• 18 hours ago
00:00This steamy camera now has a flip out screen.
00:09Good day, you beautiful people.
00:11Welcome to Issa Does Tech where we do tech in your life, in style.
00:14Today's video is super exciting because we have the Insta360 GO 3.
00:19Basically, this is the tiny little camera that I checked out that went viral again and again.
00:25And we're literally at 3 now.
00:27And what that means basically is that from the first iteration to the second iteration
00:31that came with an even better case, this newest one should have even better improvements.
00:37And it's honestly starting strong with this new flip out screen.
00:40Now, let's backtrack and take a look at our quick unboxing.
01:42So with the camera and the new case, we also get the pivot clip.
01:45And it's called pivot because well, it pivots.
01:51And this thing has a sticky bottom.
01:53Take off that sticker.
01:54You can put it on like surfaces and it'll stick.
01:58Cover it if you don't need it.
01:59But basically, what you do is you clip this on.
02:03It's actually magnetic and it's pretty sturdy.
02:07And then you can just stick this thing on places and angle it accordingly.
02:11Now, it doesn't end there because this pivot clip, just push to unlock,
02:16also works with just the GO.
02:20So sans the case, you can use this clip to mount the tiny little camera.
02:25Which is honestly pretty cool, pretty useful.
02:27Now, aside from that, we get the famed magnetic mount.
02:29If you're familiar with Insta360 GO cameras, you'd know what this is for.
02:33It's pretty cool.
02:34You basically wear it like a necklace and then this magnetic strip goes here.
02:40And you can add the camera here and you're ready to go.
02:44Now, while not necessarily new, what's pretty cool about this magnetic necklace
02:49is that they have this new feature where you can hide the string.
02:54Honestly, and personally having used this before, I like that you can hide it
02:59because I feel like this little string sometimes gets in the way.
03:04And you can also adjust the length because of how that works.
03:08That's pretty convenient.
03:10You now also get this little, what's this called?
03:14It's a little insert that's sort of inclined so that when you do wear
03:19this magnetic mount on you, all you need to do is add on the back.
03:23So basically, when you wear it, it does like tilt the camera
03:28to what angle you'd want it to tilt to.
03:30what angle you'd want it to tilt to.
03:32And then finally, you get this pivot clip which okay, I'm getting confused.
03:37This is the pivot stand and this is the pivot clip.
03:39Again, pivot stand, pivot clip.
03:42But yeah, the pivot clip isn't really new.
03:45Basically, you mount the tiny camera here and you can clip it on to wherever
03:51whether it be your shirt or your cap and adjust the angle accordingly.
03:57Now for me, the most exciting new thing that we have for this new GO
04:01is this tiny little case.
04:04So the GO 3 fits here perfectly and it's now looking like a tiny little action camera.
04:12On this side, you have a power button and then you have another button here
04:16that brings you to your quick menu.
04:18You have your record button up top.
04:20At the bottom, that's an angle where the pivot clip sticks to.
04:24Wait, this way.
04:25There we go.
04:26And then on this other side, you get the USB-C charging port.
04:30Also, this unlock button for when you want to take out the GO 3.
04:36Again, the cool thing about this mount, it turns into a selfie screen.
04:40I love that.
04:41More on that later though.
04:43So what's pretty cool about this case, this tiny little case,
04:46is that it's actually quite responsive even if it's like the teeniest little thing.
04:53If you swipe down, you can get to settings.
04:56You have orientation.
04:58You have your brightness settings.
05:00You have quick capture on and off.
05:02You also have three levels of stabilization.
05:05You have level one, suitable for daily activities with low preview delay.
05:10So basically, your little preview here is still snappy.
05:13You have level two for intense activities like running.
05:16We'll try that later.
05:17And then level three is suitable for extreme activities
05:20such as biking with high preview delay.
05:23I do have samples of that with this camera.
05:26I'll show you that a little later.
05:27You also have voice commands which is crazy.
05:30Again, we're gonna try that.
05:32You get time capture.
05:33What else?
05:34Oh, you also get your audio settings.
05:37You can do directional focus, wind reduction, stereo.
05:40There's grid settings and even more settings on to here.
05:43Swipe to the right, you get your camera controls.
05:47Swipe to the left, you get your preview.
05:50Swipe up, you get your resolution and your video size.
05:56And then from this mode, you're able to switch around
05:59between like ultra, linear, narrow point of views.
06:03Let me show you the difference here because I can pivot the screen.
06:07So this is the point of view of ultra, linear, narrow.
06:16And then press the Q here, you get a lot of different modes.
06:18So you have video, you have free frame video mode,
06:22time lapse, time shift, slow motion, loop recording,
06:26star lapse, interval shooting, HDR photo, photo.
06:30There's a lot.
06:31What's free frame video?
06:32Oh, basically you can edit it on app if you use this mode.
06:38But yeah, you get the idea.
