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Weaponized Religion: From Christian Identity to the NAR:
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John and Chino talk about the harmful doctrines of cults, specifically related to Hobart Freeman and the Faith Assembly. They explore topics such as the bullying tactics used by cult leaders, the misinterpretation of scriptures to justify control, and the damaging impact of false faith healing doctrines on followers. The conversation also touches on personal stories from ex-members of the Faith Assembly, highlighting the psychological and spiritual toll that being part of such groups can take.

Chino shares personal experiences, from being bullied in middle school to witnessing the gradual mental decline of Hobart Freeman in the last years of his life. The hosts discuss the indoctrination processes, how cult leaders suppress free thinking, and the psychological manipulation involved in pushing harmful doctrines. They also reflect on how members are manipulated into believing in false healings, foregoing medical treatments, and adhering to extreme rules, ultimately resulting in physical and spiritual harm.

00:00 Introduction
00:31 The Irony of 1984 and Cult Realities
02:01 Personal Stories from Faith Assembly Tent Days
05:03 The Bully Pulpit in Cults
07:01 Crowdsourcing vs. Suppression in Cults
11:03 Standing Up to Bullies and Religious Leaders
15:06 Cult Indoctrination and Fear of Truth
19:33 The Interconnectedness of Cult Doctrines
22:53 Hobart Freeman’s Decline and Unchecked Teachings
26:13 The Evolution of Extreme Doctrines
28:53 Delving into Pagan Influences and Mystery Cults
31:00 Reflections on Cult Mentality and Isolation
35:00 Did Faith Assembly Preach the Gospel?
37:02 A List of Faith Assembly’s “Don’ts”
41:01 Christmas, Birthdays, and Cult Prohibitions
45:10 Television, Borrowing, and the Doctrine of No Insurance
49:00 The Impact of False Healing Doctrines on Families
53:06 The Sin of Pride and the Psychology of Positive Confession
59:30 Personal Stories of Leaving Faith Assembly
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00:00:30Welcome to another episode of the William Branham Historical Research Podcast. I'm
00:00:37your host, John Collins, the author and founder of William Branham Historical Research at
00:00:42william-branham.org, and with me I have my co-host, minister, and friend, Chino Ross,
00:00:49pastor and the voice of the Understanding Scripture and Truth by Chino D. Ross YouTube
00:00:53channel. And Chino, last week we were getting into the irony of the year 1984 and the book
00:01:011984, and the comparison of the similarities between that, you know, that dystopian world
00:01:10and future that was created for the cult, which I, you know, looking back, I see humor
00:01:15in many things that I probably shouldn't. I see the humor in the irony of that. But
00:01:21what we're talking about today is the other side of that. While it can be humorous, there's
00:01:27the dystopian future is very bleak for the people who are living it. So what we're getting
00:01:32into today is the results of that dystopian future that was being created. And I have
00:01:39to say it not only does it match the world that I escaped, it also matches every single
00:01:45other cult as it progresses to the end of their destructive nature that I've examined
00:01:51so far. When it turns from cult of personality into destructive cult, bad things happen.
00:01:56Yes, John, you're so right. You know, I have continued to hear from a lot of these wonderful
00:02:03ex-members of Faith Assembly. And I can't say that all the ex-members are wonderful,
00:02:09but I think that the ones I hear from are wonderful. That's probably just the people
00:02:15that want to reach out. I think our podcasts are doing something and making a difference
00:02:23in people's lives. But one of the men told me a story from the tent days. The tent would
00:02:31have been in 1978 as they were leaving the Glory Barn and going to the new building.
00:02:36But Dr. Freeman had preached a message, I don't remember what it was about, and had
00:02:42given his normal stories to back it up and biblical references. And afterwards, this
00:02:48man went up. He was excited about what Dr. Freeman had taught because I think in his
00:02:54own personal life, he'd just been studying that. So he had this great passage he wanted
00:02:59to share with Dr. Freeman, kind of like a confirmation, you know, the Holy Spirit's
00:03:04working on both ends. He gave you this message, and I've been studying this, and here's the
00:03:09passage that would have been a great passage for you to use in your message. But of course,
00:03:15Dr. Freeman didn't use it. Dr. Freeman gave a dressing for suggesting that he might have
00:03:22forgotten or left out a major text that would have been supportive of the message. And then
00:03:31in the next message, when Hobart got behind the pulpit, then he used that guy as pulpit bait.
00:03:38And said, now, who out there really thinks that God would set up in this pulpit a five-fold
00:03:46minister who's trained and anointed by the Holy Spirit, and then send someone up afterwards
00:03:53out of the audience to correct him? And I just thought, I mean, if anything, that should
00:03:59have made a minister blessed that you've got a member of the congregation listening to
00:04:05what you're saying. I mean, they're really following along, and they've got a supportive
00:04:11text to contribute to the background of your whole story. And rather than receive that
00:04:17in humility, he beat the guy down, and then beat him down again from the pulpit in the
00:04:23next message, which you know, you and I know what this does. This sends that warning signal
00:04:29to everyone out there. There's a separation between you and I. Touch not mine anointed,
00:04:35and do my prophets no harm. And I just hear this over and over and over in the people
00:04:42that are corresponding with me regarding their past with Faith Assembly. And it's not a new
00:04:47topic with Dr. Freeman. It was with Branham. It's with all of these groups that you were
00:04:53discussing, John. It's with every call. And it's just the bully pulpit. I'm in the pulpit.
00:05:01And the thing is, because they own the platform, then they own the audience. And as I said
00:05:10before, I give you this symbol right here. It's you got to hit a bully in the mouth.
00:05:15And I don't mean physically, because Dr. Freeman was an elderly man, and he had a handicap.
00:05:20He would have knocked the poor soul off the stage. Plus, you'll get arrested for doing
00:05:25it. Plus, it's unchristian to go hit somebody in the mouth. But you know, if you don't do
00:05:31this to these guys, they are just going to continue to do this. Am I right?
