Faith Assembly: A 1984 Dystopian Christian Faith - Episode 205 Branham Research Podcast

  • 2 days ago
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The podcast episode provides an in-depth discussion of Hobart Freeman and his Faith Assembly movement, focusing on its decline in 1984. The conversation draws parallels between the dystopian novel *1984* and Freeman’s control over his congregation, likening his methods to totalitarian thought control. Freeman's teachings, which resulted in numerous deaths due to rejection of medical care, were discussed alongside his increasing isolation and bitterness toward the media. Freeman's rigid views and unyielding leadership alienated followers, leading to schisms within the Faith Assembly. The dialogue emphasizes Freeman's focus on control, both in religious doctrine and personal lives, as well as his public shaming of dissenters.

The discussion further explores the aftermath of Freeman’s leadership, with personal stories from survivors and the long-lasting effects of his teachings. Freeman’s rules, often arbitrary and contradictory, extended to all areas of life, from the rejection of medical care to marital and lifestyle restrictions. Former followers recall the oppressive atmosphere, where criticism was met with excommunication, and compliance was demanded under the guise of spiritual superiority. The episode concludes by noting the ongoing impact of Freeman's teachings on his followers, many of whom continue to suffer physically and emotionally from his doctrine.

00:00 Introduction
02:07 The Decline of Faith Assembly in 1984
05:05 Media Coverage and Deaths at Faith Assembly
07:58 Comparisons with John Alexander Dowie
10:58 Hobart Freeman’s Control and Thought Manipulation
14:34 Ongoing Impact of Freeman’s Teachings After His Death
18:03 Parallels Between *1984* and Religious Cults
21:01 Bruce Keny's Departure from Faith Assembly
26:01 Cult Control Tactics and Public Shaming
30:53 The "No Hunting" Rule and Other Arbitrary Restrictions
36:43 The Burden of Legalism in Cult Churches
42:04 Further Contradictions in Freeman’s Teachings
47:06 Hobart Freeman’s Mockery of Departing Members
52:20 The Contrast Between Cult Churches and Traditional Churches
56:01 Hobart Freeman’s Final Days and the Decline of His Ministry
1:00:08 The Effects of Freeman's Teachings on Marriages and Families
1:03:58 Closing Remarks
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00:00:31Hello and welcome to another episode of the William Branham historical research
00:00:35podcast. I'm your host John Collins the author and founder of William Branham
00:00:40historical research at and with me I have my co-host
00:00:45minister and friend Cheno Ross pastor and the voice of the understanding
00:00:51scripture and truth by Cheno D Ross YouTube channel. In Cheno today we're
00:00:56getting into the year 1984 and my frame of reference for 1984 is the book 1984
00:01:04which yeah read or not but yeah in the book you've got this dystopian world
00:01:09where everything's just kind of falling apart and then in the world of Hobart
00:01:14Freeman and the cult that he created it's kind of falling apart so the two
00:01:20parallel each other a good bit. I love the analogy yes John in the in the fall
00:01:27of 1984 I would say there were dark clouds on the horizon for Faith
00:01:32Assembly and for Hobart Freeman totally unbeknownst to them what was just around
00:01:37the corner and these dark clouds weren't due to pressure from the community
00:01:44around them it wasn't due from the state legislature which we have seen in some
00:01:50past interviews they had specifically targeted Faith Assembly because of the
00:01:56lack of ability for law enforcement in the court system to help protect these
00:02:01child neglect and death cases and so they had passed laws and that was
00:02:07presenting problems because now the legal system was involved now the local
00:02:14law enforcement the courts the judges were involved people were going to
00:02:19prison for the death of their children but the the problems at Faith Assembly
00:02:26unlike what Hobart always said were not caused by the news media everything fell
00:02:32squarely on Hobart's shoulders the problems were caused by the needless
00:02:37senseless deaths of so many people and Dr. Freeman just loved one of his
00:02:43favorite topics was maligning the news media just like they were maligning him
00:02:49and he would talk about that constantly and we would throw our hands up in the
00:02:55air I mean he would say don't you realize that the media he gave this
00:02:59famous story and it was it was very cute and very humorous but the media is like
00:03:04a couple of blind men in a dark basement looking for a black cat and they found
00:03:11him said that's what the media is like well we already know what the media is
00:03:16like we know that the media that they are controlled by you know left of
00:03:22center organizations and I would think my goodness when we come to church our
00:03:27purpose in coming here is to learn the Bible and learn about our Lord please
00:03:32don't preach against the media again but he just did it all the time it's like a
00:03:37criticize your critics instead of hey let's identify why is it why is it we
00:03:45are such a target of opposition they called it persecution but it wasn't
00:03:52persecution persecution is what we see in the book of Acts persecution is when
00:03:57you are really suffering for the cause of Christ for preaching his name
00:04:02actually for divine healing and not for divine death that's what they were
00:04:08experiencing there nobody in the New Testament was suffering persecution
00:04:13because people died they suffered persecution because they heal people and
00:04:18raise people from the dead so I just always thought that they were looking to
00:04:25the wrong area and wondering what was going on around us rather than looking
00:04:31within the only reason that the media even bothered with Faith Assembly is
00:04:37because there was a story there I mean I don't have the media camping out on my
00:04:42front lawn because there's no story here in Central Kentucky it's pretty boring
00:04:47here their job is to find a story and the story happened to be these
00:04:53completely senseless needless deaths at Faith Assembly there was a book I
00:05:01recent one actually or fairly recent John published by no less than Oxford
00:05:07University Press it was published in 2008 and listen to the title of this
00:05:13book by this prestigious press University Oxford University Press when
00:05:20prayer fails faith healing children and the law and what they had done in this
00:05:29study was they were comparing they were they were really looking at Christian
00:05:35science that whole religious cult you know which is headquartered in Boston
00:05:41and that's that's a that's a religious pseudo-christian group with hundreds of
00:05:47thousands of members they did a comparison of the what they called the
00:05:55number of neglect related fatalities so it's children and adults but neglect
00:06:01related fatalities they did a study over a certain period of time they had a
00:06:07starting point they had a stopping point and they were going to compare Christian
00:06:12science which is a worldwide cult with guess who Faith Assembly and over that
00:06:19little period of time that they decided this is going to be our test sample in
00:06:24Christian science there were 28 neglect related fatalities in Faith Assembly
00:06:34there were 64 we're talking about one little tiny group and they almost
00:06:43tripled what a worldwide cult was producing and what they called neglect
00:06:49related fatalities so why was the news media after them they were after them
00:06:55because so many people were dying I never will forget whenever I began
