• 12 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “La relazione del presidente Spada è stata davvero esaustiva rispetto ai temi centrali di oggi per l’industria, per le imprese e per la competitività”. Lo ha detto Monica Poggio, vicepresidente di Assolombarda con delega a università, ricerca e capitale umano, in occasione dell’Assemblea 2024 di Assolombarda intitolata “L’Impresa che è in noi”.


00:00I must say that the relationship has been really exhaustive compared to the topics, certainly not in depth, given the dedicated time, but it has been able to touch all the central topics today for the industry, for the companies, for competitiveness and fundamental topics.
00:20So from energy, which is the great guest of Pietra, and obviously with energy we have talked a lot about nuclear, new nuclear, new generation nuclear, clean nuclear, but nuclear fundamental to have strategic autonomy and to be competitive also in terms of costs for companies, obviously on the energy front.
00:41We have talked about bureaucracy, we have talked about digital transition, we have talked about competences, human capital, we are in Bocconi, so by definition a place of excellence of competences in a context that is Europe.
00:56We have talked about Europe, the strongest Europe, a more consolidated Europe, a more effective Europe in its way of meeting States and working on common dossiers, one on all, the automotive, it is not a topic only Italian or German, it is a European topic compared to giants like the United States and China,
01:17which of course have made great investments, on which as Europe we must be able to express a voice that brings us back to levels of competitiveness, which deserves our genius and our ability to innovate.