00:05:38Absolutely. But for me, the pen is truly mightier than the sword. So I take a different strategy
00:05:45than the mouth. The problem is, I have trouble verbalizing many of my thoughts, but I can
00:05:53type them out pretty accurately. One of the things that I've learned in doing what I do
00:06:00is that there is power in what is called crowdsourcing. I don't know if you're familiar with this term,
00:06:06but crowdsourcing, you put an idea out there, and your idea may be good, but it's even better
00:06:12when you bring in the collaboration of the ideas of others. And in doing so, often you
00:06:17find flaws with your own idea. So I put all the information out on my website, and it's
00:06:25almost like it's crowdsourced, because people will give me feedback where I'm right, where
00:06:29I'm wrong, and I correct it. If it's a blatantly wrong, erroneous statement, sometimes I will
00:06:36put it, and you can look through the blog and you can see these, but apology and correction,
00:06:40I said such and such, and it turns out that part was not true. The trouble I have is that
00:06:46the cults publish information that is not true. So I often get trapped in that stumbling
00:06:51block because I only see the information as it's presented, and half the time, maybe even
00:06:58more than half the time, the cults have portrayed a false version of their histories. And as
00:07:03I try to understand it, it just leads me down the wrong path. But for these cults, it's
00:07:08the opposite of crowdsourcing. They do not want any feedback whatsoever whenever they're
00:07:15wrong. They've projected the idea upon the members that they cannot be wrong because
00:07:20they're divinely inspired by God. And if they say something wrong, then that must imply
00:07:25that God is wrong. So they have to suppress it. They can't crowdsource it. And if you
00:07:33look at the model that's been created, it's just so flipped upside down that not only
00:07:38is it anti-biblical, it's just, for lack of a better way to say it, it's pretty stupid.
00:07:43Yes, and I am not talking about physically hitting somebody. I don't think I've hit anybody
00:07:50in the mouth in 50 years. But I did hit somebody before I was a Christian, and maybe that's
00:07:57where my whole beginning to this bully—you know, I think bullies inherently, John, they're
00:08:05insecure, and they're easily intimidated, and so they have to find some way to mask
00:08:11that. So I remember my story, and maybe that's why I'm always giving you this symbol. No,
00:08:19don't go hit anybody in the mouth, please. But I just know that pastors, they're not
00:08:25going to check themselves in to pastoral rehab. You're going to have to do it for them. The
00:08:31ministers under them, the people around them, the congregation in general, somebody is going
00:08:39to have to do something about it. When I was in middle school, I know what this goes back
00:08:44to and probably why I use this so often in middle school. I think I was in the 7th grade,
00:08:52and as in every school, there were bullies. I was not one of them. I was just a normal
00:08:56kid. But there were bullies, and there was one particular bully. I remember his name
00:09:00was Leroy Cox, and he was always bullying me for some reason. You just tolerate it.
00:09:07That's what I don't want people under the sound of our voices to do. Don't tolerate
00:09:13this from these Christian religious ministers. I just tolerated it. But I remember one day
00:09:20walking down the hall, the bell had rung, school was out. This was middle school, junior
00:09:26high school, the 7th grade. I've got a friend beside me. His name was David Parnell. I've
00:09:31got my book bag on my back, and we're just walking down the hall headed out the door
00:09:37to get picked up by parents. Parents are coming around the school parking lot, the pickup
00:09:43line to be picked up. This guy, Leroy, and his friends were behind me just pushing and
00:09:51pushing and pushing. That's an analogy of what I see these Christian ministers doing.
00:09:59They're going to push these church leaders and see how far you'll let them bully you
00:10:05around and how much you'll let them get away with, and you've got to stop it. I'd had enough
00:10:11of that. As soon as we walked out the door, and we're outside the school premise, and
00:10:17we're actually on a little patch of grass, I dropped my book bag, and I turned around.
00:10:22I said, let's do it, and I started slinging fists. They had to pull us apart. Parents
00:10:30had to get out of the cars and come up there and pull us apart.
00:10:33But you know what I saw? I saw a fascinating life lesson in that, an absolutely lifelong
00:10:40lesson in that, is that that boy and his friends never bullied me again because they knew they
00:10:50couldn't get away with it. I got in some good hits, man. I was pretty athletic, and I was
00:10:55going after him like a wildcat. The life lesson is you stand up to someone because here's
00:11:03the thing. If you don't, abuse doesn't decline. It doesn't follow a strict pattern. It doesn't
00:11:10follow a straight path. It always accelerates. You can look at child abuse. You can look
00:11:14at abuse in a marriage. You've got some woman showing up at work. She's got a black eye.
00:11:20Her husband, her boyfriend is not going to get better over time. He's going to get worse.
00:11:25If left unchecked, and the people around the ministers are the ones who need to check it,
00:11:32but you check it, no, not by getting into a fist fight with them, but you check it by
00:11:37recognizing that the normal boundaries of pastoral authority have been exceeded. Pastoral
00:11:44authority is there for love and for patience and gentleness to lead your people like a
00:11:52parent would lead a child. The cult mentality always exceeds that boundary. Like I said
00:12:00earlier, they're not going to check themselves into pastoral rehab. They're going to need
00:12:05the help of the people around them to bring that to their attention. As I looked at Faith
00:12:10Assembly just over, let's say the 10-year period, John, that we have looked at, say
00:12:15from Glory Barn in 1974 to Hobart's death in 1984, there was just an interesting evolution
00:12:24in the temperature of the church and of the people in the church. It went from hot, from
00:12:32on fire, from hot, from warm, to cool, to cold. I remember when my wife and I went to
00:12:39Faith Assembly years and years ago, the people there were so warm and friendly and engaging.
00:12:47I even remember a couple of young women. They were unmarried at the time. One's name was
00:12:53Ruth, and I'm trying to think of the other one, Nancy. Nancy and Ruth. I wish they would
00:13:01be out there in YouTube land somewhere. We're renting a house together up in Goshen. We
00:13:07just showed up at Faith Assembly, no place to stay. We were just there to visit, but
00:13:12the congregation, the people there could be so warm and so loving. In the early days,
00:13:19they could spot an outsider, not a regular attendee quickly, and they would just welcome
00:13:25you with open arms. You need a place to stay. We stayed up at their house with them in Goshen,
00:13:30and we had a wonderful time. By the time we get to 1984, they can also spot an outsider.
00:13:37They can also spot someone who is not a regular member there. You're shunned, and you're criticized.