00:06:59researching John Alexander Dowie who in many ways Hobart Freeman resembled Dowie
00:07:06had the same trouble with the newspapers newspapers report news if there's not
00:07:12news not going to report it and if you are doing something that is unfavorable
00:07:19they're going to paint you unfavorable if you're doing something heroic they
00:07:23paint you as heroic and Dowie was killing people in the you know in the
00:07:29hundreds man they had Dowie actually had a deal with the Undertaker and at night
00:07:35the Undertaker would come and whisk the bodies away from his so-called healing
00:07:40homes that didn't get healed so that when people came in the daylight and
00:07:44they saw people they they never saw the dead you know and Dowie did the same
00:07:49thing there's newspapers out to get me there they're working with the
00:07:53Antichrist all of that kind of thing and I thought when I first discovered I
00:07:58thought you know how could somebody who is in the Dowie cult not notice that all
00:08:04of this is going on because any reasonable person can realize when
00:08:09somebody starts bashing the news that is reporting news that there's probably
00:08:15a problem here that we need to dig further now you know CNN is heavy
00:08:19heavily liberal and you know Fox is heavily Republican I get all that but
00:08:24there comes a point whenever news that's being reported is accurate and people
00:08:30who are trapped in the mindset can understand that yeah the news is
00:08:33actually reporting this bad thing that happened but then it started to hit me
00:08:38once you're under the the mental control and the group think you start to
00:08:45ignore the logic that other people might understand and so it all kind of makes
00:08:50sense to me now but I was a little bit shocked when I first discovered it yeah
00:08:55so but you got to also remember which you and I have said that they are in
00:09:00control of the input in your life and they've already said you can't read
00:09:04outside sources so I mean they just have you coming and going that's what is so
00:09:11dangerous about these groups I remember seeing John not long ago a documentary
00:09:17on Adolf Hitler and it was about the last years of Hitler's life really
00:09:23probably the last months and we know the account of the Second World War that one
00:09:28of Hitler's biggest problems maybe his biggest strategic problem from a
00:09:33military point of view is he's trying to fight a battle on two fronts he's
00:09:37trying to bomb England to the West but he had sent his troops so far into the
00:09:41Soviet Union to the east and it was the dead of winter and you know his own
00:09:46troops were dying of starvation the supply lines had been cut off and when
00:09:51you study what was going on actually in Germany at the time so much of the
00:09:58effort was a war effort production everything was going toward war effort
00:10:04to the point that even the people in Germany were beginning to starve to
00:10:11death even Hitler's own citizens and so some of the people closest to Adolf
00:10:18Hitler went to him and and tried to reason with him we've got to dial back
00:10:27this war effort or we're not even going to exist to the end of the war now he
00:10:34wasn't out there fighting on the front lines he was in his chateau in the
00:10:38mountains or he was in his bunker with Eva that's where he spent all of his
00:10:43time he wasn't having to experience what was going on and people were literally
00:10:48dying German citizens that those were his own people they were dying by the
00:10:54tens of thousands and when I saw that documentary it just reminded me of the
00:11:02lack of empathy the lack of involvement in Hobart Freeman's life with what was
00:11:08going on with his church and he was just absolutely not in touch with reality a
00:11:14normal minister or pastor would have been heartbroken over all of these
00:11:20people trying to the best of their ability to follow me and follow my
00:11:25teaching Hobart at that time was still alive he hadn't suffered any permanent
00:11:31ill effects of his own teaching but my goodness the other people had people
00:11:36have gone to prison people have died and you know John just since the year our
00:11:41last interview went online I guess it was last week I mean I can't tell you
00:11:48how many different people knew these are all new people I'm not talking to
00:11:52the same people it's new people and they're not even from the same state
00:11:55they're from multiple states and what they're to what they're telling me my
00:11:59point is that people are still dying people are still dying and people have
00:12:05recently died one woman whose mother died it's been quite a while ago when
00:12:10she was 26 but this was long after Hobart had died these people are
00:12:14continuing to hold on to his doctrine as soon as she brought up that account
00:12:20because I asked well are your your parents still alive as soon as she
00:12:24mentioned her mother I mean she broke down over the phone in tears that's how
00:12:28raw that was to her that's what this man did in people's lives and I'm sorry but
00:12:38that's not Christian I'm sorry but you can know the Bible from cover to cover
00:12:43and that's not what any of the New Testament ministers did they don't have
00:12:47that on their track record they don't have they don't have that on their
00:12:51resume Paul or Peter or any of them they don't have to look back and say oh it
00:12:57wasn't hundreds it might have been thousands of people have died remember
00:13:02the Jonestown Jonestown happened in what 1978 we're in the fall of 84 it's just
00:13:09six years after Jonestown that is still fresh in the in the mind's eye of the
00:13:16American public and I don't remember the number you probably remember John but it
00:13:20was probably just shy of a thousand people drank the Kool-Aid or were
00:13:24forced down there and what wasn't Jim Jones a friend a fellow minister of
00:13:29William Branham I mean aren't we talking about all the same thing and people yeah
00:13:35and there was more recently in Kenya there was a minister who convinced I
00:13:41don't know how many hundreds of people that they could hasten their departure
00:13:46from this earth into heaven by starving themselves to death and he's on trial
00:13:49right now in Kenya and they found series of Branham books in his cult compound as
00:13:56well so this this repeats itself again and again and again well people have
00:14:01said the newspaper articles about Faith Assembly say only you know a hundred or
00:14:05hundred and twenty died that's just what they could document most of those were
00:14:10actually at Faith Assembly or at least within northern Indiana a few of them
00:14:15were in surrounding states like Illinois and Michigan Ohio and there were a
00:14:20couple several of the people I even know down in Kentucky they were a part of Tom
00:14:24Hamilton's Church in Shelbyville Kentucky but that didn't deal with the
00:14:29people in Canada in Germany and Switzerland Australia the satellite
00:14:34groups in Tennessee and Casper Wyoming and Massachusetts and Virginia and
00:14:40Alabama and Florida and that doesn't can that doesn't count all the people that
00:14:46have died since those articles were written in the fall of 1983 that's when
00:14:51they came out there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of
00:14:55people there are people according to what I'm being told by ex-Faith Assembly
00:15:00people now that are still believing for some healing there have been people who
00:15:06haven't had their glasses on in 30 or 40 years waiting for their healing of their
00:15:11eyes to be manifested and you know as you age it only gets worse it doesn't
00:15:15get better and so they have foregone this whole period of time where they
