Art et designTranscription
00:00My plans were kind of blown
00:03But everything is so fun now
00:05I never want to be without
00:08But you're a teeny weeny pixel genie
00:11Teeny weeny pixel genie
00:13Teeny weeny pixel genie
00:16Teeny weeny teeny weeny pixel pinky
00:20Mama always tells me I should dance to my own tune.
00:23Obviously, she's never seen me dance.
00:26Hey Suzie, come to my birthday party tomorrow night?
00:29Girls, how's my schedule?
00:31You're free.
00:32I'm free.
00:34Hi Nina, Annie, wanna come to my party?
00:37I mean, if your schedules are free.
00:39Of course we'll come.
00:41It's at the Alley Cat. It's a bowling party.
00:43Bowling? Great.
00:46A party? I love parties!
00:49Why does that not surprise me?
00:51Why the long face, Nina?
00:53Pixel Pinky, I can't bowl. I'm hopeless.
00:56I'll make a complete fool of myself.
00:58Oh, I wish it was something else.
01:00Anything would be better than bowling.
01:02Consider it done.
01:04Wait, Pixel Pinky, did I mention party planning is my specialty?
01:09You might want to get that right.
01:14Max, what are you doing here?
01:16I'm not sure. There's been a change of plans.
01:19I guess I wanted to tell you in person.
01:21I'm not having a bowling party anymore.
01:24Yeah. I got a sudden urge to do something different.
01:27This is going to be so much cooler.
01:29Great. What is it?
01:31Disco bowling.
01:33Disco bowling.
01:34Half of the Alley Cat's going to be a dance floor.
01:36Suzie's bringing the music. I'll see you there.
01:39Disco bowling?
01:41Well, it's not bowling.
01:43It's a thousand times worse.
01:45If there's one thing in the world more tragic than my bowling,
01:48it's my dancing.
01:50I can't go.
01:51That's ridiculous. You just need a bit of preparation.
01:54Trust me, I need a lot more than that.
01:56I can show you some moves.
01:58Pixel Pinky, I've got no rhythm.
02:00Sure you do. You just have to find it.
02:03One dancing lesson, that's all we ask.
02:07Now remember, there are no mistakes on the dance floor.
02:09The important thing is to relax and express yourself.
02:13You have to feel the music. Are you feeling it?
02:16I'm feeling like I'm going to be a laughingstock if I go to that party.
02:20Let's break it down.
02:21You've got the bus stop.
02:24The windscreen wiper.
02:27And the sprinkler.
02:31How about the sit on the sidelines and watch?
02:34Come on, just copy me.
02:38You don't hear the beat?
02:40What beat?
02:41Oh boy, that's a problem.
02:42I can fix it.
02:43Thanks, but no thanks. The solution is simple.
02:46I'll just go and tell Max I can't come to his party.
02:51Hi, Max. About your party.
02:53What's up?
02:54I've been really busy lately.
02:56I've got a mountain of homework.
02:58My aunt's in the hospital.
03:00I've got to go.
03:01I've got to go.
03:02I've got to go.
03:03I've got to go.
03:04I've got to go.
03:05I've got to go.
03:06I've got to go.
03:07I've got to go.
03:08I've got to go.
03:09I've got to go.
03:10I've got to go.
03:11I've got to go.
03:12I've got to go.
03:13I've got to go.
03:14I've got to go.
03:15I've got to go.
03:16I've got to go.
03:17I've got to go.
03:18I've got to go.
03:19I've got to go.
03:20I've got to go.
03:21I've got to go.
03:22I've got to go.
03:23I've got to go.
03:24I've got to go.
03:25I've got to go.
03:26I've got to go.
03:27I've got to go.
03:28I've got to go.
03:29I've got to go.
03:30I've got to go.
03:31I've got to go.
03:32I've got to go.
03:33Well, here I am.
03:34Happy birthday, Max.
03:37Hey, I'm about to start a game over at late six.
03:39You want to team up?
03:40Oh, you know I'd love to, because I love bowling.
03:43But I can't.
03:44I have weird feet that need special bowling shoes,
03:47and I left them at home.
03:48No worries.
03:49I hope you didn't leave your dancing shoes behind.
03:52Dancing shoes.
03:53Ha, ha, ha.
03:55That's funny.
03:58Where can I hide?
03:59I wonder if Vincent's here.
04:04Excuse me.
04:05Entertainment coming through.
04:07Excuse me.
04:09Excuse us.
04:11All the music is alphabetized.
04:13Remember, your job is to get people on the dance floor
04:16and keep them there.
04:17I can't do this.
04:18Nina, where are you going?
04:19Away from the dance floor.
04:21Far away.
04:23Boy, you sure know how to have fun.
04:26Fun is irrelevant.
04:27If I can just get through the night with my dignity intact,
04:30I'll be happy.
04:31No one's going to grade you on your bowling or dancing.
04:34They'll be too busy laughing.
04:35What's happening at lane six?
04:38The game is over.
04:39You can relax.
04:40Now let's go have some fun.
04:42Have double fun for me.
04:50What happened?
04:51I can't go out there.
04:53I'll be the only person not dancing.
04:57My turn to hide.
04:59Hi, Vincent.
05:00Good game.
05:01Thanks, Annie.
05:02Do you want to dance?
05:04I'll wait here.
05:08You can't stay here forever.
05:10These shoes pong.
05:12It beats making a fool of myself.
05:14But you'd have so much more fun if you joined in.
05:17You've seen me dance.
05:18I'm terrible.
05:19I really wish I wasn't, but say no more.
05:25Okay, that's not me.