06:39But yeah, I love how even if it's a tiny little screen,
06:42it's not really very cumbersome to use.
06:45You get to the quick menus really quickly.
06:47Or maybe it's just because I've always wanted the screen
06:51on the tiny little Go cameras
06:53because it just helps me navigate the menus better.
06:56Either way, I'm loving how they implemented
06:59all the stuff on here right now.
07:03Now, the thing with this tiny little camera
07:04is that there are a couple of shooting iterations.
07:07Let me show you.
07:08You can, of course, shoot without the case.
07:11This is what that looks like.
07:13And all you need to do is press this button at the bottom.
07:18It's not actually a button.
07:19It doesn't look like a button.
07:20But you press the bottom of the Go 3
07:23and then you see that light flashing.
07:26It means you're recording.
07:27And this is what the footage looks like.
07:30And at the top, all you really need to do is press again.
07:34So that last footage was shot on Narrow.
07:38And this is what Linear looks like.
07:43And again, it's being shot by the camera.
07:46Just the camera without the case.
07:47And again, just so there's a little bit of shooting-ception,
07:52I am shooting with the Insta360 Go.
07:56This is Narrow all over again.
07:58And as you can see, the camera is not in the case.
08:02But you can clearly preview what's going on on the case
08:07even if they're not together.
08:10Yeah, they're not together.
08:11You know what I mean?
08:12Like if it's not in the case.
08:13Anyway, this is what that footage looks like.
08:16And look at that.
08:18It's pretty cool, isn't it?
08:20This is on Stabilization Level 1.
08:23And that is what the preview looks like.
08:25Again, loving the fact that they have this tiny little screen here
08:28because I get so confused with the Go 1 without a screen.
08:35I just never knew if I was recording or not recording.
08:38Or you know what I mean.
08:40Now, the Go 2 slightly made that situation better for me
08:42because it did show on the case if it's recording,
08:45what it's doing, if it's connected.
08:47But I really feel like this bigger screen with a preview,
08:52this is the way to go.
08:53Now, pretty interesting though is that the Go 3,
08:56this little tiny camera thing,
08:58it's waterproof so that means you can actually put it in water.
09:23But this is only IPX4 water-resistant.
09:27Now, all that means is that you can swim with this but not with this.
09:30You can probably use this when it's raining
09:32and you're trying to shoot out.
09:34But big caveat, it's water-resistant when this is in here.
09:39And I'm assuming that it's because of these tiny little contact points here
09:43which are not supposed to get wet.
09:45Insta360 also does note that when you swim with the Go 3
09:49and this thing is wet, you shouldn't like toss it into the case
09:53because then you'd get the contact points wet.
09:56Now again, because you can shoot with a camera
09:58while it's not in the case,
10:00you can shoot by using this case as a remote option.
10:04So for example, let's put this down.
10:06So I have a little preview of what that tiny little camera sees.
10:09It's on the table here and from here,
10:12I can just press the record button.
10:16And here you go.
10:17We are shooting with a tiny little camera
10:20and we are actually using the case as a remote.
10:23For content creators like me,
10:24there's a godsend because then you can check your framing,
10:26you can check your preview,
10:27you can check if you're shooting in the right aspect ratio.
10:30It's so much easier.
10:32And again, we're on narrow.
10:34This is sample footage of that.
10:35You're also hearing audio from the Insta360 Go 3.
10:40And honestly, vlogging with the screen is just way easier
10:43because oh my gosh, preview.
10:47I know how it feels to shoot without a preview
10:50and to try to like go and do everything blindly
10:52because I did after all shoot a lot of my YouTube videos
10:56with a camera that did not have a flip out screen.
10:58Let me tell you, the moment you get a flip out screen,
11:00it makes a world of a difference
11:02and that is why I am all for this as well.
11:05Now, another thing that I've been wanting to test out
11:07on this is voice control.
11:09It's telling me that I can start shooting
11:12by just telling the camera to do it.
11:14So let's try that.
11:17Let's check out the controls.
11:20Are you ready?
11:21Start recording.
11:26Oh my gosh.
11:28Stop recording.
11:33It's actually working.
11:34How about like shut down camera?
11:42Bro, let me tell you, that's cool.
11:46On the other hand, this is what wide looks like
11:49and this is pretty much how near I am to the camera
11:52as you can see.
11:53But the view from the Insta360 Go 3 is this wide.
11:58Especially useful for action shots
12:00and speaking of action shots,
12:01I did try out the stabilization.
12:04Friends, I went on a bike for you guys.
12:06Since it says here that level 3 stabilization
12:09was for stuff like biking,
12:10I decided to take it on the bike ride.
12:14So the footage you're looking at right now
12:15is on ultra wide
12:17and this is on level 3 stabilization on the bike.
12:20You can also set that to 16 by 9
12:22as you can see here.
12:23For social media posts, it's perfect.
12:25And I was pretty wildly on that bike.