00:15:20actually could see something clearly by following this man's beliefs so yeah
00:15:27maybe Hobart would not have brought a pitcher of Kool-Aid into the church
00:15:31although someone did tell me that in the Rockford Illinois meeting that was a big
00:15:37satellite group where one of the tier one ministers traveled and spoke weekly
00:15:42he joked and said he wasn't gonna bring any Kool-Aid into the meeting and that
00:15:48is a completely that is a completely out-of-order joke you don't ever bring a
00:15:57statement like that into the church you just don't the one the church up in
00:16:02Grand Rapids which was another big Grand Rapids Michigan another big satellite
00:16:07group someone told me here recently that he would joke all the time by saying you
00:16:14know we're accused of brainwashing you you people and that's exactly right we
00:16:20brainwash you with the water of the word ha ha ha those are inappropriate comments
00:16:26those are unprofessional inappropriate comments that that don't have any place
00:16:31in a pulpit but yeah I like your comment to begin with 1984 George Orwell's book
00:16:38this Orwellian society yeah what a great thing John I'm glad you you brought
00:16:44that up because if I remember George Orwell's book 1984 probably the only
00:16:49thing he didn't include was a chapter on Hobart Freeman in faith assembly I mean
00:16:55that was the book that was the book if I remember correctly that gave us the the
00:17:02the Big Brother concept and I think even the word Big Brother and the thought
00:17:07police that's the and that was written when back in the 1930s or 1940s I would
00:17:13say and the only thing he didn't cover were modern-day cults you know it's kind
00:17:18of funny I I had to look it up while you're talking and the the book 1984 was
00:17:23written in 1949 which is exactly after the the Assemblies of God had denounced
00:17:31latter rain as being very cultish you know they had a series of more
00:17:36professional words than that but it was spawning off all of these cult leaders
00:17:40and it was creating a dystopian society and religion and Orwell came up with a
00:17:46concept for his book in 1948 so at the height of the latter rain it's coming up
00:17:51with the concept and you can't say that it was directly related I'm certain that
00:17:56it's not but the the latter rain movement and many of the things that
00:18:00were spinning up around that same time frame were a result of the world events
00:18:05that were happening and it was very dystopian they they were really looking
00:18:10towards a imminent World War three and they thought everybody thought it was
00:18:15coming from religious extremists to probably even George Orwell but
00:18:20similarities are like you said they're unbelievable whenever you really
00:18:25followed them out to their conclusions and I think the Orwellian society was
00:18:29one that was going to be dominated you know by government control and Big
00:18:34Brother and the Thought Police and yes so I think it's so similar to the
00:18:39mindset of a religious cult where you do have Big Brother or this is Big Pastor
00:18:44Big Brother Freeman and you do have the Thought Police they control the input to
00:18:50all your information now I know it's not on a governmental level but maybe it's
00:18:57even worse when it's on a personal and religious level because people follow a
00:19:04religious leader probably way more diligently than they would a political
00:19:11leader I mean they follow David Koresh to his death they follow Jim Jones to
00:19:17his death to their death they many of them followed Hobart Freeman to their
00:19:22death so I think George Orwell was on to something he just neglected a chapter on
00:19:30religious cults and then a postscript on Hobart Freeman so I've got an article
00:19:38here that I did not mention last time John that I will just quickly show the
00:19:44Warsaw Times Union on November the 11th 1984 actually did a pretty big article
00:19:53covering the information they that their reporter had just received and that was
00:19:58on Bruce Kinsey's exit from Faith Assembly and I have said in our earlier
00:20:03discussions about Bruce the thing that I always thought that made Bruce a little
00:20:09different and maybe put him in a position to do what he did is that he
00:20:14was a little older than some of the other young ministers he had been a
00:20:20sergeant in the Marine Corps did a tour of duty in Vietnam back in the late 1960
00:20:25so he had some street sense to him he had some independence he had a backbone
00:20:30the other ministers just worshipped at Freeman's altar and Bruce was cut from a
00:20:36little bit of a different cloth and I think that's because of his background
00:20:41but in any in any event you know things began to add up in Bruce's mind and he
00:20:46decided I don't think I can continue to follow this and so he did exit the
00:20:52church we talked about that before there was a screaming match between he
00:20:55and Hobart and and people have asked well was he kicked out or was he put out
00:21:00well it was probably 50-50 I mean let's be honest Bruce is not going to continue
00:21:05to sit there and listen to stuff he doesn't agree with and he's not going to
00:21:09sit there and have his father-in-law give another prophecy to him like we
00:21:14heard last time and prophesy to him from the pulpit and basically point him out
00:21:19and try to publicly shame him so Bruce is gonna leave but at the same time
00:21:24Hobart doesn't just want Bruce to leave and not be under some form of church
00:21:31discipline because Bruce may go out with some believability and then be able to
00:21:37take some people with him so he was excommunicated so you know you have both
00:21:43things going on he has put out but he leaves of his own accord you know it
00:21:49follows the pattern whenever when my family left my grandfather was the
00:21:54pastor and I did tell him that I was going to leave the church and go to
00:21:58another church we we went to a local Baptist Church as one of the first ones
00:22:03that first churches that we experienced afterwards and I'm not recommending
00:22:07anybody go to the Baptist Church unless you want to but anyway I informed
00:22:12grandpa is going to another church and in most churches that aren't a cult
00:22:16church they would be well that that sounds great thank you I hope you I hope
00:22:21you and you have a you know closer walk with the Lord or whatever your pastor
00:22:27might say to you but for me it was I'm going to come down very hard against you
00:22:33and your family John I need to send we're gonna send a few of the brethren
00:22:39to your house and we're gonna talk to you and no I'm not gonna let him do this
00:22:45to me yeah I knew at that point this this was a cult and they're trying to
00:22:50strong-arm me and so my response was well you can come if you want but you're
00:22:55not going to be invited in the house and you know it was not an easy conversation
00:23:01I'll admit that but they placed the equivalent of a South African hex on me
00:23:08and me and my family and condemned us to death and it really bothered my wife and
00:23:14I told her you know they can chant curses all they want and it it would
00:23:21have less effect on us than if they were to come and spray our windows with a
00:23:24water hose from the outside yeah I'd rather they not do it but it's it's not
00:23:29going to affect us and that's the way these cults are they they cannot let you
00:23:34go without having everybody know that you have fallen from grace because
00:23:41otherwise other people might wake up and say hey if they can leave I can too
00:23:44and it's part of the mental barriers that keep you in a cult there are no in
00:23:50many of these cults there are no physical walls but the walls are in your
