• l’année dernière


00:00J'ai commencé Dragon Tales, autour de la chambre les dragons venaient
00:04Mais en fin de compte Max savait ce qu'il devait faire
00:06Ils s'y sont accrochés pour les amis dragons
00:09Maintenant l'aventure n'arrive jamais
00:13Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales
00:15C'est presque le moment pour Dragon Tales
00:17Venez, prenez ma main
00:20Allons tous au Dragon Land
00:27Il y a des pauvres, des insolents et des non-braves
00:29Il y a Cathy qui est si timide et aussi très intelligente
00:31Il y a Zack et Weezie qui jouent avec plaisir
00:33Car vous savez, deux têtes sont mieux que l'une
00:36Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales
00:38C'est presque le moment pour Dragon Tales
00:40Venez, prenez ma main
00:43Allons tous au Dragon Land
01:06On ne peut pas jouer ici, sinon on va tomber
01:09Je sais où on peut jouer
01:11Au Dragon Land
01:17J'aimerais, j'aimerais, avec tout mon cœur
01:20Voir les dragons voler dans un pays de paris
01:30Les Dragon Tales
01:35Buenos dias, niños
01:37I have some exciting news
01:39We have a new student visiting for the week
01:46Max, Emmy
01:48What are they?
01:50They are children
01:51This is Emmy and Max, our special friends
01:55Now, everyone, let me introduce our new student, Spike.
01:59Hi Spike!
02:01Everyone can get to know each other during outside time.
02:04So let's go out and...
02:25Boy, Spike's good with that yo-yo.
02:29Good! He's yo-yo-righteous!
02:34He's all alone. Maybe we should ask him to play with us.
02:38Cool! That's so easy. Watch this.
02:43Bet you can't do that.
02:45Maybe I could if I can find my... yo-yo.
02:50Haha! You call that dumb thing a yo-yo?
02:53Mine's way better.
02:56Can I try, Orange? I love yo-yos!
03:08Good one! This is how a pro does it.
03:11Not some baby like you.
03:14He's a big meanie. Definitely.
03:18Hey, kids.
03:24I wonder if anybody wants to take a nature walk in the meadows.
03:32Today we're going to look for sugar plums.
03:34They only ripen once a year.
03:36What's a sugar plum?
03:38A delicious fruit.
03:40They're sweet and juicy and yummy in my tummy.
03:44Okay, everybody. Find a partner.
03:54Cassie, would you be Spike's partner, por favor?
03:57Amy can partner with Zack and Wheezy.
04:00Okay, Quetzel.
04:04Meadows down below. Follow me.
04:08Poor Cassie.
04:10Yeah. Stuck with that bully.
04:15That was a good circle trick, Spike.
04:18It's called it around the world, not a circle trick.
04:21I... I didn't mean...
04:24Oh, you don't know anything.
04:28What are you shrinking for, huh?
04:37Come, look. This one's just about to ripen.
04:42And there you are. A sugar plum.
04:45Everyone may fill up one basket.
04:50For you and for me.
04:53Spike, where's Cassie?
04:56Don't know. Don't care.
04:58Does anybody know where Cassie is?
05:02Hey, I just saw my first sugar plum.
05:05Um... Cassie?
05:07Hi, Yord.
05:09What's wrong?
05:10Spike says, I don't know anything.
05:14What? That's so, so, so, so...
05:18It is?
05:20You know, lots and lots of stuff.
05:24Just because somebody says something mean
05:26doesn't make it true.
05:30Forget about Spike, Cassie.
05:32He's just a bully.
05:33Yeah, come plum picking with us.
05:37Ah, there you are, Cassie.
05:40Have fun.
05:50Got one!
05:52I have one! I have one!
05:54Over here, buddy!
05:55Wait, Backy. I have an idea.
05:58One, two, three, eat!
06:04Oh, shoot!
06:06Well, thirteen, fourteen.
06:10Look at me. I found a whole bunch.
06:13How about you?
06:14Nothing. Zero. Nada.
06:17Wait, I see one.
06:22Yuck! A stinky bug.
06:27What you working on, Yord?
06:29The biggest, fastest, greatest sugar plum picker in the whole world!
06:38I'm a genius.
06:55I don't think we can fit anymore in.
07:01Why can't I find even one sugar plum?
07:07Cassie, what's wrong?
07:09I took my basket of sugar plums.
07:12He did?
07:13I don't know what to do.
07:15Tell him to give it back.
07:17I can't. He's too mean.
07:22My dad told me you have to stand up to a bully right away.
07:25Or he'll keep picking on you.
07:28I'll go with you, Cassie.
07:30Me too!
07:31Me three!
07:32I'm sure Ord and Max will come too.
07:35Well, I guess if you all come with me,
07:38I could maybe, probably talk to him.