00:13:45If not shunned and criticized, at least you're looked upon with suspicion, because are you
00:13:50a media member? Are you a critic? Do you agree with everything? Have you signed the, I believe
00:13:55in Faith Assembly as the end-time ministry of God document? Are you going to obey 1 Corinthians
00:14:021.10? Have you read the list of ten requirements for fellowship with Faith Assembly? Who are
00:14:09you here? The whole climate of the church had changed over a ten-year period. What's
00:14:14that due to? Hobart Freeman. It's not due to the people. It's due to that type message
00:14:21that is just constantly wanting to put people in bondage over all kinds of things that were
00:14:29just so unnecessary. I know it's difficult. You deal with this all the time, John. I deal
00:14:35with it some of the time. Let me just parenthetically say, as I was listening to you give your introduction
00:14:40today, how many hundreds of times have you given that introduction? Do you wake up in
00:14:47the middle of the night and that is just coming out of your mouth? How many times have
00:14:51you given that introduction? Congratulations to you that you can just keep on doing this.
00:15:00We deal with people in, coming out of these situations. It's next to impossible to get
00:15:08people in a call to be willing to listen to the facts. It takes a lot of love. It takes
00:15:16a lot of patience. It takes command of the facts. It takes the crowdsourcing as you have
00:15:24just shared with us because they are so afraid. They've been taught not only if they listen
00:15:34to something outside their group, if they even entertain the idea, the possibility that
00:15:41maybe their leader is wrong, that maybe they are wrong, they even entertain that, that
00:15:49brings serious fear into their life. The people that I have talked to, I talked to someone
00:15:57in a message church, John, in Ohio. He said he's still part of a message church, but the
00:16:01reason he had called me, he said, but we always used to also attend the Freeman Satellite
00:16:07groups. He said there was a lot of back and forth between William Branham message churches,
00:16:12at least where he was in Ohio, and Freeman groups, but he also told me he had lived in
00:16:18Louisville for a while. I guess it's true in Kentucky as well. You don't have to leave
00:16:26these groups yesterday. You don't even have to leave today. All we're asking is that people
00:16:32just listen to the history and listen to the facts. If you're happy where you are,
00:16:40more power to you. No one's twisting anybody's arm to do anything, to believe anything, but
00:16:46the people in these groups, whenever they hear what we're saying, they go down this
00:16:53list. I've watched this happen, John. They go down this list and they say, well, that's
00:16:57not what Hobart really said. We give timestamps. Yes, that's how you play the clip. Yeah, that
00:17:03is exactly what he said. Well, that's not what he meant. Again, the timestamp, you can
00:17:09hear it in its context. Well, you took him out of context. Again, they're always looking
00:17:17for, well, he didn't really say that. The other ministers under him, they're the ones
00:17:23who taught that. Or none of them really said that. It's the people in the church took the
00:17:29message that Hobart was trying to give. They took it too far. You just hear this never
00:17:35end of excuses instead of saying, why don't you just roll up your hands and just pause
00:17:41for a moment and say that actually is what he taught and that actually is what he believes.
00:17:47Now, what do you believe? What do you have to say about that? It's fair enough. What
00:17:52do you, you are a human being. You're going to have to stand before God Almighty, like
00:17:56all of us will, and answer for your own beliefs, not for Cheno's beliefs or John's beliefs
00:18:02or Hobart's beliefs. You're going to have to answer for your own. That should give some
00:18:07kind of freedom to the people. Let's at least listen to what's being said.
00:18:14Guess what? At the end of the day, you can always reject it. After you've heard the facts,
00:18:19you can always say, I choose to stay where I am, but at least you've had an honest intellectual
00:18:26approach to what it is we're talking about.
00:18:29I had this conversation just this morning with a guy. The problem is that whenever you're
00:18:34in one of these destructive groups, the leader always has some claim that they have an edge
00:18:42on doctrine and scripture that others do not have, and they will often brand other people
00:18:48who are doing the same thing as heretics because they have a slightly different view of interpretation
00:18:56of these extra-biblical doctrines. And the funny part is, in many cases, they're the
00:19:01same, but they're different variations or different levels of the same heresies. And
00:19:06so you have one leader who's literally saying the same thing as another leader, but it comes
00:19:12out in a different set of rules or doctrines, et cetera, and so they brand themselves as
00:19:18being different than the other heretic.
00:19:21But to the people who are indoctrinated by one specific leader, they see it as a dividing
00:19:27line in the sand, no, we're different than the other cult group. It gets kind of funny
00:19:32because I've had – you've probably seen it, but mostly positive feedback about the
00:19:38Hobart Freeman episodes, except for the casual person who comes on and says, but you're
00:19:42comparing it to Branham, and this isn't Branhamism. And the framework that was laid
00:19:48by Branham and the Lateran movements that enabled all of this, yes, they had slightly
00:19:53different variations on doctrine, but if you take a step back, it gives me the mental image
00:19:59of five or ten guys that are standing in this big bed of mud, and one's holding up a twig,
00:20:07one's holding up a knife, one's holding up a, I don't know, a wallet, and they're
00:20:12all saying, no, I'm different than that other guy because I'm holding up my badge,
00:20:16my wallet. And they're all standing in the same mud. They don't recognize that they're
00:20:20all in the same mud. But when you're indoctrinated in these groups, you can't see the difference
00:20:25because you have been manipulated to think that your heresy is much better than the other
00:20:32I saw several things in the fall of 1984, this time period that we're talking about,
00:20:38John, that were concerning for me back then, and I think that they were part and parcel
00:20:48of the cause of Dr. Freeman's downfall. So I thought maybe today we'd just address
00:20:54one or two of these. We'll see how far we can get. But just a couple of things if people
00:20:59are wondering, well, what actually happened? Because there was a lot of good, and I'll
00:21:06be the first to say that, there was a lot of good at the beginning of the history of
00:21:11Faith Assembly and the Glory Barn. Now, I'll just hasten to say they had erroneous doctrine,
00:21:16they had manifested sons, they had Gideon's army, they had first fruits rapture, they
00:21:21had all kinds of things. But I mean, there's no minister or church or ministry that has
00:21:29everything perfectly nailed down and perfectly right. A lot has to do with the attitude that
00:21:36the people have, that you just must remain humble and honest and hungry, and then God
00:21:41can bring you past some of those things and bring you into more light. But one of the
00:21:46things that I would say that I witnessed in the years leading up to 1984, but especially
00:21:55the summer and most definitely the fall of 1984, was that Hobart began to slip, what
00:22:02I would say slip mentally. I'm not talking about Alzheimer's, he wasn't crazy or anything
