(Adnkronos) - “Dieci anni fa sono entrato per la prima volta nel centro di Osimo, in provincia di Ancona, che nel frattempo è cresciuto. Consiglio a tutti di andarlo a visitare: è un’esperienza forte, che permette di rendersi effettivamente conto della condizione di queste persone e aiuta a capire perché è giusto aiutarle”. Così Neri Marcorè a Roma, durante l’incontro organizzato dalla Lega del Filo d’Oro per la ricorrenza dei 60 anni di attività e la presentazione della nuova campagna di sensibilizzazione “60 anni non si festeggiano, si fanno. Insieme”.
00:00I've been a member of the Lega del Filo d'Oro for 10 years, it's an institution that has existed for 60 years.
00:12This year we are celebrating its anniversary. I'm a witness to this thanks to my friend Renzo Arbore,
00:19who is a member of the Lega del Filo d'Oro since many years ago and who wanted to double this role.
00:26We are a kind of guarantors for the people who donate to the Lega del Filo d'Oro,
00:34telling them that everything you donate ends up helping the blind.
00:41My experience started 10 years ago, when I entered the Osimo Center,
00:49which has changed its location and is now very large and welcomes many people,
00:57many deaf and blind children and even minors with psychosensory disabilities.
01:01It is also an invitation to visit it for those who want to know that reality,
01:05as I did when over the years I met many children and people with whom we made the spots,
01:14but not only for that, of course there have been many occasions.
01:18It is a strong experience because you realize the condition of these people
01:28and then it becomes easier and more natural to do something to help them.