07:43Uh, Spike, um, you took my basket and I want it back.
07:51It's my basket!
07:53But it has my ribbon on it. See?
08:03Here! I don't like dumb old sugar plums anyways.
08:09I did it! I did it!
08:11You really told him?
08:13Loved it!
08:17Five more minutes till we go back to school.
08:20Find your partner.
08:21Not yet. I have to find at least one sugar plum.
08:25Partners? Not again.
08:28What'll I do?
08:31Hola, Cassie. Ready to go?
08:34Quetzel, I really, really don't want to be partners with Spike anymore.
08:39What's the problem, Nina?
08:41Well, he gets sort of mean.
08:44I see. Hmm.
08:46I wonder how it must feel to be the new dragon in class.
08:50Could be kind of scary, I guess.
08:53And how do you think it would feel not to have one friend at school?
08:58Not very good, I guess.
09:01Sometimes when people feel bad, they show it in different ways.
09:05You shrink when you feel bad.
09:07Or it turns invisible. And Spike...
09:10Acts mean.
09:14He's always all by himself.
09:32Sorry, Emmy. I don't see any.
09:35There must be one sugar plum somewhere. Anywhere.
09:39Will you all help me? I need to fix something.
09:42Sure, Cassie. What'd you break?
09:45It's not for me. It's for Spike.
09:48Spike? But he's so mean.
09:51I know he acts mean.
09:53But maybe he's really sad because he doesn't have any friends.
09:58Never thought of that.
10:00Will you help me?
10:01We need glue and tape and string. And we have to hurry.
10:06Okay, Cassie.
10:07We'll help.
10:08Hey, Emmy. A sugar plum.
10:12Yeah. I found one.
10:16Do you all have your partners?
10:18Yes, Grandpa.
10:20Bueno. Let's go back to school.
10:29We fixed your yo-yo.
10:31You did?
10:32We hit it on the bell so you could hear yourself yo-yo.
10:38Sorry I took your basket.
10:40I just, well...
10:41I wanted to have the most sugar plums so everybody think I was cool.
10:46You know how to yo-yo. And that's really cool.
10:49I could teach you a yo-yo trick.
10:53See? You flip it with your wrist.
10:56Like this?
10:59Good try.
11:01I got it.
11:05It got you.
11:11I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home.
11:16Until next time.
11:20It's still standing.
11:22Be careful.
11:23Are we going to have to tiptoe forever?
11:26I guess so. Unless...
11:37Next, I'm ready to go.
11:39I'm coming, I'm coming.
11:42Other way.
11:44I know, I know.
11:49Ha! Let's go.
11:52I wish, I wish with all my heart
11:55to fly with dragons in a land apart.
12:08Max, Emmy.
12:10We brought some fishing poles.
12:12I just love fishing. It's so fishy.
12:15How do you know? We've never even been fishing before.
12:19They're fish, silly. What else are they going to be but fishy?
12:25Don't worry. Max and I will teach you how it's done.
12:32Wait! You can't fish without bait.
12:35What's bait?
12:37It's the stuff you use to make the fish swim up to your fishing pole.
12:40Dragonfish love cheese puffs.
12:43So do I.
12:46Don't eat them all, or we won't have any for the fishies.
12:55Okay, let's fish.
13:00What's that?
13:08It happens, Gallywaggle.
13:11Here's Captain Scallywag's ship.
13:15Ahoy there, mateys.
13:17Hi, Captain Scallywag. Hola.
13:19What are you doing back in Dragonland?
13:22I'm searching for the great white cloud whale.
13:26I've never heard of it.
13:28He's a wild beast, he is.
13:34Fifty feet long, with a mouth as big as an island.
13:38Why do you want to find him?
13:40Because this monster swallowed my favorite ship.
13:43I've chased him all across Dragonland.
13:48But then I lost him in the clouds.
13:51And I'm not leaving until I find the creature and get my ship back.
13:56Can we help you look for him?
14:00I was hoping you'd ask.
14:02I need a strong crew.
14:04That's us.
14:07Well, climb aboard, mateys.
14:13Grab your gear and get ready to sail.
14:20Jack, Wheezy, man the crow's nest
14:22and keep all four of your eyes open for the cloud whale.
14:26Aye, aye, Captain.
14:32Cassie, Emmy, fill up this balloon with air and tie a rope to it.
14:36Yes, sir.
14:39Max, take the wheel.
14:41Ord, raise the anchor.
14:44Coming right up.
14:58How long do I keep it raised?
15:04That's long enough.
15:05Put it down on the deck.
15:07Nice and easy.
15:13Full speed ahead!
15:26This is cool!
15:30Sea monster!
15:35Oh, it's you.
15:41Phew! That should hold it.
15:43And with all the hot air I blew in, the balloon should float really high.
