barnacles, tu as l'air si légère!
02:35Allons, Stik, voyons comment la caméra légère nos amis!
02:45Bonjour, chiens! Bonjour, Maple!
02:48Regardez ma nouvelle caméra!
02:51Zucchini! Zucchini!
02:53Ecoutez-moi, Zucchini. Je n'ai jamais vu quelque chose de si grand, si volumineux, si effrayant!
03:00Effrayant? Les tomates semblent volumineuses, mais je ne dirais pas effrayant.
03:05Je ne parle pas de ces tomates, je parle de ce que j'ai juste vu à Crystal Cavern!
03:13C'était le grand, volumineux, effrayant, abominable Snow Clam!
03:23Oh, mon amour, il n'y a rien de tel que l'abominable Snow Clam!
03:27Mais, mais je l'ai vraiment vu!
03:30Il n'y a qu'une seule façon de le savoir. Allons à Crystal Cavern et on va voir pour nous-mêmes.
03:37Tu veux retourner là-bas?
03:39C'est parti! D'abord, Crystal Cavern!
03:43Cheerio, chiens!
03:57L'abominable Snow Clam est à l'intérieur de cette grotte! Je l'ai vu d'ici, en utilisant mon verre d'espoir.
04:04Je ne vois pas l'abominable Snow Clam.
04:06Je sais qu'il est là-bas, ou au moins, il y était.
04:11Eh bien, alors nous devons explorer cette grotte.
04:14Suivez-moi, Hedge!
04:19Tu veux dire, maintenant?
04:21Ne t'inquiète pas, Hedge!
04:22Oui! Nous sommes juste derrière vous!
04:27Merci, les gars!
04:29Tout le monde, suivez-moi!
04:41Il doit être là-bas!
04:52Des poissons brillants! Il y a beaucoup de portes ici!
04:56Quelle porte conduit à l'abominable?
05:00Ou peut-être celle-ci?
05:03Attends, non...
05:04Comment sais-je quelle porte conduit à l'abominable Snow Clam?
05:08Ne t'inquiète pas, Hedge! Nous t'aiderons à choisir!
05:11Hmm... Laissez-moi réfléchir.
05:14Eh bien...
05:15Hey! Qui a fait ça?
05:18Pas moi!
05:19Ce n'était pas moi!
05:24Mais c'était moi!
05:26Rumbley! Tumbley!
05:29Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
05:36Stik est une machine à jeter du sable!
05:41Je te vois maintenant, Stik!
05:47Fig, il est là-bas!
05:49Il est là-bas!
05:50Il est là-bas!
05:51Il est là-bas!
05:52Il est là-bas!
05:53Il est là-bas!
05:54Il est là-bas!
05:55Il est là-bas!
05:56Il est là-bas!
05:57Fig, il est là-bas!
06:02Il est là-bas!
06:08Snowy Snout! J'ai réussi!
06:11Ces cristaux font beaucoup de stiks!
06:14Mais quand je les couvre, je peux trouver le seul stik!
06:23J'ai réussi!
06:24C'est l'heure!
06:27Peut-être que les cristaux multiplient les portes aussi!
06:30Couvrons les cristaux et trouvons notre sortie!
06:33Pas de problème!
06:35C'est parti!
06:37Coup de cristal!
06:38Pas de porte ici!
06:40Pas de porte là-bas!
06:44OK, il ne reste plus qu'une porte!
06:47C'est parti!
06:52OK, ce chemin doit conduire à la crête des neiges abominables!
07:00Simplement tassant!
07:03La crête des neiges abominables doit être ici!
07:06Il doit y en avoir un!
07:09Tu vois quelque chose, Maple?
07:12Tu as vu où est Maple?
07:15Euh, non.
07:16Maple, où es-tu?
07:18Je suis ici!
07:20Maple, tu es sûr que c'est toi?
07:22Tu ressembles tout étendu!
07:24Comme Taffy!
07:25Fig, nous devons faire quelque chose avec Maple!
07:27Qu'est-ce qui se passe avec Maple?
07:30Fig, ta tête a l'air énorme!
07:32Et ton corps a l'air vraiment petit!
07:36Tu tournes!
07:38Oh non, Spyglass!
07:40Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?
07:42Tu as froid!
07:43Oups! Oh non!
07:55Oh non!
07:57Tu es abominable aussi!
08:05J'ai réussi!
08:07Les cristaux t'ont fait ressembler abominable!
08:10Tout le monde!
08:11Retirez-vous des cristaux!
08:13Vous voyez?
08:14Vous n'êtes plus abominable!
08:16C'était juste les cristaux qui vous distraisaient!
08:19Comme ma lente!
08:25Maintenant, pour trouver le Clam!
08:27Suivez-moi, tout le monde!
08:31Qu'est-ce que c'était?
08:32C'était grand!
08:33Et plongé!
