• 13 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Ringrazio il presidente Spada per aver toccato dei temi così centrali per noi giovani quali l'innovazione, gli investimenti, la competitività e le competenze e aver toccato un punto a noi molto importante che è il ddl concorrenza”. E’ quanto dichiarato da Federico Chiarini, presidente Giovani Imprenditori di Assolombarda, in occasione dell’Assemblea Generale di Assolombarda che si è tenuta all’Università Bocconi di Milano. L'assise ha avuto come titolo “L’Impresa che è in noi”.


00:00Thank you, President Spada, for touching on such central issues for us young people such as innovation and investment, competitiveness and skills, and for touching on a very important point for us, which is DDL and competition.
00:17Innovation and investment, why? Because in 2023, in Italy, we have a result of only 0.06% regarding venture capital investments, compared to an absolute figure at the European level, where France and Germany have invested 7 and 6 times more than the Italian market.
00:40Competitiveness, on the other hand, concerns the urgency that our small and medium-sized businesses, which represent 85% of the industrial fabric, need to increase their skills within their companies in order to be competitive not only in the European area, but above all in the global area, in order to be able to compete with China and the United States.
01:04As for DDL and competition, we need, as Assolombarda and as companies, to make changes in relation to the regulations, as the 20,000 euros of social capital and an employee, which are standards that force companies to reach these standards in their second year of life, compromise 70% of all start-ups registered in the company register.