00:23:54head and that's how they do it yeah and have you ever heard of any other church
00:23:58that operates like this John except a cult church I mean if you want to leave
00:24:03that Baptist Church the one that you started to attend I take it you don't
00:24:08attend there anymore did anybody bother you when you decided to leave you know
00:24:12we were because of that our first cult experience we were so terrified when we
00:24:19decided to leave the Baptist Church and we I thought they're gonna bring down
00:24:23the wrath of curses on us on our heads I thought that's the way churches behave
00:24:28right and they didn't and it was surprising they were loving kind and
00:24:33yeah no good go try out a few and you're always welcome back if you want to come
00:24:38back John it was that kind of thing you know and many of the people who we in
00:24:43fact I think my wife just met with one of the ladies maybe two nights ago many
00:24:48of the people that we the friends that we made in that church we're still
00:24:51friends with and I still meet with from time to time where whereas in the cult
00:24:56they will not meet you for nothing man they cut you off all of the people that
00:25:02I grew up and I called my best friends not a single one of them has ever
00:25:06reached out yeah you're exactly right that is the mode of operation the young
00:25:12ministers at Faith Assembly years ago and to this day you know I would reach
00:25:17out to them because I would want to continue to have a conversation
00:25:21conversation slash debate slash argument slash defense whatever you want to call
00:25:26it I'm not afraid to be involved in that I've always said either I'll be proven
00:25:31right or proven wrong and in both cases I'm a winner if I'm proven right that
00:25:35means I'm right if I'm proven wrong that means now I know what's right and I
00:25:39get to change so in either way you know I'm proven to be a winner in that but
00:25:44boy if you ever do you ever come against the leader I mean you are taboo your
00:25:49your name glow goes literally on the blacklist I think there was a TV program
00:25:54a while ago called the blacklist your name definitely goes on the blacklist
00:25:58and these people are they're such weasels they are such cowards they don't
00:26:09even have the decency to even respond to you it's like you people must have been
00:26:14raised in a barn by a pack of wolves that your parents taught you no more
00:26:20manners than when someone communicates you reach out and say look thank you for
00:26:25the communication but I choose not to respond they just go into this giant
00:26:31black hole where you can't find them but the thing is if you would ever say
00:26:36something positive oh they just rush back into your presence again if I would
00:26:41ever call Hobart or write him a letter and say anything positive oh I'd get an
00:26:48immediate response if I had any question any question at all minor major in
00:26:55between and definitely if I had anything of a critical nature to say oh no
00:27:00response no response and that just shows me there's basic cowardice involved here
00:27:05yeah you know the blacklist it's one of my favorite shows of all time I love
00:27:09that show and it's it's kind of odd because it's like if if you're a
00:27:15Superman fan it's like watching a show about Lex Luthor and he's the you know
00:27:20the main character in the show but even in the blacklist these are hardened
00:27:25criminals the worst criminals of the world right the world's top hundred
00:27:29worst criminals but even among them they have this code of morals where there is
00:27:33a level of respect between criminal and criminal and even somewhat between
00:27:38criminal and the law there is a there's a level of respect there in the cults
00:27:43there is none it's it's hard to say it because I mean these are not good people
00:27:48in the blacklist but they have more morals about them in many ways than the
00:27:53cult members and that was Megan Megan Boone and who was the other star I'm
00:27:59trying to think as you're talking about the blacklist who was the male it was
00:28:03James Spader oh James Spader yeah he's one of my favorite actors too there was
00:28:08a show called Stargate back in it might have also been in 80 80s or maybe early
00:28:1390s but he was in Stargate and when I saw him on blacklist he he's the only
00:28:19reason I watched the show and I ended up really liking it well to your point
00:28:23about those hardened criminals in the blacklist that I think all of us on any
00:28:28side of a theological or biblical or just plain intellectual issue should be
00:28:35able to converse over it you know if you can't if you've got this spooky spooky
00:28:41mentality which is definitely what they had you know you can't do anything you
00:28:45might pick up a demon well look that's not how demons get in people you don't
00:28:49pick them up accidentally you know by having a conversation with someone you
00:28:53know can't pick up a spirit that was a favorite phrase of theirs don't talk to
00:28:58him or don't go there don't read that you know don't eat that you might pick
00:29:02up a demon oh come on you know that that is you know dark age theology that
00:29:08doesn't have anything to do with the Bible yeah we were branded also with the
00:29:13demon that you can accidentally pick up and it suddenly struck me after having
00:29:18escaped for a few years man the god of the cult was so incredibly weak that he
00:29:23couldn't protect you from a demon from talking to somebody and you know it's
00:29:28just a different God it's not the God of the Bible yeah for sure so whenever
00:29:33Bruce decided to make this leave it's really interesting that Bruce and I were
00:29:39actually in communication with each other he had heard the no hunting thing
00:29:44we looked at that before where on comfort for troubled times taught on
00:29:50October the 17th 1984 Hobart said I believe and I'm gonna state my belief
00:29:57but we don't have laws or rules that overcomers will get to the place where
00:30:02they won't want to kill anything overcomers was just his terminology for
00:30:07their little special group he said because you don't need to I'm not
00:30:13talking about going fishing for 50 you see you'll have to put it all together
00:30:19but I don't believe overcomers are gonna have anything to do with weapons of
00:30:23death whether guns or bows or errors or whatever times too short for you to try
00:30:28to debate that that's a direct quote from that message and that is a and if
00:30:33people wonder people have asked me how do you have these quotes I mean there it
00:30:36is typed up on a piece of paper from 40 years ago I didn't do any of this
00:30:41recently when I heard these messages coming out back then I was so shocked
00:30:47and stunned by it because I can remember 10 years previous to that you know
00:30:53Hobart's teachings did not go down these paths he had enough of his issues
00:30:58for sure he was in error on multiple things but there was um I mean we've all
00:31:03been in error in our life and there was a happiness to the air they were in it
00:31:07was not life and death and you better obey me or else and that's where we
00:31:11ended up in in 1984 but John in this very statement I'm gonna state my
00:31:16belief but we don't have laws or rules I've said so many times as soon as a
00:31:21cult leader states his belief that becomes the law and the rule and they
00:31:25did have their laws and rules they had a sheet of ten requirements for fellowship
00:31:31at Faith Assembly and some of those things in the ten requirements where you
00:31:35had to hear certain tapes and read certain books of Hobart Freeman how about
00:31:40just let's let's congregate around the truth of Scripture and and how is it