08:34Et abominablement clamy!
08:37C'était juste là-bas!
08:42Je l'ai trouvé!
08:44Tu l'as trouvé?
08:46Où est-il?
08:50Ne t'en fais pas.
08:51C'est juste un Clam d'eau de taille normale.
08:54Je sais ce qui s'est passé, Hedge.
08:56Tu n'as jamais vraiment vu le Clam d'eau abominable.
08:59Tu n'as vu que un petit Clam comme celui-ci.
09:01Distorté par les cristaux d'ice.
09:05C'est un Clam d'eau abominable.
09:08Je ne crois pas.
09:09Mais on a toujours passé un bon moment à le chercher.
09:11Oui, je crois.
09:16Je reviendrai tout de suite.
09:25Tu ne peux pas me moquer de nouveau, petit Clam d'eau.
09:27Tu ne ressembles qu'à un Clam d'eau abominable dans mon verre d'espoir.
09:30Tu n'es qu'un Clam d'eau abominable.
09:32Tu n'es qu'un Clam d'eau abominable.
09:34Tu n'es qu'un Clam d'eau abominable.
09:36Tu ne ressembles qu'à un Clam d'eau abominable dans mon verre d'espoir.
09:39Qu'est-ce que vous regardez?
09:46Il est réel! Il est vraiment réel!
09:48Un homme avec des mollusques!
09:50C'est réel!
09:52Je suis tellement désolée de t'avoir jamais douté, Hedge.
09:55Et je veux juste dire...
09:56Cours devant lui!
10:02Il est un Clam d'eau géant, mais pas abominable du tout.
10:06Il est amicable!
10:14Retourne-le! Retourne-le!
10:19Bon Clam d'eau! Bon Clam d'eau amicable!
10:23Il n'y a peut-être pas de chose comme un Clam d'eau abominable,
10:27mais il y a bien sûr un Clam d'eau amicable!
10:30Ha! Ha! Ha!
10:35Merci de jouer avec moi dans Tumbleleaf!
10:40Rumbleleaf! Tumbleleaf!
10:42Va jouer!
11:45Il y a quelque chose de nouveau dans le L encounter!
11:47Allons voir ce que c'est!
12:00♪ ♪ ♪
12:05♪ ♪ ♪
12:10♪ ♪ ♪
12:13The Finding Place.
12:15I wonder what we'll find today.
12:21Ah, jeepers peepers!
12:27We can give these to Hedge.
12:37And these binoculars are going to keep Hedge busy
12:40while we're busy making the ship ship shape
12:43for a big Hedge Day surprise.
12:47Not yet, chicks.
12:48We have to wait for Hedge to get here.
12:51Then we surprise him.
12:54Stick, you take the binoculars
12:56and leave them someplace where Hedge will find them.
12:58But don't let him see you, okay?
13:08Where did you go, Butterfly?
13:10I just wanted to get a closer look at you.
13:14There you are.
13:16I could look at you all day.
13:20What was that?
13:25Where did these come from?
13:27It's like two spyglasses stuck together.
13:30Don't worry, Spyglass.
13:32Nothing could ever replace you.
13:35But maybe, just for today,
13:38I'll give these a try.
13:42With these binoculars,
13:43I can spy with both eyes at the same time.
13:48Is that a giant asteroid?
13:52Hedge dear, are you all right?
13:56Hi, Auntie Pine.
13:57I didn't see you there.
13:59I mean, I did,
14:00but I only saw the part of you
14:01that looks like a giant yarn ball asteroid
14:03sailing through the sky.
14:05An asteroid?
14:07You mean this, my little yarn ball?
14:09Well, I don't think it's from outer space,
14:11but you never know.
14:13Well, it sure looked that way
14:14with these binoculars I found.
14:17What else do you see?
14:22Look around!
14:23Well, over this way...
14:26I can see Fig on the ship!
14:28Hello, Fig!
14:30I don't think he can see you, Auntie Pine.
14:32He's not waving back.
14:34Wait a minute.
14:35That can't be right.
14:36Auntie Pine!
14:37He's floating!
14:38Fig is floating up into the air!
14:41I can't believe my eyes!
14:44Let me see!
14:45Maybe I can believe your eyes.
14:49Oh, my!
14:50I see it, too!
14:51Fig really is floating!
14:54And now he's waving!
14:57Hello, Fig!
14:59Here, Hedge.
15:00Let's share a stare.
15:01Oh, is he waving hello?
15:02Or is he waving for help?
15:05He's never floated before.
15:06What if he's in trouble?
15:07Oh, my!
15:09Fig's floating away!
15:10We have to help him.
15:11Come on, Auntie Pine.
15:12Right behind you, Hedge.
15:17Come on, Pine.
15:18You can do it.
15:19Oh, yeah.
15:20You got it, didn't you, girl?