05:26What did you do?
05:28I bet you wished you could dance.
05:31You look so great out there.
05:33I do, don't I?
05:34What next?
05:35Oh, I know.
05:36Play one of my show tunes.
05:40Right away, Susie.
05:42Okay, I'm starting.
05:44Hello, I'm over here.
05:46What are you looking at?
05:51I can do that.
05:53Pixel Pinky turned me into Twinkle Toes.
05:55I can't stop.
05:56Oh, joy.
05:59Come on, Max.
06:09Sorry, guys.
06:10I didn't mean to interrupt.
06:12Apology rejected.
06:13I'm challenging you to a dance-off.
06:15A what?
06:16It's where the crowd gets to judge who is the queen of the dance floor.
06:19Are you sure you want to do that?
06:20Of course I'm sure.
06:21No, really.
06:22You don't understand.
06:23You might not win.
06:25Please, Nina.
06:27I've been doing jazz ballet since I was two.
06:32Let's dance.
06:34I'm not worried.
06:35I've performed for bigger audiences than this before.
06:37What kind of music should we play?
06:39Whatever makes me look good.
06:40I'm so going to win this dance-off.
06:48Go, Nina.
06:49She's got some moves.
06:58Nina! Nina! Nina!
07:02Nina! Nina! Nina!
07:06Susie, wait.
07:07We were just having fun.
07:09Sorry, Max.
07:10I have to go.
07:11I hope you enjoy the rest of your party.
07:13But the party will be over if there's no music.
07:16Please stay.
07:17I can't.
07:18I have homework to do.
07:19Come on, girls.
07:20Let's go.
07:21Max's birthday is ruined.
07:23And it's all my fault.
07:26C'est juste ça.
07:27Si ce n'était pas pour moi,
07:28Susie serait toujours là
07:30et tout le monde aurait quelque chose à danser.
07:32Est-ce que ça aiderait si je disais
07:34« Silence is golden » ?
07:35C'est une fête.
07:36Il faut de la musique.
07:39Oui ?
07:40Je pense que je sais comment sauver Max.
07:43Je dois y aller, maman.
07:44Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
07:45Combien de chansons as-tu sur ton téléphone ?
07:47Je ne sais pas.
07:48Des milliers.
07:49Est-ce que je peux les acheter ?
07:52Je ne sais pas.
07:53Des milliers.
07:54Est-ce que je peux les acheter ?
07:55C'est pour une bonne raison.
07:57Comment vas-tu sauver la fête de là-bas ?
08:00Ah, un jack de téléphone.
08:02Merci, mais je suis complètement chargée.
08:04Ce n'est pas pour toi.
08:06Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me dire ce qui se passe ?
08:08Vincent a plein de chansons
08:10stockées sur son téléphone.
08:11Ce jack connecte aux paroles.
08:13Mets les deux ensemble
08:14et tu as une fête de danse.
08:16Veux-tu être en charge de la musique ?
08:18Je pensais que tu n'allais jamais demander.
08:20Des requêtes ?
08:21C'est juste quelque chose à laquelle on peut danser.
08:23J'espère qu'on n'est pas trop tard.
08:25Le tango ?
08:26Tu dois être en train de te moquer.
08:28Ah, maintenant, c'est la musique de la danse.
08:31Oh, mon dieu.
08:32Encore une fois.
08:34Hum, veux-tu danser ?
08:36Je ne suis pas un très bon danseur.
08:38Je peux m'en rappeler.
08:39Mais ne t'inquiète pas,
08:40j'ai l'impression que je vais prendre la lead.
08:42J'essaie d'aller avec le flux.
08:44Je ne t'ai jamais choisi pour un fan de tango.
08:46J'ai des goûts éclectiques.
08:49Oh non, pas maintenant !
08:52Je pensais que tu étais en charge.
08:54Je ne sais pas les prochaines étapes.
08:57Rappelle-toi qu'il n'y a pas de erreurs sur le sol de la danse.
09:03Hum, je dois y aller.
09:09Rise and Shine !
09:10J'ai téléchargé de la musique de Vincent.
09:12J'espère que tu ne t'en souviens pas.
09:13Tu veux dire que la nuit dernière n'était pas juste un mauvais rêve ?
09:16C'était la meilleure fête de toute ma vie !
09:18Et tu es un animal de fête !
09:20J'ai tombé sur le toit et j'ai fait un complot de moi-même.
09:24C'était un désastre.
09:26Aïe, mes jambes me tuent.
09:28Tu sais, la meilleure cure pour les muscles de danse est plus de danse.
09:32Donc, ça ne va pas se passer.
09:36Je sais que tu ne veux pas voir personne de la nuit dernière.
09:38Mais est-ce qu'on a vraiment dû aller à l'école deux heures plus tôt ?
09:41Puisque ne pas venir du tout n'était pas une option ?
09:44Nina, personne ne s'intéresse à ce qui s'est passé sauf à toi.
09:47Ils ne se souviendront probablement même pas.
09:49Tout le monde doit penser que je suis un fou.
09:51Max, salut. Je ne peux pas parler, je dois y aller.
09:55Mais je n'ai jamais eu le temps de te remercier.
09:56Quoi ?
09:57Pour avoir eu mon statut de fête.
09:58Moi ?
09:59Après que tu es partie, tout le monde a tombé sur le toit.
10:01Tu étais génial.
10:04Qu'est-ce que je t'ai dit ?
10:06Animal de fête !
10:07Tu as oublié « génial » ?
10:09Euh, Nina...
10:10C'est ok.
10:11Ces mouvements étaient tous les miens.