00:31:45that this was a group who was so opposed to denominationalism and creeds
00:31:51and anything that was outside of the Bible but I find this little group
00:31:56became its own denomination they had their own creed they had their own Pope
00:32:01they had their own Cardinals they had their own bylaws they had their own
00:32:06unspoken rules but they actually had ten things on their list of requirements to
00:32:13be in fellowship with Faith Assembly and I just can't imagine any of the
00:32:18churches in the first century having their own list of what you must do
00:32:22before you can be a member here what the early Christians did is they just wanted
00:32:27to gather around their mutual love of God and love of Scripture and progress
00:32:35forward and do the best that they can but he said oh we don't have any laws or
00:32:38rules but I'm gonna state my belief that if you're gonna be an overcomer you're
00:32:43not gonna want to kill anything but as he's saying that you know and we can all
00:32:49think and you got to put yourself in the this was brand this was news this was
00:32:54hot off the press to people sitting in those hard metal chairs at Faith
00:32:59Assembly that day he had not said this before and they're hearing this and I
00:33:04mean it's only a paragraph long and then he goes on but it did become the
00:33:08law of the church you know if you say it's not a law or not a rule what do you
00:33:14think would have happened a month later had a group of ministers got together
00:33:18and so let's go on a hunting trip and had that gotten back to Hobart Freeman
00:33:22you know what do you think would have happened so don't tell me this wasn't a
00:33:27law or rule and that's exactly what cult members they well Hobart never said that
00:33:33he most definitely did say this and he knew what he meant when he said it and
00:33:39he knew the outcome of it that it was going to be a dividing line between
00:33:44people who were going to continue to follow him and people that he was going
00:33:49to consider as the chaff of the wind that he would be able to drive away and
00:33:54he knew Bruce was a hunter he knew Bruce was a big-time hunter Bruce loved to
00:33:59hunt and fish so this was gonna be one of those other things that would stick
00:34:04in the crawl of Bruce Kinsey that Bruce would you know just not be able to deal
00:34:10with but as Hobart is saying no hunting you know I mean I thought of this 40
00:34:17years ago and his mind is flashing through his mind okay what happened
00:34:22after Noah's Flood God gave dominion over the earth to mankind where they
00:34:28were now allowed to you know kill and eat and how many times were animals
00:34:33killed killed hundreds of thousands sacrificed in the temple and and kill
00:34:39for food so that's going through his mind as he's saying this I just know him
00:34:45and so he's trying to think well in the New Testament can I think of any
00:34:50Christian killing an animal no but I can think of a group of fishermen so I
00:34:55better make an exception here where he then goes on to say I'm not talking
00:35:01about going fishing for fish to eat well is that killing an animal is there
00:35:07anything more cruel than pulling a fish out of the water who has to breathe
00:35:12underwater and throwing me in in a cooler on your boat and having him
00:35:17suffocate you know is I mean come on but I know the the thought pattern of a cult
00:35:24leader they try so hard to cover all their bases so no one can trip him up on
00:35:31anything and he knew that post post-resurrection Jesus in John 21 met
00:35:39the disciples on this shore of the Sea of Galilee after they had fished all
00:35:43night and didn't catch a thing and what did he say just throw your net on the
00:35:47other side of the boat and they brought back so many fish it about broke the net
00:35:52have you ever wondered how the Pentecostal movement started or how the
00:35:56progression of modern Pentecostal ism transition through the latter rain
00:36:00charismatic and other fringe movements into the New Apostolic Reformation you
00:36:06can learn this and more on William Branham historical researches website
00:36:10William dash Branham org on the books page of the website you can find the
00:36:16compiled research of John Collins Charles Paisley Stephen Montgomery John
00:36:21McKinnon and others with links to the paper audio and digital versions of each
00:36:26book you can also find resources and documentation on various people and
00:36:31topics related to those movements if you want to contribute to the cause you can
00:36:36support the podcast by clicking the contribute button at the top and as
00:36:40always be sure to LIKE and subscribe to the audio or video version that you're
00:36:45listening to or watching on behalf of William Branham historical research we
00:36:49want to thank you for your support you know there are many things that we
00:36:53learned in the Baptist Church even though it's not a church that we still
00:36:58attend and we've tried other churches after that that we have chosen not to
00:37:04attend we're actually going to a different one altogether but even you
00:37:08can learn something at all of them and when we were in the cult we were so
00:37:12legalistic that we literally had a religion where we thought we could save
00:37:18ourselves by the things that we do and if you understand the concepts of the
00:37:22New Testament it's exactly backwards it's not about what you do to save
00:37:27yourself it's about what Jesus did one of the things I learned in the Baptist
00:37:32Church that wasn't taught in the cults were was the concept of the covenants
00:37:38which sounds odd to any Christian who's listening who's never been in this kind
00:37:42of thing but there wasn't really a clear ending of the Old Covenant and in
00:37:47entering into the New Covenant it was this blend this weird mixture of both
00:37:51where yes Jesus died to save us and we must do all of these rules some of which
00:37:58were in under the Old Covenant and others we ignore that we're in the Old
00:38:02Covenant and if we didn't follow those rules then Jesus the the salvation that
00:38:07he gave us when he died on the cross is ineffective because we broke the rules
00:38:11that's really in its essence that's the way the cult operates and so I was
00:38:18discussing one day all of the rules that we had with the ministers and they were
00:38:22just they were laughing at me man some of the things were just really really
00:38:25stupid and I got to thinking about I run all these support groups and I was
00:38:32asking other people if they had encountered ministers or friends who
00:38:39came in contact with some of the rules that they had and did they laugh and
00:38:44suddenly I got this response everybody's talking about rules that I didn't know
00:38:48were rules and I thought well what is this and come to find out because it is
00:38:54a religion where you save yourself by the works that you do well if you're not
00:38:59saving yourself you add new works to it and it grows and it grows and it grows
00:39:05and so the way that these churches and the cult were the way that they were
00:39:11operating was if they couldn't get themselves to a higher spiritual plane
00:39:16by the same rules that the main sect did the splinter group sects would go
00:39:20through all of the recordings and transcripts of Branham and pick out
00:39:25additional rules that they found and like you said with Hobart they weren't
00:39:29really rules they were opinions I don't like this or this thing I won't let my
00:39:35family do this it was all all of opinions and so one day I compiled this
00:39:40list and if you go to my website and you type in rules you'll get a good kick out
00:39:44of it because some of the things are very similar like no watching television