00:22:08like that, but I definitely saw a slip mentally. He sincerely believed that the end was just
00:22:19around the corner. He was teaching in a series in Exodus, and the thrust of that message
00:22:26in his series on Exodus was, as God delivered Israel from Egypt, so he is getting ready
00:22:33to deliver faith assembly from all of our persecution. And he just had gotten to the
00:22:40place that he was believing all of his own rhetoric too much. And because he had gone
00:22:47unchecked and unchallenged, he felt he could continue down this path. I think he thought
00:22:54his time to speak was growing shorter, and look at all that the congregation had let
00:23:00him get away with so far. That's my point that I was mentioning earlier. These pastors,
00:23:07these ministers are not going to check themselves into rehab. It's going to have to come from
00:23:12some kind of outside source. There's going to be sin on their part that gets discovered
00:23:17and that brings their downfall, or it's going to be people, then that normally, if we look
00:23:22at the last what, 12 months, 24 months, that normally is how it happens. Sin is uncovered
00:23:28and that brings the downfall. But why do we have to get to that point? Why can't some
00:23:37intelligence and what can a group of people prevail prior to that? So I saw Hobart slipping
00:23:47mentally just going down this rabbit trail, almost like he had run out of different things
00:23:55to say, run out of things that were interesting to him to say, and just coming up with new
00:23:59things to say. And I've also heard this. I heard it 40 years ago, but I heard it from
00:24:06people recently. I heard it from some of the people that were in the satellite group up
00:24:10in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area, where Jim Brenneman was the circuit minister that
00:24:16went there. One of the people there said, you know, Cheno, by the end, by 1994, or I'm
00:24:23sorry, 1984, by the end, those of us who were on what they call the automatic tape mailing
00:24:29list, as soon as Hobart's tapes were ready, they were just sent out automatically. Those
00:24:33people didn't have to specifically order them. They were on the list that whenever a new
00:24:39batch of tapes from Dr. Freeman were ready, you'd be getting them because you're already
00:24:44signed up on the list. We'll bill you for them. He said that it got to the place that
00:24:50we're sitting on the edge of our couch waiting for the new group of tapes to come in. And
00:24:56I know this is true because I heard people saying this and living this lifestyle back
00:25:01then. He said, we'd race through the tapes looking for what they knew sin that we need
00:25:08to get rid of out of our life was, you know, it's just like, we've already heard everything.
00:25:15This is all old news, same faith message, same healing message. But, oh, now you can,
00:25:24you have to go back in your childhood days from your parents, find out what the name
00:25:31of the medication was you were given after you had your tonsils removed, because that
00:25:36name represents a demon that gained entrance into your life. And now you've got to get
00:25:43rid of this demon. So yeah, they would sit around, race through the messages and try
00:25:49to find what's the new thing we have to give up. And it's like a badge of honor. He had
00:25:55trained them to think in order to go deeper, in order to keep going deeper with the Lord,
00:26:02we've got to uncover more sin in your life, things that you have never thought of, things
00:26:08that's never crossed your mind. And I, as God's prophet will help you do this. We've
00:26:14got to uncover those deep, deep sins in your life, sins that go back years ago, things
00:26:21you have never even thought about. And what do we have on our hands is pathetic, pathetic
00:26:27works religion, where everything is just works generated. I guess everybody really
00:26:34is a little Catholic at heart. If we could just have a rosary to pray, if I had X number
00:26:41of steps, I could crawl up on my knees. If I could just beat myself enough times, I can
00:26:46get sent out of my life and you know, I'll be ready for the rapture. And I'll tell you
00:26:52what, Dr. Freeman was pretty good at this, coming up with things that nobody else had
00:26:59thought of. I've often said, you couldn't out Pharisee Dr. Freeman. He was a Pharisee
00:27:05of the Pharisees. You could not out Pharisee him. Some of the other ministers would try
00:27:12to come up with a little twist on something, but couldn't out Pharisee him. Dr. Freeman
00:27:18was Pharisee of the Pharisees. And I've often wondered too, John, why? There were so many
00:27:26things left untaught and left unsaid. There's so much in the Bible and 66 books of the Bible.
00:27:33There is such a depth and richness there that we have not plumbed yet. Why? Except you just
00:27:41think you already know it all and you're just bored and you've run out of things to
00:27:48say. He literally, to me, at the end of his life, he's slipping mentally because he really
00:27:56in his own mind thinks that I have, he thinks I have run out of things to say. And so let's
00:28:04look for deeper deliverance and discernment. Those were messages he taught that were just
00:28:10some of the most helter-skelter, harem, scarum, harebrained things where he was trying to be a
00:28:19professional psychiatrist, psychologist with no professional training to back that up.
00:28:25Yeah. You know, some time ago I was out on a business trip in California and I was in,
00:28:35I think it was San Jose, and they had the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts in San Jose. And
00:28:41I'm fascinated with Egyptian history and mythology. So I had to make a detour and go see it. And I
00:28:48got there and it was a Rosicrucian museum. And so I got in there and it's the Egyptian artifacts,
00:28:54but it's with the Rosicrucian themes. And I knew nothing about Rosicrucians or anything like this.
00:29:00I was, I believe at that time I had just recently escaped the message. But as I'm in there and I'm
00:29:07learning about this secret society that's got all these Egyptian artifacts and why they have them,
00:29:13I suddenly realized I'm at home, man. This is just like the cult I escaped, but it's a different
00:29:20branding, you know, and I know people will see it as different than that, but that's what was
00:29:25going through my head. But it drove me down the path of studying the influence of pagan religions
00:29:31in Christianity, which led me down the path. We've talked before about the mystery cults and how all
00:29:37that formed. And what happens is you get some guy who is a convert to Christianity, doesn't have
00:29:44sound theology, brings in pagan ideas and says, I have the way, and it's better than all those
00:29:50other people who call themselves Christians. They're just casual Christians who don't care,
00:29:55but I care, brother. And so they join in and with boisterous claims that they can bring you closer
00:30:02to God by their extra stuff. And what happens is the people don't get closer to God, so they bring
00:30:08new extra stuff. And this turns into a never-ending cycle. I wish I could remember their name,
00:30:15but there's one Gnostic group that history has spared us from them because it escalated to the
00:30:23point where they actually taught that sex and procreation was evil, and they needed to stop
00:30:28that if they wanted to ascend into the heavens. So this group died out, and they don't exist
00:30:33anymore. Yeah, but it's that way in these mystery cults. And make no mistake, Hobart Freeman,
00:30:41William Branham, many of the latter reign and its splinter groups, they're all mystery cults.
