• 22 hours ago
Silva frustrated as Everton equalise in dying seconds against Fulham

Everton 1-1 Fulham


Goodison Park, Liverpool, UK
00:00Good evening all, yes, really tough, really tough for us, the
00:29result and sometimes football is difficult to explain, all the things
00:35they don't go in the direction of the team that played much better from the
00:39first minute, the only team that tried to control the game. It's tough for us
00:47right now, the players are down in the dressing room and of course I'm
00:52myself as a manager I have to look for all the picture and I asked them the
00:57reaction from the last home game against Vila, probably the only game this
01:03season that we were not at that level, even the game was a bit weird, we
01:06conceded some goals and the reaction was there, from the first minute you
01:10came here, took the control of the game, we knew that Everton was in, in terms of
01:15results at least they were in a moment probably with more confidence, I
01:20think from the first minute if they were we took all the confidence from them the
01:23way we played, the way we took the ball from them, we didn't have a chance for
01:27them to press as normal the way Everton press at home and we are patient enough
01:32to start to build our attacks and the right moments to try to create the
01:35chances and was the story of the game, first half we did create three or four
01:40clear chances to score, unfortunately we were not ruthless enough to start
01:44scoring first half and second half was almost the same story again, we took the
01:49control of the game, playing in our offensive half and most of the time
01:54great goal from ourselves, after that a great moment again, great chance that we
01:59should have killed the game with a 2-0, we didn't and of course the game, this
02:03type of games and the last minutes can go in a way that was unfair to be honest
02:10for us, with the central defenders there up front, we put okay long balls, we try
02:14to build a bit more compact and to be more strong in the area of duels with
02:18George Cuenca, but unfortunately they scored in one moment, to be honest that
02:22moment we should have defended better our box because we had enough bodies inside
02:26to control, to have an impact in Michael Keane and in Beto in that
02:31situation with our central defenders there, unfortunately we didn't but the football
02:35was really fair with our team this evening because clearly we are a much
02:39better team and we deserve clearly the three points, it is what it is but the
02:43reaction was really good from last game and as I said I have to look for all the
02:47picture and this is the reaction that I want, they commit
02:51themselves with the plan, with our philosophy, with what we want to do on
02:54the pitch and of course even if the result was really tough for us to get
03:00them, the fans, they have to be proud the way we play against this evening and now
03:04we have to rest and will come an important derby for us and football if
03:08you go in your direction always and we play in this way with this commitment
03:11the details and this type of things will not come against always against you and
03:16in the future will come for us I'm sure about it
03:21Today you released a statement saying you were saddened by the issues raised in the Athletics report on historic sexual abuse cases, just wondered, do you share that feeling as well and what is your view on how the investigation is being handled?
03:36Okay firstly of course if Fulham made a statement I think is about Fulham, I'm the
03:43manager of Fulham of course I have to share the same feelings I'm not a
03:46different person as all of you I'm a human being I have two daughters at home
03:50and you can understand what I'm saying to you of course since Fulham put same
03:55statements out I don't need to come here every single press conference to talk
03:58about it of course everything what we say from the top I think is the the
04:03managers there the players are there everybody that is at Fulham Football
04:07Club and all the fans we have to share the same feelings in this situation of
04:10course sad news for us I have to repeat again the same thing the news are
04:13really sad for us as a football club I think for all of us as a human beings
04:17the news are really sad we have to wait for the investigations to see what is
04:21going to happen in the future but I can't tell right now is this okay sad
04:25news every time comes something new about it they are really sad for us we
04:29have to and to wait for the people that are investigation that and the club is
04:33going to always to answer in the best way we can and because it's something
04:37that we we have to put all the attention we can
04:47was this a lesson that you have to carry on right to the final whistle when you were playing at Goodison Park against that crowd?
04:54When I mentioned Goodison of course if the FA Cup draw is not going to to get us in the same direction again and of course is my last my last
05:06game at Goodison this moment as a away manager and of course is a special
05:11place you know and even if you come as a away manager away player is a historic
05:18place to to to be when you are a Everton manager of course you can feel it more
05:21week in week out and of course the that was the reason why I shared when they
05:28asked me in the press pre-match conference about Goodison and I shared
05:31probably the last game is always something emotional there when the kick
05:34off and the game starts of course you forget about everything and I did plan
05:39the game in a way to win the game and my team again prove that because we are
05:43much better team and you should have won the game clear in my opinion about
05:47what's happened in the last minutes of the game and that is football that is
05:51Premier League is not just at Goodison that happened in many many places as
05:55well sorry to tell you because if you start with central defenders there on
05:58the side and if you put ten players there inside and you start to put long balls
06:02every time can happen at Goodison I know the fans they push a little bit more for
06:06that hand they push a little bit more too but sorry to tell you up and in many
06:10many places not just at Goodison
06:23yes great goal from ourselves not just the moment from Emil of course this type
06:28of games in some moments we need this type of players to to step in and to pop
06:33up and to show their quality of course the way we we built that moment was
06:37really good of course we have to provide for these players to receive balls in
06:41certain areas and good balls what balls that they can they can turn they can go
06:46not not and of course we did it and of course come come on the top is quality
06:51not just him of course the way he decided that moment in two or three
06:56moments 1v1 situational of course the composure of Alex Jovi was was top
07:01I have to mention of course Alex because he's a great goal from him and the great
07:05performance from him from the first minute I think what Alex has been doing
07:08so far this season is being so so so good he's being game by game improving
07:14game by game being more important for us more decisive last season probably was
07:17the best season from him at his level and I think he's going to be even better
07:22this season he's taking much more responsibility in his back and pushing
07:27the team forward and the team needs and is being so so good to see Alex about
07:31Emil is the reason why he's signing of course as I said he needs this type of
07:35moments to to get more confidence and away from home probably is the first
07:40time that he's getting the one decisive moment for him is important in that
07:46situation and of course much more to come from him I really believe