00:39:48no newspapers that kind of thing movies but it gets into things like no blue
00:39:55suede shoot no suede shoes in general no suede shoes for the men because Elvis
00:39:59had blue suede shoes and there he's gonna condemn from suede shoes to
00:40:04booster bras to things that you just would never there's there are also
00:40:09comments in here that he would condemn the women for their washing machines
00:40:13because you know back in my day the women didn't need these fancy washing
00:40:17machines but now they got to save time so that they can go out and get a job
00:40:21and enter the workplace he's just ranting you know and granted my family
00:40:28had a washing machine and I assume I don't know but I assume many of the
00:40:32women in the main sect wore the booster bras but there were sects of the message
00:40:37that that did not and things I mean all the way down to you can't play
00:40:42basketball or you can't swim this kind of thing the rules are just ridiculous
00:40:46and in the end I go back to my previous comment if the God is so powerless that
00:40:52he can't save you if your women are wearing a booster bra you're probably in
00:40:58the wrong religion man John I know you haven't even listened to dr. Freeman's
00:41:03tapes and weren't a follower of his but if Hobart Freeman's followers would just
00:41:07take all of what you just just said and just run it through the Freeman filter
00:41:13they come up with the identical same stuff on one of Hobart's later messages
00:41:18he outlawed competitive sports he said all competitive sports are wrong he on
00:41:24another message he outlawed using abbreviations like you couldn't say Ag
00:41:29Department he said that is the hippie culture and he called it the hip culture
00:41:35which actually is itself an abbreviation of the hippie culture he kept saying
00:41:39that that's too hip and I'd say well that's an abbreviation but you couldn't
00:41:43say you know you couldn't say the Fed you couldn't say a promo I this is a
00:41:51promo you couldn't say a condo you you couldn't say I went and bought me a
00:41:55condo you had to say a condominium now did he actually teach you couldn't say
00:42:00those yes he actually did if you listen to the message and I can dig it out from
00:42:04these files but I won't take the time to now he said that Christians will not do
00:42:12that and I can fill in the rest of the sentence so if you do them what are you
00:42:17not you're not a Christian yes those exact same things in the washing machine
00:42:22he did not want box-mix cakes he did not want anything instant he wanted the
00:42:28women he felt that the wimp the reason that women have smaller feet than men is
00:42:33so they could stand up at the kitchen counter all day and he wanted the women
00:42:38in the kitchen slaving away and making they know he didn't want them out of the
00:42:43home working I mean he didn't really want anybody let's face it John to have
00:42:47any education because as soon as you have any education you might get smart
00:42:51enough to challenge him so going back to this quote on honey I take things like
00:42:56this and I just dissect them sentence by sentence and it's not reading between
00:43:02the lines it's taking exactly what he said I'm not talking about fishing for
00:43:07fish to eat well you just said you can't kill anything and now you're gonna allow
00:43:12a type of killing of an animal that has some kind of feeling and you're gonna
00:43:17suffocate that animal and that's worse than you know putting a high-powered
00:43:22bullet through a deer's double lung then he says you see you'll have to put it
00:43:29all together you'll have to put it all it's so confusing he doesn't want to be
00:43:36liable for his statement he doesn't want to be responsible what someone should
00:43:41ask him is would you please now that you said no hunting and then you said
00:43:46I'm not talking about fishing would you please explain the difference we need
00:43:50all of that analyzed we need all of that explained you can hunt but you can't go
00:43:55fishing see you'll have to put it all together he's putting all the burden of
00:44:00his confusion upon the people you know he's putting the burden of his
00:44:07contradictory statements upon the people rather than saying hey I just
00:44:11made a pretty dumb couple of sentences in this paragraph and I need to try to
00:44:17dig myself out of the hole then he goes on to say I don't believe overcomers
00:44:21are gonna have anything to do with weapons of death whether guns or bows
00:44:24or errors or whatever times too short for you to try to debate that that's a
00:44:32standard cult statement there it's the shortness of the hour time is too short
00:44:38you don't even have enough time well we're 40 years later Hobart we've had
00:44:4540 years to debate we have plenty of time what they mean is they don't want
00:44:50you to come up there and question them because they don't have any answers
00:44:52people are gonna say give me chapter and verse Hobart was always about chapter
00:44:56and verse give me a proof text for that well he doesn't have any and he knows he
00:45:01doesn't have any so he shields himself because he's a coward he's an
00:45:05intellectual coward he shields himself he protects himself from anybody being
00:45:11able to come up and challenge him over that yeah and Branham ism it was the
00:45:16message of the hour and I'm told that in the International House of Prayer it was
00:45:21the urgency of the hour it's always something of the hour it's always got to
00:45:25be we're at the last minute one of the favorite favorite quotes that I've heard
00:45:31from many of these guys is the Bible says no man knows the day nor the hour
00:45:35but it doesn't say anything about the minute they'll try to twist things like
00:45:42that but in the end what it is it's a it's a message of fear the message of
00:45:47the hour is a message of fear and we want to put you in a fear that the
00:45:51world's about to end and we want to tell you that you are unprepared for it
00:45:56because you're the God is too weak to save you you have to go through me your
00:46:01spiritual leader to bring you closer to God so that you can make it otherwise
00:46:06you're doomed to hell and that's really in its essence that's what these cults
00:46:10are doing yeah you're right John this article on Bruce leaving just gave a
00:46:16list even the reporter was able to get to the bottom of why Bruce was leaving
00:46:21and he just gave a list and this is fairly accurate he said Kenzie left
00:46:26because he did not believe that doctors are always the bad guy that they're a
00:46:30part of a cult he left because he disagreed with Hobart's teaching on
00:46:35demonic deliverance they were going back years in their life trying to find
00:46:39what's causing the problems in our lives and the problems in our church they had
00:46:45not been able to solve why they were experiencing as many problems rather
00:46:51than look in common sense areas they look behind every bush and under every
00:46:55rock to try to find the demon and Bruce didn't think that was valid neither did
00:46:59I women were not allowed to wear makeup or worldly quote-unquote clothes and of
00:47:06course what's worldly and what's not is all dependent on Hobart Freeman's
00:47:11definition of that women were not allowed to wear strapless dresses or
00:47:16bathing suits or pants they were not allowed to wear a certain brand of
00:47:23tennis shoes in the marital relationship there were no foreplay was allowed no
00:47:30birth control was allowed Hobart taught that the purpose of the act of marriage
00:47:37was procreation and that was it and we're talking about an old guy who's way
00:47:42past his prime and I can't imagine the damage seriously John that was done in
00:47:48the marriages of the young people in their 20s and 30s in this church I just