15:24Oh, should you wish I could
15:25knit myself some longer legs!
15:29Oh, better check on Fig, Hedge!
15:33Why, Auntie takes a rest.
15:40Oh, no!
15:41Now he's floated up into the tree.
15:43And it looks like he's stuck there
15:45and can't get down.
15:46Oh, no.
15:48Stuck in a tree?
15:49That's a perfectly peculiar,
15:51personal predicament.
15:53Oh, wait!
15:54There's Buckeye!
15:55Maybe he can help Fig.
16:01Look up in the tree!
16:02Fig needs your help!
16:05Oh, it's no use, Auntie Pine.
16:07He can't hear us or see us.
16:10Oh, no!
16:11Buckeye's legs have turned to wood!
16:14Wooden legs?
16:15You don't say?
16:17Here, give me a candor.
16:20Oh, my stars!
16:21I see it, too!
16:25Buckeye's chopped so many logs
16:27that he's gone and turned into wood.
16:30Let's hustle, Hedge.
16:33Almost there.
16:35Oh, there's Maple's balloon boat!
16:37Do you see Maple, Hedge?
16:39Let me see.
16:41Oh, no.
16:42Not Maple, too.
16:45What is it now, Hedge?
16:46What's happening to Maple?
16:47Oh, my eyes?
16:51What's wrong with your eyes?
16:52Not my eyes.
16:54Maple's eyes.
16:56She's got eight of them!
16:57And they're all in the wrong places.
16:59Oh, my!
17:00I count eight arms, too.
17:02Like one of my spinning spiders.
17:05This is terrible.
17:06Fig's stuck in a tree.
17:07Buckeye's turned into a log.
17:09And Maple is some sort of spider-octo-bear.
17:12I can't bear to look.
17:14Come on, Hedge!
17:15Shake your spines!
17:18Don't worry, everybody.
17:19We're here to save you.
17:21Just as soon as I catch my breath.
17:25Where is everyone?
17:29Oh, chicks!
17:32Happy Hedge Day!
17:39Hedge Day?
17:40We're making you a special Hedge Day
17:43to celebrate you, Hedge.
17:45Oh, now, isn't that sweet?
17:47Oh, but we're not quite ready yet.
17:49We didn't expect you so soon.
17:51I don't understand.
17:52We saw you were in trouble,
17:54so we came as quick as we could.
17:56But we're not in trouble.
17:58Yes, you are.
17:59I saw you.
18:00Fig, you floated up into the tree
18:02and got stuck.
18:03You were waving your arms around.
18:06Just like that.
18:07Like you needed help.
18:09But I wasn't floating.
18:10I was just in the crow's nest.
18:12And I was waving to Zucchini.
18:15Oh, I was looking through my binoculars
18:19and I only saw part of the picture.
18:21But what about Buckeye?
18:25He's halfway turned into a log.
18:29Wooden through and through.
18:31A log?
18:32Me? A log?
18:34Oh, no.
18:35I was just chomping this tree trunk hollow.
18:39Take it up, up and away, chickens.
18:44Well, that explains everything.
18:50Except what happened to Maple.
18:53He turned into an octo-spider-bear
18:55with oodles of eyes and arms
18:57and who knows what all over the place.
19:00It does kind of look like that
19:02if you only see part of the picture.
19:04But you probably just saw Maple's reflection
19:06in those mirrors.
19:10We were only seeing part of the picture again.
19:13So, none of you were ever really in danger?
19:19But thanks for coming to the rescue anyway.
19:21Yeah. You're the best, Hedge.
19:23And now that you see the whole picture...
19:25Happy Hedge Day!
19:33What do you think?
19:35I love it!
19:36It's a...
19:37It looks like...
19:39It's a giant spyglass!
19:42Well, kind of.
19:43Come on, Hedge.
19:47Up, up and away, on your special day.
19:52You made this whole thing for me?
19:56All except this one last part.
19:58It still needs the eyepiece that goes here.
20:01I know just the thing.
20:03My trusty spyglass.
20:06I told you I would never forget you.
20:09Now, let's see what I can see.
20:13Look at everything.
20:15It's all spinning and splitting into new pieces.
20:22We built you a kaleidoscope observatory.
20:26What is it, Hedge?
20:29I saw things one way when I only saw part of the picture.
20:32But things look different when I look at the whole picture.
20:36And now, thanks to my kaleidoscope,
20:38there's a gazillion ways to look at everything.
20:55Happy Hedge Day, Hedge.
20:58Here, Fig.
20:59I don't need binoculars to see I've got the best friends
21:02any hedgehog could ever wish for.
21:09Thanks for playing with me in Tumbleleaf.
21:14Rumbleleaf, you're the best!
21:16Thanks, Hedge.
21:21Rumbleleaf! Tumbleleaf!
21:22Qu'est-ce que tu veux jouer aujourd'hui?
21:47Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