00:30:47They believe that they had a special edge that you're not going to get just simply by reading
00:30:51your Bible. It's your Bible and. So if you're in the Hobart Freeman cult, it's the Bible and what
00:30:58Hobart Freeman says. Or the Branham cult, same thing. You can literally go down every single
00:31:03cult known to man, and that's what they're doing. And like I said, the really stupid example of the
00:31:11man standing in the mud until you realize that it's all the same framework, and they're all
00:31:15doing the same thing with just slight variations of the same thing. You're still going to be stuck
00:31:21in it. Have you ever wondered how the Pentecostal movement started or how the progression of modern
00:31:27Pentecostalism transitioned through the latter reign, charismatic and other fringe movements
00:31:33into the New Apostolic Reformation? You can learn this and more on William Branham Historical
00:31:39Research's website, William-Branham.org. On the books page of the website, you can find the
00:31:46compiled research of John Collins, Charles Paisley, Stephen Montgomery, John MacKinnon, and others,
00:31:52with links to the paper, audio, and digital versions of each book. You can also find resources and
00:31:59documentation on various people and topics related to those movements. If you want to
00:32:04contribute to the cause, you can support the podcast by clicking the contribute button at
00:32:09the top. And as always, be sure to like and subscribe to the audio or video version that
00:32:15you're listening to or watching. On behalf of William Branham Historical Research, we want to
00:32:20thank you for your support. So you hear of groups that have their list of do's and don'ts. Faith
00:32:26Assembly just had a list of don'ts. You know, they just did not have very many do's at all. They had
00:32:32their list of don'ts. It's almost like Faith Assembly survival kit, that as long as you don't
00:32:39do these things, just as you just explained, John, as long as you don't do these things, then you
00:32:45have a pretty good chance of getting into heaven. And no, of course, Hobart never presented it that
00:32:51way, you know, but it's said between the lines. And before I go over, I'm just going to give a
00:32:57little brief list of don'ts because the people who followed Faith Assembly's ministry will
00:33:03recognize and appreciate and hopefully smile at and laugh at a lot of this. But I had a
00:33:09conversation, it's been about a week ago, John, with a woman who is a daughter of a pastor. It
00:33:18was a Faith Assembly satellite group. And she was the daughter of that pastor. And we had we had a
00:33:25great conversation. She was wonderful. But somewhere towards the end of that conversation, she
00:33:31stopped me and said, Cheno, I have got a question to ask you. And I was kind of, I was shocked by
00:33:41the question. But oh, did it hit home as to all the things that I have been saying since you and I
00:33:49first began this with these podcasts? She said, I have a question. Do you think, Cheno, that we
00:33:56were ever preached the gospel? And I said, you know what, and I won't say her name, you know, these
00:34:03people still have family connections all over the place. You don't want to cause anybody any more
00:34:08trouble or grief than they already have. But I said, look, sister, as far as the orthodox doctrines
00:34:16of Christianity, Hobart would be with tradition, the virgin birth, the substitutionary atonement, and
00:34:24the inerrancy of scripture, salvation by grace through faith alone, Jesus as the only way to the
00:34:33Father, John 14. As far as those doctrines are concerned, he was most definitely traditional,
00:34:41conservative, and orthodox. But go back to your question to preach the gospel. I said, you heard
00:34:50the gospel of Hobart Freeman most of the time and not the gospel of Jesus Christ. And what Hobart
00:34:56would say, and I've talked about this before, is, oh, those are just John 3, 16 people. You know, those
00:35:01are just people who have gotten saved. We're going to go further. You can't go any further than being
00:35:07a child of God. There's nothing greater that you can ever have, no gift in your life that's any
00:35:13greater than the new birth, right? I mean, there's nothing greater than that. So these lists of
00:35:19things that people are given, that's not going to help you any at all. So I told her, I said, no,
00:35:27no, you probably have not been raised on a regular diet of the good news, and that's all gospel.
00:35:36The word translated gospel is euangelion in the Greek, and what that really means,
00:35:40it's translated gospel, but the meaning of it is the good news. And it's what Christ has done for
00:35:47us. It's from his birth to his life, to his death, to his burial, to his resurrection, to his ascension.
00:35:54It's what he has done for us. And if people say, well, I'm already saved. Well, to whom do you think
00:36:02most of Paul's epistles were written to but Christian churches? They're written to Christian
00:36:07churches all over the Mediterranean world. And what is Paul sharing with them in the Pauline epistles
00:36:15but the gospel of Jesus Christ? Because you can never hear that often enough of what God has done,
00:36:24and it is a work of God and a work of his sovereign grace that he has done on our behalf.
00:36:30Do we have responsibilities to make our calling and election sure, to walk out our salvation with
00:36:38fear and trembling? Of course we do. But it is God who works in us both to will and to do of
00:36:45his good pleasure. God has to be the one behind that all along. So I thought it was a very
00:36:51revealing, honest question. I was brought up in church. Have I ever even heard the gospel?
00:36:59What I heard was no media and no doctors and no this and no that. It was a list of don'ts and it
00:37:09was definitely not a list of do's. So here's just a little brief list, John, of some of the major
00:37:16don'ts. I'll start with Christmas. And then Christmas became Easter, became all of the
00:37:23holidays. And then it actually went on from that, that I couldn't believe and became birthdays. And
00:37:28I don't know what the connection, except birthdays, you're just, you're glorifying your child too
00:37:34much. It's going to create the child-centered home. You're putting too much emphasis on your
00:37:39child. You're spoiling your child. So it actually worked from Christmas all the way down to
00:37:44birthdays. Now, look, I'll say I don't celebrate Christmas. I haven't celebrated Christmas in 50
00:37:50years because I do think it's a pagan holiday, but I don't ever measure on that.
00:37:57If I wondered, has not celebrating Christmas made me better than a fellow believer who does
00:38:09celebrate Christmas? All I've got to do, John, is take one look at my life. That's all I've got to
00:38:15do. That's all any honest person has to do. You really think I don't celebrate Christmas and
00:38:21haven't my entire life, but do I think that has made me better than someone else? All I got to do
00:38:27is look at my own life and say, nope, nope, that did not make me better. Nope. So it was one of
00:38:35their main don'ts and it's what they became known for. And that's what I'm saying. One sign of a
00:38:42cult is you will become known for the things that you don't do. You will become known for the things
00:38:50that make you a weirdo. Yeah, I'm a little weird for not celebrating Christmas and I have good
00:38:56reasons. I do think it's a pagan holiday, but if somebody else wants to celebrate, it's not going
00:39:01to keep them out of the kingdom of God. And me not celebrating it hasn't given me an extra life
00:39:10in eternity or an extra year in eternity. It's just something that I have chosen to do.