00:47:54can't imagine the arguments in families the questions the husband retreating to
00:48:01one room and the wife to another room because this old fart who's way past
00:48:07his prime who is just a killjoy you know he's a religious Scrooge is what he
00:48:12really was he wasn't having any fun in life and he wanted to make sure nobody
00:48:16else was you know how they've always people have defined the Puritans that
00:48:20whole Puritan movement they said the the Puritan movement what a Puritan was with
00:48:25someone who was afraid someone might be having some fun somewhere in their life
00:48:32that's what Puritanism was and I see a lot of this in Hobart Freeman I mean
00:48:39they so many things were outlawed John you just you just really had to spend
00:48:44your time listening and re-listening to his cassette messages praying fasting
00:48:52and there's so much more you should leaving the tapes out of his you should
00:48:58pray you should fast you should go to church you should worship I mean those
00:49:02are all biblical things to do but there is so much in addition to that that not
00:49:08only should we do but we're allowed by God to do look at the Prophet Daniel who
00:49:14was one of the most holy most righteous most consecrated men in the Old
00:49:19Testament and he was also second in control of the government of Babylon
00:49:24under King Nebuchadnezzar he had all kinds of responsibilities that were
00:49:30required of him and and those responsibilities and the rest of his
00:49:35life we've got 24 hours all of us each day the rest of his life the rest of his
00:49:41day that he got to live beyond what his government responsibilities were then he
00:49:49spent it in prayer and worship and when he wasn't in prayer and worship he was
00:49:55living the rest of his life so I'm saying that to say so many people were
00:49:59just robbed of a particular educational path that they wanted to take and
00:50:06there was nothing sinful in it it could have been medicine it could have been
00:50:10physics it could have been astronomy who knows it could have been electronic
00:50:14theory and they were robbed of that because somehow that's secular or that's
00:50:21not pleasing to God or Jesus is coming back any day why do you need an
00:50:26education like that and some of the people that I talked to just in the last
00:50:30few days one of them particular bemoaned the fact said we had we had no savings
00:50:36we weren't preparing for the future this man told me we did not actually get to
00:50:41the point in our marital life and journey to start being able to put money
00:50:48away so that we can retire until he was 55 years old he's he's older now and he
00:50:55said thank God by God's grace and mercy my wife and I are both retired so even
00:51:00though we started late we had enough time but they had they operated a more
00:51:05normal existence they'd be multi-millionaires now I'm getting to go
00:51:10to Israel and see the Holy Land every other year or twice every year that's
00:51:16what these cults have done to people and it's just it's why I continue to have
00:51:22this burden to talk against it and I and I hope John that you'll continue to have
00:51:28this burden although I worry about you because you go at it non-stop I'm afraid
00:51:34you're gonna burn out brother before it's all said and done people been
00:51:39telling me that for almost 10 years now you're gonna burn oh well that's good
00:51:42news you know so many things you mentioned you're basically mentioning
00:51:48Branham ism 2.0 and there's so many stories I especially around the marital
00:51:53stuff I'll never forget this this one rather gruff man stood up after church
00:52:00and he he was talking all the other guys and he says I don't care what he says
00:52:06that preacher can stay out of my bedroom he was not gonna let not gonna
00:52:11let all of that ruin but they impacted every aspect of our lives and I've got
00:52:17funny stories that you know all of these things it's funny you can look back and
00:52:23you can laugh at it now but it's really sad when you sum all of the stories
00:52:28because like you said they're people that don't prepare they're people that
00:52:32miss out on just life in general they the cult has robbed them of life and I
00:52:38know a lot of people myself included were way behind the eight ball in trying
00:52:44to prepare for the future because especially with the the economy the way
00:52:50it is it's really hard to put back right now and when you haven't put back for I
00:52:54was 30 what was a 39 40 years old before I even began to have a dollar put back
00:53:01for retirement so that's that's the mentality of somebody who's in these
00:53:06doomsday cults you don't prepare for the future because there's not supposed it's
00:53:10a 1984 future there's not supposed to be a future and it's when you when you look
00:53:16at it from the outside looking in all you see among all of these ministers
00:53:22that are doing this really is a bunch of thieves I agree John and I pray God
00:53:27blesses you and that you live long enough that you will have plenty and
00:53:32good health live long enough that you'll have plenty of money put away but you're
00:53:37right I've heard people say it really took away their whole life their normal
00:53:43existence of life and they have been fighting and struggling to get it back
00:53:49and and so this fall of 1984 was a dark time it was scary it was oppressive the
00:53:57for the people who really were at the mother church in Wilmot the walls were
00:54:03closing in they were nervous they were suspicious I even talked to Jeff Barnett
00:54:08one of the big-time ministers down there last year Jeff Barnett and I had a
00:54:12conversation on the phone I can't get Jeff to respond to me anymore
00:54:16maybe it's because of these podcasts but we were talking about the closing days
00:54:22of Freeman's life and he said that they had lost a lot of people he said you
00:54:28know we were down to about 1,500 people in the big building and the big building
00:54:31I mean I don't know what the what the high was of attendance in the low 2000s
00:54:372,200 2,300 on a good Sunday maybe I don't know but they were down to 1,500
00:54:44people and Hobart himself he was angry you can hear it on the later tapes he
00:54:50was bitter he had a sour attitude to some of it as Jerry Irvin said may have
00:54:54been due to the fact he simply wasn't feeling well he was sick Bruce leaving
00:55:00didn't help any I think he was frustrated over the number of people
00:55:05leaving some of the people saw the handwriting on the wall some of the
00:55:09people just realized I if I stay on what Hobart called the discipleship he had
00:55:16this famous tape abandon ship or discipleship and I think they realized
00:55:22if I stay on this stupid analogy that Hobart was talking about stay on the
00:55:28discipleship I'm going down with the ship and you know the ship went down
00:55:32Hobart went down and the ship went down that whole message was talking about how
00:55:37we're on the discipleship and you better not jump off you better not abandon ship
00:55:42because if you jump off you'll just drown but if you stay on the discipleship
00:55:48we're gonna make it into port together that didn't happen that ship sank with
00:55:54its captain on board and people were deciding to jump off of the discipleship
00:56:00and so when people decided to leave and I'm sure you can attest to this John in
00:56:06your experience with your background then what happens from the pulpit is the
00:56:10people that are leaving are mocked they the Hobart would mock the people he
00:56:15would use phrases like they're biting the hand that fed them that was a
00:56:20favorite one they are criticizing what they once praised well yes they are