12:27Let me tell you, I'm pretty impressed with the footage.
12:30For comparison, this is what the footage looks like
12:32with the same camera but with stabilization turned off.
12:35We're back to level 1 stabilization
12:37and just showing you what that looks like.
12:39This is supposed to be good for normal everyday stuff
12:43like walking around and stuff like that.
12:45You're also listening to audio
12:48from the Insta360 Go 3's two mics
12:52and this is directional audio
12:54so you're supposedly getting audio
12:57coming from in front of the camera.
12:59Let's test this out though
13:00because there's also an option for stereo audio
13:04which means that it's picking up audio
13:06from the sides as well.
13:08This is how that sounds like.
13:10Can you hear the difference?
13:12But it's not all.
13:13There's a third option
13:14and it's called wind reduction.
13:16I just turned it on for this clip
13:17and basically this mode is for
13:19when you're let's say on a bike
13:21and you're trying to talk
13:22although I don't know how you're gonna be doing that
13:24because biking and talking and shooting,
13:26that's a lot.
13:27But anyway, it's supposed to filter out
13:30the wind so let us test that out.
13:32Oh there, finding my light.
13:34Let's test that out by turning on my fan
13:37and listening to how it sounds.
13:41Okay, so this is at number 10 now.
13:45You can see how wind is blowing on my hair
13:48and this is how audio sounds.
13:51Let's stay in front of it.
13:53This is how audio sounds
13:55with the fan turned on
13:56with wind reduction turned on.
14:00Does it sound any better?
14:03Can you hear me?
14:06Another big deal thing that's improved
14:07on the Insta360 GO 3
14:10is that it basically,
14:11well, this tiny thing basically
14:15has an improved battery.
14:16Insta360 claims that this has a runtime
14:19of 45 minutes,
14:20way better than the Insta360 GO 2.
14:23And the case, every time you put it in here,
14:26that's gonna be charging your camera.
14:27That's not new.
14:28But what is new is that
14:30with a charging case,
14:31you get a total of 117 minutes.
14:34But you don't only get longer battery time
14:37on the cameras,
14:38you also get longer shoot times.
14:40Meaning this tiny little camera
14:43now can shoot as long as you want
14:46which is a pretty big improvement
14:48coming from the Insta360 GO,
14:50the first one,
14:51which one of my main issues
14:53with that tiny little camera
14:54is that you can only shoot short clips with it.
14:57This thing, it gives you the option
14:59to just keep on going.
15:01So for example,
15:02when I did test the stabilization
15:04on the bike ride,
15:05I did have that running
15:07for like maximum 10 minutes.
15:09I know that's not that long
15:10in the grand scheme of things
15:11but that's long for me being on a bike.
15:14Basically, what I mean is
15:15it's pretty useful
15:16because now you're not panicking
15:18that you might not have caught
15:19whatever exciting thing
15:21you wanted to catch.
15:22It does definitely shoot
15:24as if it's an action cam now
15:26because it removes that limitation
15:28of shooting only short clips.
15:30And though we still don't get 4K shooting
15:33on the Insta360 GO 3,
15:35we now get 2.7K
15:37which is an improvement.
15:38And of course,
15:39this camera connects to your phone as well.
15:42You go on the Insta360 app
15:44and that's where you're able
15:46to edit and export all your footage.
15:49All in all,
15:50I find the improvements
15:51on the Insta360 GO 3
15:53to be pretty cool.
15:55I feel like this little tiny screen here,
15:59the fact that it flips out,
16:00is a game changer.
16:02I am loving this little action cam form factor
16:05and I'm pretty excited to see
16:06just how this camera will fare
16:08as like a vlogging camera,
16:10a main vlogging camera,
16:12or a b-roll camera for my videos.
16:14Definitely in terms of size
16:15and sheer compactability.
16:18Compactability is not the word
16:19but like by virtue of it
16:21being so compact and tiny,
16:23I don't think there's anything in the market
16:25that I would suggest over the Insta360 GO 3.
16:29But then again,
16:30this is just my first look at this camera
16:33so I'm excited to test it out further
16:35to push it to its limits
16:36and see what it can do.
16:37One point that I wanted to make though
16:39is the fact that from the Insta360 GO,
16:42the very first to the Insta360 GO 2
16:46to this Insta360 GO 3,
16:48we're seeing really, really great improvements.
16:52And so I'll say I'm pretty impressed.
16:54I still would have loved 4K on this though.
16:56And that was our look at the Insta360 GO 3.
16:59Let me know what your questions are.
17:01Let me know what you think.
17:02Let me know what type of other videos
17:04you'd want me to shoot with this.
17:05How you'd want me to test it out more.
17:07Comment down below.
17:08If you want to see how I use my tech
17:09on a daily basis,
17:10find me online.
17:11That's isa.doz__ on Instagram,
17:12Twitter, and TikTok.
17:13Until next time.