00:39:17And I can remember, John, in the early, maybe even in the late 70s, definitely the early 80s,
00:39:24Christmas had become a big no, no. And I'm okay if you don't want to celebrate Christmas. I've
00:39:28just said 10 times, I don't celebrate Christmas. But the path I never went down,
00:39:35never, ever, ever. I saw them, okay, you don't celebrate Christmas, then what about those
00:39:40delicious desserts that come out around Christmas time? Santa Claus cookies and the reindeer
00:39:48cupcakes. Oh no, you can't have any of that. You eat one of those, you'll pick up a demon.
00:39:55And I was always glad they wouldn't eat them because they just left more for me.
00:39:59Because it didn't bother me one bit. I had read my New Testament. Paul could literally
00:40:04eat meat that had just been sacrificed to Aphrodite, had just been sacrificed to an idol.
00:40:13Because Paul said an idol is nothing. There's one God and that's it. An idol is nothing. It's a
00:40:19stone statue. If Aphrodite's not hungry enough to eat that piece of meat, I am. I'll eat it.
00:40:27That is true freedom in Christianity. And it's something that faith assembly just didn't have.
00:40:34Because they were taught this cult mentality, Christmas is bad. Okay,
00:40:39maybe Christmas is bad. Maybe it is. But what are you going to do with that?
00:40:46Now that you think Christmas is bad, what are you going to do with that?
00:40:50See, for me, I'm the opposite example. We celebrate Christmas and I have yet to find
00:40:56an instance where celebrating Christmas has made me a bad person. See, you went to the food
00:41:03example. I always go back to the rest of that verse. It says, and don't let them stop you from
00:41:09a new moon or a festival. Well, if you understand the history of how the pagan holiday did merge
00:41:16with the Christian religion, et cetera, if you understand why and how that happened,
00:41:20Paul is saying there, it's okay if you don't celebrate, but don't stop Christians from
00:41:26celebrating the new moons and the festivals and the things that the pagans worship.
00:41:31We can celebrate, too. There's nothing that stops our celebration.
00:41:35But there are things that cults do that go above and beyond that that should be mentioned. Because
00:41:43the Branham cult was the same way. Don't celebrate Christmas. We had a grand celebration of holiday
00:41:51lights when we left the Branham cult just because of their anti-Christmas doctrine.
00:41:56And what goes with that doctrine is they will tell you falsely what those who aren't in the cult
00:42:04perceive as their celebration. They will tell you that they know that they're worshiping the demon.
00:42:10They know it is not a Christian holiday. And they go into all of these rants against people who are
00:42:17truly Christian people who are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, right? But they'll tell
00:42:22you falsely that these people are – they're like a mystery cult that's worshiping the devil.
00:42:30That's basically what it comes down to. And it goes so far above and beyond that when you extend
00:42:36that into many of the other things that a cult will do to create an us versus them mentality.
00:42:43It's just one attribute of the us versus them mentality.
00:42:47So you and I, John, are good opposite examples of the same principle. So what you have just told
00:42:54everyone is you don't know how celebrating Christmas has made you a worse Christian,
00:43:01and I have said I don't know how not celebrating Christmas has made me a better Christian. I mean,
00:43:06we're saying the same thing, right? Yeah. But I mean, it's just –
00:43:09I mean, look, the original Branham Tabernacle from which all of this that we're talking about
00:43:14developed had the pentagram above the door. In my opinion, the pentagram above the door of your
00:43:19church is worse than celebrating Christmas. Oh, man. You know, I wish it was. Part of me,
00:43:28I really don't. Part of me wishes it was, that getting to heaven and being approved by God was
00:43:34as easy as the cults make it out to be. You got a dozen things don't do, I can get rid of those
00:43:42if I can go to heaven forever. Yeah. I mean, part of me wishes it was as easy,
00:43:48but that's just not the way it is. This is not Christianity. Paul said,
00:43:54to celebrate a day, not celebrate a day. To Eden, he said, to his own master, he stands or falls.
00:44:01So who are you to judge another? Some people celebrate a day, some people don't. Some people
00:44:06cannot eat a Christmas cookie, and some of us can. Well, that was one of the big things.
00:44:14Television. You can't own a television set. It's called trashy vision, TV, trashy vision.
00:44:22And there are good points on not owning or not watching a television, but there's plenty that
00:44:27you can see on it. Hobart at least owed them the explanation of why, and I could pull the
00:44:33references on his earlier messages, why he had a television earlier. He at least
00:44:38owes them an explanation of that. Borrowing money. You weren't allowed to borrow money.
00:44:43Romans 13, eight, oh no man, anything. And so that put people in just such a,
00:44:50because people would say, well, how can I buy a decent car? Definitely. How can I buy a home?
00:44:56Hobart said, Romans 13, eight says, you can't do it. Oh no man, anything but to love him.
00:45:01But that's not the context of that passage. And we're not going to chase that down. That's just
00:45:05a ridiculous interpretation of that. The whole context of Romans 13. Hobart though would gladly
00:45:11say and boastfully say, just trust God like me. And that's why I have a home. No Hobart. The reason
00:45:18you have a home is you have thousands of followers who contribute to your ministry and the rest of
00:45:22us don't. That had nothing to do with God blessing you. It has to do with the sheer science of
00:45:28mathematics, the sheer science of mathematics with the number of people you have and the offerings
00:45:34going into the box. That's why you can afford a home. But it kept people in financial straits,
00:45:41insurance. You need Psalm 91 assurance, no insurance because insurance is a confession
00:45:48of doubt. It's a preparation for what might happen wrong. The only people that buy insurance are the
00:45:57ones who are afraid of what might happen. So you're not allowed to have insurance.
00:46:03Darrell Bock You can see me bubbling over. I've got to
00:46:06stop you there. So you're reading the rules from Branham's playbook. Every single thing that you've
00:46:11mentioned was core message theology, but especially the insurance. Branham went on and on about how
00:46:18some insurance salesman came to him and he says, but I have assurance. I don't need insurance.