00:56:27because one of two things either you've changed your message you definitely did
00:56:31that I've given examples or the people woke up so do you have right a right to
00:56:38criticize once you once praise of course you do it's just saying you've
00:56:42come to your senses now or it's saying that the leader is now preaching
00:56:47something that he didn't preach before so but rather than deal with that Hobart
00:56:52just criticized his critics he never dealt with the issues he did a series in
00:56:57Galatians called I think it was called gleaning in Galatians Hobart got real
00:57:02cute at the end of his life rather than just give us a study of the Bible it had
00:57:06to be this alliteration preaching from the prophets the judgments of Jude
00:57:12gleanings from Galatians exhortations from Exodus those were thought-out
00:57:18well-prepared copious notes where Hobart had all of this stuff his jokes are
00:57:24written out the statistics are written out there is no quote anointing unquote
00:57:30on any of that stuff it was stuff well thought out he was trying to be cute he
00:57:35had run out of things to say and in his gleanings on Galatians people remember
00:57:41this he said if you leave Faith Assembly you can't be saved and is that any
00:57:48difference in Roman Catholicism I mean you can't let you can't be saved if you
00:57:52leave the Catholic Church you but can you be saved if you leave a normal
00:57:57church and go to another church of will of course you can be being in that
00:58:02a church any church isn't what saves you it's your relationship with the Lord
00:58:08Jesus Christ but that was his way to keep people in fear and it's just abuse
00:58:13of power this insidious abuse of power you know if the people want to go just
00:58:21let them go and let them go with freedom and let them go with love and send them
00:58:27off with a blessing there's no way a cult leader is going to do that they're
00:58:31going to track down any kind of rumor that someone might have said something
00:58:36against the pastor someone might be and considering leaving they're gonna track
00:58:41those rumors down and grill those people you know it's it's okay to differ in
00:58:47theory but it's never okay to actually differ in practice and then what he
00:58:52would do if he someone had come to him and said brother Freeman we think we're
00:58:57gonna leave you know he would be rude to them number one most wouldn't even go
00:59:01to and they would just leave and he would hear about it secondhand and then
00:59:06he'd use a public the pulpit as public shame and he would shame he did it with
00:59:12Bruce you know he prophesied to Bruce to shame him out of the church a lady the
00:59:18other day told me the story of she said one time she said I'll never forget this
00:59:23here we are sitting in church Hobart's preaching and all of a sudden he looks
00:59:27over to his right and he points to this woman and he calls her a lesbian he said
00:59:36the Lord has shown me that you're a lesbian and I want you out of this
00:59:41building and that lady had to get up and leave well the interesting story about
00:59:46that lady is she was a a fur coat dealer she dealt with fur coats and many of the
00:59:53minister's wives had bought owned a fur coat from this lady so you know what
01:00:01they had to do with their fur coats yeah you had to burn it you had to burn them
01:00:06that's that's you know that's opening the door for demonic oppression or
01:00:11possession so it's back to this bully pulpit thing and I just can't imagine a
01:00:17minister standing up at a pulpit telling a woman that she's a lesbian and kicking
01:00:22her out and then the repercussions of that because the other women had bought
01:00:27fur coats from her then they had to go home and couldn't sell them get some
01:00:32good money out of them they had to go home and burn their fur coats let me
01:00:37make one other comment that just is so glaring to my in my mind John over that
01:00:42whole thing when I go back because we always want to trace things back to what
01:00:48did the New Testament teach what did the Apostles teach here's what Paul taught
01:00:52on things like that Paul the Christian the Apostle who himself had been bound
01:00:59up in prior conversion days in all of the technicalities of the pharisaic
01:01:06religion he was well aware of all of the do's and don'ts and Jesus had talked
01:01:10about it he said the Pharisees are willing to tithe of the ten seeds of
01:01:15this little spice or plant they'll bring one seed out you'll tithe mint and anise
01:01:22and cumin but you will omit the weightier matters of the law judgment
01:01:27mercy and faith that's the way Jesus approached that Paul was a free man so
01:01:33when they would bring a piece of meat to Paul's plate Paul didn't care where that
01:01:40came from and there were other people that would say don't you know that that
01:01:45came from an animal that was sacrificed to the goddess Aphrodite or or Diana
01:01:52Paul couldn't have cared less if Aphrodite doesn't want it I want it I'm
01:01:57hungry now Paul knew there's no way to pick up a demon and listen to what we're
01:02:04saying John this was meat Paul said in 1st Corinthians that was actually had
01:02:09been sacrificed to a a pagan idol but Paul said an idol is nothing our God
01:02:16made he created the heavens and the earth an idol is just a stone statue a
01:02:20piece of wood means nothing to me if the idol or the God or God is behind it's
01:02:25not hungry enough to eat the food I am I'll take it you know if any if there's
01:02:30any way that you could pick up a demon quote-unquote I would say that would be
01:02:35the way you would pick up a demon wearing a fur coat that you bought from
01:02:39a woman who was or was not a lesbian I don't know wearing a wearing a fur coat
01:02:45that you got from her I mean those ladies just lost a probably a really
01:02:50nice coat but that's the way you that's the way they roll in a religious cult it
01:02:56really comes down to this if you go to a real church a non cult church they lift
01:03:02you up and they prepare you and if you go to a cult church they pull you down
01:03:06and add all of these weights to your shoulders and anything they can do to
01:03:10keep you burdened they want to keep you burdened and I went to when we went to
01:03:15our first new church it was the Baptist Church I remember walking out and they
01:03:19were the people were saying things like wow I feel so refreshed today and I was
01:03:25shocked like I looked around this is just really odd because in the cult
01:03:28churches I actually remember a scene where we walked out of the church
01:03:33building this was down in the south and this man walked out and all the men kind
01:03:37of gathered over here and the women over there which was kind of odd but the one
01:03:41of the man walked out and he said man we sure got a beating in there today
01:03:45didn't we brethren and that's the that's the difference between these things man
01:03:51and once you experience the the burdens being lifted you'll never go back that's
01:03:57just the way it is but well this is incredibly fun we um we've covered a
01:04:02lot of things that are still we were enter into these things that are so
01:04:06similar between the two religions and you know you can tell that it was a
01:04:11splinter of the same trunk that kept splintering over and over and continues
01:04:16even still today to splinter but thank you for doing this I enjoyed it as
01:04:21always it's a lot of fun well if you've enjoyed our show and you want more
01:04:25information you can check us out on the web you can find us at William dash
01:04:28Branham org for more about the dark side of the n-a-r read weaponized religion
01:04:34from Christian identity to the n-a-r available on Amazon Kindle and soon