15:48Oh! Hey!
15:50I think I saw something funny in the clouds.
15:53I don't see anything.
15:55Now you'll take a closer look with me telescope.
16:04And there she blows!
16:07And there she blows!
16:09And there she blows!
16:11And there she blows!
16:13And there she blows!
16:16And there she blows!
16:21The wheel's getting away!
16:26Not for long! Hang on, mateys!
16:40He's changing course! Turn to the right, Max!
16:44Pointez vos doigts vers l'un l'autre, puis pointez vos doigts vers le ciel.
16:48L est pour ma gauche, et le reste est pour ma droite.
16:53Très bien!
17:01Maintenant, tournez-la vers la gauche, et nous trapperons l'animal entre ces piques.
17:06Oh! Il est derrière cette montagne!
17:09Je pense qu'il veut jouer à l'escalier!
17:12Si l'animal veut jouer, je vois le jeu!
17:17Laissez-moi le ballon!
17:22Qu'est-ce que c'est, Capitaine Scalawag?
17:24Du beurre.
17:25Je pensais que le beurre devait être délicieux.
17:28Comme des pâtes au fromage.
17:30Ça a l'air de...
17:32Comme des pâtes au fromage.
17:34Ça a l'air de...
17:37du ballon!
17:39Oui, oui, mais les oiseaux du ciel adorent ça!
17:57Je l'ai eu!
18:03Je l'ai eu!
18:16C'est inutile! Il est trop fort!
18:21Oh non!
18:30Nous l'avons perdu!
18:32Je ne vais plus jamais voir un bateau.
18:36N'abandonne pas, Capitaine Scalawag!
18:38Oui! Peut-être que nous pouvons t'aider à trouver un autre moyen d'attraper l'oiseau du ciel.
18:43Oh! Je pensais qu'il allait venir si il entendait une belle chanson d'oiseaux.
18:47Nous ne connaissons pas de chansons d'oiseaux.
18:49Bien sûr que nous le savons!
18:56C'est une chanson d'oiseaux!
18:58Pas encore!
19:05Les oiseaux n'ont pas d'oreilles.
19:19C'est une chanson d'oiseaux! Malheureusement, ça n'a pas fonctionné.
19:21Je sais! Peut-être que si nous avions peint des fins sur ce bateau,
19:25l'oiseau du ciel penserait que c'est un gros poisson, et puis...
19:28Il nous tuerait, comme il a fait avec le bateau préféré de Capitaine Scalawag!
19:33Pas de merci!
19:35Peut-être qu'il y a un autre type de bataille spéciale qu'on peut utiliser pour le faire revenir.
19:39Euh... Je ne pense pas qu'on ait besoin d'une bataille différente, Amy.
19:43Pourquoi pas?
19:45Parce que l'oiseau du ciel adore ce gros poisson d'or.
19:48La raison pour laquelle il est parti, c'est parce qu'il a frappé l'oreille.
19:52Cassie a raison. Ce qu'on a besoin, c'est une oreille plus forte.
19:56Mais je n'ai pas d'oreilles plus fortes.
20:00Je sais!
20:03Si on utilise deux oreilles au lieu d'une, ça sera deux fois plus fort.
20:08Juste comme Zack et moi, ensemble, sommes deux fois plus intelligents.
20:11Oui, nous sommes.
20:14Hmm... C'est intéressant de l'essayer.
20:17Hé hé, met un peu d'air chaud dans ça, Cassie!
20:27Ok, les amis, lancez-le!
20:44Il a pris le poisson!
20:51On l'a eu! Wow!
20:53Il est énorme!
20:56Maintenant, gardez-le calme pendant que je cherche mon bateau!
21:02Je pense que je le vois!
21:06Je l'ai eu! Laissez-le partir!
21:15Oh! Enfin!
21:18C'est ton bateau préféré? C'est juste un jouet!
21:22On pensait que l'Oiseau des Oiseaux a cassé un gros bateau, comme celui-ci!
21:26Non! Je t'ai pas dit?
21:29L'Oiseau des Oiseaux m'a cassé un bateau de jouets
21:32pendant que je naviguais dans Dragoon Lagoon!
21:35Oh, le même bateau que j'utilisais pour naviguer dans mon bateau comme un garçon!
21:40Yo, do, do, do, yadda-lada-daddy!
21:44Toutes les mains sur le bateau, les pieds sur les haches,
21:48il y a un vent qui souffle!
21:54J'aimerais, j'aimerais...
21:56utiliser ce rime pour retourner à la maison.
21:59Jusqu'à la prochaine fois!
22:01À la prochaine !
22:10Ha ! J'y suis !
22:15Tu vas bien, Max ?
22:17Ouais, mais la prochaine fois, tu m'emmèneras !
22:20C'est sûr !