00:46:25And that was a core Branham doctrine that you're talking about.
00:46:29Dr. Darrell Bock Psalm 91 was just a favorite passage of
00:46:34faith assembly. Hobart always boasted about the fact that every morning he gets up and claims
00:46:39Psalm 91 and he claims Psalm 103 that God would renew his youth like the eagle and take all
00:46:47sickness away from him. You got to look back 40 years later, he didn't renew his youth and he
00:46:52didn't take all sickness. So something's not working right, right there. But they always use
00:46:59the word assurance instead of insurance. I don't need insurance because I have assurance. So no
00:47:07insurance on the vehicles. Then you have to take the next step. You got to cut the seat belts out
00:47:13of the car, which they did. You couldn't wear a seat belt because that's saying if I'm in an
00:47:20accident, which I'm not going to be in because I've claimed Psalm 91. But if I am in an accident,
00:47:28this seat belt is going to protect me from going through the windshield.
00:47:32So now we need to cut the seat belts out. And then it would go to the next step of, well,
00:47:38you can't lock your doors to your car then. And then you can't lock the doors to your house.
00:47:44What are you saying when you lock? I mean, Hobart taught these very things. Now he was inconsistent.
00:47:50I remember a message on this locking door business and I even thought, you're pretty
00:47:54inconsistent there because he said that one time he had a valuable camera laying on the front seat
00:48:01of the car. So he locked the door because he didn't want to make it easy for a thief. Well, you're
00:48:06confessing that a thief is going to come along and see it and try to steal it. So I thought that was
00:48:12inconsistent on his part. But if you're going to start with this assurance, where are you ever
00:48:19going to stop? Where are you going to draw the line? So a lot of them didn't, John, no insurance
00:48:25on anything. They lost cars. I know someone that said that they had been given a new car,
00:48:31no insurance, a week later wrecked it. So there goes that car, no insurance on your house. Well,
00:48:37of course you can't have a house because you can't borrow money and you don't have
00:48:40money to buy a house and pay cash for it. One time I remember Hobart saying,
00:48:46when someone raised that objection, what about a house? He said, well, there are other ways about
00:48:53it, dear friends. There are other ways around this. You can always build a house one room at a time.
00:49:00Well, I've been in the building industry my whole life. That's not how you build a house.
00:49:04You have to pour a foundation. You have to frame the house. You have to put a roof on it. You have
00:49:12to put shingles on. Then you have to either wrap it with house wrap with Tyvek or whatever kind of
00:49:19siding and put windows and doors in. Now you can go install a lot of money, but no, you can't build
00:49:27one room at a time. I mean, that's, I mean, what idiot would say, well, yeah, you can build one
00:49:32room at a time. No, that's, that's just not the way these things work. And, and, and another thing
00:49:40on the insurance. What about life insurance? Well, Hobart was really against that. He said,
00:49:47that only protects the survivors. That doesn't keep you alive. Okay. Are you not good with
00:49:54protecting the survivors? How about your wife, June Freeman? Guess what? You know, Hobart died,
00:49:59no life insurance. That woman's got nothing. That woman has nothing. And I did talk to one of the
00:50:06ministers and they said, well, once brother Freeman passed, it was discussed. And by the way,
00:50:12this was definitely the right thing to do. I mean, she had been the pastor's wife for all these years.
00:50:17She's an elder widow. She needs to be taken care of. But they said, you know, the, the ministry of,
00:50:25of the church will take care of the needs of, of sister Freeman of June Freeman. And that's
00:50:30the right thing to do. But here's Hobart shirking his own personal responsibility to provide for
00:50:40your wife after you're gone. Well, he said, I'm never going to be gone. Well, guess what buddy?
00:50:46You're gone. And you were gone. You've been gone 40 years and you were gone. I think June died in
00:50:521999. June was a widow for 15 years. So while Hobart was up front bragging and boasting,
00:51:02and that's what he was doing, bragging and boasting how I won't die and I'm going to be
00:51:07healed and God's going to deliver me while he's up there bragging and boasting on that.
00:51:12He's not making any preparation for his wife. So I find that, I find that to be a big sign of,
00:51:20of self-centeredness and of selfishness and of not taking care of the people around you.
00:51:26I know why he did it because I'm not going to die. Well, that's not good enough. That is just
00:51:31not good enough. All of that has proven to be false. Someone that I just talked to also this
00:51:37past week, John said that her, uh, let me just make this, um, anonymous enough that her father,
00:51:46who was a follower, by the way, she was born and raised in faith assembly, her follower,
00:51:52her father, who was an ardent follower of Dr. Freeman's, uh, a Freemanite and a Freemanite up
00:51:59to the end and who has been for many, many years, a pastor of a satellite group has been past tense
00:52:09up until very, very recent times is bad off in physical, with physical conditions in his physical
00:52:18life. He is bad off because he has refused all doctors, all medication, all everything.
00:52:27And she shared with me the story. And after I got off the phone, we traded some text messages
00:52:36since then. And I think one of the things I, I said to her, I, you know, I said, I am so sorry
00:52:43to hear, you know, first of all, just from a human perspective, I'm so sorry to hear how bad
00:52:48off your dad is because I don't want to see anybody suffer. He was just, he's misguided.
00:52:53I mean, to this day, he's misguided and he was deceived by Hobart, Edward Freeman.
00:52:58So I said, I'm really sorry that he is suffering. I mean, some pretty severe physical
00:53:07pain that this man is in. But I said, here's my point to you sister is just to show you,
00:53:14although she sees the light of this, to show you how this message does not work. Here's your father,
00:53:22who's been a loyal follower for decades and he is dying because he's so ill.
00:53:30And now listen to this, listen to this, who is having to take care of him?
00:53:36So that's the problem with this message. It is an irresponsible faith and healing message. Who
00:53:43is having to take care? It's one thing if you want to claim your healing and get healed so that
00:53:49everything is hunky dory and everything's fine. That's great. It's also one thing if you want to
00:53:54say, I believe in this healing message, I'm going to stand on it and I will do it alone.
00:54:00But guess what? It's another matter when you won't let your relatives get you help,
00:54:06because that would be leaning to the arm of the flesh. And God forbid I do that. You won't let
00:54:11your relatives get you help, but who is all of this burden falling on to take care of you in
00:54:18your declining? It's all your relatives. It's your relatives. So it's back to my same example with
00:54:24June having low life insurance provided by her husband for her after Hobart's death. It's the
00:54:31same situation of irresponsible people holding on to their cult view. If you want to hold on to it
00:54:39and die in a cave by yourself, knock yourself out. That's your life, that's your choice, that's
00:54:44your decision. But when you bring in other people, and now you're making your whole family
00:54:51have to jump through hoops and rearrange schedules so that, well, I got to watch dad
00:54:59today, and then you got to watch dad tomorrow, and then they've got it, and then she's got to, and
00:55:03then we've got to. And the whole time the person saying, I'm going to hold on to the
00:55:08healing message, look buddy, the healing message is not working. And I know it looks like you're
00:55:14going to go to your grave saying, I'm holding on to the healing message, but that's what
00:55:19Christian science and what freemanism teaches you. Just ignore the facts. Just ignore the reality.
00:55:28So today is Monday, say it's Thursday. Today's Sunday, say it's Tuesday. Who cares? Just ignore
00:55:34whatever the facts are and just go on down this path. But look at the people that are suffering
00:55:40while this is happening. For me, it all comes down to this. This is the thing that hit me
00:55:45the hardest after I left the message because I had to do a lot of self-reflection afterwards.
00:55:51If you read the New Testament, there's a lot of don'ts that are listed. And we came from a
00:55:56religion of don'ts. And it's hard to read the New Testament from that mindset and not see it that way.
00:56:04But if you really read closely, the sin that is listed the most in the New Testament is the sin
00:56:10of pride. And whenever you are in one of these divine healing cults and you are clinging to this
00:56:19false statement that you're healed, this positive confession, which is, in other words, it's a lie.
00:56:26I'm not really healed, but I'm going to say that I am. A lot of people hold on to it because
00:56:30there's an element of pride involved. If you admit that, no, I was lying about this positive
00:56:37confession thing. I really do have cancer, and I'm getting worse and worse. Well, there's pride
00:56:42there. And it's really sad because the people who have that pride are the victims of something even
00:56:47worse than what the minister has projected upon them, especially the cancer cases.
00:56:55But it's difficult to give up that pride. And when you do, you have to realize that
00:57:03the framework of this whole divine healing faith is built upon pride, which is, in effect,
00:57:09it's sinful. And for me, when I came to that realization and came to understand that not only
00:57:17was I prideful in my hardcore position against even having a head cold or having a headache,
00:57:24but look at the way that I treated other Christians. I was better than them because I had
00:57:29the esoteric knowledge of William Branham. Or if you're in the Freeman cult, it's the esoteric
00:57:34knowledge of Hobart Freeman. And the list goes on and on. You can apply that to any cult.
00:57:40You're prideful against the other humans because you're better than them. You have the secret
00:57:44knowledge or the gnosis, the gnostic gnosis. So the whole thing, for me, when I came to
00:57:51understand that pride was a sin in the same way of all of the other don'ts that we had,
00:57:57and that many of the don'ts were invented. They weren't even biblical. Like, the television did
00:58:03not even exist in the days of the Bible. Now, you can find scripture about the television.
00:58:09It talks about do not overindulge, this kind of thing. That applies to television.
00:58:16But choosing what you watch, we've talked about this. I'm a Scooby-Doo fan more than anything.
00:58:21I'd rather watch Hanna-Barbera cartoons than an actual human. And I remember sitting at,
00:58:27I was an adult liking these cartoons, right? I remember sitting in a service,
00:58:32and the minister's harping on those who watch television. And again, it's an us versus them
00:58:37mentality where they're projecting the false notion of the outsiders. And they say those other
00:58:43people who have the televisions, they do it because they secretly want to watch all of the
00:58:48naked women or whatever it was, was their agenda. And whenever you come back to it,
00:58:53I'm sitting here, I clearly remember this scene, and everybody can laugh at me if you want, but
00:58:59my mother-in-law's sitting in the living room on the couch, my wife over here, I had a son who was,
00:59:04I guess he was probably two, he's in my arms. And we're all sitting here quiet watching the
00:59:09television, and my mother-in-law suddenly looks over at me and says,
00:59:13John? I said, yeah, I can't believe here we are, three adults watching Winnie the Pooh.
00:59:19And the irony of listening to a minister who's just harping on people who are watching television,
00:59:26and if I remember correctly, this was a minister who was, let's just say he liked to eat. I'll
00:59:33just say it like that. And gluttony is one of the sins listed in the New Testament.
00:59:38So you've got all of these internal contradictions with even the people themselves that are saying it.
00:59:44And in the end, where I came to is much like what you said with Paul. Don't let anybody tell you
00:59:50what you can or can't drink or what you can or can't celebrate. It's, you know, everything within
00:59:57reason and look at what you're doing to see, am I bettering myself or am I making myself worse?
01:00:04And if you're continually having a process where you make yourself better,
01:00:08then you're probably on the right track. So I take all things in balance, and that's
01:00:13really where I ended up. But thank you for doing this. This was entertaining for me,
01:00:19because it's like you're relisting all of the rules that we had in the Branham cults.
01:00:24Well, I only got through a handful. I have more so we can laugh again next time. But I'm reminded
01:00:31of a story of a woman this summer who called me. John, you talked about pride. You talked a lot
01:00:37about pride right there. She goes way back to pre-Glory Barn days. And here was how she got out.
01:00:45It's an amazing story. She said, I was in a shopping center. She's part of Faith Assembly.
01:00:54She said, I'm walking along, and I see this kind of homeless looking person. I don't know
01:01:00if they were really homeless, but not very well dressed, just really down on their luck,
01:01:08as it were, in the world. And she said, as I walked past that person, I looked at them and thought,
01:01:14I'm so glad I'm me and not you. And she said, I got home and got thinking about that thought I
01:01:23just had and thought that is the most horrible fault a Christian could ever had. She said she
01:01:30left Faith Assembly that week over her own fault that she had. And obviously, it was a thought of
01:01:39pride. I am glad that I am way better than you. And she was convicted of that and left Faith
01:01:49Assembly over that. So thank God for that. Wow, that's amazing. This is fun. I can't
01:01:55wait for next time. So if you've enjoyed our show and you want more information,
01:01:58you can check us out on the web. You can find us at william-branham.org. For more about the dark
01:02:04side of the New Apostolic Reformation, you can read Weaponized Religion,
01:02:08From Christian Identity to the NAR. Available on Amazon, Kindle, and soon, Audible.
